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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The country of Velt has existed for a long, long time. Centuries have passed since it first rose, and there is no sign that it will fall. However, throughout its long history, and even prior to that, there have been ancient structures, old buildings left to time. Dungeons beneath the earth, ruined and lost. The remains of castles, left by ancient lords who fled or perished. Temples to dark gods lost to history. These ruins lie across the land, and have a certain allure.

It may be for different reasons. A noble paladin might seek to exterminate a dark presence within the dungeon. A thief may seek treasure beyond their wildest dreams. For whatever reason, there are those who would delve into the darkness of these ancient holes, halls, and temples, and fight their way to the deepest of depths, risking their lives. For justice, treasure, or glory, all of these reasons may motivate those venture into these "dungeons". Some may even venture beyond Velt's borders, to the neighboring country of Ithillin to seek the ruins of the ancient city of Talderia, though no-one has ever returned from its darkness.

So, why is it that you venture into the depths? Justice? Treasure? Glory?

Only you may answer these questions.

So, um... dungeon crawler RP! The basic set up is... pretty simple, eh-heh. Um, characters are part of a party, and they head from dungeon to dungeon in search of whatever may lie within. However, there's a bit of a twist to this: Each dungeon is GMed by a different player, who comes up with a theme for the dungeon and what creatures, traps, and treasures lie within.

There will be down-time between dungeons, as well, where characters can gather supplies and talk with one another.

A few things of note:

Races: I'm fairly flexible but for this setting there are some races I already have defined. I'll be listing these below.

Classes: Yes, there are character classes in this. However, it's strictly flavoring, just defining what your character is good at. There's no stats or anything involved, after all.

Dungeons: When you're GMing a dungeon, you need to give a vague idea of the layout and what will lie within. I'll look it over and approve it like I would a character if it meets my approval.

Races(note: These are only the ones I have defined already):
-Humans: Straightforward and coming in many varieties. Humans in Velt are ruled by the King and Queen of Velt, living in the White Tower at the Veltan capital of Meridan. However, these are not the only humans in Velt, as there may be those hailing from the neighboring country of Ithillin, or even as far north as the cold and icy Barukstaed.
-Elves: Elves, too, come in several varieties, with splits even within these varieties. High Elves dwelling in cities, High Elves dwelling in forests, Wood Elves dwelling in Forests in both tree-cities and in a manner more one with nature, Dark Elves dwelling beneath the earth and far to the North in Barukstaed. The greatest differences between these varieties is culture and architecture, as all elves are unable to die of old age. Most High Elves dwell beyond the Veil of Tears to the west of Velt, while wood elves can be found throughout the land in forests, and the underground variety of Dark Elves live beneath the land. Elves tend to be excellent at performing magic.
-Dwarves: Short, bearded folk dwelling in their deep mines and working metal, dwarves have a reputation for honesty, loyalty, and being the most stubborn people you could possibly meet. Dwarves often build vast kingdoms within mountains across the land, the largest in Velt being Draz'khzidra(a word humans often hurt their throats trying to pronounce). The dwarven capital is Northeast of Velt, in the great Grey Mountains, home to their most vast halls and the Deep King. Dwarven metalworking is the best by far in the land, but they lack magical capabilities entirely.
-Nem: A diminutive race from the deserts of the south, the Nem resemble small humans, commonly reaching heights of around 3'4-3'5. They are universally pale in skintone, with red or yellow eyes and black hair. Nem males cannot grow facial hair, and as a whole they are small and agile but lacking in physical strength. They are also known for being skilled archers, and wielding curved swords(well, more like daggers to the larger races). Their language lacks an equivalent to the letter "B", and some Nem have trouble pronouncing it as a result. They are nocturnal and possess excellent night vision, but during the day their vision is slightly worse than a human's. They also easily burn in the sun and must wear covering clothing to move during the day. Most Nem live in their desert homes, but there is a sizable number in Velt as well. They have an extremely low alcohol tolerance. Nem worship a night goddess known as Ila-Nem.
-Fairy: Fairies resemble female, human-like children. With the exception of the fact that human children tend not to be six inches tall at most, winged, and wearing clothing made from flowers. Fairies possess translucent insect-like wings, and all fairies are female. They tend to possess a childish immaturity, but they are in fact adults. Fairies tend to be inquisitive and curious, as it benefits such a small race of beings to investigate their surroundings thoroughly. Their curiosity extends to when they meet new people, as well. Fairies are mostly harmless, the worst they seem to be able to bring themselves to do being mischevious pranks upon other, larger races. However, harming or killing a fairy will bring the anger of other fairies upon the perpetrator, and they carry a large amount of sharp objects and not how to aim for the eyes and throat far too well. Fairies cannot die of old age, and only violence or disease can kill a fairy.
-Orcs and Goblins: A race divided into two categories, largely by strength and size. Orcs are on average a head taller than a human man, and are very burly and powerful. Goblins are usually a head shorter on average, and are wiry and thin. They usually possess sickly green or grey skin, and are violent barbarians who pillage and steal from others. Orcs are generally found roving in warbands, while Goblins often hide in deep, dank caves. Both Orcs and Goblins are known to eat the flesh of other races. Orcs ride boars, often given aggression-boosting herbs. Ever since the war with the Orcs in Velt, a hundred years ago, their presence has been quite limited to roving warbands. Orcs and goblins are NOT playable due to their extremely poor relations with other races and general unpleasantness.
-Trolls: A relation to Orcs and Goblins, Trolls are tall, muscular, and dim-witted beasts. Eating anything they can get their hands on, trolls are more monsters than they are sapient beings. Orcs often use them as attack dogs of a sort, filling them with aggression-boosting herbs. Also unplayable.

-Velt: The country of Velt is a vast land composed largely of plains and forests, with a few notable mountain ranges(such as the Northern mountain of Cahladren, home to the dwarven city of Draz'khzidra). The River Nirinel runs through the heart of Velt, and the Veltan capital of Meridan is situated on its Southwestern bank. Velt is dotted with ruins of the past, from the crumbling Blue Ridge Watchstation overlooking Vaelin's Lake, to the deep, dark ruins of the Prison-Castle of Mad King Haldric. Meridan is a vast, wealthy city, featuring the White Tower as the seat of its royalty and the rulers of Velt. As for climate, Velt enjoys warm summers and snowy, yet relatively mild winters. Another notable landmark is Caraan Valley, the location of the final battle in the Orc War. It was here that Captain Mathen beheaded the Orc Chieftan Gridashk and the Orc legions were broken.
  • -The Mage's College in Meridan: The college of magic situated in Velt's capital, aspiring magi are educated here. Those who practice magic and have not been educated at the college, or by a tutor from the college, are often viewed with some suspicion. This is likely due to the Witch War so many years ago, when the Dark Coven led by the Witch-Queen sought to overtake Velt and the surrounding lands.

-Ithillin: The land to the east of Velt, ruled by Lord Indril of Calthir. Similar to Velt in climate and geography, though lacking in the mountainous regions to the North, Ithillin has a bustling trade with Velt and the two countries enjoy excellent relations. The country's capital is Calthir, situated to the northwest. Deep in the southeast their lies the Black Pit, Talderia, a foul crater given a wide breadth by all but the most insistent of adventurers.
  • -Talderia: "And the King's misdeeds destroyed all, his black heart darkened his city, and all was brought to ruin." The ruins of the ancient city of Talderia are located in Ithillin. They are given a wide breadth by travelers, and it is often times that Talderia is referred to as the Black Pit. For the ruins of Talderia have become a den of the utmost evil, filled with the most vile beings beyond imagining. None who venture into the Black Pit ever return.

-The Veil of Tears/Lethienvel: The famed, or perhaps infamous, rushing wall of water dividing the western land of the High Elves and the lands east of them. There are gate-ways between them, though the water. There is no visible source, and yet somehow it appears to flow. Though somehow, it is difficult to tell if the water flows up or down. Its infamy stems from a tragic event in the history of the High Elves, the first occurrence of the spilling of High Elven blood by other High Elves. The tragedy and regret from this incident gave the location its name, and to this day many High Elves still have reluctance to cross the Veil. However, there are some settlements on the opposite side of the Veil.
-Orodagor: In the land Northeast of Ithillin lies the shattered remains of a relic of a long-passed age. Orodagor, the Black Fortress, was a stronghold for the armies of Hidroroth of the Dark. Hidroroth, the poison existence born from the utter fall to evil of one of the world's deities, sought to paint the world in shadows an consume all life in a shroud of darkness. He was slain, ultimately, in the Battle of Inmoorn, thousands of years ago, his spirit left to the judgement of the Gods. Orodagor was one of the remnants of this long-passed age, abandoned for centuries. However, nearly eight-hundred years ago, a new figured appeared and made her stronghold here. The Witch-Queen of Orodagor, as she came to be known, threatened Velt and all the lands around it by sending her coven of witches to overtake the lands. She was apparently slain at Orodagor in spite of her incredibly powerful magic, but rumor has it she did not perish here.

-The Church of Reon/The Church of Mayon: The largest religion among humans in Velt, and indeed, originating from Velt, this dualistic religion worships both the Sun Goddess Reon and the Moon Goddess Mayon. Both Goddesses, it is said, cannot be separated from one another. Reon's symbol is a highly-stylized lily, and Mayon's is a similarly-stylized rose. Chapels to the goddesses are paired, and adherents focus on either one or the other. Paladins of both goddesses are a common sight, with Reonite paladins being highly aggressive combatants while Mayonite paladins are often more intended to keep peace. The religion is deeply anti-slavery, and Reonite paladins are often deployed to break slavery rings and free those being sold through them. Worship for either sect features the sacrifice of lilies for Reon and roses for Mayon.

Class: (No list, just use what fits the character)
Brief Backstory: (Optional)

Brief History:
Layout Summary:
Threats(Enemies, Traps, etc):

Tanya Palayen
Lucius Serpentson
Hardy Algandin
Nalia Frostwing
Kaghad Norm
Alrik Ironheart
Silva Wylde
Isi Eno
Falrien Silneas
Johnathan Grimsteel
Val'ralan Lindai

Important NPCs:

The Prison-Castle of the Mad King Haldric
The Queen's Tree
Reaper's Horde
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You have my interest!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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And my Axcitement!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ooo, sounds interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Glad to see the interest! ^_^ I'll probably be posting my own character tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Like I said, I'll join once I figure out what to use. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Probably best to post up a character AFTER an ooc is made. Just my personal preference, is all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

And here's my character:

Name: Tanya Palayen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Appearance: Out of her armor, with her sword, In her armor, with a different sword and colors.
Personality: Tanya is a sarcastic and short-tempered individual. She has nothing but scathing comments for people she dislikes, or people she sees as stupid. Tanya is quick to be irritated and quick to respond to her irritation, sometimes violently. At least when it's violently it's not bad enough to result in any serious injury. She has a sarcastic response to many, many things. Tanya also dislikes that she is rather small, at least to some extent, and has feelings of jealousy towards those who are not so small. In spite of her temper and sarcastic attitude, Tanya firmly believes in protecting those who need it and upholding the law. She seeks to punish all those who do evil to the fullest extent(at least if they are deserving of such treatment). She also has a deep dislike for undead, given that much of her duty is to eliminate dangerous undead. However, she will not harm them unless they give her reason to(or if they're mindless monsters). As a Reonite Paladin, she is deeply devoted to her chosen goddess and, and is also deeply anti-slavery.
Brief Backstory: Born to the Palayen family, nobility living in the richest quarter of Meridan, Tanya was tncouraged from a very young age to become part of the Church of Reon's more active service. The idea of serving their Goddess enticed her to no end. As such, Tanya Tanya became a Paladin of the sun goddess, sworn to combat evil in her name. Aside from that, she was educated at the "St. Lilianna's Reonite School for Girls", a religious school for girls created by the Church of Reon. She also underwent combat training under other paladins serving Reon.
Equipment: Tanya wears a suit of heavy armor to protect herself. However, the armor is enchanted to feel exceptionally light, allowing her to move quite quickly. Similarily, her bastard sword, Repharion, is also subjected to enchantments that reduce its weight in her hands significantly. Repharion is kept very sharp, and burns like fire when it cuts a target. This is chiefly intended for use against undead, but it's hard to deny the effectiveness against just about anything.
Abilities: Tanya is a skilled combatant, excelling in both two-handed and one-handed swordplay, though her favored style is two-handed. However, due to the enchantments on her armor and weapons which renders them far lighter than they should be, her physical strength is actually rather lacking, and instead she is more of a speedy fighter who nevertheless hits hard due to her training and choice of weaponry.

Edit: I'm not going to be making the OOC until I get more characters, so it's likely you'll be waiting a bit if you choose to wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: The Tyrant Prince, Lucius Serpentson
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Appearance: The Tyrant Prince, Lucius Serpentson, does not have a reputation as a man to be feared. This is because he is nowhere near as intimidating as his father. Where his father is a towering seven-foot-tall battlemage clad in black iron, he is a scrawny three-foot-tall boy in dark purple wizard robes who fell over the first time he was fitted for a breastplate. Where his father is a mountain of muscle and mystic might, Lucius is constantly clutching at his wizard's staff, which he still needs to cast spells. Generally, Lucius takes after his mother- bright blue eyes and pale skin, small ears, and black hair. He carries himself with the air of royalty, using his staff as a walking stick. His dark red cape is embroidered with a dark blue snake, a symbol of nobility in the empire.

Personality: Lucius is... well, he's a child, easily excitable and prone to rapid changes in mood. However, he's also the heir to a small empire, and has been raised to know the proper etiquette for almost any situation, political or otherwise. He is patient, preferring to deliberate over his actions rather than rush in, and has an extensive knowledge of all things arcane.

Brief Backstory: The son of the Tyrant King Faustus, Lucius is studying the magical arts for the day when he succeeds his father as Tyrant King of Gor, a dark, forested land to the southeast of Velt. Known for the terrifying Tyrant King who rules it, they are constantly skirmishing at the borders. Imagery of giant serpents covers most of the architecture, as they are a symbol of patience and might to the citizenry. Covered in foul beasts and magical plants, it would seem this land reflects the heart of its ruler.

Well, it would SEEM so. His booming voice, dark spiked armor, and glowing red eyes are often off-putting to strangers, but Tyrant King Faustus is beloved by his people. Visitors from Dwarf, Elf, and even Nem lands admire his level hand and patience. He dotes on his son and wife, though he IS still the Tyrant King- he will give no quarter to those who threaten the lives of his people, and deals with traitors harshly. He is the subject of both fear and respect among the rulers of the world, though most citizens only know to fear his armies. The dark armor (from the forging process), the armor spikes (in order to not get swallowed whole by giant animals), and glowing red eyes (a side effect of the standard-issue night vision potion) are frightening after all.

Lucius, on the other hand, is the Tyrant Prince, firstborn son of the Tyrant King and his wife, a carpenter's daughter named Anna. He's grown up in the fortress-city at the heart of Gor, very seldom getting out in the sunlight as he studies magic with his grandfather and plays in the castle garden with his mother and father most of the time. His father dotes on him endlessly, showering him with affection. However, he feels that life in the fortress... just isn't that good for a burgeoning wizard to practice in. At his age, his great-great-great-great grandfather Mephistopheles the Great Serpent was conquering surrounding villages in order to unite the forest lands. He has left the citadel in search of an adventure that will allow him to grow as a wizard and as an heir to the throne.

Wizard's staff made of charred wood and topped with a preserved snake's head. It's a symbol of authority in his homeland.
A cloak made from hellfire cotton, sewn by his mother.
An alchemist's kit for brewing potions, and a number of strange-looking plants and foul-smelling extracts.

Though he is young, Lucius is quite skilled at alchemy and offensive magic, though less so with summoning and support spells. Due to his inexperience with combat, however, he must use a focus to cast- specifically, his wooden staff, though any such implement will work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PrincessOfMyBedroom


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I'm interested! I love the idea of everybody being able to create dungeons like that. I'll have a character up some time today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Looking forward to it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Daeris Mormerileth
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Assassin


Daeris is the kind that acts quick, for the faster things go, the better it seems. She isn't sweet or nice, she rather trusts her weapons than the different races, perhaps this is because of her background, and perhaps this is just the way she sees the world. Although, somehow she trusts those whom she ventures with into the world. Even if it isn't with a full 100%. She is quite independent if she must, and wouldn't hesitate to rip someones limbs from their body, just to see the poor fellow beg for his death.

Brief Backstory:

Daeris is one of few, whom hate her own race, for she was a mere slave, sold by her own parents once she was born and raised in the darkest pits, deep in the underground world. She wasn't sold to a mere slaver whom would trust her to a family, no she was sold to a slaver of blood and glory. Although she was bought to clean the cells of the warriors, and to please her master, she was more interested in the way of the blade. A sword would be to heavy for her, but she would be able to learn from these warriors with ease. So she watched, from the inside, how these warriors fought, how they trained, and came back death... One by one they fell against verocious beasts, just for the fun of it, and when the master lost all his warriors, he just bought new ones, although these were weak, mindless cowards, he still trained them.
Although Daeris waited all these years to escape, from the abusive selfless master, she still enjoyed being around that dark pit, for these men fought with grace. but once the fifth group had landed in the pit, she knew things wouldn't change... The master would buy new recruits each time over and over again, just because he had the coins to do so. When Daeris had enough of this, she knew that it was time to escape, kill the master and save the new found slaves. She started her plan, took two simple daggers from the weapon-depot and hid them in her sleeves. As the master made his way to her cell, she knew this was her chance to strike, and so she did. With ease she slit the trought of the man, and ran for her life. Within her rush, she forgot about the slaves, and escaped all by herself, although what she did take with her was enough coin to start her new life. From that day forward, she was no longer a mere slave, she was a living being, and she gave herself the name Daeris Mormerileth. From that day, she started her own life, and a new adventure.


Daeris wears simple leather armor, making her able to move around freelly with her body. Although each piece of her armor, contains a small secret.
Her weapons of choice are simple, two daggers, although longer that ussual daggers, a belt filled with throwing knives, and poison.

Daeris is swift on her feet, which makes her deadlier than most foes. And as swift as she is, as sillent as she can walk to get behind her prey, as for climbing, she knows how to get up and down with ease. Although her strenght is weak, she still knows how to attack on multiple spots before being hit.
But don't get to excited once you get her, for she still has some dirty tricks up her sleeves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Um, to begin with, there's two different types of dark elves, one living in the far north and one living underground. Secondly, while there's probably some less pleasant dark elves, they're not an entire race of slavers. I would have noted that if they were, the darkness comes more or less from where they live rather than from how they act. I'd also like to point out that, while not everyone has to get along just fine with one another, including someone who dismembers people for fun in the same party as a lawful good paladin is probably not the best idea. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

VitaVitaAR said
Um, to begin with, there's two different types of dark elves, one living in the far north and one living underground. Secondly, while there's probably some less pleasant dark elves, they're not an entire race of slavers. I would have noted that if they were, the darkness comes more or less from where they live rather than from how they act. I'd also like to point out that, while not everyone has to get along just fine with one another, including someone who dismembers people for fun in the same party as a lawful good paladin is probably not the best idea. ^^;

Hahaha okay ^^
I thought with writing the darkest pits, it would be made clear that it was the underground xD My bad xD And she hated her race for other things than just being sold, but the bio is only for where she had lived :) And where she grew up.
And although she enjoyed dismembering others, it doesn't mean she does that to her party members xD but I just noticed i removed the part about somewhat trusting her party members o.o My bad again o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Well, you don't really make it so clear why she hates her own race, in that case.

And in addition, I didn't think she'd be killing her party members, but there's still an issue if she tortures people for fun. It's not going to mesh well with Tanya and likely other party members.

They don't need to all get along all the time, but they shouldn't think killing a member of the party is a good idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 29 days ago

This looks interesting. I'll start up making a character if you'll have me. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Alexander Leo

Age: 148

Gender: Male

Race: High Elf

Class: Bard


Personality: Most of the time calm, and always smiling. When battling in a team, however, his smile takes on a different tone, as if he is enjoying the fight, which he usually is. He's not one for the front lines, though, and is more than happy to let his comrades take the blows while he lends support.

Equipment: -Mandolin, enchanted to be able to play a variety of sounds that go beyond that of a normal Mandolin, but is still restricted to the sounds of string instruments. Also increases the strength of his spells.
-Robe, enchanted to reduce damage from magical attacks while increasing the amount of energy he can use to use his magic.
-Wizard Hat, just a cosmetic. Doesn't do much to aid in battle.
-Boots, enchanted to increase movement speed, obviously.
-Dagger, back up weapon for those "just in case" scenarios.

Abilities: With his music, he is a true support. He will either weaken the enemy or strengthen his party. Capable of healing, but his true strength lies in things like increasing accuracy of his party member's attacks, debuffing the enemy, etc. On his own, though, he's pretty useless, since he can't do much damage output by himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

still have room?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I've only got one question, and that's just what type of elf he is. He seems like he might be one of the wood elf variations.

But that doesn't exactly dictates his acceptance, so yeah, accepted. ^^;

Edit: There's still room.
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