Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Darth Vader born for one purpose to extend the empire's grip on the galaxy. As vadar leaves his hypobaric chamber, He walks down a long hall in the coruscant spaceport. As he walks threw the blast door leading to outside you can see huge star destroyers being preped for take off he stands and looks at his the troopers marching and being checked in line for proper equipment. As Vader stands there a stromtrooper approaches " Lord Vadar" he says as he stands at attention, " Yes commander?" replies Vader. The commander trooper then states " We will be ready for take off momentarily is there anything you require" Vader looks and says "Alert my apprentice that we are taking off " The trooper Salutes and says " Yes sir ". As Lord Vader makes his way to the star destroyer he watches as all legions of troopers saluting to him. Mostly of whats on Vaders mind is the death of his wife Padme it haunt him in his memories. He then boards the star destroyer making his way to bridge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Meanwhile onboard the bridge, the commanding crew tried to manage the boarding and loading process, everyone was nervous and stressed. "How does the loading proceed?" Admiral Travis asked as he was looking down the bridge at the stormtrooper garisons boarding the star destroyer. A commodore replied "A few technical difficulties, we might need a bit more-", "Speed up the Process then! We are already behind our schedule! We cant afford any delays!" Travis commanded before the commodore could finish his sentence, knowing that too many mistakes would mean his death. Then a crew member recieved a call from a crewmember onboard the ship, telling him that Vader entered and is heading towards the bridge, fast Travis shouted across the bridge "Lord Vader just boarded the ship, get ready to salute him when he enters!". As Vader entered everyone jumped off their seats, saluting him strenuous.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Alyi'ya sat in silence,eyes closed meditating on what she needed to do next in the cramped quarters she shared with other servants and slaves it was easier then she thought getting aboard the Raven Sword most Twi'lek slaves were rarely given a second look if they were doing there job, and thats what she did, serving meals to the captains and higher ups on board, cleaning their quarters and doing all that things a slave would do without hesitation, it took her weeks to get the position she needed and she found out yesterday that the plans she was sent to steal was on this ship.

with a heavy sigh she opened her eyes gaining a small amount of clarity on her next move "I need those plans...my exit window is getting closer and i need to be gone before..." then she felt something this power she could not put into words getting closer "what is that?" she asked herself biting her lower lip. Alyi'ya donned her slave garb and made her way to the dinning area that was reserved for those at the top of the pecking order, as she started her duties she could only try to focus on keeping her own connection to the force down to try to hide herself from being sensed on the ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Vader walks to Admiral Travis and says " Admiral do you want to inform me on why i heard there was a delay, I am supposed to running a campaign right now" as he steps closer towering over the Admiral " Do not disappoint me Admiral just remember you are expendable".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Admiral Travis gulped, then he bowed before vader and said "Please forgive me my Lord, but I had to make sure the plans are save onboard the ship, which required a bit time of planning and preparing. It also includes preparing a trap incase someone tries to steal them. We will be able to take off in just half an hour".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jasto sat in his ships cockpit, his hands behind his head, his feet on the dashboard, he closed his eyes for a second, just one measly second.......and was suddenly interrupted by the voice of his navigational system "approaching planet" the kind voice of a woman said, he growled slightly as he left to go check on the cargo, knocking harshly on the cage to make sure that his cargo was still alive, hearing a reasonable response he put the cage back into it's hiding spot, one of the hundreds of thousands of such spots on his ship, his lovely Jasdaw. Climbing back up her long ladders and stairs, Jasto set a course for the meeting point that had been agreed upon by him and his buyer.

Upon arriving in his ship, Jasto saw nothing but guns blazing as he pulled up to the spot "Evenin' Gentlemen" he spoke in his strange, somewhat irregular, accent, perhaps it wouldn't have felt so out of the ordinary if not for the fact that Jasto was a Gungan and was therefor under the stereotype of how he should talk. Regardless, after receiving the greeting back, and some cocked rifles, Jasto looked at the crowd that had gathered "Now look, I'm just here to make a delivery, no pick ups this time, got it? but if I don't get my money I'll have to deal with some of you harshly" Jasto threatened in his usual Charismatic yet polite yet threatening way.

A few hours later Jasto was playing with his coins thinking things had gone pretty easy that time, not too easy, but easy enough, so with no place to go, he settled on the nearest refueling station, settled back, and readied himself for a nap.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azariel


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Balancing on his hands, Haggen executed a perfect vertical push-up, without the crutch of a wall to lean on or the force to steady him, and continued the exercise long after all the blood in his body rushed to his head and he only stopped when he almost passed out from the strain, slowly rolling his body down, and then back up to his feet. his exercise routine completed for the day, he focused instead on the development of his mind, using the force to lift, disassemble, and then reassemble his lightsaber. that completed fouty times without a single mistake, even when he did it with his eyes shut the last ten tries, he activated the blade, using it's harsh crimson light as a focus while he meditated.

He would have much to do, once his training was complete, but until that day, his only purpose in his every day, was to hone himself into the perfect weapon of the emperor, so he could act as the lord of the galaxy's invisible left hand. To that end, he'd been assigned quarters with one of the Imperial Fleets newest Star Destroyers, the Raven's Sword, to learn the things that cannot be taught from any instructor but cold experience itself. He'd heard how the new admiral for whom this ship had been built had won his promotion, and was impressed with the story, and would be intrigued to observe the man's command style.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Alyi'ya walked though the halls of the ship, doing her duties as a "slave" she informed officers that a meal was being prepared in the officers mess hall, and when they left she slipped into their cabin and searched for the information she needed to find the plans she was went to find, she was careful her searching looked like she was cleaning the cabin so no one will arise any questions why a slave was in a officer's quarters "come on..." she bite her lower lip not finding anything before leaving the Cabin and onto the next.
she knew her plans have to be accelerated due to the arrival of Darth Vader, she heard from another slave that the dark lord was on board and it was obvious the power she felt and made sure to hide her own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vader leaves the command deck he stops and looks around because he can feel an small energy he hasnt felt since the attack on corrusant. He looks to his two stormtrooper guards and said " there is someone aboard this ship that does not belong gather a garrison and find them, alert the admerial we are not taking off till this person is found.". Vader then walks to exit the ship and then pulls out his comlink and the emperor appears in a small blue form and says " Yes lord Vader " lord Vader then says " master i have felt a energy on the ship it is a weak force energy I think a jedi is among our midst i have ordered a full scan of the ship and personnel so we are delayed" the emperor then responds " I am most displeased at this delayed departure, If you find this jedi kill them on the sight" lord Vader shakes his head and says " yes master ".
Master Quin lived on tatooine a dessert planet under minor control of the empire but mostly the scum of the planet had control over some areas it was an ongoing fight. Quin never involved himself or made it known he was a jedi it was way to risky exposing himself for he was the enemy now. as he sits in his home he flicks on a his commlink and a broadcasts on a secret channel known to jedi and says " This is master quin sino i am on tatooine if you are alive come to my location for we are the last ones left". He walks with his brown robe looking out a window and wondering if there was any help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Are the ammo boxes loaded yet, soldier?" Travis asked one of the crew members. "Ammo boxes are loaded, sir!" the man responds as a stormtrooper enters the bridge informing the commander that there was a stowaway onboard. "What? A stowaway onboard my ship? Alert the crew, but do it carefully I don't want this special someone to notice we are looking for him. I wan't him alive!" Travis commanded "Proceed with the loading, but we won't take off until the person was found!" He then moved to his quarter, taking out a metal suitcase out of a safe in his cabin, which contained his 22T4 Blaster pistol, a forbidden blaster, there are only a few people within the imperial army who are allowed to wield this powerful blaster. As he leaves his quarter he commands the four stormtroopers who were coming his way to follow him. "I am going to find you, I promise" Travis says to himself as they were starting to check the ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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Merga was busy trying to master the ways of the dark side. It wasn't a easy feat, and couldn't be done over-night. It took time and practice. Lord Vader obviously saw some potential in the former Jedi, and Merga knew what was the price of failure in this world. He couldn't risk that, so training took up the major portion of his time. A stormtrooper headed inside. "Lord Vader requests your presence" He said, and Merga nodded, heading towards his Master. He was needed right now, and this would be one task of many to prove himself, and get revenge for his former Jedi Master.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Word travels faster then some starfights on a ship, as Alyi'ya walked past soilders looking for someone, lost likely her but she kept her head down and continued to "clean" the officer cabins while was was alone in another that yeilded no information she needed she picked up the transmission and was about to respond when she realize she does not know if this was true or even who else was listening, she started to flip on and off the com hoping it will relay the message of "there is someone here but I can't speak" without any words or contest.

As she sereched the next room she found her first lead a short catalog about the plans being secured in the admiral quarters "finally, a break" she smiled and left the cabin to return to the slave quarters before she was found "keep cool Ali, you have to play this safe" she told herself as she walked down the halls of the ship focusing on keeping out of sight when she thought of the Jedi message she received and sighed "I need to meditate on what I should do next"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Travis and his soldiers werebleading towards the safe onboard the ship, heavily guarded."Open the safe" Travis ordered "We need to check if the plans are still safe"
A lieutenant walked up to Travis, saluting before him "Sir, the plans are safe, no one entered!". Travis and the men etered the safe, to deactivate the lasers in there, Travis used his ID. The 'plans' were still safe, heavily guarded and under surveillence by several cameras. Knowing that Travismade his way to his quarter for some planning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Alyi'ya was just down the hall when she seen the commotion and a smile crossed her face "gotcha" is all she thought she passivly made her way to the admiral's quarters and as the door slide open the "slave" bowed standing at the door way "master I heard the commotion, is there anything I can help you with" hiding in plain sight was the best idea As long as she stayed away from lord Vader.
She slowly stepped into the room her eyes down on the floor yet looking around the cabin.

She walked behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders lightly rubbing them "master you are very tense" as she stood behind him her eyes quickly looked around the entire room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Travis turned around fast as she did that "Indeed, you are right.." Travis said with a calm voice "There is something you can do for me". Travis looked at her for a few moments with sharp eyes and then he said to her with an uncertain voice and crossed arms ".. Show me your ID..".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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She tried not to let her face betray her so get have him a confused look "my I.d. master? I belong to the ship" she took a step backmaking herself look more passive and weak her eyes fell to the ground as he stood in front of her "my I.d. papers are with who ever purchased me from my home" her heart raced had she been caught all this work the things she endured all for nothing she didn't have any I.d. but she could not fold yet.

With a slow half step she turned her back to him and parted the twin tails that ran from her head showing a branding tattoo from when she was a slave before her master sold her to the Jedi "see master I belong to the raven's sword" it was all she could not to run grab her gear ahe his away and try to escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Travis turned to his table where his blaster was. "..Mmmh, that's not good.. your ID is the most important thing you have, you know.." Travis said as he picked up his blaster inspecting it carefully. Then he continued with a calm voice as he turned to her again gesticulating a bit with his blaster "..You know.. everyone who either belongs to my ship or works for me, has his own special made ID and is ordered to have it with him all the time.." as he came closer, his blaster switched to paralyze mode.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Alyi'ya eyes widened how could she be so dumb, she never knew about the mandatory IDs she should have known "mas...master" she could only try to talk her way out of this maybe if Travis was a hormonal teenager she could use the force to cloud his mind but her skills in that were novice at best her mind raced as fast as her heart as she looked down the barrel of his blaster all her training felt like a past life as she stood there dressed as a slave, unarmed, surrounded by those who would kill her."I....I have no excuse for my disobedience for carrying my ID master....please do not kill me for this"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Ooooh my dear... don't worry I won't kill you.. who am I to kill a living being, just because it made a mistake..." Travis said turning around again. "BUT!" Travis interrupted "I have to arrest you, first, because you didn't have your ID, secound for further investigation, you know we do have a, let's say, there is a person onboard who shouldn't be here..." his face now got a bit more serious. He pointed at Alyi'ya with his blaster and said with a calm voice "Do you submit yourself and go freely to the cells with me?.. Or do I have to force you do it..". He now was aiming straight at her, waiting for her final decision...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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her mind played the two outcomes in front of her, if she agreed to be taken she might not return but if she fought and gained the upper hand then what the entire ship was filled with Travis' men and the men who came with lord vader there was no way she could escape with her life let alone the plans she was sent to get. "even arrested I serve master, i will make no effort to run" she seen a opportunity and tried to take it but ended falling further down the rabbit hole but she knew if she had a remote chance to succeed she would have to stay the slave, she raised her hands up in submission her eyes down off to the side like she was scorned child.
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