Fixed Sheet Name: Nabijah Al Hakam Gender: Female Age: 19 Faction: Saracen Life Timeline (replaces bio): 1172 Spring: Nabijah Born to Hammam and Amna Al-Mustafa 1173-1180: Enjoyed a normal childhood among other noble children including learning mathematics, business, and such that she excelled at, as well as watching her father operate his slave trading business. From this she learned many things including how to manage operations and keep slaves happy. 1180-1183: She enjoyed time with her family, being the only child she spent much time with not just her mother learning to be a proper noble woman and how to be a proper wife, but also with her father where she helped him manage the numbers of his slave trade. 1183-1186: Nabijah is given to Saladin so that he might use her as a trade to seal alliances with other nobles, so that they would join him. For several years she spent time with Saladin’s harem and wives learning more of how to be a proper wife getting multiple experiences. How to stay strong even when she must be submissive to her husband, how to manipulate and push her future husband in directions she wanted. 1186: Married to Abdul-Hakim Al Hakam in order to seal a alliance with his house and gain his army in support of Saladin’s forces. As a wedding gift her father gives her Eighty slaves, of which she sells half to purchase farms of grain of dates. With which she used the remaining slaves to work in as cheap labor. 1186-1187: Nabijah’s farms expanded and grew as she put her knowledge to the test growing her small business into a large scale one gaining several caravans, and expanding into Cattle and goats alongside her farms. Her slaves had grownt to a total of 200 which did not include the sheperds. She began supplying Caravans to Jerusalem and Saladin’s armies to help feed them in their war efforts at a heavily discounted price. 1188: Nabijah gives birth to her first child, a girl named Khalisah 1188-1189: Begins spending much time with her infant daughter leaving the running of the farms to her most trusted servant who she had been drilling all her knowledge into for just this occasion. 1190: Gives birth to her second child a boy named Arif. 1191: Moves to Jerusalem her Husband besieged in Acre. She joins one of her own Caravans headed to Acre to aid Saladin’s forces who moved in to break the siege of Acre. She leaves her children with her most trusted servants, and nurse maids. Personality: Nabijah Al Hakam is a woman of stature and standing, and it shows. She is confident, letting neither man nor woman beyond a select few ever see anything but such a bold, brave face. This doesn’t prevent her, however, from using her appearance and status to move people into doing as she desires, coupled with a rapier sharp intelligence, makes her unassuming, beautiful form all the more a facade behind which a powerful intellect and mind resides. However, this will never haunt her family directly, as her loyalty to them is above all. Despite all this, vanity plagues the woman, causing her to spend hours preparing herself for a days outing with nothing unusual plan, and her ambitions could easily trip her up underfoot, if she does let her vanity blind her to the pitfalls in such a journey. Strengths: Confident, Manipulative, Intelligent, Strong Leadership qualties Weaknesses: Physically weak, ambitious, pampered. Appearance: [img=] Other: Has a personal bodyguard who oversees all the soldiers who work her caravans and protect her and her family. (Not including her husband’s guard or soldiers, only the ones under her direct command) Bodyguard Name: Ghazwan Bazzi Age: 32 Appearance: [img=]