Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

back to my character sheet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I HAVE FORGED ANOTHER! *Evilly cackles*
Hope it works.

(Her appearance is in one of the links.)

She tilts her head to the side before a blue glow appears showing her names. 'Heiðrún, Duša, Urðr, Annbjørg...I have forgotten my original name, so please refer to me as Alice.' The blue writing seems so well done that it looks like feathers.

Question marks appear as she starts to count, before 'A long time.' replaces the question marks.

She blinks, before what can be described as a blue box full of words appear. 'I have a large knowledge of the Old Norse language, seeing as some of my names are from there. I know extensively about runes, both old and new. Newer ones tend to fade a lot, sadly. Anyway, every epoch or so, I can choose to either go back, return to the 'spirit world' or stay at the current time zone. An epoch, for those who don't know,is tens of millions of years. So I chose to stay last time and I'll be here for a while. Saying this, I'm not 'invincible'. I can still fade, or rather die, and I still age.

I am however immune to things like disease while in my true appearance. My human form can still be affected. My true appearance is not affected by physical objects, only mental ones. My human form can be subjected to both. I can communicate with beings who have died or have died once and risen again in both forms although it depends on whoever is present while I speak. I find it easier to do so in my true form.

I have some control over weather such as rain, snow, sleet and ice. This depends more so on my mood. If I feel cold and distant, ice. If I feel sorrow, rain. The more I feel the mood, the more heavy the weather gets. It only changes it around me, however. I couldn't direct it to rain on a specific area, it only follows me. I bet you're wondering if I have a physical weapon. I have two, technically. Arcane runes and also two chakrams. Ah, are you tired of listening to me? I'm sorry, I'll stop now.'

She frowns. 'I don't know what I am, but I remember being here one time. When I first arrived where we are now, some elders said it was the spirit world that I had been from. Of course I doubted that, but now I'm not so sure...'

'Personality? Some say the eyes are the window to the soul. Mine are empty. Does that mean my personality is empty, too? A cold, barren wasteland, full of misery and pain? Or perhaps full of a dark, empty world that no one can describe, but everyone can clearly see...' She slouches in posture and 'says' nothing more.

Theme song
'I wonder if anyone remembers me...Or are they now ashes? Another pile of bones to be forgotten or to be blown away.'

'Zalgo. He comes...' appears in the same blue glow, but it shifts like static. It's soon replaced with 'Who is Zalgo, exactly? Another entity?'. She seems very interested about him. 'I can speak, by the way, it's just that I prefer this option of communication.' An echo resounds in your head, although it feels like it's around the room, 'I hate to use this, however. It gives many others mild headaches and paranoia.' It doesn't feel like she has one voice, but a blend of them, all speaking at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Good god...

FoxFireOfDawn said
I HAVE FORGED ANOTHER! *Evilly cackles*

okay that is a level 4. Claps...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1Charak2 said
okay that is a level 4. Claps...

*Bows* Danke! :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I have decided I'm going to make a CS for my OC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In a dark room there sits a teenage boy in the corner. He's wearing a black jacket with the hood up and a katana strapped to his back. His face is covered by a pair of sunglasses and what appears to be a black cowl covering his mouth. He has a black t-shirt on under the jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Since his hood cannot completely cover his head some of his brown, curly hair is visible in the front. He speaks in a depressed tone.

Name: "My name... just call me Blade."
Age: "I'm 15"
Skills/powers: "Because I'm a proxy I have the ability to Slender Walk although it's very weak and I can only do it once or twice a day. I'm also really good with my katana if that counts."
Biography: "You want to know what I had to do to get here?" He looks down to the ground for a minute before looking back up. "Well if you really want to know I guess I can tell. It started when I was a just a baby, the first thing I saw was the Slender Man standing over me. It only got worse for me with the coughing, nosebleeds,... and occasionally blackouts. He saved me one day. I was getting beaten up by a group of bullies that I often conflict with. Then He showed up and killed all three after I blacked out. When I woke up I had what I now know to be the operator symbol on the back of my left hand. I was now a proxy. My first mission was a hard one... I had to kill my best and only friend. His name was Noah and he despised the Slender Man for killing his parents. He was trying to find some kind of relic or something that somehow had the ability to combat Slender. I..." he begins to choke up a bit, "I k-killed him. That was about a month ago and I still regret it."
Personality: "Unlike most others here, I don't particularly enjoy killing although I will do it for Slender. Doing so has turned me cold, almost emotionless. The only thing I've really felt is regret."
Theme song (optional)
Other: 'Zalgo, He comes' appears on the wall adjacent to Blade although it is written in blood. "Oh no..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rin Okumura said
I have decided I'm going to make a CS for my OC.


join the chat if you want as well ive been linkign it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rin Okumura said
In a dark room there sits a teenage boy in the corner. He's wearing a black jacket with the hood up and a katana strapped to his back. His face is covered by a pair of sunglasses and what appears to be a black cowl covering his mouth. He has a black t-shirt on under the jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Since his hood cannot completely cover his head some of his brown, curly hair is visible in the front. He speaks in a depressed tone. Name: "My name... just call me Blade."Age: "I'm 15"Skills/powers: "Because I'm a proxy I have the ability to Slender Walk although it's very weak and I can only do it once or twice a day. I'm also really good with my katana if that counts."Biography: "You want to know what I had to do to get here?" He looks down to the ground for a minute before looking back up. "Well if you really want to know I guess I can tell. It started when I was a just a baby, the first thing I saw was the Slender Man standing over me. It only got worse for me with the coughing, nosebleeds,... and occasionally blackouts. He saved me one day. I was getting beaten up by a group of bullies that I often conflict with. Then He showed up and killed all three after I blacked out. When I woke up I had what I now know to be the operator symbol on the back of my left hand. I was now a proxy. My first mission was a hard one... I had to kill my best and only friend. His name was Noah and he despised the Slender Man for killing his parents. He was trying to find some kind of relic or something that somehow had the ability to combat Slender. I..." he begins to choke up a bit, "I k-killed him. That was about a month ago and I still regret it."Personality: "Unlike most others here, I don't particularly enjoy killing although I will do it for Slender. Doing so has turned me cold, almost emotionless. The only thing I've really felt is regret."Theme song (optional)Other: 'Zalgo, He comes' appears on the wall adjacent to Blade although it is written in blood. "Oh no..."

Accepted slender proxy Alse 3

(level 3)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

my character sheet's....

n the world... and it disgusts me. The only beauty it has is that its perfect fuel for a fire... [/i]

Name The Observer but other alias's include Him. The all seeing eye. Historian and Watcher.

Age N/A (most people have only seen glimpse's of him. only to forget drawing his image on paper does not invoke the memory's upon viewing.)

Skills/powers Other then short term teleportation. (doesn't work through walls but can work through gaps) his main abilty which is by far his most defining one. Is the power to be forgotten.

in short he do- "stop charak you don't know what your getting into. Ive planned this for so long and i don't need you coming in here And fucking it all up so be a good little Rat and Go back to writing your memoirs " Fine ill stop... The observers power works by that as soon as you break the line of sight *Sound of a scuffle for the microphone glass smashing* He *Cough's* is Forgotten instantly from your memory including all conversations you held with him. until you next lay eyes of him It stops him being followed. *Ggrk*
"You didn't hear any of this..." *audible click as microphone switchs off* - Last Recording made by Charak Lazarus 19XX - 2009

(this even works with recordings off his voice You will forget the recording until you play it again. his voice can only be recorded and played once before the tape rejects it. Physical ability wise hes weaker then most enhanced but has been shown capable of using weapons with a varying degree of skill).

Biography "The observer has been Seen Periodical points through history senses the anglo-saxon era he has been shown to manipulate the events slightly but not to much so that one could pick it apart to figure out somebody changed it. But neither the less The Observer has been burning any books that reveal a shred of his past. Oh fuck ive said to much." *sound of a gunshot*

Personality Although his personality has been known to change during times of physical violence. His flat line personality is one of uninteresting. he sees lesser beings as disgraceful trash that never should of been and when faced with beings of higher power he has been known to exhibit a fear response if the specimen exhibits any form of aggression towards him. Basically he runs

Theme song

Other, 5.

2nd Character sheet ---------------------------------------

Apperance Human form

True form

Name Fenrir

Age N/A

Skills/powers "ugh you think you know me. Fuck no. You have no right to say my name like i am your equal when in reality. your just way to clingy Just cause i can reverse the effects of that bastard doesn't mean i will help you Charak" I can pay you with his location. he will be at the Nessie Street Parade at 7:30 tomorrow evening to meet a cilent? now please let me remember "Fine i will restore your memory's of the observer But if you come near me again You are dead you hear me DEAD" Charak Lazarus's 2nd to last recording.
(he can restore lost memorys)
"Holy Shit What the hell Call in reinforcements This guy an't human Hes hes something else We can't contain him Hes burning down our men and is advancing towards my position What do i do" *the phone line crackles* "Sir Command has decided to abort. their will not be a evac." *sound of fist slamming* "You gotta get theses men out it will be a slaughter we can't fight something like this." *Command hangs up* "They have abandoned us Sons of bitchs We are all going to fucking die. Mum dad... I love you." *Massive crash as the microphone hits the wall and breaks*. - Lazarus projects first attempt at containment of Fenrir for studies in 201X
Fenrir has the ability to Emit a Aura that causes those within a 500m radius to enter a blood-lust. It doesn't affect those without a mind such as psychopaths or the insane. The blood-lust comes with the temporary increase in strength and speed but with a the cost of attack anything living within sight he also has enhanced Speed Strength and Hearing. but also has a massive appetite.which if not sustain with a fuel source causes him to weaken. and eventually die. but as long as he is sustained he is a force to be feared.

Biography Mortals must rely on the wisdom of the Gods, but never forget they are fallible. They can be petty, churlish, and worst of all, wrong. What are the consequences for their mistakes? They should have slain the wolf-beast Fenrir, but they chose instead to bind him. Despite the warnings and prophecies he would tear Odin apart at Ragnorok and devour the earth and sky, they did not end Loki's son. Now, terror roams free. It is unknown how, but Fenrir is Unbound.
Thrice they tried to bind him, each time convincing Fenrir that the chains were nothing more than a challenge for his strength, a test to see if he could shatter them. The first two God-forged fetters were easily broken beneath the beast’s terrible power, but the third was a ribbon, dwarf made, and Fenrir grew suspicious of the God’s intentions. As a show of faith, he demanded one of them place a hand in his mouth, and if the ribbon proved magical in nature, he would exact punishment. Brave, if foolish, Tyr put his fist in Fenrir’s maw as the ribbon was secured to the wolf’s leg. Fenrir strained and screamed, but could not break free, and in rage, he devoured Tyr’s hand. For a time, Fenrir was forgotten, the prophecy just a memory. But they were all warned and the Gods did nothing. Fenrir is hungry now, the first hunter, an alpha among sheep, but no flesh will satisfy his need. It is revenge he craves, and now he is Unbound.

Personality: He is by all accounts A very violent individual Quick to Ripping your throat out if you so as look at him the wrong way. He hates a certain man and will callously slaughter those that have had business with him He rarely makes any emotional attachment to anyone due to his Ancient betrayal. he has so far only trusted one man enough to not kill him without reason. Charak Lazarus. The founder of the Lazarus project... he also thinks highly of himself as such he treats everyone as a lesser being. Except one person One man who he hates. hates more then any other. He Despises the Historian...

Theme song

Other level 5
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You used Smite for your character, I love it!! XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Aura thing is very similar to (a bit of what) Wulfric can do :) (well, except he doesn't have a 500m range, naturally).

In any case, he feels more like level 4 to me than level 5, tbh. Are there powers that are not written on the sheet that he possesses?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Esterdi said
The Aura thing is very similar to (a bit of what) Wulfric can do :) (well, except he doesn't have a 500m range, naturally).In any case, he feels more like level 4 to me than level 5, tbh. Are there powers that are not written on the sheet that he possesses?

Yes yes their are...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makes sense then ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

IC IS UP!!!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

IC IS UP!!!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thinking of a post. I can't think of anything yet but it will come to me eventually
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Done. Bit of a larger introductory post to showcase the extent of Wulfric's abilities and a bit of his personality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Song who you following
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ah, by the way, forgot to mention. This is for all the living (non-undead, non-illusory, non-virtual) characters: Wulfric will know if he is being followed with intent to kill. He won't know it's you specifically, but he'll know there's someone. So in other words please write it in the OOC if that happens so I can modify his stream of thought appropriately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

Song who you following
Esterdi said
Ah, by the way, forgot to mention. This is for all the living (non-undead, non-illusory, non-virtual) characters: Wulfric will know if he is being followed with intent to kill. He won't know it's you specifically, but he'll know there's someone. So in other words please write it in the OOC if that happens so I can modify his stream of thought appropriately.

What if their is not a intent to kill but to observe also he will forget the observers presence alot..
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