Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ive seen a lot of super hero rps on these forums. Super heroes are meant to represent the best of humanity. I think it would be more interesting to tell a more human story. A story with more moral ambiguity than the comics( the name of the rp is meant to be ironic). This will be a high casual rp. Also before anyone says their interested please understand that means me and the other players will be relying on you to be at least somewhat active. I ran another rp that never got off the ground because the people who said they were interested never participated. Anyway with that disclaimer out of the way I'll set up the world.

For the record try not to make your characters too over powered. I don't want any super mans/incredible hulks. Most of the conflicts will be humans and I can't have you ripping through them like paper.

The ooc is up!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

Interested, I have an idea for a character that would fit here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cool welcome. Please feel free to tell friends. I'm gonna wait until there's plenty of people before I start this proper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interested, always like super power games a lot are just very straightforward hero games that end up being the same. This looks like it has potential though. Will start building some rough characters ^_^
Any chance we could get a cs to help frame ideas?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Glad to have you. I'll be sure to flesh out the story some more when I put up the ooc though I'm waiting until I have more people first. I'll try edit a character sheet into the OP soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Are our characters allowed to have powers?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yes I probably should have clarified that the player characters will be among those with powers. Unless you don't want to I guess but I'd prefer most players be super powered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Razqua said
Yes I probably should have clarified that the player characters will be among those with powers. Unless you don't want to I guess but I'd prefer most players be super powered.

So is it alright if my character has superhuman strength, flight and an energy attack?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Razqua said
Glad to have you. I'll be sure to flesh out the story some more when I put up the ooc though I'm waiting until I have more people first. I'll try edit a character sheet into the OP soon.

Wonderful ^_^ am excited for this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Rory Visculk (Alias: Charcoal)



Gender: Male

Power: Rory has control over fire. He can make burn hotter. He can change the direction it burns. He can make it bigger or smaller. The only thing he can't do with it is create it.

Bio: Rory grew up in a small town in fairly normal environment. Sure he had his issues like any kid but he worked them out. After high school he moved to New York City to go to college. It was there that he met the love of his life. He met a girl named Jessica. After college they both went into the work force and moved in together.Rory was a businessman and Jessica made a living doing a professional magic show. She was incredible at optical illusions. Life was good for the two of them for a long time. They even got married.

Then it happened. They both found themselves one day with strange abilities. Rory could do incredible things with fire. Jessica could read minds. They both thought it had thought it was a gift. Rory quit his job and joined Jessica in spicing up her magic show with their incredible abilities. People came from all over the region to see the performance. This continued on for a two years. Over those years more and more people with abilities popped up. There were worrying stories on the news about them. Still the couple didn't think it was their problem. After all they had done nothing wrong.

One day the two were performing their act on stage as usual. The crowd seemed to love it. Then out of nowhere police wearing body armor and carrying assault weapons burst through the door and began shooting. Jessica was shot and killed by the officers and Rory was devastated. He forced to go into hiding. After a long time of slumming in peoples basements he was able to get a fake ID and rent an apartment. He worked in a CD store for a low wage but he got by.

It was during this period of time that the nice mild mannered man that had been Rory Visculk transformed. He grew angry and bitter about the tragedy that had happened to him. He took on an addiction to alcohol and cigarettes to cope. Eventually he became vengeful. He became determined to get revenge against those who were responsible for his wife's death. Any super powered freak who used their abilities for crime and of course the government who sought to murder the innocent just because they were different. He began going out at night covering his face with a welding mask and carrying a lighter as a weapon. He hunted and killed anyone he deemed responsible and then took any money they had on their bodies.

Personality:Rory has become a very rash, angry and short tempered man willing do anything to avenge his dead wife.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Patriarch said
So is it alright if my character has superhuman strength, flight and an energy attack?

No I feel that would be overdoing it. As I said in the OP no superman like characters. I'm going for a more realistic feel. The superhuman characters aren't gods or demi gods. They simply have strange abilities they developed that would seem to be impossible. Yes these powers do make them dangerous but they are mortals and they need to fear people as many humans want to kill them and are quite capable of doing so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Craig Davidson/Kreig

Alias: Medicine Man/The Monster

Appearance: A giant of a man, Craig has a body toned by several years of military service, along with many scars from both on and off active duty. Not only that but he was born with the face of a thug, a heavyset brow, square jaw, and a scowl seemingly permanently affixed to his mug. His hair is kept at the regulation length however he has allowed a thick stubble to cover his lower face. Craig's eyes are slightly odd in the fact that they do not match, not so much in color but in intensity. The left eye is gentle and conveys calmness while the right eye is perpetually bloodshot and insane.

Clothing is a simple affair, being homeless he does not have much in the way of selection. Commonly he wears a moth eaten red hoodie on top of a white tank top, tarnished jeans, and a sturdy pair of running shoes. Above that he only has two accessories, a thick pair of sunglasses and a necklace with many, many dog tags.

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Craig: Healing hands, by channeling his power into his hands Craig can mend bone, knit flesh, and cure the disease that plagues other people with lightning speed.

Kreig: Regeneration, when Krieg is let out of the cage the healing ability of Craig is turned inwards and creates a juggernaut of pain and rage.

Bio: Craig is a healer and a guardian. Being the biggest kid on the block he would watch out for bullies and make sure the little kids got to school with lunch money in tact. This moved with him all his life and culminated in him being drafted into the military as a combat medic shortly after gaining his training as a E.M.T. The military life did not suit Craig well, stopping conflict and helping people was in his nature but this was a little much. Plus mortar bombardments and seeing your friends brain ooze out of their nose did not do well for his psyche.

It was one of these prolonged "conflicts" that Craig learned of his powers. During a patrol gone wrong Craig was alone and feebly trying to keep a friends innards from becoming outnards. Inevitably his friend died and that was the Las straw for Craig. What happened next no one knows, only that Craig found himself surrounded by many bodies, bloody entrenchment tool in hand, and suit covered in bullet holes.

After his term Craig did not reenlist nor did he pursue his career as an EMT, instead falling into homelessness. During the first several years he has discovered his ability to heal people and has used it to good use amongst the destitute people of New Yorks scum covered underbelly, earning the nickname "Medicine Man".

Craig: A humble, quiet man who just wants to make the world a better place however his psychotic breaks and lingering PTSD make organized planning impossible. Nonetheless he tries his best and gives all but the most horrible people the benefit of the doubt.

Krieg: A separate personality created by Craig's subconscious in an effort to protect the pacifist from others during the "conflict". Krieg is a violent psychopath will do anything to protect the "Small Man" from the "Demons".

Other: Due to Kriegs insanity he gains two abilities that, while not superhuman, do gibe him advantages in close quarters combat like reduced pain sensors and far less mental blocks put upon his muscles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tell me what you think, if you fond anything you don't like than tell me and I bet we can work it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sounds good. Although with the whole regeneration thing there has to be limits. He can't be like wolverine and just come back from every wound. Perhaps he can't heal if he is one of his vital organs are seriously wounded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That was my idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pumpuli
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Pumpuli Flaky Pie Crust

Member Seen 22 days ago

So I did this. Don't know if it's acceptable. Will re-read it after I wake up in the morning and fix anything you'll want me to fix.


Name: Annalise Sköld

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Annalise's on the shorter side, with a roll of fat covering her stomach and widening her hips. Most her clothes are ill-fitting things found from flea markets at the cheapest possible price.

Her face is round and freckled, which gives her a somewhat childish, innocent look to her. Her mouth - small compared to the size of her nose - is always twisted into a slight smile. Her eyes are heavy-lidded and surrounded by dark circles, making her appear tired even after a good nights sleep. Annalise grooms her brows to perfection, but her dark hair gets cut into a short bob every other month, and is often left uncared for.

Teleportation: Is able to teleport as far away as she wants so long she's has immediate visual contact with the area she's teleporting to. Sadly Annalise isn't able to teleport much more than herself like this. She's just glad she's able to use this power without losing her clothes in the process. Teleportation isn't a completely silent process, resulting in a faint snapping sound every time she appears in a new place.

Portal creation: Thankfully those she wishes to rescue and work with aren't left behind, either. As with teleportation, she needs visual contact to the places where she wants to open portals. She is limited to opening two portals at a time. Making portals much larger than herself requires concentration and time, and she has trouble keeping them stable while moving. The larger the portal is and the longer it is open, the more exhausted Annalise feels after the portal is closed.

Unlike teleportation, opening portals is a completely silent.

Bio: Annalise's mother - Swedish in origin - moved to the US when Anna turned 5 years old, and married a wealthy business-partner the next summer. The girls grades were average and she wasn't the smartest person in the world, but she had plenty of friends and generally considered herself to be happy. Lucky, even.

Then something just... changed. At the age of 16 she started feeling tired all the time and she didn't know why. The exhaustion turned into depression as time went on, and Annalise found herself locked into her room with little to no contact outside of her family. After three years of panic attacks and social withdrawal, she was sent to a psychologist. She felt left behind by the world, but desperately tried to catch up. She didn't go back to school. Instead, she got herself a job at a coffee-shop. There were times when the work got aggravating, degrading even, but it was much better than doing nothing.

Then she discovered her powers, and everything fell apart again. Her parents, who had been so supporting before, turned on her. Threw her out without much of a notice, and then refused to answer her calls. Annalise found herself in New York, living in the tiniest, cheapest apartment she could find, barely scraping by. She heard of the people using their powers to steal money, and she'd been so incredibly tempted. How easy would it be to use her powers for that?

A few days later she had sat down at a small bar after a long day of work before someone pulled out a gun and demanded for money. The thug had found himself dropping through the ground and to the floor again. Annalise had snuck out before the panic had settled and the police found their way inside. She'd felt pretty good after that, despite the fatigue. In fact, Annalise had felt better than she had in years. She'd felt the adrenaline push through her veins when the thugs had hit the ground. She'd felt like she had helped.

The extra 50 dollars she'd grabbed on her way out didn't exactly weigh on her heart either.

If anyone asked, stealing was more of a hobby to Annalise. Annalise did her best to give a somewhat Robin Hood-esque image of herself to the public. She took from the thieves, gave to the poor and kept some of it herself. She doesn't like to call herself a villain or a hero. She's just another random no-body trying to get by.

Personality: Annalise's constant smile stays on thanks to years of practice. There's a constant feeling of dread over her, like she's waiting for something(or someone) to pull the rug from under her. At times Anna's smile is honest and she enjoys the company of others, but there are days when she cuts off all contact with the outside world. She can come across as pessimistic, both towards herself and others. However, she is an idealist at heart, even if she wishes others would do all the difficult work for her. To her, planning things out comes naturally. Actually putting the plan in motion is much more difficult.

Other: She doesn't have much of an alias. People throw ”Little Thief” and ”Hooded Bitch” around, but none of it really has stuck yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Will have my character up sometime before 6 a.m. Central Standard Time (GMT-6).
so I said 6 am but ummmm I fell asleep before finishing my character, I showed this game to two of my friends though and one is interested and the other is mildly interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Beepboop your character seems good. I'm still waiting for more people to put up the ooc but this is moving along nicely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Axle Niebo


Age: 22

Gender: Man

Power: "Indestructible"- Axle can't be harmed like the usual human, and due to that he has no sense of touch. He can be pierced by high caliber bullets, he is also incredibly susceptible to radiation poisoning.
(Please tell me if i need to add anything)

Bio: Axle was always a clumsy kid, walking into walls, falling off of things, and hitting his various limbs on anything and everything. In grade school he would always bet the other kids he wouldn't get hurt when he did dumb things like stab himself, put his hand in fire, jump off buildings, and the like. In middle school he stopped making the bets on his own, he wouldn't refuse a bet, but now he was a peace enforcer. If the was any bulling happening he would stop it. One day a bully, was tired of Axle stopping him so the bully brought a handgun to school. During their lunch period, the bully walked up to Axle whom just had gotten his trey of food, the bully pulled the gun and shot Axle in the chest, the force of the bullet laid Axle flat on his back. For a second everyone thought he was dead, but the he pulled the bullet from his chest, and stood up. From that day on there was no bulling in that school. Axle graduated highschool with a average grade, he moved out of his parents house in the suburbs to a studio apartment, where he currently resides. He lives his day to day life, but if he sees trouble he will always stop it.

Personality: Axle is normally a fun loving guy, when he sees crime he gets serious and stops it but he doesn't fight, he finds it pointless. He will actively right wrongs, cheer people up,he is generally a nice guy. Some may call him over trusting, or even naive even, but he really has nothing to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sorry Charlie but your characters power seems over powered. If you wanted to make him very difficult to hurt then I would be willing to accept that but the way you worded it he's invincible. Honestly I'd even be okay with you making him able to take most bullets pretty easily but he would at least have to be vulnerable to more powerful guns (high caliber rifles and assault rifles at close range.)
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