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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tessie opened her eyes, She was in a bright white Tiny little cell, she looked around and noticed she was lying down on a bed, Right next to her there was a tiny leaflet, *Alright Day 1 of being Tested* Tessie was wearing a bright orange D-Class jumpsuit, She gotten off of the bed and grabbed the leaflet which was lying down on the ground casually the leaflet had said SCP

Tessie threw the leaflet at a wall besides her casually *Even If I survived for a month I would be Executed anyways, Goddam SCP foundation*, Tessie sat down for a while as time passed,

the Lights all of a suddenly turned off except for a tiny lamp on a desk in tessie Hutchinson desk *we'll crap, What could possibly go wrong!*

A few minutes later Tessie had heard a announcement on a intercom, a very masculine and deep voice said "we are experiencing a massive Door malfunction to all of the SCP containment cells and a blackout, There is Mutiple Euclid and Keter Outbreaks, Full scale lockdown has been set"

the worst has happened for Tessie, Trapped in a tiny metal Cell while there was SCPs running across the Place, *Too think I joined a organization that wanted to free these people*, Tessie hutchinson knew She couldn't stay stuck in this cell any longer, She immediately Slammed on the door and said "Hey let me out!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kitty watched as the lights turned out and her door to the cell opened with the blackout. Kitty smiled widely and headed towards the door unfortunately the staff who guarded the entrance and exit to her sell had a plan set in case of a blackout and malfunction. They came in with a metal mouth piece and hooked it onto her head with a screw in the back to keep it on unless someone else took it off. Now she was denied her transformation.
Unfortunately for the guards some other Keter SCP killed the guards while they were tending to me but the Keter ran away leaving Kitty alone. Kitty looked around and picked up the screw driver on the ground, she couldn't undo it herself but she'd find someone to do it for her. With that Kitty set off skipping through the hallways looking for someone or something else that hopefully will play with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

tessie could hear the sounds of a little girl walking by her cell *what the heck?* tessie decided to bang on the door again "Hey Anyone Please let me out!, I don't exactly like being stuck in a metal Cell waiting for some Keter SCP to come and kill me", *how in gods name did a Little girl... oh wait shes probably a SCP Hopefully shes nice to D-Classes* Tessie thought and banged on the door again

*well what do I have to lose?*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 23 days ago

Death or SCP - 2763 Noticed the black out and Instantly withdrew his Hourglass oh boy so many dead already. a hour glass was slowly trailing down. Sand falling into the glass below. His Skeletal Eyes Looked up. They flashed with fire. as the dead where revealed to him. he walked outside of his minimal security room. (it was to save money no cage could hold him) Dead guard's littered the hallway like the feces they where The Reaper Crouched down beside one of them. Notable bite marks. and the others where mutilated. The reaper continued walking He heard banging. at once he receded backward's As he heard skipping. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out the scythe. someone was going to die... "haha hahaha hahaha hahaha" His mind said silent to himself. like a psychopath, he waited Anxious for a sound of life. but decided to see where the banging was coming from. His form moved through the walls Slowly almost like treacle...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

023 was sat staring at one of the cameras above a door to it's cell when it swung open. It tilted it's head, turning to see the one opposite still not open. The lights above flashed twice before fully succumbing to the black out. Seeing this as an opportunity to explore, Black Shuck soon headed through the walls to the nearest crossroads, incinerating anything it phased through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tessie kept on banging on the door but after a while she finally quit *Ugh! its hopeless!, its funny how fast everything goes to crap when a single Containment breach happen* Tessie laughed and laid down on her bed, facepalming *We'll I guess I'll Sit tight for a while and wait for this to End*

*This could've been a good chance too escape But Nooooo Theres a door in my way! Now I get to sit here Until some guard Or gods knows what Finds me and finally frees me, Or kills me, Either way works*

tessie felt a bit scared, she was sitting in a tiny cell in the middle of a containment breach waiting for something to happen, [i]after all what could possibly go wrong
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kitty heard a person banging on a door nearby. She smirked under her mask. Kitty would free the person and they'd have to unscrew her mask thingy. Kitty skipped over to the door and grabbed a key off a fallen guard on the way. She unlocked the door and opened it, immediately pointing her screwdriver at the person then motioning to screw on the back of the metal mask at the same time. If this person didn't help her then Kitty would just kill them with the screwdriver, if they helped she'll let the not become her first victim, emphasis on first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Oh wonderful I'm being mugged by a little girl with a mask!!," Tessie laughed a bit and asked The girl to hand over the screw driver "give me your screw driver and I'll Unlock the mask for you" tessie told the little girl

tessie Knew that the Girl obviously wouldn't kill her and would have to hand over the screw driver to tessie, *Ok I'll take the screwdriver and run off, Sounds like a plan, After all if shes masked she is obviously Dangerous, Also After I unmask her what stops her from killing me! She obviously didn't think this one through*

Tessie thought that she heard someone laugh from a distance, and the sound of wind blowing *I must be going insane, Or that girl is screwing with my mind, Either way works*

Tessie noticed that the girl appeared to have a blue colored keycard, A omni keycard in fact, She had Access to the entire damn place! Obviously tessie needed the keycard so she had to get it,

"Okay in order for me too free you, I need the keycard and the screwdriver" tessie said to the little girl in a friendly voice
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kitty rolled her eyes and slipped the card into her mask right in front of her mouth, it was slightly sticking out so she could grab it but she wasn't stupid. Kitty might be insane in other peoples minds but she knew this person would probably try something. Kitty lost her innocent look as her red eyes narrowed very menacingly. Her pure white hair slightly shadowing her face making her creepier as she pointed the point part at the person in front of her and began to slowly walk towards her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Just when I thought nothing could go wrong! Being stabbed to death by a angry SCP girl! Story of my life!* Tessie obviously couldn't get the keycard without unlocking her mask and the keycard was pretty much the least of her problems right now,

"OK OK I'll unlock the mask!" tessie said as she stepped back to the Back of her cell,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kitty's eyes brightened as she handed this girl the screwdriver and turned around so she could unlock it. If the girl tried to run she wouldn't survive for very long. As weak as Kitty may seem she isn't, she isn't even human so she really couldn't be compared to one other than how she looks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tessie knew she was going to regret what she was doing, *Too think I used to work with these SCP's*

Tessie walked behind the kid and Unscrewed the mask, The mask fell too the ground and so did the Omni keycard.

"Now can I please have the keycard?" tessie asks the Creepy SCP girl who may or may not kill Tessie later
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 23 days ago

Death Reered his Shining Head. Pausing. halfway through a wall. He felt something. Something Filled with a bloodlust. Something That some stupid yet helpful person also Freed "so much Killing shall happen" Death said With a Smirk. as he continued walking through the wall. "Now to see if their are any other creatures in this place before I Go have a little 'Harvest festival' " The reaper Smirked at his sadistic remark as he suddenly stumbled. Albeit not much but still stumbled. he had just left the wall and was now in the place of a Largish Death moved out of the wall. The hole seemed to go on for a far stretch. "where does this lead..." Death Mumbled regretfully to himself as he followed the Hole... to its Eventual destination
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tessie noticed that the grim reaper himself had just walked through Tessie's cell and left, and said something about that damn creepy SCP Girl, *Can I really trust someone who was about to stab me to death with a Screwdriver?*

*goddamit this is the worst Week ever in my life, First being thrown in some ZOO for SCPs I can't believe I used to work for them, and now every damn SCP in the entire Building has been freed!, And guess whos the main course!, well atleast I have a chance to find my mom*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

023, after only some minutes of phasing through basically anything that was in it's way, got to a crossroad. It stopped and sat, looking down all four ways to simply find bodies, a lot of blood, or SCP running rampant. Black Shuck didn't move and seemed to be guarding it's little square, most likely because it is a wolf and it thinks that its in it's territory. Anything that got near it would either attack or warn to 'back the hell off'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kitty picked up the card and skipped away. "Bye bye. I won't kill you.... yet" she said merrily with her cute little girl voice. Kitty went up to a guard and looked through his pockets, she found a pen and she took it out. She took the spring out and straightened it. She picked the lock to the metal glove on her right hand then the same on her other hand. She slipped the metal gloves off and smiled at her sharp fingernails.

She slipped the card into the pocket of her skirt and took her shoes off. She then began to skip down the hallways dragon her sharp fingernails against the wall leaving scratch marks on the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Allan, or SCP-666-B as those SCP bastards called him, was sing out loud since the stupid demon inside of him wasn't bothering him now. He was singing the chorus of his favorite song over and over again. It was called The Heretic Anthem by Slipknot.
"If you're 555, I'm 666!"
"If you're 555, I'm 666!"
"How's it feel to be a heretic!?"
He made sure to put emphasis on the 666 and scream it like the singer did. Suddenly the power went out and Allan smirked as he pulled himself up and walked to the door. "If you're 555 I'm 6," he punched the door with what he called Shadow Punch, "6," another punch, "6!" At the final 6 he kicked the door and it fell off its hinges. "I've always wanted to do that," he said to himself before he began to wander the facility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Yes thank you For allowing me too Use my mouth Here have this card as a token of my gratitude,* Tessie thought, She was actually pretty mad, *Once Again I am by myself, Obviously I shouldn't follow her if shes threatening to kill me* Tessie decided to walk around to the right, There was a open door so she walked through it, Eventually Making it too a crossroad and seeing a weird Black wolf *Oh crap!, Maybe its a Nice wolf?* ,

Tessie immediately Stopped Hoping the wolf wouldn't see her,

{Kitty How we're you able to Pick the locks on your gloves and Hold the keycard if your hands are incased in a metal Glove? Or even Hold a darn Screwdriver?]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Yes thank you For allowing me too Use my mouth Here have this card as a token of my gratitude,* Tessie thought, She was actually pretty mad, *Once Again I am by myself, Obviously I shouldn't follow her if shes threatening to kill me* Tessie decided to walk around to the right, There was a open door so she walked through it, Eventually Making it too a crossroad and seeing a weird Black wolf *Oh crap!, Maybe its a Nice wolf?* ,

Tessie immediately Stopped Hoping the wolf wouldn't see her,

{Kitty How we're you able to Pick the locks on your gloves and Hold the keycard if your hands are incased in a metal Glove? Or even Hold a darn Screwdriver?]
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