Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

During the Crusades, the Christians and the Muslims clashed for the holy land. As expected, both sides fought valiantly. The Templars and the Asasiyun, knowing that all successful warfare was based on deception, allied with each other in the shadows. Tricking their enemies into thinking both factions were at war, they instead attack mutual enemies.

(CS Template)
Age (18-21 year zone recommended, given age inflation of 1.5 years for every 1 modern year):
Faction (Asasiyun, Templar, neutral, or enemy):
Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words):
Other (Height, Weight, distinct features, etc.):

I will use my own GMPC as an example. DSW is the co-GM and his own PC will also be a good example. If I'm not around, you may fall back on him for questions if needed.

Name: Faridah al-Buladi

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Faction: Asasiyun

Bio: The daughter in a Blacksmith family, she was one of her father’s few surviving children. Her father, Masoud, ensured that the family never starved despite modest riches. One day in his career, Masoud received a hefty order of armaments from a mysterious party. As he was offered plenty of money for the order, the smithy and the employees realized who they were dealing with. The Asasiyun have revealed themselves to the humble blacksmith! Flabbergasted by their appearance to the humble smith, he complied with their order, and asked them for payment to train his eldest daughter even though his pay would be reduced. A favor for a favor was the done deal. The Asasiyun got their weaponry while Masoud al-Buladi got education for his daughter. The sons were either dead, dying, or too young.

Faridah eventually was accepted into the order, being trained and educated under the Asasiyun. Stunning her male colleagues, Faridah reached to the high ranks faster than expected. To her, the maxim was correct: Nothing was an absolute reality, everything is permitted.

Personality: Proving herself as both pinnacle of the Asasiyun AND exception to the rule, she has a smart aleck demeanor until one earns her respect and trust. Faridah in battle tends to prefer planning rather than going head on. She thanks her father for sending her to the Asasiyun for training. As an adult with a no-nonsense demeanor, she is dedicated to the cause and its allies.

Strengths: She is athletic and skilled in tasks requiring precision. For combat, she is skilled with throwing for range and combat with one handed weaponry. Her abilities include stealth, pickpocketing, and lock picking. Faridah is also very skilled as a side-line striker.

Weaknesses: Averse to wanton slaughter, she has difficulty fighting multiple opponents. Also, Faridah has difficulty with two-handed weapons and armor, which would restrict movement. She would not fare as well as the heavier fighters during the front lines.

Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words):

Out of Uniform

In uniform

Other: 6’2, 140 lbs, nicknamed or codenamed “Zarafah” (Giraffe) for her physique, though she doesn’t take it as a compliment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(CS Template)
Name: Demetrios Nikolas Mikelos
Gender: Male
Age (18-21 year zone recommended, given age inflation of 1.5 years for every 1 modern year): 21 years old
Faction (Asasiyun, Templar, neutral, or enemy): Byzantine, aligned with Templar
Bio: A noble from Constantinople, Demetrios was educated in the contemporary Byzantine arts and sciences. As he grew up and heard about the monstrocity of the Turks and Arabs, he sought to save Constantinople from their hands. He established ties with the Templar so he can use their influence to save Constantinople.
Personality: Demetrios is determined to find a way to save the Byzantine Empire from the Muslim Arabs and Turks. He like more likely to trust another Christian but if a Muslim proves to be trustworthy he will trust them.
Strengths: Well educated in the contemporary art and sciences, able to speak Greek and Latin, and wealth from the nobility of Constantinople to afford excellent armour and weapons.
Weaknesses: Prejudice against Turks and Arabs, Being an Orthodox Christian he seen as a foreigner to the Catholic Templar allies.
Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words):
Without his helmet he would have dark hair and pale skin, a sign of nobility due to being able to afford not to work in the sun.

Other (Height, Weight, distinct features, etc.): 175cm, 63kg, often called "The Greek" by the Templar
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Hadrian Romuald

Gender: Male

Age (18-21 year zone recommended, given age inflation of 1.5 years for every 1 modern year): 20

Faction (Asasiyun or Templar): Templar Sargent

Bio: Born to a middle/lower class family in the heart of Prague, Hadrian grew up in the shadow of Vyšehrad castle. His father a merchant of modest acclaim, much of the early life of Hadrian was consumed by lessons, that while not to the standard of the nobles, still gave him a few minor advantages (among them the ability to read, and write, however both of these are still preformed rather slowly for the best results).but despite this, he always found he was most happy sneaking up the nearby hill to the Castle to watch the Garrison at Vyšehrad. Watching them the young Hadrian dreamed, he dreamed of something more than the small shop in the city, so he practiced. Following the example of the defenders as they trained Hadrian would routinely return home to use his family iron fire tending tools, or at least heavy sticks on site, poor substitutes for the swords and spears used by the Garrison, but they did the job. But train as he might the station of knighthood, even a position as a squire was out of his reach, so when the chance to join into the crusades presented itself he jumped at it.

Terror and exhilaration, these two things gripped Hadrian in his first engagement. It was a small skirmish of a couple hundred, nothing like the battles he had heard of, but blood flowed that day. In the midst of it all the relatively young crusader saw a knight getting de-horsed, a spear catching his left shoulder and spinning him out of the saddle. Moving quickly Hadrian, and a few other spearmen moved to defend the wounded knight. They fought bravely, there few number slowly beginning to be ground down, but yet they surrounded the knight until the day was over. After the fighting all went their separate ways, the night being taken by a few Hospitlers, Hadrian and his remaining fellows retiring to their camp. Weary from the fighting Hadrian collapsed into a slumber, that was awoken all to early by a figure standing over him. Looking up at the figure the first thing that Hadrian notticed was not the mans face, no it was the white Tabard emblazoned with a red cross. Scrambling to his feet faster than he thought possible with his weariness, he came face to face with a gruff looking man, stubble shadowing his face, he was near middle aged but wore it well. With a slight smirk at the infantry man's quick get up the man introduced himself as a brother of the Knights Templar, and that apparently the man that they had saved yesterday was one as well. He said that the injured knight had spoken well of his protectors, and their skill in combat. He finished by saying the the knight wanted to reward the remainder of those that had protected him. So A few asked for gold for their family, others for a simple blessing, but not Hadrian. Hadrian asked for a place among the order. Hadrian waited for the laugh, the glare, the inevitable denial. Instead what he received was a warm smile and a nod, he was told that if he truly wanted this he would gather his things and follow the knight.

That was years ago now, and though his lack of rank has prevented him from full knighthood Hadrian has risen as a respected and skilled Sargent, and he wouldn't have it any other way

Personality: Hadrian is usually lighthearted, a smile to be found, but that can change in the instant steel is drawn. then his entire demeanor changes to one of a cold, professional soldier

Strengths: Wields his broadsword and spear with practiced skill (even matching, and surpassing some full knights), has a higher than average education for a lower class, is a fantastic adapter in combat (Eg: moving from one to multiple enemies, moving from spear to sword, and using "Unconventional" moves and tactics)

Weaknesses: Lacks the ability to effectively ride a horse in combat, has a high sense of honor, lacks a noble's education level

Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words):
In Armor

Other (Height, Weight, distinct features, etc.): Is about 6'0'' an weighs around 178 Lb unarmored.

(will continue work on this an will have it done tonight)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sir Benjamin O’Connor II
Faction (Asasiyun, Templar, neutral, or enemy):Knights Templar
Bio: Born in 1170 to a noble Irish family, Benjamin was taken at age Seven to live with his mentor, Sir Liam. As a page, he was inquisitive of the world of knighthood, and he always was asking questions. It was during this time that he was first introduced to the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templar. Completely enamored, he decided to join them when he was of age. In 1184, at 14, he became a squire, and began his weapons training in earnest. Yet, his master saw in him another talent, a propensity for torture, and trained the boy to be a master torturer, capable of breaking men twice his size and weight. Even with this unusual specialization, Benjamin became a more than capable fighter, and was knighted seven months prior to being sent to the Holy land, where he was inducted into the Templars.

However, even just seven months is enough time to rise in the ranks. Known for his ability to break subjects and able to profile his enemies, he was quickly moved to where he could do the most damage: Masyaf, where the burgeoning partnership between the Asasiyun and the Templars earned him his partnership with Faridah.
Strengths: Master swordsman, master interrogator and torturer. Underestimated because of his average build.
Weaknesses:Very, Very emotionally scarred from his time spent in the Holy Land. He’s headstrong and angry, but also frightened by what he’s capable of.
Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words):

Other (Height, Weight, distinct features, etc.): Height is 5’11” and weight is 179 pounds. Has numerous scars on his chest. Codenamed “The Jackal among the Asasiyun. Partnered with Faridah
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reviewing the character group so far. Great! Though it seems I may be the only Asasiyun for now. I'll wait just a little longer before the whole fun starts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alright mine is now pretty much done
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

By tomorrow afternoon, I'll get the party started if people get impatient. Otherwise after tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now that I will launch the RP, I will also include a five day grace period. Get pumped and get psyched for this one!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ubermensch said
Now that I will launch the RP, I will also include a five day grace period. Get pumped and get psyched for this one!

Already am!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Many apologies for delays, the IC is up with a five day grace period.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Nabijah Al Hakam
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Faction: Saracen

Life Timeline (replaces bio):
1172 Spring: Nabijah Born to Hammam and Amna Al-Mustafa
1173-1180: Enjoyed a normal childhood among other noble children including learning mathematics, business, and such that she excelled at, as well as watching her father operate his slave trading business. From this she learned many things including how to manage operations and keep slaves happy.
1180-1183: She enjoyed time with her family, being the only child she spent much time with not just her mother learning to be a proper noble woman and how to be a proper wife, but also with her father where she helped him manage the numbers of his slave trade.
1183-1186: Nabijah is given to Saladin so that he might use her as a trade to seal alliances with other nobles, so that they would join him. For several years she spent time with Saladin’s harem and wives learning more of how to be a proper wife getting multiple experiences. How to stay strong even when she must be submissive to her husband, how to manipulate and push her future husband in directions she wanted.
1186: Married to Abdul-Hakim Al Hakam in order to seal a alliance with his house and gain his army in support of Saladin’s forces. As a wedding gift her father gives her Eighty slaves, of which she sells half to purchase farms of grain of dates. With which she used the remaining slaves to work in as cheap labor.
1186-1187: Nabijah’s farms expanded and grew as she put her knowledge to the test growing her small business into a large scale one gaining several caravans, and expanding into Cattle and goats alongside her farms. Her slaves had grownt to a total of 200 which did not include the sheperds. She began supplying Caravans to Jerusalem and Saladin’s armies to help feed them in their war efforts at a heavily discounted price.
1188: Nabijah gives birth to her first child, a girl named Khalisah
1188-1189: Begins spending much time with her infant daughter leaving the running of the farms to her most trusted servant who she had been drilling all her knowledge into for just this occasion.
1190: Gives birth to her second child a boy named Arif.
1191: Moves to Jerusalem with her Husband after pushing him to stay close to Saladin in these hard times. Continues to oversee her farms from afar via messengers. Also occasionally taking a caravan back filled with armed guards to see what it was up to. Though of course spending much time near her children, though she had servants who would also help with their upbringing.

Personality: Nabijah Al Hakam is a woman of stature and standing, and it shows. She is confident, letting neither man nor woman beyond a select few ever see anything but such a bold, brave face. This doesn’t prevent her, however, from using her appearance and status to move people into doing as she desires, coupled with a rapier sharp intelligence, makes her unassuming, beautiful form all the more a facade behind which a powerful intellect and mind resides. However, this will never haunt her family directly, as her loyalty to them is above all. Despite all this, vanity plagues the woman, causing her to spend hours preparing herself for a days outing with nothing unusual plan, and her ambitions could easily trip her up underfoot, if she does let her vanity blind her to the pitfalls in such a journey.

Strengths: Confident, Manipulative, Intelligent, Strong Leadership qualties
Weaknesses: Physically weak, ambitious, pampered.
Other: Has a personal bodyguard who oversees all the soldiers who work her caravans and protect her and her family. (Not including her husband’s guard or soldiers, only the ones under her direct command)

Name: Ghazwan Bazzi
Age: 32
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Silver Paladin

The Silver Paladin

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Adler (Alexander the Eagle. I will change if this seems to modern.)
Gender: Male
Age (18-21 year zone recommended, given age inflation of 1.5 years for every 1 modern year): 19
Faction (Asasiyun or Templar): Hospitallers (Medics)
Bio: Born to Noble German parents, It was only natural for him to go into the Knighthood. He trained with a Knight who had been on the Second Crusade, and knew the ropes fairly well. When he became a Knight officially, he was accepted into the order of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem. (The Hospitallers.) Just as the Third Crusade was starting. He saw his master killed in an ambush on the way, and he escaped. HE arrived in the Holy LAnd and took a job as the fort medic.
Personality: Quiet, Strong, Caring, Has a sense of humor.
Strengths: Smart (For the time.), Brave, Strong and Agile
Weaknesses: Because he's a Medic, he's vulnerable (Geneva Rights weren't around yet.), Seriously what we call ADD now, impulsive.
Appearance (words or pictures, though a picture says a thousand words): In armor:
Other: about 5'10", and 150 LBS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

FallenMuse's sheet is approved :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

post will be soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thinking on how to introduce my character for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

> Thinking on how to introduce my character for now. same
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As a reminder, the grace period will end in one day. That's when the real action shall start!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am working on my intro as well. Some things have come up though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Silver Paladin

The Silver Paladin

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

yeah, I've had school and stuff, but I was thinking my intro could be post abdomen stab wound?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The grace period is now over. Let's get this party started!
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