Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Captain Darrius Mahakam Sex: Male Age: 43 Role: Guard Captain Appearance:[Guard Captain](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ab/5e/01/ab5e01939a4677a9591d5974d7007c06.jpg) Personality: - Almost fearless, wouldn't ask his men to do anything he wouldn't - Loyal to the magnificant one, and to the people. In that order - Detests the rogues guild and is almost actively at war with them, if not for the hand of the magnificent one. However, now that he is out of the picture... - Hates Athel with a passion, due to the fact she is impulsive and unloyal - Appreciates Delphi's usefulness, but can't stand her as a person - Doesn't like the idea of working with a mercenary company, as they are probably more loyal to money than to the cities safety. Which means they are more loyal to Delphi History: [wip] Basically he needs to keep the Rogues guild in check, via any means nessecary Protect the magnificant one Keep the city safe, at any cost Deal with mercenaries Weapon of choice: Sword and Shield. Won't go into battle without at least 2 guards and the advantage. Fond of a shieldwall tactic though this isn't very effective agains't Rogues who love to get behind you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Name: [Thales ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhahoeHcvm0)Persimmon Sex: Female Age: 28 Role: Mage Liason ![enter image description here](http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa365/Catharyn_F_Harrison/Character%20Pictures/Yvonne3_zps3feff21f.jpg "enter image title here") Personality: Thales, to most people, wouldn't be considered a 'nice' person. Compassion and kindness seldom break through the ambition and careerism Thales has made the foundation of her life. Her work always seems to come first and although she is a brilliant manager and strategist, her people skills could leave something to be desired. She'd good at reading people's strengths and weaknesses and will not fail to put them to use where they are most needed. Thales tends to snap and use biting wit as the go to reaction when faced with personal questions, usually distancing herself from people who she considers inconsequential to her income. History: Born to very humble parents, Thales grew up being told to keep her head 'beneath the parapet' so as to not draw attention to herself. It was at age twenty, when first her father died when their house caught fire and her mother went mad with grief, that she realized that she couldn't afford to do that. Nobody would remember her parents because they lived such unremarkable lives; to her it seemed pointless even being alive if nobody would remember her when she was gone. Over the next few years she completely changed her mindset to one of success and authority. She would become someone who'd be recounted in tales through the millennium. She honed the modest magical power that her bloodline possessed into something fearsome and passionate. Thales served in a variety of roles, from battlemage to courier but moved to Antioch in the wake of a series of military defeats at the hands of the Nazarene. Seeing the opportunity, Thales fucked and then murdered the Mage Liason to the city before taking his place. The cadres were slow to trust her but gradually warmed to the calm confidence and brilliant leadership she seemed to exude. One of her first tasks was overhauling the frankly archaic hierarchy the Order followed. Building a higher chain of command created more promotion and also made her more powerful still. The adepts in the order loved her for it and it was them who would be on her side in the event of a coup. Likewise, Thales maintains passable working relationships with the other Liaisons. While a driven individual, she isn't below exchanging favors if she's guaranteed a decent return on her investments. She has the kind of magnetic personality which will curry favor from weak minded people as well as make it easy to form alliances. Weapon of choice: A thin, short scimitar and an explosive mastery of magic. For no real reason she specializes in water related spells. To aid her Thales insists on jars of fresh water be kept at regular intervals on the city walls and in her private quarters. She even goes so far as to have a small purse of water on her person at all times to use if necessary. Having said this, she hasn't neglected other schools of magic such as fire and earth but her expertise lie firmly in the elements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Color_Weaver
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Athel Redstroke Female 28 Night Master Personality Athel much like the night is cunning, manipulative and scheming, all the necessary qualities fitting those that embrace the night. If you can manipulate the right person, any plan can go in accordance, or a well placed associate. All one needs to be a cold efficient killer, devoid of the emotion taking a life seeing as it being a kill or be killed world. But if a bit of gold comes to hand, well an exception can be made... if the price is right though. Nothing is out of reached with a well placed arrow a fact she has made well known and several key associates are very grateful for that service. She has morals though one chief being, is killing her own gender, a service that is offered for an assassin yes, but will not hear of it. In truth Athel disdains the Magnificent One, disliking the notion of having to ask permission to eliminate a particular but has done so for the most part, recent events have embolden her taking more advantage of the situation. Having her associates service needs of the elite, siphoning any all wealth that could be obtained. With gold being the obsession and that of her people, she'd bath in the substance and has been found to actually performing that act.. Nothing in her mind can't be fixed with a well placed knife, a beautiful woman or few coins after all. When the job or money isn't of concern a drink is inline, a feature that the guilds male counterparts love. Can drink with and past the best of them, her short coming yes but its a vice and everyone has to have at least one, but loves the finer vintages. Cunning, bold and a bit rash Athel isn't without a sense of wisdom and foresight, generally knowing if something sounds too good or a setup is in motion. With all these coming swirl within her created a deadly efficient being, splashed with alcoholism but it is the tight loyalty that binds those beneath her. Taking traitor's as the worst, personally offering huge bounties on the so accused, what she does with them isn't privy to most but the screams are evident enough, even taking the steps to ensure silence killing in broad daylight in front of the watch. For after all vengeance, gold and death are the only sure things. History Athel was a product and born into the very society that she now commands. Her mother a common whore from a brothel, her father?? He was of the elite is all that is know, who exactly isn't know and nor will she diverge into the facts not to anyone, the only other person she has told any further details is the daymaster Delphi. From a young age she had to watch her mother take clients left and right just be able to support herself and Athel, something she disliked seeing her own mother doing. In doing so she wandered the city, getting in to trouble with city guard most of the time. But playing the role of a poor innocent girl or weaseling her way out of any stipulations. Becoming widely known as 'Red' to the guards because her hair was unmistakable, never being able to get her real name or who she was associated with. Athel was never apart of the guild until her latter teen years, due in large part that she didn't even know they had existed. Operating as a card shark and dice roller (Loaded ones of course), collecting dues enough to get noticed by the Rouges guild. Catching the eye of one the top con-men, loosing a small fortune to her thanks to loaded dice. Normally she would've been reprimanded but the way she played the other commoners was her way into the guild. Brought in before the two masters, while the day master was sending her away the night master saw something in her and was formally brought in under his tutelage, little known to her he was her mothers brother. With such fortune she made her mother retire and live in relative luxury because of her elevated status in the guild. Several years passed she had killed which came surprisingly easy. In both practice and on the job, so it because just work anymore. Some said she enjoyed it to an extent but never fully proven. Leaving a pair of black lip outlines on her targets While on a visit to her mother she came late to something Athel holds herself responsible. Coming up seeing a man with bloodied hands escape from her mother's residence, playing as another woman on the street to avoid suspicion. When the coast was clear she entered immediately to find her mother died. Raped to death, choked, beaten and bleed out. Though in her mothers dying moments knowing Athel was coming she panted, "Your Father." On the floor, a clear sign the murderer was her father. Demanding vengeance with the masters to the murder of her mother. The day master waved her off preoccupied with his whores, but the night master sung a different tune. Confiding that he'd been watching over her for quite sometime and that she was her uncle. Unable to comprehend it for a moment but seeing the seriousness in his eyes and the way he felt so much about the subject, Athel knew in her stomach that he was family The both of them set out for the described man in question. An man of elite standing and risking going against the Magnificent One and knowing full well the circumstances if they were discovered the plan was carried out. While her uncle was disposing of the guards Athel snuck into the said man's room. In the literal sense of the word she had cut him to pieces. To the point where when servants came to check on him, all's one could do seeing it was vomit, even the strongest of stomachs could barely keep themselves from vomiting. The most noticeable was his genitals stuffed in his mouth But the vendetta costed her uncle's life, barely able to get him back to guild before passing. Naming her his heir in his final moments and after the rumors circling the city the next day no one dared try to dispose her. Taking her spot as the night master. As both ruthless and cunning, but also a sense of joy in being the matriarch of a family of fellow outlaws, rouges and women of please. Weapon Dual sided Storm Blade But also carries a small hand held crossbow for do or die situations. Other Athel is commonly known as either Red or Black Lips by most, since her real name isn't privy to most. Uncommonly if one manages to piss her off, the name Mutilator comes up, which brings silence as the story of what happened to her wealthy father is exceedingly well known. Her calling card is one of the rare black coins that circulate the city. Given to either the Madam or Owner in the owner of the Blooming Orchid is guaranteed a visit in someway shape or form. There is no such thing as modesty in her mind. Lastly there is an on going bet with the guild and various people of the city. Athel is still a virgin despite having courtesans bringing in excessive money. How much it is has grown isn't known but said to be astronomical and grown excessively in the years since many have tried to bed her. Said to be now in the thousands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Tor Balith Sex: Male Age: 32 Role: Captain, Company of the Bloody Hand Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Archer1.jpg "enter image title here") Tor has a hardened appearance, beneath his armour he is lithe and muscular – his body honed by a constant strict training regime. He has dark hair and a strong jaw, a face that has grown accustomed to a constant scowl or look of concentration – gained through many years of experience. Personality: Tor is considered by his men to generally to be a quiet and stern individual, usually only speaking to give some instruction or ask something. They respect him greatly, his sometimes cold demeanour being nothing more than a man focused on his surroundings and task. That being said he knows most of his men completely, and when they are not occupied with a job he is a different man. He understands the way of the world, oh so he thinks – keeping the majority of his true feelings and observations to himself, he is a very hard man to read. Those few individuals who interest him, or have something he wants generally become the focus of his attention, not that they are always aware of it. He is driven by many things, amongst them a desire for vast wealth and prestige. The company of the Bloody Hand is now the most experienced and wealthy mercenary company in the whole of the new Nazarene Kingdom – this is due to his careful strategising and cunning manner in which he leads the company. History: Tor Balith joined the company of the Bloody Hand at the age of 19, haven proven himself a skilled archer. He was trained by the other men of the company and took part in many skirmishes as the years went on, quickly building a reputation amongst the others as a deadly warrior. The leader of the company Greyston Feloth was a cunning man, a master strategist and a fearsome warrior. It wasn’t long before Tor attracted his attention. At 25 he had risen to become a captain, now commanding his own fraction of the group, his skills with a bow or sword almost unbeatable due to his determination. He studied under Feloth and excelled in all aspects relating to the company. Over the many years he has seen and done much, participated and been victorious in many battles. He has also seen his share of losses – though few and far between. One such loss for the company resulted in the death of Greyston Feloth at the hands of one of the now former city-states. In retaliation Tor lead twenty of his best men into the city and assassinated their Merchant-King in the middle of their celebratory feast. During a toast his men suddenly appeared from the shadows in the chamber, killing the elite guards and sealing the doors from the inside. When the guardsmen outside finally smashed the doors in the intruders were nowhere to be seen, leaving only death in their wake. Every guest had been slaughtered, their faces each marked by a bloody handprint. The tale had spread and Tor had been unanimously elected as the next Captain of the Bloody Hand, a title he does not take lightly. Since under his command they had become even more prestigious and successful, even standing with some of the other city-states against the New Nazarene Kingdom. That being said their price is high, and eventually the cities would no longer be able to afford their keep – causing them to move on and abandon the cities, which of course then fell to the Nazarenes. Antioch, the greatest of all the free cities was now all that remained. Fortunately for them their treasuries appeared to be almost endless, or at least so he was told. His men for now garrison themselves within the city, awaiting his command. Tor is enjoying the brief pause in war, and allowing his men to do the same – and where else better to relax than the Jewel of the free cities itself. Since coming to the city he has clashed several times with the city guard, his men sometimes getting a tad to unruly or committing some small crime. So far no major problems have occurred and Tor hopes to keep it that way. The last thing he would need at the moment is undue attention from the watch. He has tried to become familiar with the Rogues Guild, though until now had not met with either the Day or Night Master, finding them to be quite elusive. Though he and his men have become familiar with the services the guild offers, paying for their services in a generous manner. Weapon of choice: Tor is a deadly shot with his composite longbow, years of practise having honed the ability many years ago. He has also become accustomed to fighting with a longsword, having similarly honed the skill through much practise and use. He is a formidable fighter, aided by his brutal efficiency and lack of mercy for his foes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mpjama2
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Delphi Aledove Sex: Female Age: 26 Role: Day Master Personality: Delphi is shrewd and sneaky, with the one thing she truly believes in being the power of gold. She believes that all problems and conflicts can be solved through gold, either directly or indirectly, and if a person can't be bought, they can certainly be rented. In the eyes of Delphi, it doesn't matter how you came across the gold, be it through a hard days of work or quick mugging, you owe it to yourself and the concept of the free market to use that gold as a tool to further yourself in society. Delphi fit right in as Day Master of the rouges guild, striking the right deals out of the watchful eye of the Magnificent One-- striking the right deals under His watchful eye, buying and selling outside of the law, bribes, funneling gold, smuggling, the management of brothels, and knowing when to hire the right muscle for when things get tight-- it all came naturally to Delphi. Her character was built in observing the transactions of whores and their clients, the filthy backroom deals, and the manipulation you could get away with in broad daylight for the right price. She has become the type of person who genuinely sees most human life as beneath the money they can earn her or what she can pay them to do, and all of her actions reflect this. Delphi is calculating, but to a fault, and revels in the excess and and power that the path she has taken in life has led her to. For all that she can get done with gold coins and credit, she suffers a weakness in her desire for material wealth. Simply put, she doesn't appear to have an altruistic bone in her body. She has come to view money as more than a human bartering tool, but as a god in it's own right, this has led to her mere presence giving off an aura of avarice. Delphi is assured in her abilities, to the degree of a megalomaniac. The law, in her eyes, is something she isn't just above, but separated from completely. She believes that as long as you think, think of contingencies and back-up plans and all possible variables, and of course with enough gold, you can simply ignore the law altogether. She's young and cocky, with the excessive money and power her role grants her and while occasionally reckless due to overestimation of what loyalties can be bought, however she isn't stupid, and her desire for self-preservation generally overrides her own tremendous greed. History: Delphi was born into the world as the bastard daughter of an underaged whore with a father from the upper class. Lacking a formal education, Delphi learned from experience granted to her as a ward of the brothel, her mother worked herself halfway to death to make enough gold to keep Delphi out of the hands of those who would like to see the young girl turned to prostitution, and so young Delphi scarcely spent time with the woman who had effectively saved her life. The day she could hold a broom, Delphi was working. The skills she gained, however, were not those of a maid, but more akin to those of a spy, or a thief, she learned to stay quiet as she made her rounds, to keep the secrets one could learn from what a man, or woman, would say when they thought they were alone with a whore to herself, to hide coins strewn about when clothes were torn off in places they would clink. Soon after this, she learned giving the right information to the right people could earn her even more gold, more than this though, it could improve her standing in the world. She was enlisted as the apprentice of the brothel owner when she proved her skill to him, she found she could fudge numbers on the books to line her own pockets if she was smart about it. When she was 14, Delphi had begun playing the game of earning her own money as she slowly started to take the duties of brothel owner from the true owner. At 16, Delphi was making more than the owner of the brothel, and she was able to pay for all of her mother's expenses, effectively allowing the woman to retire. By 18, Delphi was able to take complete control of the brothel after being named it's successor and having him killed in quiet. And at the age of 20, she had the attention of the old Day Master, a frequent regular of the brothel. Under his tutelage, Delphi expanded her influence not only to the brothels of the city, but any place even slightly outside of the view of the Magnificent One's spies, illicit gambling locations, pubs, even general product stores and black smiths found themselves paying the Rouge's Guild with Delphi under the Day Master's direction. It was only natural then, that a few years ago, when the aging Day Master died of a mysterious sexual disease after visiting one of Delphi's brothels, that it was her to take now emptied position. Weapon of choice: Javelin Spear, typically left in a case and viewed as something more of a work of art than a practical weapon. She also possesses a very foreign looking curved, jewel encrusted dagger which also has more aesthetic value than practical value and has razors sewn into the sleeves of most of her clothes, allowing her to cut with swift striking motions if the need arises.
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