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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Slendy said
Name: Simon ( Scissors ) Age: 18Skills/powers: Sharp reflexes, incredible speed and fast recovery Biography: "I'm just your average psychopath." Personality: Mentally insaneTheme song (optional)Other: "I love your eyes" -Scissor's catch phrase before he murders or cuts his prey's eyes out.

I guess Accepted

Song Book said

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Wait, was I accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

22xander said
Name: Alexander FoxAlias(s): The CollectorAge: 16Skills/powers: Items of magical and mystical origin tend to call out to him, they want to be with him. He gains the ability of the object once he has it.Biography: Xander was a normal kid untill 3 years ago he nearly got mauled by a bear sised black dog with glowing red eyes. After that a seires of strange events hapeend to him, most of which were a direct consiquense of his workning with a dark shadow organisation. He currently has a game-boy and several old pokemon games with streange covers and interesting titles. He also has a chord that he can plug into that device which has several other ends which alow him to plug into any other nintendo device and also a usb for other devices.Personalitly (can be hidden until the roleplay begins): Klepotomaniac, antisocial, sociopathTheme song (optional): Pain - three days graceOther: at home he is figureing out how to downlod all the other games into his gameboy, he has modified it to have internal memory and he is spowly takeing the sperits out of thair games and into it.

Forgot to accept this

Anywho Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

my favorite depiction of Jeff
Name: Jeff the Killer
Age: 17
Skills/powers: faster and stronger than an ordinary human his age
Biography: Jeff's bio
Personalitly: Jeff is a sadistic killer with little regard to other people depending on who it is. If he were to encounter a normal person he would either stalk and kill them or ruthlessly attack them. He doesn't like to kill other creepypastas unless attacked first. There are a few exceptions as he and Jane fight whenever they meet each other and Zalgo is a major enemy.
Theme song: Killem All by King 810 Jeff's goal in life
Other: Smile.jpg (cuz I forgot this in the last RP)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: "Desdemona Arachne at your service, my precious." She gracefully bows and cackles uncontrollably later. Her voice sounds like a mix of the UTAUloid Gumi's accent and a slightly stronger Russian one. (Also known as Arachnid, Des, Desmond or Spider. Noted to also be 'The Ill-Fated Spider/Ill-Fated One' and to some who know, 'The Stitched Corpse/The Mangle'. Also 'The Disaster', although very rarely.)
Age: "Nineteen, but I honestly wish I was older." She sighs and goes on to explaining how she could do 'whatever she wanted to' and that there would be 'absolutely no responsibilities'.

Biography: She takes a deep breath, "Sure, I'll describe it to you....When you're dead. Although speaking to a corpse is probably bad for your health...hmm." She goes to thinking about this for a while.
Personality: "Well, what do you think, since I was in a asylum, darling? But really, don't go to one, terrible service, honestly. You meet some real white collar business school sluggers there, who I bet you all go golfing together with their golf clubs in their Audi's. It's slugging disgusting."
Theme song:

Other: She's obsessed with stitching and sowing. She carries around a small set in her pocket. She also tends to hum some old songs when she's alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

FoxFireOfDawn said
Name: "Desdemona Arachne at your service, my precious." She gracefully bows and cackles uncontrollably later. (Also known as Arachnid, Des, Desmond or Spider. In the asylum, she was recognized as 'The Ill-Fated Spider' or 'The Ill-Fated One'. Some just called her 'The Disaster'.)Age: "Nineteen, but I honestly wish I was older." She sighs and goes on to explaining how she could do 'whatever she wanted to' and that there would be 'absolutely no responsibilities'.Skills/powers: "Ooh! Good, the exciting part! Well, first off, although it's not really a skill, I have CIP, so I can't feel pain at all. Cut off an arm? Too bad, I won't scream or anything. I could of been a incredibly powerful nano-techy-thingy, but that slugger who I can't remember the name of took the damn spot. Yes, I said slugger. I don't swear, that's rude. Now, at that horrid asylum, I was injected with a lot of needles that made it extremely hard for me to not 'click' every bone in my body. By click, I mean when you hear a bone crack when you haven't moved it for however long. This made me extremely flexible and thin, so see some bones and it'll be normal, don't worry your head that I look like a skeleton. This is also why I'm quite tall, 5'8'' to be exact. I hope that's considered tall, at least. Makes it hard to get through really damn small doors, at least. That's going to be all I tell you, now. Gosh, this feels like a slugging interview..."Biography: She takes a deep breath, "Sure, I'll describe it to you....When you're dead. Although speaking to a corpse is probably bad for your health...hmm." She goes to thinking about this for a while.Personality: "Well, what do you think, since I was in a asylum, darling? But really, don't go to one, terrible service, honestly. You meet some real white collar business school sluggers there, who I bet you all go golfing together with their golf clubs in their Audi's. It's slugging disgusting."Theme song: Other: She's obsessed with stitching and sowing. She carries around a small set in her pocket. She also tends to hum some old songs when she's alone.

Still alive

Accept ed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Rin Okumura said
my favorite depiction of JeffName: Jeff the KillerAge: 17Skills/powers: faster and stronger than an ordinary human his ageBiography: Personalitly: Jeff is a sadistic killer with little regard to other people depending on who it is. If he were to encounter a normal person he would either stalk and kill them or ruthlessly attack them. He doesn't like to kill other creepypastas unless attacked first. There are a few exceptions as he and Jane fight whenever they meet each other and Zalgo is a major enemy.Theme song: Jeff's goal in lifeOther: Smile.jpg (cuz I forgot this in the last RP)

Okay rin your back in

Soon it begins but first Christmas...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hope there's still space for one more. Anyway, here's my idea for an original 'pasta character. I'm really curious how he will interact with the others, as his powers are explicitly weaker against psychopaths.

Physical description: Light hazel hair, lightly tanned skin, hazel eyes, perfect teeth, skin starts cracking slightly after long exposure to sunlight, usually wears black or white clothes, always carries around a large, black umbrella.

Name: Stensia Wulfric

Age: 214, looks 18

Skills/powers: 1. Limited, emotion-based telepathy. Can feel the emotions exhibited by those in close vicinity to him and can induce emotions with various degrees of intensity within them. He cannot read thoughts per se, nor force certain actions, but the emotions themselves often push his victims into assuming different behaviours (for example, bombarding someone watching the landscape from a balcony with depressive thoughts may cause him to jump over the edge). Wulfric is weaker against those who are aware of their emotions being meddled with and against those who are somehow... broken (for example, Wulfric can't just infuse a psycho out to get him with feelings of guilt until they stop on their tracks, albeit that would work on a normal man).

2. He is also a skilled swordsman, trained in ancient vampiric modes of combat. He hides his blade sheathed in the black, long umbrella that he carries around.

3. Finally, as a vampire, he heals rapidly either while in complete darkness or while feeding.

Biography: Wulfric was born in the Stensia Bloodhalls, during Victorian times, during the decadence of the vampiric houses. Stensian vampires were special, in that they were able to feed off death without having to be murderers themselves - a reason for which they survived so long into the Enlightenment Era. Unlike other vampires, they did not have sharp teeth and did not drink blood. Instead, they fed off the rich with desperation emotions of the dying - specially the violently dying. Traitors, rapists, pyromaniacs, murderers, pirates, most were executed gruesomely, within the halls that Wulfric grew up in as a boy. While he was still small, he had not yet accepted the darker aspects of life, and, thus, as he was participating in an execution, wished for nothing other than the convict suffering as little as possible. And it worked. One by one, the prisoners died calmer and more serene than before. Alarmed as to what had been happening, the other vampires discovered Wulfric's hidden ability as a Blur - one that could not only sense and feed off others' emotions, but cause them in the first place. Wulfric was given a choice: stop meddling with the executions, or become exiled. Then only 25 years old, young and idealistic, he chose exile. But now, after two centuries in the cold, dark, unforgiving real world of death and sorrow, Wulfric had to face up with the harsh truth: not everyone is worth saving, and not every life is inherently valuable.

Personality: Despite his long life and many murders, Wulfric still retains some of his idealistic nature, and the power to stay his hand. Also, he is not primarily motivated by his necessity as a vampire to keep killing, but merely, by a deep hatred for the criminals and emotionless he is slaying. He is, however, rather arrogant, viewing most humans as inferior, and doesn't hesitate to use his powers for mundane needs (for example, enveloping a taxi driver in thick waves of confusion so he forgets to ask for money for the ride). Emotionally sophisticated humans, however, like artists, pique Wulfric's interest.

Theme song: Carmina Burana - O Fortuna
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have the itch to edit Desdemona's sheet. (I'm using her for two different RPs and they don't have the same powers on the sheet. Oops.)
....*sneakily adds more names on*

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Whistles esterdi your accepted

Firefox. The powers seem very balanced so yes its accepted.

Now to make the occ and my characters (without being overpowered )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Mr. Bones
Age: 125
Skills/powers: Can make a hella amusement park ride. Being undead.
Biography: The man named Mr. Bones was born in Denver Colorado in the year 1889, the son of a Alice Bynes and Benjamin Bynes. His life was in a sense, fairly un-noteworthy, helping his parents tend to the local small theater they ran, often hosting small circus groups for the bemusement of poorer families. Theater ownership wasn't necessarily kind to the younger Bynes and he lives largely in poverty.

If there was one gift he had though, it was in his creative prowess in making odd or amusing contraptions. Though often little more than side-show affairs or the trivial interest of toddlers he was persistent in their construction, building them as more elaborate baubles as he got older. His skills were so much he ended up designing a play-park for neighborhood kids.

The young Bynes was restless as a young man. And the skill set he possessed was considerably niche, forcing him into a life of poverty and hard booze. Bynes traveled the nation, little more than a snake oil salesman of intricate, if otherwise useless devices.

In 1908 though, he was discovered by a engineer who had moved to Denver to work on the futuristic Lakeside Amusement Park. Captivated by his work, he hired the young man on as an apprentice and brought him into the company designing and building the large park of future enjoyment. It was his place to shine.

Even drunk on liquor he was known for the rapid pace of his construction, and the elaborate nature of his rides. The company being impressed utilized his plans, paying a substantial reward for his hard work.

Over the next few years he began to live comfortably once again designing carnival rides and attractions for the budding industry of amusement parks. He bragged that millions rode his rides alone, simply out of blind adoration for the looping thrills and spills. He was proud about it, and loud. Until tragedy struck.

In the summer of 1913 during the First World War one of his rides broke, violently. He was not present to witness it, but when he read it in the papers after his heart sank with sorrow and rage. But how could it break? He was sure it was safe! It had ran faithfully for years!

He suspected sabotage, and went out to condemn the parties he thought responsible. They however got to his bosses first, and in short time he was fired to cover up for their own shortfalls. This move struck Bynes hard, and his world flushed back into darkness. The bottle came back. And in 1914 as the war drew to a close he drew his life to an end. Putting a bullet in his head during May of that year.

His soul was however restless. And Hell hath no room for entities that the devil would find amusing. Being cast not into even Purgatory, or allowed in Heaven, Bynes was forced to wander the living world alone. Consumed by his own misery and consuming revenge.

Well by this point, Bynes exit and a legend begins.

The mystics and superstitious around carnivals and amusement parks tell of a tall top-hated specter that haunts near the rides that soon come doomed to failure. He comes as a gangly old man, skin white as paper and pulled gaunt over his ethereal bones as he lurks the parks by night, or in the shadows by day. He comes like a specter from the Wild Hunt. An omen of certain demise.

But in an age of cynicism his presence is rarely headed. Or even noticed at all. Though some still speak. Some might even worship the one they call the enigmatic Mr. Bones. He who shall build a wild ride.
Personality: Proud, arrogant, vengeful, boastful, black humor
Theme song: Unofficially given to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Dinh AaronMk said
: Mr. Bones: 125: Can make a hella amusement park ride. Being undead.: The man named Mr. Bones was born in Denver Colorado in the year 1889, the son of a Alice Bynes and Benjamin Bynes. His life was in a sense, fairly un-noteworthy, helping his parents tend to the local small theater they ran, often hosting small circus groups for the bemusement of poorer families. Theater ownership wasn't necessarily kind to the younger Bynes and he lives largely in poverty.If there was one gift he had though, it was in his creative prowess in making odd or amusing contraptions. Though often little more than side-show affairs or the trivial interest of toddlers he was persistent in their construction, building them as more elaborate baubles as he got older. His skills were so much he ended up designing a play-park for neighborhood kids.The young Bynes was restless as a young man. And the skill set he possessed was considerably niche, forcing him into a life of poverty and hard booze. Bynes traveled the nation, little more than a snake oil salesman of intricate, if otherwise useless devices.In 1908 though, he was discovered by a engineer who had moved to Denver to work on the futuristic Lakeside Amusement Park. Captivated by his work, he hired the young man on as an apprentice and brought him into the company designing and building the large park of future enjoyment. It was his place to shine.Even drunk on liquor he was known for the rapid pace of his construction, and the elaborate nature of his rides. The company being impressed utilized his plans, paying a substantial reward for his hard work.Over the next few years he began to live comfortably once again designing carnival rides and attractions for the budding industry of amusement parks. He bragged that millions rode his rides alone, simply out of blind adoration for the looping thrills and spills. He was proud about it, and loud. Until tragedy struck.In the summer of 1913 during the First World War one of his rides broke, violently. He was not present to witness it, but when he read it in the papers after his heart sank with sorrow and rage. But how could it break? He was sure it was safe! It had ran faithfully for years!He suspected sabotage, and went out to condemn the parties he thought responsible. They however got to his bosses first, and in short time he was fired to cover up for their own shortfalls. This move struck Bynes hard, and his world flushed back into darkness. The bottle came back. And in 1914 as the war drew to a close he drew his life to an end. Putting a bullet in his head during May of that year.His soul was however restless. And Hell hath no room for entities that the devil would find amusing. Being cast not into even Purgatory, or allowed in Heaven, Bynes was forced to wander the living world alone. Consumed by his own misery and consuming revenge.Well by this point, Bynes exit and a legend begins.The mystics and superstitious around carnivals and amusement parks tell of a tall top-hated specter that haunts near the rides that soon come doomed to failure. He comes as a gangly old man, skin white as paper and pulled gaunt over his ethereal bones as he lurks the parks by night, or in the shadows by day. He comes like a specter from the Wild Hunt. An omen of certain demise.But in an age of cynicism his presence is rarely headed. Or even noticed at all. Though some still speak. Some might even worship the one they call the enigmatic Mr. Bones. He who shall build a wild ride.: Proud, arrogant, vengeful, boastful, black humor: :

accepted Time to make OCC!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

While i work on the occ
heres something i put togather
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That's really cool, also I'm really excited for this to start again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 20 days ago

Ugh i was this close to postin occ which is ready to be posted. But my laptop shorts out. Gotta leave it for 2 hours anywho

Anyone think they can name the creepypasta characters i used? For the image
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ticci Toby, clockwork, Jane, Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Slender Man, Zalgo, and the Observer. I just don't know the other one next to Slender.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ticci Toby, Clockwork, Jane and Jeff the killer, Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, The Puppeteer, Zalgo and The Observer......Hopefully.
I have an addiction to the Puppeteer and Bloody Painter right now they're just aah <3
*coos and rambles on and on about them*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ello old friends, does anyone mind if I join?
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