Wait a tick, it occurs to me you once approved a race of literal Nazi unicorns with magic and what were essentially space u-boats. How is that at all serious?
Wait a tick, it occurs to me you once approved a race of literal Nazi unicorns with magic and what were essentially space u-boats. How is that at all serious?That was written with a somewhat serious tone. Yours was not. Gonna wait for Zab's reinforcements to drop by before I post.
A serious tone? Even though the person behind them was eventually banned? It doesn't seem like you're a particularly great judge of character. Also, I would appreciate more pointers towards how to make a more seriously toned play pretend space man nation.My first pointer would be don't have anything about memes in your app... Regardless of what Duck has done in the past your app is making a mockery of Serious Sci Fi rp. Whether it's knowingly or not.
But memes are a legitimate scientific concept pioneered by Richard Dawkins.That doesn't make them a serious topic. Hell that could be entirely made up. Frankly I don't really care. If you want my genuine advice on your app I think it's a pretty crazy idea and would make a good cartoon or comedy. I don't however think it fits this scenario at all.
<Snipped quote by Azimuth> That doesn't make them a serious topic. Hell that could be entirely made up. Frankly I don't really care. If you want my genuine advice on your app I think it's a pretty crazy idea and would make a good cartoon or comedy. I don't however think it fits this scenario at all.
Sources: https://vimeo.com/50036506 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBx2C9GsekFurther reading: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. Also, a good cartoon? When nations already lifted from actual cartoons have already been accepted into the RP? Sounds like it fits to me.
<Snipped quote by MrFoxNews> <Snipped quote by Azimuth> Further reading: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. Also, a good cartoon? When nations already lifted from actual cartoons have already been accepted into the RP? Sounds like it fits to me.The MLP nations is the GAME Masters nation. He accepted himself. If it was up to me there wouldn't be ponies either. But it's not.
So standards of consistency and quality do not matter if he's the GM? This actually sounds like a rather poorly ran RP if that is truly the case. It's like giving your DMPC in Pathfinder, Wraeththu or Black Tokyo advantages over the rest of the players simply because you're the DM. It's simply not cricket, I feel.Well you're also missing the fact that although the Base for his NS is a cartoon it is taken extremely seriously and pretty much only uses the cartoon as a reference for visuals and minor abilities. Any how I'm done talking about this. You were denied. If you really want to get into this rp make a nation that's less silly. Doesn't include memes and is all around taken more seriously.
"I'm voting Azimuth for President, Prime Minister, Queen, King and Pope of the world! He is valiant! He respects the people in this Roleplay to a high degree! He is not a troll! Those who deem him such a vile thing shall be executed and pissed on by his dog bits! For he is the ideal leader for human race! The saviour of all and whom he deems worthy! If you vote for him, dog biscuits for all. If your human...... Well, your fucked! AZIMUTH FOR PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER, QUEEN, KING AND POPE OF THE WORLD!!!!"Azimuth for Dog-Emperor of Mankind.
@Azimuth In all seriousness, the CS looks good. Not as wild and amazing as the others but it is very solid.Well, it's by popular demand that it's that way. But thank you!
40k. Serious.Green chavs with cobbled together scrap machines that literally only function as they do because they believe they do = serious. Massive, multi-turreted tanks that make the T-35, Neubaufahrzeug and T-28 look like reasonable propositions = serious. Imperial Guard Astra Millitarum being comprised of tons of different regiments of assorted silly hats and time periods = serious. Notable mentions being the guys that look like the good guys from Zulu, the guys that are WW1 Francebritagermany: Clones Edition, the guys that are WW2 Germany, the guys that are Lawrence of Arabia: The Faction, Space Mongols... I wish I had the handy dandy visual charts of major Imperial Guard Astra Militarum regiments on hand, but I do not. I could go on forever. To be fair, the setting has long distanced itself from its initial purely satirical origins, but there's still a lot of silliness to be found. Not that I'm complaining, I love how over the top 40k is, but there's loads of better examples out there as far as serious settings go.