Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Tori lead Kalinda outside, simply bombarded her and dragging her out. The young girl loved the outdoors. She twirled around, smiling, and got Kalinda to join her. Tori led her around, twirling, skipping, and even a cartwheel or two. It was easy to be happy with Tori. She just made it so easy. And Kalinda was happy to Comply. She played/danced with her, and basically tried her best to seem okay. Which was also easy with Tori.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Allen finished eating, and after a few short moments he went back to the classroom, sitting in the currently empty room.
Mayt nodded at Lorenzo's comment, mentally thanking him for introducing himself. "Yeah, most of the time. The rest of the time not as much." He shoved his hands into his pockets, following Lorenzo still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo kept studying making sure to keep an eye on Maria as Lorenzo fit them to the lunch room and orders some sandwiches but only one was for him as he got a seat "here's hoping my meister can figure out how to compete our resonance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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As Tori and Kalinda walked to the afternoon class, Tori slipping her hand in hers, Kalinda thought this is what it takes for soul resonance. Friendship, trust. Happiness. And love. Well. We shall see if we can do it Kalinda smiled at the young girl. Beyond everything else, sometimes it was easy to forget that Tori was just that, a young girl. When they reached the classroom, she looked about with some eagerness
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Allen looked up as Kalinda entered the classroom, but refrained from saying anything, and rested his head back on the desk after a small wave hello, still patiently waiting for class to start.
Myth nodded. "I hope it works out." He'd gladly chow down on the offered sandwiches, eating quickly, knowing that lunch was probably mostly over, and he knew he wouldn't be able to get away with being late to class a second time in the same day. He was glad he had gotten away with it once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Lorenzo nodded and finished his sandwich quickly before grabbing the other two "later myth gotta go" he said as he speed walked back to the library where Angelo was putting away the books he borrowed and was on the way back to class knowing class was starting soon so him and Maria were eating and walking and dumped their paper into a garbage back as the first bell rang for students to get back to class. Professor maka was on her way to class smiling all the while as she walked with soul knowing she would be seeing some students go through resonance and even have an intellectual conversation with one of them about how to protect their weapon like Maka did with soul back in the day...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda settled down with Tori, Tori waving to the others, annd looked about, to see when Professor Maka would arrive. Kalinda was excited about this class, and really wanted to do well in it, if not for the fact that she wanted to do well in all er classes, she wanted to prove she was a good student to Professor Maka, and wanted to do right by Tori.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Allen sighed, and waited for the part of class where they were to resonate, knowing he'd pass that with flying colors as long as the requirement was simply to hold a stable soul resonate. He nodded to Myth when the weapon came into the room, and sat down a row down from Allen, turning to the front of class. He was well on time this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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As the second bell rang professor Maka walked in with soul abs she smiled hello class for those of you that don't know us I am professor Maka aburnshe said before she went about writing it on the board and this is my death scythe soul just call him Mr. soul for the time being "yeah cause I don't like being called professor like Maka does" soul added a he sat down in a chair next to the teachers table to watch yes well today we are going to practice soul resonance everyone today will resonate with their weapons and if you don't or can't you will go see lord death. I will ask for any volunteers to come up and give us a demonstration
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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It seemed better to just get it over with, and Kalinda was excited in anycase. She rose, with Tori, and headed down to Professor Maka. She smiled at Professor Maka, and said, "tori and myself are ready" Tori shifted into her weapon form, and Kalinda caught her easily, holding the dual blade preciselyin the middle, she shifted into a ready position. "Ready?" She asked Tori "Always!" the joyful tone reassured Kalinda, and she drew in a deep breath, feeling Tori's Soul wavelength, and adjusted her own to Tori's quickly. "Then, Soul Resonance!" Tori began to change in Kalinda's hands four blade's forming in a X or +, becoming longer and Kalinda held her in both hands for a moment, bringing her round to one side, letting one hand go, and twirling Tori about, testing the weight, the feel, the balance, and satisfied, she moved smoothly in a few basic forms, before nodding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen sighed, drumming his fingers on the desk as he watched Kalinda and Tori do their soul resonation. He tapped Myth on the shoulder, before leaning down. "Assuming we're going outside, you mind me using you on a tree?" Myth turned his head to listen better, before shaking it. "Wouldn't mind at all, I assume we'll be doing the best we can in our soul resonation?" Myth replied. "Yeah, I won't be half-assing it like I do most of the time." Allen patted Myth on the shoulder before leaning back, watching, and ready to get up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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[colo=pink]very good kalinda[/color] professor maka said as she wrote down a check next to her name in her clipboard and she called out is their anyone else willing to try? Angelo got up and went over to soul and said tell professor maka im going to the death room soul barley heard him but he understood what he meant and he turned to maka "one to the death room" Maka sighed and nodded writing an X next to mine as Angelo went to the death room with Lorenzo and maria then she waited to see if anyone else was willing to go... (sorry its short just thought I should get going)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda smiled, letting out an easy breath, she stepped back, letting Tori shift from her weapon form. She said "thank you." as she and Tori started back to their seats, she watched as angelo went down, and then out the classroom with his weapons. So he couldn't resonnate with them, yet. She imagined it was harder to do so with two weapons, to align your soul with them both. She looked over to Allen and Myth
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Allen smirked as Angelo just chose to leave. Curling his lips in a smile, he started forwards, adjusting his glasses just a little. "Myth, weapon form." Myth obliged immediately, falling smoothly into his hand. Walking to the empty space, he held the sword in both hands. "Soul resonate." He closed his eyes, focusing for a few moments, and after not long, Myth broke apart into his chain form, and turned completely black. Keep it in check, Allen thought to himself, striking the ground several times, leaving marks. The way he was striking made Myth look like he had no limit to how far he could stretch, which was easy, since he couldn't safely stretch him out to full length. After a few moments he ended the resonation, letting Myth change back into his human form. He smiled at Maka, confident that was easily worth a passing grade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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professor maka nodded to Allen and myth checking them off as the rest continued with their soul resonance while others had trouble they only needed small adjustments and could resonate afterwards as she kept going through the classmates... Angelo sighed as he walked into the death room for the first time and as one would expect it was perfectly symmetrical with crosses and the guillotines in perfect alignment as Angelo walked over to lord death, death looked and saw Angelo with his weapons coming to him [color=black]can I help you or did you get called up here for disciplinary action?[/black] Angelo sighed and decided it was better to show him so he held out both hands Lorenzo and Maria both understanding the gesture and changed into their weapon modes. Death looked at Angelo puzzled wondering why he had a sword and a revolver completely unsymmetrical! lets go soul resonance! Death was instinctive as he got liz and patty into their forms because of instinct but Angelo felt the power of both of them and felt their soul wavelengths giving feedback quickly until the big moment! and....BOOM! Lorenzo and Maria changed back to their weapon forms and Angelo was sent flying into a guillotine board death sighed and understood you could have said something instead of making me think you were trying to fight death im sorry lord death but I didn't know how to describe what happened so I thought to show you instead Death sighed but understood since no weapons are meant to explode on their meister when they perform resonance so he had to think a sword and a gun that resonate together. He immediately got an idea congratulations your going on the first mission of the semester and if you fail you wont be allowed back here once all the students were done resonating professor maka asked alright is their anyone here who wishes to spar with a partner using their soul resonance now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda dodnt care one way or the other of she sparred with anyone with her soul reasonance but supposed it would be beneficial. She sighed and rose, looking about. She said "I will, if only to get some practice with using Tori in reasonance form" she looked to Tori who shrughed and smiled, happy to comply with Kalinda. "As long as we can do it outside" Tori said, looking to Professor Maka
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth started to raise his hand to indicate he and Allen wanted to practice, but Allen grabbed his hand half-way up and put it back down. "Myth, I don't want to risk going overboard and having to have Professor Maka break me away from someone." Myth frowned a little, before crossing his arms. "You're just afraid Maka will touch you." He said, before raising his hand again, Allen not stopping him this time. "We'd like to participate in sparring!" Allen smirked. "Well, her exorcism wavelength isn't exactly the most pleasant thing for me. So yes, I would like to avoid being touched by her whenever necessary." He leaned back and put his feet up, looking over at Kalinda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked at death confused uh what? you heard me, meisters who aren't able to resonate will be in trouble more then any other meister that can and while I can tell your stronger then most you wont make your weapons into death scythes if you cant resonate so think of this as a test. If you cant pass it then you will be kicked out of the academy, this is considered a 3 star mission meant for faculty so I will have a professor go with you. It will be easier for us to know if you died or not and with that Angelo felt the shiver go up his spine he gulped but nodded yes lord death I will succeed see that you do, I will have professor sid go with you, him of all people will give you better insight into your mission. good luck Angelo nodded and left with Lorenzo and Maria as they looked for professor sid.. professor maka sighed seeing both of the top students in class want to go all out and she nodded to kalinda's request not unreasonable considering soul resonance battles get intense and the classroom is to small for that She lead the class outside into the front of the school yard and she made sure that kalinda and Allen had space for their fight whenever your both ready
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda figured that the sparring would also help her to consider new ways of protecting tori as well as ways of fighting that didn't hurt Tori. Tori followed her oitside, eager, like she always was, to be outside. Kalinda smiled, and let Tori spinning around for a moment "that's enough, Tor. Come here, and become my weapon" she held out her hand for Tori, and Tori trotted Over happily, and shifted into her weapon form. Kalinda caught her, and spun, bringing Tori up, then down. She drew in a deep breath, and let it out, easing out any worries, or emotions. Aligning her soul with Tori's. Feeling the power build up, and seem to explode, the soul reasonance beginning, Tori changing into the four blade weapon, larger, longer. And Kalinda shifted her weight with ease
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen sighed, and grabbed Myth as he turned to weapon form. He wasn't far behind Kalinda getting out, and took his place a fair distance from her. He closed his eyes focusing for a moment before beginning the soul resonation process. Both Professor Maka and Kalinda could likely tell he wasn't putting his all into it like he was in the classroom. Regardless, his fear wavelength became powerful enough for them both to feel some of the effects from it as he moved into a ready stance. He hadn't let them feel it in the classroom by focusing it into Myth and discharging it into the ground, but here he planned on doing no such thing. He lazily motioned he was ready, holding the grip of his sword facing behind him.
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