Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

professor maka watched and she could feel Allen's fear wavelength and it made Maka go on edge but she knew better and just stayed still watching them ready to intervene if the fight got out of hand professor maka waited for them to begin their fight since she said they could fight when ready you will fight until one of you gives up or I am forced to intervene until then fight like you mean it because in a real fight your enemies will not give you opportunities to take them down, you need to find them as you fight Angelo went and found professor sid and it seemed like he had already been informed when Angelo arrived because he was in full combat gear "were going to a sarcophagus and im not going to do anything to help you in this fight this is on you." professor sid said as he lead the way outside the school and onto the streets where he dug a hole and started digging "well get in if you want to get their in a few hours rather then days" Angelo sighed softly I really hope this is worth being in a dark hole he said to himself shivering but following him in seeing that it was larger then he expected as he followed suit and Maria and Lorenzo were close behind but Maria was holding Lorenzo hand so she wouldn't get lost in the dark hole... ((forgive me for using sids digging ability but I didn't know he owned a car so that was my best guess))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda shifted, her emotions calm, her body ready to react. Wanting to get this started, she shifted her weight, Tori balanced perfectly in her hands, and she darted towards Allen, swinging Tori up, over, down, constantly spinning her, her four blades deadly, sharp and ready. "Be ready for a counter attack" Tori sent to her, and Kalinda just nodded slightly, her eyes watching for any sign of movement, any sign of defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen smirked, and as Kalinda charged he sliced back and forth, forming a wall of moving chains. As he finished, he readied to constrict it, knowing she would either go over it or try to break through, which wouldn't be hard. He moved back a couple steps, ready for anything he didn't expect, and watching the sides and top of the 'shield' he had formed for any sign of Kalinda going around it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo followed professor sid as they kept tunneling which seemed like forever but in reality was only an hour as they kept traveling and sid went up and sighed making a hole for them to come out of "obviously we cant stay underground forever, well I can but you all need your oxygen especially I think her name is Maria right we will take a break for a few minutes to catch your breath then its back to digging." he said and Angelo nodded and as he said maria was panting softly feeling tired or it may have been the lack of oxygen so if you don't mind me asking what is the mission? "since you asked, your going to take down a dead man." oh really?! Angelo grinned as he got an evil look in his eye but that made professor sid laugh which made him laugh relieving some of the tension "nice try kid but not me, their is someone who was entombed and forced into burial somewhere remote. He almost became a kishen but the academy stopped him before he made that final leap. this of course happening over 60 years ago before I was even born. your job is to take him back down to his grave and finally resonate your weapons" so basically just kill him and I can resonate? "that's the idea" well that doesn't sound to bad although the "im already dead" part is going to be a pain Professor maka watched ready to stop them but it seemed that they both had some interesting tricks with their weapons that they could use...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ready?" Kalinda said softly to Tori, getting the excited and happy "yup!" in response. Kalinda twirled Tori from hand to hand, and then, she let her go flying, to the lift side, around the chains, and Kalinda took a running jump, pushing herself off the ground and over the chains. When you knew something was a trap, what did you do? Come from both directions, and do something surprising. She landed smoothly, and caught Tori, who narrowly missed Allen. With a wince, she slammed Tori into the chains, even as she kicked out towards Allen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Kalinda jumped over the chain wall, Allen was about to yank on the chain to force it to close around her, and barely managed to move backwards to avoid the kick that came immeatly after. Growling slightly, he did a quick movement and tried to wrap Myth's chain around Kalinda's leg as he tugged on his weapons grip, trying to get the chains to contract, unworried about Tori being struck against Myth's chains. In fact, he hoped that doing that would cause the chains to wrap around her too. Allen took quick steps back as he did this, hoping he hadn't hesitated too long when Kalinda had nearly kicked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda was aiming for Tori to become entangled with Myth, and she twirled Tori, watching Allen, shifting as she noticed the hesitation. Entangled with Myth or not, Kalinda brought Tori around in a power swing attack, her blades sharp Kalinfa was wary of actually landing a blow on Allen, and therefore, she mainly used Tori as distraction, and fought with punches or kicks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

professor sid gave a clap and called to them "alright time to get moving again" he told Angelo and the others as he dug his hole again and started to lead the way as Angelo followed and Lorenzo held Maria's hand as they followed and after 2 hours they dug right back up and came up to a swamp and in the middle of said swamp was an opened tomb sid got out and waited for Angelo to go up once he did Angelo looked at sid and finally asked so how is this me getting him dead again thing going to help me resonate "well he uses the same style you do and if you can see what he does and copy it you will be able to resonate so make sure not to die, I don't want to put you in their with him" man how are you helping me at this point! Angelo said slightly worried but he took a breath and looked at them and they changed into their weapon forms alright guys this is no holds bar so lets do it right you got it no problem Lorenzo and Maria said sounding off their readiness to go in. Then Angelo nodded as he jumped down into the swamp and started walking into the tomb already getting the eerie vibe from the place as they got lower and lower professor maka watched them both wary of them trying to cut down the other while this was fighting with their soul resonance at its peek Maka couldn't allow this to be a death match as she watched them carefully...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen grimaced as he felt a few blows land. She was better than the other guy was, at least she was proving so so far. Retracting his weapon's chains, he tried to pull Tori into Kalinda once the chains wrapped around her weapon. While doing this, he tried to land a punch in Kalinda's gut, moving close to her so that it would be hard to do any combat with weapon or leg while he twisted, throwing elbows and fists her way while trying to wrap Myth around her. Tori would be feeling the fear wavelength leaking directly from Allen through Myth
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tori seemed to vibrate in her hands, and Kalinda grimaced. "it's okay, Tori. I'm here." but the fear seemed to be getting stronger in Tori, and Kalinda winced. tori shook in her hands as the kishen soul came towards them, and Kalinda gritted her teeth. "Tori! It's going to be okay! We will get out of this! Shove the fear aside and be ready! I've got you,Tor!" "ive got you. Don't worry" "I cant! Please, Kali, please!" Kalinda growled, pulled Tori free, and stumbled back. "what the hell are you doing?0
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo and his weapons were going down lower until the only light available were the ones from the torches and Angelo could hear the rustling of bones and once he got to the floor he saw the 3 of them all rotting flesh and bandaged and from the look of it they were all guys and they looked like they were....playing poker? " I call your skull and raise a hip bone." one of them said then one of them folded and the other did called it before they threw down their cards "ha! 2 pair!" the one who raised said but the other one shook his head grinning showing a royal flush "god damn it!" the other said as the winner took the bones and they finally noticed Angelo "hey kid want to play poker for the next decade" yeah no, im assuming you the ones who raised from the dead. sorry but my mission is to take you back down one of them looked at Angelo weapons and laughed "hey boys its the next generation's turn" he said and the others laughed as they got into their weapon forms which were a sword and a gun like Angelo's oh for gods sake! why does everyone know my resonance before I do!? Angelo growled and the other one started to charge Angelo and Angelo blocked as they started to trade blows... professor maka was seeing the effect of the fear wavelength on tori and knew that if they didn't pull it together that they would succumb to the fear they have. They must remember to be brave and hurry before they cant fight anymore...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen grinned, and rolled his shoulders. "What am I doing?" He grinned sadistically "Practicing for when I get to repay my debts to the DWMA." He sliced in an upwards motion after pulling off of Myth's chains to him. The chains slide across the ground, slowly coming up in a huge arc. He did the same on the other side, so that to him the chains formed an X. He continued slicing, the chains slowly following how he moved his arm. His voice dropped, his face becoming serious, "And I can't do that if I lose to them." He did a heavy downwards attack directly at Kalinda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda hissed and leaped aside, bringing Tori up, around to block the blow, and spun, knowing it would be better to move away, but she didnt, instead moving in towards, pushing Tori ahead of her, Spinning her. It suddenly didn't seem like it was going to be a simply training battle now, and she felt uneasy. She leaped up, Pulling Tori with her, pushing off the ground with a lot of power, and when she landed she darted in for an attack, moving fast and with flexibility, darting left then right, and coming in under, coming up, Tori above her head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo and the undead meister were battling it out not getting any headway until Angelo finally saw an opening and he dashed to the side and quickly got back into his personal soul eruption! Angelo growled as he pointed Maria at his side at point blank range and shot the electrical bullet that would have sent a live man into a dance but since he was dead only made him flinch and back away. well I'll be damned this one projects his soul wavelength into his weapons. Boys I think its time to end this: lets go soul resonance! Angelo was stunned at the power they had while he couldn't see their souls he could see their process of connecting and the final product= a...gunblade? Angelo was stunned seeing the odd coloration and how evil it looked guess it was no joke that they really were close to becoming a kishen at one point Angelo noticed something odd not that it was an odd color or that it seemed evil but that it was connected in some way by something external and Angelo needed to find out. Angelo wasn't sure what he could do so he was on his guard but the meister shot multiple bullets but they didn't move but he charged Angelo and he was quicker making Angelo dodge until he was near the bullets and they exploded causing Angelo some damage kid your a gunblade specialist now you need to take me down to become one. its your right of passage so don't die before this gets fun The meister said laughing manically
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen growled as Kalinda avoided his attacks. Retreating a few steps, he started to work out his next move before seeing Kalinda charging him full on. He yelled and charged back at her, slashing. Trying to grab her or wrap her up in Myth's chains. He growled something about not being able to repay his debt if he didn't win, and he pushed Myth to strengthen the soul resonance more, but both Kalinda and Professor Maka could tell him getting worked up like he was was only going to make the resonance destabilize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda didn't need Tori's yell resonate from the weapon, to realise that something was wrong. She shifted, leaping back, and away, breaking the soul reasonance between her and Tori. Tori appeared on the ground, with a 'thump' and appeared disorientated. Kalinda moved in front of her. [color=bc8dbf"sTOP!"[/color] she shouted, bowing her head. It was perhaps a foolish thing, given that she thought Allen was close to snapping, or had, snapped. "This is a training exercise, you dolt!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen saw that Kalinda had ended the fight and pulled hard on his weapon. For a second it would look like he intended to strike Kalinda anyway, but the way the chain of the blade moved it was clear he was just trying to stop that from happening. Once he had gotten his blade under control he broke the soul resonance and let Myth turn back into his human form. When Allen spoke his voice was level, and showed no ire of any kind. "Maybe so, but it doesn't mean winning means nothing to me. As for the fear wavelength, I apologize, but I can't fully control it. It would've been worse if I just focused it into Myth like I did back in the classroom." He shifted his jaw, and fixed his glasses, as they had almost fallen off during the fight. Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked back inside, leaving Myth standing there. Myth bit his lip, before looking at Kalinda and Tori, afraid they would dislike him simply because he hangs out with Allen. "S-sorry..." He'd murmur, before following his miester inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda was furious, and it was only Tori who stopped her going to Allen, and hitting him. The young girl tugged on her arm, and Kalinda sighed, but yelled out "it doesn't mean that you should risk your fellow's safety! Get your head out of your butt, and realise that you could have seriously hurt us!" she looked to Myth and sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. "Not your fault" She replied, and watched him walk away, after Allen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Professor maka was about to intervene but soul saw that Allen was trying to stop his weapon before it hit kalinda and Professor maka sighed softly glad it didn't resort to her hurting the student with her exorcism wavelength and then she watched the whole argument happen and she couldn't blame kalinda for being mad at Allen when he doesn't show his remorse for not apologizing himself so she decided to let soul talk to Allen and he left to follow the boy hey Allen, mind telling me how it felt when you almost hit kalinda with myth? Soul asked thinking it was a good a place to start as any even if he wasn't good at being a teacher he did know that not apologizing wasn't very cool. professor maka told kalinda to stay on the side with tori to cool down a little while as she let all the other students go through their soul resonance battle although none were as intense as their fight. When it was over she told everyone that class was over and they all left to go and get their things from the classroom. she went over to kalinda and asked so you want to learn to protect tori while she's still a weapon? Angelo had never heard of this odd fighting style and obviously the zombie was taking full advantage of him making him go to where he wanted Angelo to go so he could use his odd fighting style. Angelo needed to find out why he was able to resonate but Angelo couldn't then he saw something odd, it looked like a talisman was hanging off the gunblades handle so Angelo thought that was the reason he could resonate it must have worked a sort of focus. Angelo then decided to go on the offensive before he took anymore damage and charge on but the meister was faster then him while holding the gunblade so Angelo had to think fast so he saw a pot of oil meant for torches to last longer and decided to use it and he made the pot spill and soon the meister slipped on it giving Angelo the moment he needed and he grabbed the talisman which then turned into a necklace in his hand and the meister's gunblade exploded in his face just like what happened when Angelo tried to resonate when he did explode he landed on a torch and started to burn alive although he felt no pain he knew he was going to die for real so he decided to say one last thing hey kid, good work. That talisman belonged to the first gunblade meister and now its yours. Remember to listen to your instructors or you will end up like me, don't get power hungry kid He said laughing before he finally turned into ashes on the floor and Angelo dropped to his knees tired from that intense fight...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda grumbled, because she wanted nothing more then to go at Allen with hands and feet, but knew that wasn't a good idea, especially. There was a difference between winning and being a jerk. A difference between paying back a debt, and just being a total fool. She made sure Tori was okay, and stayed with her. She seethed silently, but had calmed somewhat when Professor Maka came over to her. "I do. I'm not foolish. I know it's her job to protect me, but that doesn't mean I have to put her completely at risk. She tough, and brave, but she's just a kid. I know that's going to limit my fighting, but that just means I have to get creative" Kalinda said, managing to keep her voice calm and level. TOri sighed, and just leaned against Kalinda, content it seemed for the moment to just listen.
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