Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila day of Pauls Vanishing

It wasnt a good day. Mila was pacing the hallways. Actually it was a bad day. A terrible start of the day. Even worse then that one time a spider hybrid hid under her work table.
''Ah miss,....is...it ... He is..'' A young scientist stopped her furious advanced to the lift, to ask. Did the news of dr. Paus missing already spread between the scientist?
''I dont have time for this, you are late on that report of your project advanced. Get it done or ...'' She snapped irritably, all but running up to the lift and pressing the id to call it down. Just a week before it was Christmas, most of the lab was taking it a bit easier. but not him. He worked to the bone but still managed to use the speakers to wish everyone a great working year to come. The door opened, she stepped in pressing the button for the floor.
Alone in the lift she hugged herself. It wasnt like him to just vanish, and if something worse happened? She feared the worst...but the worst wasnt the death of dr. Pauls but who will handle with their home now with him go? Was it someones ploy? She wished the other assistant of the dr were around and not out on his own mission. She really could have used his help.

The door opened and once again she stepped out radiating order and determination. She couldnt help to notice the eyes that looked at her, whispering between them. Stepping in a round office with several people inside, most being sort of leader of big projects, she spoke up.
''I am positive you are aware of the rumors.''
The door closed behind her. She hated the amount of responsible that now fall on her shoulders. The rumor of dr. Pauls vanishing with out a trace from the lowest labs were in a matter of hours reaching every pair of ears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jude Styles [Day 0, Paul Vanishes]

"This is so friggin' stupid..." Jude said to himself as he walked down the hall. Could the rumors be true? If that raving lunatic of a scientist was finally gone then everything would erupt into chaos, right? He had heard of it from a janitor, but he needed confirmation by someone at least a little higher up before starting a plan of some sort. He might not be able to get to Mila, an assistant (lap dog) of the bad doctor's and actually kind of nice sometimes, even if she doesn't show it. Would she tell Jude about Pauls disappearance? He never really told her of his hatred of Pauls, so... maybe? No, it was unlikely...
"I need my meds." He once again mumbled to himself as he approached a lift. As he fumbled around with his pockets to find his ID, he noticed some people quietly discussing something, most likely how to take over this damned hell. They wouldn't know what to do with it. Not many people would, but he had to find a nice person to take over this place after he usurps power. All he was going to use it for was a suicide method, so he needed to pick out a good leader. Again, Mila came up, but she'd have to prove she was going to take this place in a 'betterment of society' angle before he put stock into letting her have the place. Unfortunately she was the only person he really knew who'd be up for taking the Bad Doctor's mantle.
The door to the lift opened and once again Jude's gloom leaked out into the air surrounding him. He was on floor seven, this was where some of the medical care stuff was, and where Jude got his depression medication. It didn't help as much, being almost all robot and all, which is why he didn't take it as often as he probably should. Still though, it dropped some of his anxiety, and he'd need all the charisma he could get. Other than his blades, the empathy he could elicit from others was his main weapon.
He got to the pharmaceuticals counter nearest to him. He always used this one. Jim was here, and he was really easily manipulated. If Jim confirmed this than Jude definitely needed to create a plan.
"Uh, hey, Jim." Jude said, rubbing the back of his robotic head and intentionally fluctuating his voice. "I'm uh, h-hear for my meds."
"Sure man." Jim said with a grimace, sliding the pill bottle over to Jude before typing in some stuff. Those jerkoffs were keeping track of when he got more meds to make sure he wasn't A. taking to little, or B. taking to many. This didn't stop him from not taking his meds enough, he just got rid of the pills at the scheduled times, but that was neither here nor there. "Thanks Jim. It helps a lot, I guess." Jude said, placing the pill bottle in his pants pocket and pointed his sorrow filled face at Jim. "Hey, uh, I r-really hate to, um, ask you, but, there was this rumor going around about Dr. Pauls..." He said, intentionally facing away to accentuate the fact he was avoiding the question. It was more believable that way. "Look, don't tell this to anyone else, alright?" Jim whispered, pulling Jude closer. "But Doctor Pauls is totally gone! He just up and disappeared in one of the lower labs. News spread fast, I think Mila is gonna try and hold up base until either the doctor or his other assistant returns. Again, didn't here it from me though."
"O-oh my gosh! I hope he's okay." Jude whisper-shouted, his surprised tone unfitting of his inner thoughts. He was slightly angry at Mila, but more importantly he now knew he had to work out a plan. He turned away from Jim with a murmured "Bye Jim, see you later." and started stalking back to his room.
"I will have my revenge Dr. Pauls." Jude whispered to himself "I'm going to make your company someone else's, and I will erase you from history. Then I may finally rest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

David Day of Pauls vanishing

David was a robot, and rumors didnt mean much to him. But facts did. The fact of lacking a specific order for the day was bugging him. See what he did there, pun. He was improving his humor skills to other humans annoying. He didnt mind, his creator told him to always learn. With easy steps he wandered to a control area. The henchman who should have been sitting there was gone. Probably off to spread the rumors.

David moved his fingers to the port, easily connecting to the machine. The password, typed in right on the second time. Humans had such predicable passwords. In the following moments the AI researched his own memory noticing some orders had been deleted. It was weird, as he could even restore them. Maybe he was malfunctioning?

He downloaded some of the facts he needed. Pauls was no where on the base or the vicinity. The only one from his work group his close assistance left was Mila, Dr. Mercy was off, he liked dr. Mercy he was interesting to watch. He disconnected, the humans on the base showed clear worry. The words kidnapping and murder were swarming around. He will have to go on a deep virus scan for himself, to ensure his work ability. But on the way David started to sho away the gossiping humans with a stare. Going from 1 floor down he left the lift on the 7 floor and walked the hallways.
Jude Styles was leaving to the lift just the one David needed. A appropriate responses were loaded in his memory. ''Hey wait. Jude , want to share the lift?'' He easily run catching up with the subject. He stared at him, not really having the right things to smile politely. ''How is you day?''

David [-2 mounts ]

David was often appointed to guard the prison level. He was just that much reliable, like some of the other AI and subjects who were obedient. Like each time he wandered from one cell to another. Occasionally striking a conversation with some of them. Why? Well Ai didnt know what bored is, but he knew what a idling around wasnt a wished threat by his programmers. Often when no one responded to him he would solve and do complex math problems.

''You are not looking good.'' He said to one of the prisoners who were sitting behind a still door with a little peek window.
''Shut up.''
'' You should have known the danger of coming too close. Spies have that faith.''
''Being poked fun by a fucking robot.'' The man grumbled. '' Just tell me when they will put needles in me and test some drugs...I know that is my faith.''
David closed the metal peek window to search for the question like sentences. Opening it again to meet the man glance. It was so sad looking? He was 80% sure his emotion recognition softer works. ''There is no information about your being tagged for experiments.''
There was a long silence, in which the imprisoned spy was thinking.
''Say Robot...do you know what are morals? Are you aware what the boss of this place did to so many humans?''
''I know the definition of morals, I assume you wish to know if I have a program binding me to act on what the morals for you are? The answer is no.''
The huffing was noticed by him. ''And My name is David, its not nice to cal me robot.''
Somehow this was understood as a joke by the spy. It was confusing David why this would be a funny sentence. He patiently waited for the man to stop laughing. ''....The name is Marcus, its not nice to just refer to me as spy.''
David wanted to point out how that wasnt the same but decided against it, logic was not effective on human minds. ''See you later Marcus.''

Closing the peek window again David moved to a cell a bit lower.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo [2-months]

Back then Angelo still had no control and they couldn't control him and Angelo was constantly walking around his cell trying to remember who he was before all this and what he did in his life to warrant this torture. As someone started to walk to his cell Angelo reached out grabbing him "get me out of here!" Angelo growled pushing the thing away from his cell again before his adrenaline started to pump harder then usual. From the experiments and what he can only believe he had military training before his adrenaline was pumping 20 times faster and harder then was thought humanly possible any other person would be dead from a heart attack and instead Angelo punched through his solid iron cell and ran around looking for something or trying to get out and of course the entire place went on high alert but someone didn't hear maybe they were deaf or something but Angelo immediately stopped when he heard beautiful music from the flute the employee was playing and memories started to come to the surface. Angelo could hear a giggle from a girl, a wife maybe or a daughter all Angelo could see was a smile on a body and as Angelo listened he laid down and fell asleep. the employee was thanked multiple times and then on they had a way to control the mad beast.

Angelo [present= day of vanishing]
Angelo didn't think about his life anymore and was simply watching tv in his new cell which was stronger then before but was now a lot more comfortable with an actual bed along with a tv and they have his a music player for his own use and obviously Angelo never took it past track 3 for fear he might go beserk if he listens to any of the heavy metal he has on track 10. Angelo couldn't care less about if the rumors were true as long as he got to eat and sleep in peace he didn't care. The only time Angelo was let out of his cell was if they needed to clear a room really quickly or if their was some "unbeatable" prototype that he needed to test for them...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

David -2 mounts Being grabbed send quite a few alarms thought the AI system. He responded with a simple No, which wasnt acceptable for the prisoner as he pushed him away. After some calculations and adjustments he catch his robotic body away from falling against the wall. Pleased he avoided damage all of his sensors turned to the subject in question acting up. Punching open a door was violating so many rules sending a report to the security he watched as the subject run. He followed him but his intervention wasnt needed. A Employer somehow claimed the subject with a flute? Quite interesting. ''Where should he been taken too?'' david asked the man who told him to take to the secure lab testing rooms. Picking the sleeping subject he carried the man to a white room placing him on one of the beds, doctors swarmed around the subject taking the blood samples and other vitals. He went back to his duties. Mila -2 mounts She heard about the music, but wanted to see it with her own eyes. Feeling responsible she was observing the subject on the other side of the window. They were playing music the same tones as the flute which lead to this discover. The changed the tunes observing the pulse reactions. After several of those types of test exploring which genger of music and which tunes made the subject the most claim, Mila entered the room the calming music playing. She wanted to speak to him and see how his memory and personality was during this moments. ''Hello, you are awake.'' She said coming to the bed on which the subject was straped down. ''Could you, tell me how you feel? ''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo was half asleep but smiled up at the woman "I feel like I'm home" Angelo whispered to her smiling remembering a smile and a woman who he can't remember playing the tones that were playing in the room itself still thinking that if he hears it long enough he might remember who was so important to him that he could see her playing.... Guardian bird-current day Lorenzo was outside the building the only being here that was going to stay willingly but Lorenzo didn't know why but this was the only home he had and it wasn't that he wasn't curious it was that this place was safe and he was going to protect it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila -2 mounts '' You are home. '' Mila said moving his hair a bit to the side so she could see his eyes better. Especially the dilatation of the puppies, was it working on him like drugs do. ''If I told you the music will stop in the next minutes how would it make you feel? '' She gave a nod to the people on the other side of the glass to lower the volume just like they planed to do for testing. Cana - present After who knows how long, he saw the hope again. He disabled the security camera using his doctors computer. He hated the doctor. The ears perked up, no he had to stay calm he could do it. Now with the main guy out the way and so many talking about becoming the next lead there was no better distraction for it all. Using the vents to come on the upper floor and somehow being the lucky boy actually reaching a open door. Running in a white flash out he was gone in the woods before the cyborg trash man could registrate with his sensors. It was Cane first time seeing the sky. Hidding under a bush he planned which direction to run. He knew he shouldnt run south as there were training grounds but....where was south? His fur stick up he felt in danger, did something noticed him? He stayed in place. Maybe it was too much paranoia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

no don't!" Angelo said trying to get his hand free as if he could reach out and grab the girl he is seeing his heart rate starting to rise. "who are you? why are you leaving!" Angelo called out as if he could see someone else their in the room with him trying to touch the girl he is seeing but as the music volume lowered the girl started walking away with her flute waving goodbye but Angelo didn't want her to leave he wanted to know who she was and if he would really see her again! Lorenzo- Lorenzo sighed as he heard the distant sound of running but it wasn't time to test others right now so it meant someone was on the run so Lorenzo took to the skies seeing a fox boy running he quickly dived for him and he took a handful of tranquilizers and when he got close to the boy he just stabbed him with them rather then using a gun or a blow dart "you cant leave here brother its not safe out their, its hell outside more then it is inside" Lorenzo said softly watching as the boy started to loose consciousness...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila -2 mounts She stepped away as the subject started to trash in his restrains. He didnt liked the lowering of music...no from what he was shouting Mila, was sure he must be in hallucinate state. That information was more helpfully. Giving the signal the music was push back to its previous volume. ''Did she came back now?'' She asked him still keeping her distance. If this was a effect due to his life before the battle, it would be logical to assume he knew the person. Maybe there were ways to change the looks of the person he sees? Would that make him more loyal, mila wondered to herself. ''Can you tell me who it is?'' Cana - He felt and heard the feather rustling it was coming closer too fast. He managed only to stand up before the needles found their way in his shoulder. The drug working quickly in his system making him numb and heavy all around.He found himself on the earth not feeling the fall. ''...seen the stars...'' He mumbled. He so wanted to watch the stars in the sky he didnt care if it was dangerous. He watched darkness wander over his view calming his thoughts until he was out cold laying at the mercy of his captivator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo calmed down as he heard the music get louder and smiled seeing the girl come back "hey honey, thank you" Angelo said to him seeing the blank face of the girl he lives then she heard someone ask who it was but Angelo shrugged "I don't know her, I just know that I care for her." Angelo said softly smiling Lorenzo- Lorenzo sighed a little carrying him back inside and laying him back down in his room laying him down and he got some star stickers and put them on the roof of his room so he could see some stars at night time. He wasn't allowed to leave but that didn't mean he couldn't be happy here...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

''How does she looks?'' She moved the hair behind her ear coming now to Angelo and leaning over him. Her eyes studding the face expresion making mental notes on what he was saying. Touching his forehead with the tips of her fingers she added a question. '' What does she do?'' Cana - a few hours later When he opened the eyes seeing the small points for a split second he was filled with hope before he felt a extreme anger overflow him. Jumping up he starter to crawl ff the fake stars off the ceiling. Blaming them for everything he lived thought. How dare they poke fun at him tease him in such a cruel joking matter. Feeling his cheeks wet as he noticed he was crying from frustration he looked around the tails wrapping around his waist. He knew this room, hearing voices outside didnt help him claim down. Punishment for what he tried would surely now come over him. His doctor care taker were anything but mercifully, to his experience. ''I hate you I hate you all...'' He growled his voice loosing the edge of danger thanks to the shaking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo shrugged again " I don't know she has beautiful long black hair, her smile is so heartwarming I don't know what she is doing but the music she is playing is so beautiful" Angelo said softly smiling seeing the girl play the flute in tune with the music in the room itself kept Angelo happy and calm and he wanted to see the girl but all he could do was listen to her beautiful music... Lorenzo= Lorenzo shook his head "no leave him be, don't treat him so badly and maybe he wouldn't be trying to make a run for it. This is our home so it should feel like a home, he wanted to see stars but theirs only so much I can do to let him know that this is a safe place. just don't hurt him if you want to punish someone then do it to me because he left the grounds and I had to chase him down." Lorenzo said wanting to protect everyone here no matter what and even if he was forced to keep them in here it was all he could do to make sure they were happy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila She nodded again, mostly to herself. This was enough for today experiment, she wanted to set things up for the next round. Having a gasp on the situation for now. He was left alone with the music, her analyzing with their collages if the music could have other effect, and what type of effect those could be. The next day He was placed in a indoor garden area. It was one of the training grounds. He was given headphones to listen to music. Today experiment would test his battle and life perseverance will. Would he fight if the music is hear-able if his life was on the coin, or would he be like a rag doll. The amount of pain he may feel was something the doctors were interested in too. Mila observed the room. The cat being was waiting in a rooms cage for his orders. Once they see the first part of the experiment they were planning on changing the music with a really faulty and out of accord version of the song he enjoyed. It sounded horrible even to her own non musical ears. Cana's Doctor He was quite annoyed and surprised a subject just directly walked up to him and spoke. Walked in his lab while he was working and interrupted him so rudely. His brow arching up as he patiently listened to the complain the bird experiment had. '' A weapon like him and you shouldnt go and complain or dysfunction, if you wish to exist.'' He walked to the one of the personal working with him speaking aloud. ''Please miss, could you change the thank you letter to .... Lorenzo yeah Lorenzos creator, informing him the medicine the bird is getting has probably a bad side effect making him think he is in command and could tell others what are they to do. Its my warm hearten concern that maybe the experiment Lorenzo isnt controllable.'' The man said in a most relaxed tone. For him with out dr Pauls around meant he could more frequently dispose of the things that didnt obey or work, instead of keeping them for in his opinion no reason. It was truly a blessing the guy was gone. ''Ah sir, should we change anything with subject Cana...'' The personal asked to be interrupted by the doctor. ''Of course not, he shall be disposed off tomorrow his meat can be given to the guys working on bio weapons. Like that he will be of some use. ''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo relaxed in the garden Listening to his music not caring about the cat man he was to reeked to care at the moment. Lorenzo growled "you listen doc I don't care what you think you can do but I know you can't dispose of him because he wanted to see the sky. Just because Dr Paul's isn't here doesn't mean everyone here is disposable I protect the place and I keep everyone here but if I hear that Cana is disposed of I'll rip your heart out and pick on your bones myself. We may be genetic experiments but that didn't mean we have no souls. I dare you to try and push me Doctor do nothing to him or I'll do worse to you" Lorenzo said as he sat down in front of cana cell to guard him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila gave the orders and the cat was released. Shifting the air the cat wandered around Angelo a few times as if judging him before jumping towards him and biting on the mans leg. Claws raising up and going into the mans torso. Cana listened as someone in front of his door was complaining. He didt knew the voice. The smell was something else. The smell was similar. It was the one who stole his freedom. Growling against the door before backing up in the furthest corner. The worst images passed his head, maybe that thing was send to kill him? What he did will lead to death. there was no escaping. Shaking in fear he wondered why the words didnt match up. The voice was saying things that didnt sounded like words of something hungry for a fox. Walking towards the door once again he whispered. '' What is your goal?'' Canas doctor was staring at Lorenzo. '' Soul?.... Threatening a doctor. Oh my oh my. He is a uncontrollable. Call for security to deal with him. The weapon Lorenzo is malfunction and is turning towards the staff of the facility. A danger for anyone around him.'' The Doctor declared swiftly leaving the labs his assistance pressing the security call button before the rest of the stuff followed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo stayed relaxed and simply smiled as he listened to the Music even as the cat bit his leg he didn't feel much just a light swat at the cat as if it was just a tickle even as he started to claw at Angelo torso he didn't care then a doctor called out "we need to do something we can't let this experiment die!" One said then another asked "then what? We can't turn off the music or he will just cry about it" "you morons I got an idea" another days and went to the panel and change the music entirely and turn into heavy metal. Angelo immediately looked angry seeing a battlefield in front of him and enemies staying to attack him. His adrenaline was pumping like crazy again and he kicked the cats head nearly breaking the skull then once Angelo was free he stated to punch and tear out the skin of the cat like he was possessed! Lorenzo put his wings around himself as they turned into steel wings around him to protect himself from the security regardless of what they do they would need dynamite to hurt Lorenzo then he heard the boy ask what his goal was and Lorenzo smiled saying "to protect you, and everyone here like you" Lorenzo said softly not moving from his spot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mila observed the change in action. It was on the edge of brutal. '' A bit of over reaction.'' She said turning away from the view. '' It was not ordered to kill, just put him in a death danger. Its clear now. He has zero self preservation. We could turn the music to another gender if we want to make him surrender.'' Just like a switch on a weapon. She sighed walking to the computer and looking again on the date. He will be a good weapon, like a bomb drop it around enemies and turn the switch on. She turned the music back to calm. ''Is the cat subject alive?'' She asked to get a maybe as a answer. ''Send it to recovery room if there is a chance analyze the amount and type of damage. Is he hitting vital points or blindly smashing and hitting around.'' She ordered moving some of her hear behind the ear. '' I will take care of Angelos wonds, I want to see if he remebers what he was doing just now. Send him to the medical room'' Cana frowned crawling on the door. ''Idiot...Weapons arent there to protect....Only shields can protect. '' He felt frustrated and having someone who would even be there he started to rant away his frustration. '' I failed to be a weapon, I was kept around because doctor Pauls said he saw in me some use.... I wanted to go find him, when he was gone. BUt I disobeyed and got caght. I will be disposed. There is no use in me. So why would you be here and try to stand up for junk?!'' He hit the door breathing heavily. He wanted to escape, see the stars and bring the previous boss back. All those now appearing as silly dreams to Cana. No weapons dont have dreams...malfunction.... Four security robots wandered in the lab and blocked all exist with a calm calculated fashion before one spoke up. '' Please obey and follow us to your cell. Any form of resistance will cause us to react in the for it for seen fashion.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angelo soon fell asleep again hearing his music come back as he dreamed about that girl trying to get her image back into his head. Lorenzo laughed a little at his rant "do you not breath? Do you not feel? Guns are weapons because they do not think or feel but we do. I'm a shield for everyone here,I don't care if you think I'm stupid for believing in everyone here. I'll stay here as long as it takes to make sure you don't die because of a dream" Lorenzo said to him as he made sure their weren't any gaps with guys wings as they stayed in their metal form ready to deflect anything the robots aim at him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

They dragged the subject to the labs laying him down and leaving the room. Mila entered it and looked Angelo up, his own blood drenched cloths and the blood of the other subject were all over him. Not being alone but with one of the other doctors for safety reason she walked to Angelo and made him sit up so she could undress his shirt like a mother would to a 6 year old. '' Could you get me some of the cleaning stuff for him. She asked her collage. Watching over the wound. ''Angelo, are you aware you have people around you now?'' She asked in a warm voice. '' Guns are weapons because they were made to kill, I was made too to kill, I have no parents...and ...thanks...'' He whispered hearing more voices as the robots started to speak. ''You arent standing up to follow. We will consider this disobeying in 3...2...1... Disobeying. Dispatching dose 24-NG'' The main robot announced, making all of the robots in the room open their hands and take out small balls which they threw towards metal wing subject. Each ball started to release a green gas, which spread fast in the room.The gas even started going under the door of Cana making him punch on the door. '' Dont stay there! Get away! '' Cana didnt knew what the gas was, but from experience gas was a really scary thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

sorry this took so long but you know how midterms are)) Angelo looked around "yes their is you and my sweet girl" Angelo said looking at the girl he kept talking about playing the music that was so nice in his ears. Angelo saw the cat boy before but didn't really notice him because he was listening to the music but when it changed into that music....he saw blood everywhere and he needed to kill he needed to kill and stay alive... no need to thank me" he said smiling watching the robots come and what they forgot about was that Lorenzo had wings so he held his breath and he flapped them hard once seeing the air go in different directions away from them as he formed his shield again " I wont leave until they promise not to hurt you for dreaming" Lorenzo said firmly
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