Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Myth silently reached over and put his hand on Tori's shoulder, to show his support for her. He'd keep his hand there for a long moment before gently withdrawing it, or until it was made clear his hand was unwanted. He didn't answer Kalinda's question however. He personally was fine, but figured the question wasn't really for him, as he had a large resistance to Allan's fear, while the others did not. They were the ones Kalinda was probably worried about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Maria nodded her head gently as she put her arms around herself saying that she was okay but still a little shaken. Angelo put her down next to him in a chair and Lorenzo gently stroked his sister hair to try and calm her down and help her relax like he always did when Maria had nightmares. "one thing is for sure I think we did really well" Angelo said with a smile as he picked up a menu to look and see what he could order. Angelo really wanted Allen to be a little bit friendlier towards his group but with tomorrow brings the first batch of jobs they were allowed to take which meant that tomorrow everyone would be scrambling to collect keishin souls so they could turn their weapons into death scythes Angelo actually wondered what Maria and Lorenzo will look like when they both earn the right to be death scythes...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda plopped the food down, shoving it towards the others, "Eat it all and you'll get desert" She said sternly, sitting down and putting a plate in front of Tori.

Tori gave a sigh, and giving a smile to Myth, she sat up straight, glumly picking up a sandwich, she stared at it for a moment, before forcing herself to take a bite, if only to avoid Kalinda's glare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Myth would smile back at Tori as she smiled at him, and would gently remove his hand from her shoulder before taking a sip of his coffee. It seemed as if everyone was tired after that. "S-so uhm, Allen was a lot more agreeable today," he'd observe quietly, speaking his thoughts aloud so it wouldn't quite be so loud. "I h-hope he stays that way, a-at least for tomorrow."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Maria and Lorenzo smiled as they thanked kalinda before starting to eat the sandwiches if only so they could make sure to get dessert. Angelo smiled as Myth said that Allen was more agreeable today and honestly Angelo liked it that way but he also liked having his rival to go up against every now and then "yeah Allen really was, its nice but I still like him when he is the way he always is. its a lot more fun to fight against him when he is" Angelo said with a laugh as he slowly ate his sandwich as well
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda sighed, "It may be more fun for you, but it isn't exactly going to work in building a team relationship, is it?" She bit into her own sandwich, after making sure Tori had started to eat as well.

tori looked at her sandwich with a slight frown, "The thing is, Allen has...more to contend with them us. Does it really matter if he's...crabby sometimes? Perhaps...we merely need to adjust to his moods"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth would nod slightly at Tori's comments "Y-yeah... He's n-not trying to push you guys away, e-especially since y-you all are the o-only way he can even l-leave the city. H-he is trying his best to be n-nice," he took another sip of his coffee, glancing out the window. "D-doesn't mean you, should, uhm, l-let him get away w-with anything he w-wants, of c-course," the dark-haired boy added, biting his lip slightly. It would be nice to go out on a job with Allen, he just hoped to heaven and back that he was in his agreeable mood tomorrow, since they might be heading out on a job and he really didn't want Allen to do anything stupid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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the next day...

Angelo yawned like he always has but this time he made sure to show up early. Today was finally the day that they would be allowed to take on job to get their kishen souls. Obviously it will be first come first serve so Angelo wanted to make sure he got a good one he could do either by himself or with the others. He will no doubt guess that all the single jobs will be taken first but he still wanted to try...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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As Monday Morning came around, Allen and Myth got up about the same time and worked together to make breakfast for the both of them. Myth did everything that required the stove, while Allen handled the toast, butter, plates, and paper towels. Once food was ready, the two ate in companionable silence, which left Myth uneasy. He couldn't quite tell what mood Allen was in today, and if it was one of his more negative moods that could end really badly if they went off on a mission with their new team.

It wasn't long after they finished eating that they had gotten dressed and were on their way towards the school at their normal pace. They were a little later than they usually were, but that was why they always had extra minutes in their morning schedule; the two were going to just barely get to class on time that morning, assuming no one stopped them of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Taking time to simply relax, and allow Tori to fully recover, Kalinda was once more baking sweets in the morning, waking early to do so, this time she was making donuts, and as Tori came out, presumably due to their scent, Kalinda was just icing them.

Without needed to be told, Tori began to clean up, but as soon as Kalindas back was turned, she stole a donut, and quickly bit into it, so that when Kalinda turned back it was too late to have it taken away.

Kalinda merely sighed, and found a container, putting some of the donuts into it. "eat some toast, and have a glass of juice at least"

Soon they were making their way to the school
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo went throb the crowds to look at the board and as it turned out most of the singles were taken. He saw thigh the board that their were a few group ones that looked decent he decided on location instead of the prize and he found one that would take the group to Italy so he quickly took the board stamp so that it was his groups alone. Once he had it he made sure to gain some distance from the crowd so nobody could take it from him
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen arrived at the school just as Angelo was distancing himself from the crowd. Raising his hand a bit in greeting, he hailed his teammate. "Oi, Angelo, Morning. Grab anything from the board yet?" He called, Myth following close behind, only raising his hand for a moment in greeting. He was still unsure what mood Allen was in today, but it seemed positive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda approached the others with Tori by her side, seeing that Angelo appeared to have grabbed something from the board, she waited to see what they would be doing, wondering if they were even ready for a job. One successful, even if it was slightly, training session wasn't exactly reassuring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo waited until Kalinda cane with tori before answering Allen. "Well hey guys, I got us a good one. We got gladiators in Rome killing innocent people. From their count their were 3 gladiators so a soul for each of us" Angelo explained handing over the stamp that explained just that to Allen
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen took a slightly sharper breath as Angelo announced what he had picked as their first job together, and he gave a slight shrug, holding up his hand to refuse what Angelo was trying to hand to him. "Don't you need twice as meany souls as us Angelo? You can have mine," after saying this, Allen immediately turned and began moving towards his next class. Myth hesitated before following, catching up and walking just behind his Meister.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda gave a sigh, "Well, that went better then I expected" She said, accepting the stamp, "I just hope it goes well" She studied the job, wondering just what they would need to do. She hoped that they wouldn't need Allen's fear, but knew it was likely that would be required.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo sighed a little as he said that he wanted to give Angelo his soul. Angelo went over and grabbed his shoulder gently before turning him to face Angelo "Allen don't do that, I appreciate the thought I do but you need to understand that I can get my own souls. I said a soul for each of us and I meant it Lorenzo wants me to give any spare souls to Maria anyway so don't worry. So come with us to Italy and get our souls" Angelo said smiling a little
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen sighed as Angelo grabbed his shoulder, and as he turned him around the witch-boy pushed his hand off roughly. "It's not like I'm going to use the souls anyway, so you might as well have whatever ones you plan on giving to me, since it's unlikely I'll concede my values for some arbitrary goal that, as far as I can tell, doesn't provide anything but a title. Anyway, unless we're leaving right now, I have a class to go to," he'd turn back around, looking quite displeased. Myth would swallow, thinking about how at least Allen isn't yelling, though it's probably going to progress to that. They were four for four as far as encounters ending in fights so far, be a shame to break that streak.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda had tried, she nad really tried to keep ner compsure, but she had r eached her limit. She turned to both boys, and keeping ner voice calm, not wanting to attract attention, she spoke softly, but her voice was low. "You know what? I'm tired of all this! I'm tired of anticipating an arguement, tired of it all! You are behaving like children! Just be thankful you have shelter, food, warmth and someo e with you! There are people out there worse off then you, so what do you have to be so grumpy about? So what, you've witch blood, have we shown any despise, any fact that we give a damn about that? And you, stop bloody pushing Allen, if he says he doesn't want the soul then don't argue! Learn to read people!"

Kalinda threw up her arms frustrated, and walked away, Tori giving them all a smioe and skipping after her
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked at her as she talked about how they needed to change honestly she was so quick to anger.He shrugged when she said she needed to read people. "Alright fair enough. See you later then Allen." He said to Allen waving goodbye before turning to kalinda "so you ready to go now? I'd rather we start as soon as possible" he said wanting to know if she wanted to wait or go fulfill the contract asap
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