Welcome to The Adventures of the 9th Royal Legion! (Interest check edition)
In this game, you will assume the roles of simple rank and file soldiers of the 9th Royal Legion.
The idea is, instead of being special snowflake brooding anti-heroes, the players are faceless/nameless canonfo-... soldiers with a slim chance of rising above that through sheer luck. While you will probably die a horrible death at the hands of the many enemies of the Kingdom, you may yet rise to lead the Legion and, eventually, retire as a wealthy general.
This RP plays similar to a boardgame, most of the playing revolves around combat, with periods of travel and decision making at different levels of the Legion.
While your input in the actual combat will be minimal, I encourage you to keep a diary/log for your character and fluff them up with interactions between different characters.
As members of the Legion you will encounter many scenarios, they will range from besieging cities, to open field combat, to smaller-scale operations.
Do your duty by the Kingdom and the Queen!
Combat is based on a series of d4 rolls done in secret by the GM.
Combat where players are involved is resolved at the end of every turn. Unless there are spectacular circumstances or scenario-specific rules, the end of a turn will see all of the player-based battle completed, with either the player of their opponents dead.
This being said, there will be interludes in the middle of turns if a player encounters an event which requires a decision from them. These will be resolved in the interlude and will affect the rest of the turn/battle.

0/0/2/0 is your initial score.
You are given 5 point to put as you wish into ATK/DMG/HP
Then you choose your traits. ( For each positive you must take a negative, with a maximum of 4 stats)
Make the necessary adjustments to your stats.
Write a little bit of backstory, or a lot, I don't really mind. No one cares in the military, but if you survive long enough it may become part of your legend.
Choose a name.
Strong : +1 DMG
“You have a strong physique, one wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of your punch.”
Tough : +1 HP
“Naturally gifted with higher fortitude, you are one tough nail.”
Quick : +1 ATK
“You move faster than most.”
Beastbane : +1 DMG to BEAST-type enemies
“Whether you have grown up in the borderlands and came to learn their weakness, or simply carry hatred for them, you are an enemy feared by Beastmen.”
Trollbane : +1 DMG to TROLL-type enemies
“Whether you have grown up in the borderlands and came to learn their weakness, or simply carry hatred for them, you are an enemy feared by Trollkin.”
Strong Will : +1 to resistance against mind-altering effects
“You have an iron will.”
Observant : +1 to the possibility of noticing developing situations
“They always said that you had an eye for things.”
Noble : You are automatically considered for the position of Lieutenant
“Your blood is not like that of the common rabble, why should you spill it with them?”
Martyr : Your death affects the overall battle positively.
“You die with a smile, knowing that your death was not in vain.”
Leader : Your presence in a battle automatically grants +1, if you survive it becomes +2.
“If you lead, they will follow.”
Medic : After each phase of combat you gain 1 HP.
“A quick bandage should do the trick.”
Vigilant : Enemies cannot sneak up on you.
“Don't think that I cannot see you.”
Sneaky : You can sneak up on your first enemy and get a free attack.
“They’ll never know what hit them.”
Armoured: Gain +1 ARM
“Don't be ridiculous, of course I need two shields!”
Weak : -1 DMG
“Maybe you should have invested more time in working out.”
Sickly : -1 HP
“Not the healthiest of people.”
Slow : -1 ATK
“You are slower than most.”
Weak Will : -1 to resistance against mind-altering effects
“Would you jump off that bridge if I asked you?”
Inattentive : -1 to the possibility of noticing developing situations
“How could you not see them pass by?”
Drag : -2 to overall battle if you die.
“Not only did you strain your back lifting that barrel, you also dropped it on your friend!”
Hemophiliac : Take an extra damage from enemy attacks.
“I don't think this bandage will be enough.”
Distracted : Getting sneaked up on automatically results in combat damage.
“You were leaning against the wall, how could they possibly get behind you?”
Unarmoured : -1 ARM
“I gave my shield to that other guy.”
We will first create a couple of characters.
Char 1:
His name is Jimbo, he is a simple farmer's son who joined the Legion to make some money that he could send home to his family.
His stats have been distributed as such 1/1/2/3
His traits are Tough and Weak Will
His final stats, after taking into account the traits are 1/1/2/4
He is the given a character sheet like this one.
The stats are colour-coded.
Blue = ATK (to hit bonus)
Green = DMG (damage bonus)
Gray = ARM (armour, extra HP to be bypassed by attacks)
Red = HP (lose it all and you die)
Char 2:
Nayruto “Miyazaki” Dakimakura, the dark blade.
Last of his clan, carrying the burden of his family's secret combat techniques, Nayruto is haunted by his dark past. He is half-demon half-vampyre half-neko half-dog (OTHER WHOLE PARAGRAPH OF CRAP NOBODY CARES ABOUT)
Trollbane, quick, distracted, Unarmoured.
The Legion is defending a small fortified village from Beastmen raiders which came from the West.
The commander has decided to put most of his forces (including Jimbo and Nayruto) at the gates which have just been breached.
The Legionnaires are outnumbered two to one, meaning that the players must each face two enemies in this turn of combat.
The GM (me) makes the rolls and sees that Jimbo and Nayruto have both survived their first enemy. While Jimbo is wounded, and has 3 HP left, Nayruto is still at full HP, but lacking 1 armour.
The GM then rolls and both of the players notice that there is a Troll is making his way through and adjacent street. Jimbo decides to opt out of trying to intercept him and remains with the other soldiers, bringing him to the next enemy.
Nayruto, on the other hand, decides to go and engage the troll.
A combat round is rolled and Jimbo barely pulls through with 1 HP left.
Nayruto, on the other hand, meets an untimely demise at the hands of the troll and his family secrets follow him to his grave.
The turn is now up, the commander has new strategical decisions to make, the gate is barely holding, and there is a troll rampaging behind his lines. He redirects his troops and calls out new objectives for the coming turn. Rinse/repeat until defeat or Victory.
For the first scenario I will be acting as commander, but after that, it will all be players.
Let me know if you would be interested in this sort of game.
In this game, you will assume the roles of simple rank and file soldiers of the 9th Royal Legion.
The idea is, instead of being special snowflake brooding anti-heroes, the players are faceless/nameless canonfo-... soldiers with a slim chance of rising above that through sheer luck. While you will probably die a horrible death at the hands of the many enemies of the Kingdom, you may yet rise to lead the Legion and, eventually, retire as a wealthy general.
This RP plays similar to a boardgame, most of the playing revolves around combat, with periods of travel and decision making at different levels of the Legion.
While your input in the actual combat will be minimal, I encourage you to keep a diary/log for your character and fluff them up with interactions between different characters.
As members of the Legion you will encounter many scenarios, they will range from besieging cities, to open field combat, to smaller-scale operations.
Do your duty by the Kingdom and the Queen!
Combat is based on a series of d4 rolls done in secret by the GM.
Combat where players are involved is resolved at the end of every turn. Unless there are spectacular circumstances or scenario-specific rules, the end of a turn will see all of the player-based battle completed, with either the player of their opponents dead.
This being said, there will be interludes in the middle of turns if a player encounters an event which requires a decision from them. These will be resolved in the interlude and will affect the rest of the turn/battle.

0/0/2/0 is your initial score.
You are given 5 point to put as you wish into ATK/DMG/HP
Then you choose your traits. ( For each positive you must take a negative, with a maximum of 4 stats)
Make the necessary adjustments to your stats.
Write a little bit of backstory, or a lot, I don't really mind. No one cares in the military, but if you survive long enough it may become part of your legend.
Choose a name.
Strong : +1 DMG
“You have a strong physique, one wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of your punch.”
Tough : +1 HP
“Naturally gifted with higher fortitude, you are one tough nail.”
Quick : +1 ATK
“You move faster than most.”
Beastbane : +1 DMG to BEAST-type enemies
“Whether you have grown up in the borderlands and came to learn their weakness, or simply carry hatred for them, you are an enemy feared by Beastmen.”
Trollbane : +1 DMG to TROLL-type enemies
“Whether you have grown up in the borderlands and came to learn their weakness, or simply carry hatred for them, you are an enemy feared by Trollkin.”
Strong Will : +1 to resistance against mind-altering effects
“You have an iron will.”
Observant : +1 to the possibility of noticing developing situations
“They always said that you had an eye for things.”
Noble : You are automatically considered for the position of Lieutenant
“Your blood is not like that of the common rabble, why should you spill it with them?”
Martyr : Your death affects the overall battle positively.
“You die with a smile, knowing that your death was not in vain.”
Leader : Your presence in a battle automatically grants +1, if you survive it becomes +2.
“If you lead, they will follow.”
Medic : After each phase of combat you gain 1 HP.
“A quick bandage should do the trick.”
Vigilant : Enemies cannot sneak up on you.
“Don't think that I cannot see you.”
Sneaky : You can sneak up on your first enemy and get a free attack.
“They’ll never know what hit them.”
Armoured: Gain +1 ARM
“Don't be ridiculous, of course I need two shields!”
Weak : -1 DMG
“Maybe you should have invested more time in working out.”
Sickly : -1 HP
“Not the healthiest of people.”
Slow : -1 ATK
“You are slower than most.”
Weak Will : -1 to resistance against mind-altering effects
“Would you jump off that bridge if I asked you?”
Inattentive : -1 to the possibility of noticing developing situations
“How could you not see them pass by?”
Drag : -2 to overall battle if you die.
“Not only did you strain your back lifting that barrel, you also dropped it on your friend!”
Hemophiliac : Take an extra damage from enemy attacks.
“I don't think this bandage will be enough.”
Distracted : Getting sneaked up on automatically results in combat damage.
“You were leaning against the wall, how could they possibly get behind you?”
Unarmoured : -1 ARM
“I gave my shield to that other guy.”
We will first create a couple of characters.
Char 1:
His name is Jimbo, he is a simple farmer's son who joined the Legion to make some money that he could send home to his family.
His stats have been distributed as such 1/1/2/3
His traits are Tough and Weak Will
His final stats, after taking into account the traits are 1/1/2/4
He is the given a character sheet like this one.

The stats are colour-coded.
Blue = ATK (to hit bonus)
Green = DMG (damage bonus)
Gray = ARM (armour, extra HP to be bypassed by attacks)
Red = HP (lose it all and you die)
Char 2:
Nayruto “Miyazaki” Dakimakura, the dark blade.
Last of his clan, carrying the burden of his family's secret combat techniques, Nayruto is haunted by his dark past. He is half-demon half-vampyre half-neko half-dog (OTHER WHOLE PARAGRAPH OF CRAP NOBODY CARES ABOUT)
Trollbane, quick, distracted, Unarmoured.

The Legion is defending a small fortified village from Beastmen raiders which came from the West.
The commander has decided to put most of his forces (including Jimbo and Nayruto) at the gates which have just been breached.
The Legionnaires are outnumbered two to one, meaning that the players must each face two enemies in this turn of combat.
The GM (me) makes the rolls and sees that Jimbo and Nayruto have both survived their first enemy. While Jimbo is wounded, and has 3 HP left, Nayruto is still at full HP, but lacking 1 armour.
The GM then rolls and both of the players notice that there is a Troll is making his way through and adjacent street. Jimbo decides to opt out of trying to intercept him and remains with the other soldiers, bringing him to the next enemy.
Nayruto, on the other hand, decides to go and engage the troll.
A combat round is rolled and Jimbo barely pulls through with 1 HP left.
Nayruto, on the other hand, meets an untimely demise at the hands of the troll and his family secrets follow him to his grave.
The turn is now up, the commander has new strategical decisions to make, the gate is barely holding, and there is a troll rampaging behind his lines. He redirects his troops and calls out new objectives for the coming turn. Rinse/repeat until defeat or Victory.
For the first scenario I will be acting as commander, but after that, it will all be players.
Let me know if you would be interested in this sort of game.