Starwars Rise of the Empire

Darth Vader a new apprentice is starting to move across the Galaxy killing anyone who will get in his way. The hunt for the Jedi is still going on as well as taking over any other planets so nothing would up rise the new found empire. The story starts off as Vader and his legion of clones are about to take off and head out into the galaxy, with no one knowing who Vader is will make him a surprise and show how brutal the Empire can be if you defy them. Are you a Jedi,Sith,Bounty hunter,clone,or imperial officer. The story is in your fate will you help the Empire expand it regime or flee from a empire trying to hunt you down like an animal or be a neutral force that is in the middle of all of this. Just remember you control your destiny!
1. No godmodding
2. No killing other characters without permission ( if it becomes a problem the co gm's and Gm will decide your fate )
3. You can have as many Characters you can keep track off if it becomes confusing just stick to one then.
4. Don't just be boring and post one liners give me a little more. i know you will.
5. No arguing with the Gm or Co GM if you don't like the rules then you do not have to be int he roleplay!
6.If you read all the rules put The force in your CS at the bottem so i know you understand.
7. Have fun.
GM: Olaf
CO GM: Jambo1117
character: ( jedi, sith,clone,ECT.)
Apperance: ( Picture preferably but description would work)
Faction: ( empire or rebellion)
Weapon: ( post a picture and if you cant description works)
Force powers: ( FOR SITH AND JEDI ONLY)
Accepted CS:
Sith: (closed)
Darth Vader- Olaf
Merga sparks- Jambo1117
Haggen Bonneggan -Azariel
Imperial officer:
Travis Creel-DiZL ReloadeD
Bounty hunter:
Jasto Draggol-thedreadpirate

Darth Vader a new apprentice is starting to move across the Galaxy killing anyone who will get in his way. The hunt for the Jedi is still going on as well as taking over any other planets so nothing would up rise the new found empire. The story starts off as Vader and his legion of clones are about to take off and head out into the galaxy, with no one knowing who Vader is will make him a surprise and show how brutal the Empire can be if you defy them. Are you a Jedi,Sith,Bounty hunter,clone,or imperial officer. The story is in your fate will you help the Empire expand it regime or flee from a empire trying to hunt you down like an animal or be a neutral force that is in the middle of all of this. Just remember you control your destiny!
1. No godmodding
2. No killing other characters without permission ( if it becomes a problem the co gm's and Gm will decide your fate )
3. You can have as many Characters you can keep track off if it becomes confusing just stick to one then.
4. Don't just be boring and post one liners give me a little more. i know you will.
5. No arguing with the Gm or Co GM if you don't like the rules then you do not have to be int he roleplay!
6.If you read all the rules put The force in your CS at the bottem so i know you understand.
7. Have fun.
GM: Olaf
CO GM: Jambo1117
character: ( jedi, sith,clone,ECT.)
Apperance: ( Picture preferably but description would work)
Faction: ( empire or rebellion)
Weapon: ( post a picture and if you cant description works)
Force powers: ( FOR SITH AND JEDI ONLY)
Accepted CS:
Sith: (closed)
Darth Vader- Olaf
Merga sparks- Jambo1117
Haggen Bonneggan -Azariel
Imperial officer:
Travis Creel-DiZL ReloadeD
Bounty hunter:
Jasto Draggol-thedreadpirate