Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth noticed the Professor's weapon coming up to talk with Allen, and slowed down so they could speak alone. After a moment he turned and went back outside, waiting a bit behind Professor Maka to see if he could apologize for Allen to Kalinda and Tori. He waited for the two parties to finish talking first however, not waiting to just butt in. And he hoped he could give an adequate explanation as to why Allen was how he was. Allen looked up when he saw the Weapon walking next to him, and grunted softly when he asked how it felt. "How it felt? I honestly couldn't tell you how it felt. Wasn't victory or anger, I can tell you that much. Beyond that, I don't know." He adjusted his glasses and returned to looking down the hall. "One thing's for certain though, I still haven't met my match in the student body."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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soul gave a small grin at that so that's your objective huh? that's cool, looking for someone on your level not a bad plan. you should remember though that rivals will eventually show up on their own accord what you need are people you can trust when the shit hits the fan and your the odd man out. take it from a cool death scythe that friends are just as important as rivals soul said knowing the arrogant kid would rant on about being born alone and not going to make any friends because nobody could trust a witch boy completely then soul would say he's lying to himself and so on until they both gave up. professor maka turned to kalinda and said you can never really protect her the way you think unless you can project your soul wavelength and from what I saw you cant so you need to put your mind to work. theirs always a way to turn the battle to your advantage but what you need to remember is to ask yourself if your ready to take the risk that comes with going with your plan. Even if everything goes right tori might still get hurt and you need to learn to get past it like I did. Also remember to make friends and get teammates even Allen could be your teammate considering his unusual power but its all a blur a giant mass of energy with no direction but I believe if you try hard enough you can have him be your wall. You cant think of only you and tori eventually you will need to find people you can trust to have your back. That's whats important in protecting your weapon while using her, have others help soon professor sid came and saw Angelo standing "you got it I take it" Angelo smield holding up the talisman "then put it on your sword and you will resonate like anyone else" Angelo nodded and slowly got up letting them go back to human form and he gave the talisman to Lorenzo as sid dug a hole for them to follow to get back to the academy...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda sighed heavily, and looked at Professor maka directly. "no one has looked out for me since I was five years old. No ones given a damn about be since then either. I was abandoned as a baby. I do not trust, Period. Tori is the obvious exception. Why should I look out for anyone else but her, when no one did me? Why should I give a damn that Allen has issues? That Angelo can't resonate?why should I? she turned aside, hands curled into fists. "and why does it matter that I do? That's always been my problem. I care. And I always get hurt because of it. So forgive me for not wanting to have to bury Tori, for wanting to make sure she can have, at least for the little childhood she has left, a happy and safe one" She walked away, a few feet, hands shaking. Anger, fear and worry swarmed seound her, making her feel sick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth watched what happened, and winced a little when Kalinda got mad. He moved forward a couple steps. "K-Kalinda? Allen had n-no intention of hurting you or your weapon seriously. I-I'm sorry for this I-I shouldn't of suggested we practiced. This is m-my fault." He backed away a couple steps. "And I should e-explain what Allen meant by d-debt, shouldn't I? I-it might help in understanding him." Myth looked at his feet. Allen smirked a little, looking amused. "It's not rivals I'm after. I'm just looking to learn how to fight better so when I find the ass who killed my mother I can kick his teeth in. I wouldn't care if he had had a reason, but I'm sure as hell no one in town asked the DWMA to get rid of her. She wasn't a terrorist." He ran his hand through his hair, sighing. "I'm honestly trying to be nice to her, but at everything I say or do she goes off on me. I guess the mood I was in yesterday didn't help any." He pushed his hands into his pockets after fiddling with his glasses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

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IC: A burst of red light from the tunnel above Angelo and Sid and a glowing red liquid trickled over Sid's head, embedding itself in the zombie's back. Sid yelped in pain as the ooze dissolved, his body wracked with spasms before he finally stilled, a dull red light appearing in his eyes. With a jerky, uneasy attitude, Sid started to dig upward, giving Angelo no choice but to follow him up to the surface. As they burst into the light, a man in a red cloak that obscured his face watched them carefully, holstering his bow on his back. A beautiful, fiery haired girl stood next to him, but she obviously looked scared. "Hello," the man said, the slightest glint of a smile playing under his hood. "Fancy meeting a DWMA student out here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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uh professor sid?" Angelo said wondering if he was okay he looked like he was in pain but Angelo had no choice but to follow him since Maira was running low on air they needed to get to the surface Angelo just wished that he wasn't getting a huge chill up his spine as he followed him up. then he saw a man in a red cloak say hello and Angelo immediately jumped away telling Maria and Lorenzo to turn into weapons. Angelo had no idea who the man was but he knew of Angelo being a DWMA student and that meant something wasn't right My name is Angelo what do you want and what did you do to professor sid? Angelo asked putting two and two together thinking that the red of Sid's eyes must have something to do with the man and the woman in front of him Professor maka sighed a little watching her walk away and she decided to call out Because no matter how strong you are you cant fight alone She called out knowing that she would figure out that Maka was referring to others help regardless of her preference after all she hated Black star for being so damn care free with his huge strength but she went past that. Even kalinda can get past her own problems soon. Soul nodded at the Allen's story Then try to give a gesture of good will. say your sorry that your try harder to be nice blah blah blah blah blah can we work together from now on. you know all that nice crap girls always want from a guy, even if you do find the person who killed your mother that doesn't mean it will bring her back. as the old saying goes whenever one looks for revenge remember to make two graves or in your case maybe 4. Look all im saying is to try harder and to not seem like an ass to everyone, be like me kid now that will be cool Soul said laughing a little at the thought of him copying Soul
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda spared a glance at Professor Maka and said "sometimes it's easier working alone then trusting someone enough to work with them" she looked to myth, and drew in a breath, letting it out slowly. "it's not your fault, Myth. You shouldn't be apologizing for him. He should have the balls to apologise himself" she said, a flash of anger entering her voice. She reined it in, and took in another breath. She let it out again. Pressed her fingers to her eyes, and didn't say anything for a moment. It wasn't myths fault. "why? I have a debt to the academy as well. They let me in after all"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen sighed, rolling his shoulders a little. "I don't want to kill the idiot, just hurt him a bit. As for Kalinda, I feel like if I try to go 'I'll try harder to be nice' will just get her to go off on me again, judging by my luck." He let out a long breath. "And I'm trying not to be an ass to everyone. I'm not being an ass to you, am I? And not just because it hurts when your miester touches me." Myth kept looking at the ground. "A-allen's debt isn't one of g-gratitude. He b-believes someone from the D-DWMA killed h-his mother. And from wh-what he told me, it d-doesn't sound like sh-she would've just left him. E-even if she was a w-witch." He bit his lip, worried Allen would be unhappy with him later for telling her, but he hoped it would gain him just a little sympathy. "S-so he wants to b-beat up the person wh-who killed his mother. That's why h-he went all-out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

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IC: "Kiora, to me." The girl transformed, becoming a longsword in the man's hand, beautifully crafted but obviously having seen better days, the pommel and handle looking brand new but the blade rusted and damaged. "Easy. I just want to talk. And you're not going anywhere without Sid. As for what I've done to him... I can't go revealing the tricks of my trade, can I? But he'll be fine. He's just my puppet for a while. Allow me to demonstrate." Sid went limp, like a marionette on its strings, then did a little dance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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yeah well what's keeping me from killing you and letting that spell you got him under stop? usually when the puppeteer dies the marionette is free. If you want to talk then talk but don't expect me to let my guard down when someone took control of a 3 star meister with little effort Angelo said holding Maria and Lorenzo tightly in both hands ready in case the guy made any move towards him or tried to hurt professor sid... professor maka sighed at them the new generation was really dramatic this year sometimes I envy your generations ignorance, hopefully you will learn your lessons on your own. you know where to find me Maka said to them as she went to go and look for soul soul nodded a little [color=red] exactly, just talking is fine just keep your personal issues out of your first few talks. putting your problem on anyone else is so uncool when they don't know you. Just talk and see where it goes, you never know. A girl is a fickle thing and you can never really understand one no matter how hard you try. just make sure not to dig yourself into a deep hole with your personal problems and try not to look for trouble eventually someone will find you and try to offer you the chance for revenge but you cant take it. its easy to walk a path to revenge but its harder to take the one of forgiveness but you will be a better person for it[/red] Soul said deciding to leave him that much to think on as he went to find maka
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda shook her head, frustrated "It's still not a reason to do what he did, to go all out like that. Do you realise if I wasn't so good at jumping, dodging, he could have killed me? Even slightly slower, and I'd be seriously injuried. He needs to think, if killing people even by accident is worth revenge. If risking turning you, himself, into a kishen soul worth the revenge he may or may not get. That's what I don't like about him. I don't give a damn if his mother was a three headed dog with a snakes body. I don't like him because he doesn't think about the consequences. And I will never work with someone who thinks revenge is more important then friendship then not killing someone, even by accident because even that is murder" She looked over to Tori, the young girl watching her, he expression concerned, worried. Kalinda didn't know how to reassure her. She swallowed, and looked back to Myth. "I know full well monsters aren't just the ones we consider, such as witches. They can be normal. After all, it has to be monsters that leave a healthy newborn outside, alone. I know what it is to want revenge, Myth. I know what if feels like to have that anger inside you. But I put it aside. Because revenge is never revenge, never enough" She looked away, and turned back to Tori. "And it certainly isn't worth risking my weapon for"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth seemed to shrink more and more while Kalinda talked, and when she was done, he took a moment to respond with a soft "Sorry," before retreating inside, not giving her the chance to say anything else. He quickly went back to class, passing Soul and eventually Allen without a word. He found his seat and sunk down in it, quiet. Allen sighed as Soul lectured him, but he decided to humor the weapon. "Yeah, alright, I give it a thought." He continued walking, glancing back once, and was surprised to see Myth move past him quickly. He raised an eyebrow as his weapon went into the classroom before him, but shrugged. Heading in and taking his seat on his own time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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IC: "If I can take control of a 3 star meister with little effort, you should have realized that the only reason you're still standing is that I truly don't wish to kill or capture you." The Red Man shrugged and laughed. "And your experience is irrelevant. You have no experience with me, nor Kiora, so you have no idea what we can do. But if you want to try your hand at beating me, you're welcome to it. It won't go well for you. Or, we could just... talk."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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talk before I loose my patience. Your annoying me" Angelo said knowing he just went through a tough battle already and since he could take down Sid with no effort Angelo would need more energy then he currently had in the tank so all he could do was listen and wait to see if he will try something. That wont stop Angelo from fighting to the death if need be though, like they say even a corner rat bites the cat. professor maka and soul met up and talked about how their experiences with the two meisters went and they needed to find a way to get them to work together because despite their anger of each other they are stronger then others in the class so they would likely be on a team together. Maka and soul went into the classroom and saw Allen and soul said uh Allen you do know that class is over right? he said but didn't wait for a response and Maka and soul left them to themselves in case they wanted to just be alone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

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IC: The smile fell away from the Red Man's face. "I'd advise you to have patience, child. Do you value your friend's life? You should know that I can stop the enchantment keeping his undead form moving with barely a thought. Do not presume to force me to do anything, young one. But you are correct, I do speak too long. Your friend might start to get ideas about resisting my power. I had a simple question for you, actually, but it requires some thought. Has the DWMA been satisfying your desires? Truly?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"Oh, damn it, damn it, damn it!" Kalinda shouted, stomping her foot on the ground. Why, why, why did she have to give a damn about other people? Why did it have to matter? What was the importance of it? Tori came up to her, and slid her hand in hers, looking up at her. "It will all be okay, Kali. Eventually. You just need to stop taking out your anger on people" Kalinda sighed, and didn't stay anything, instead she started back to the school even though she didn't' feel like it. She walked to the classroom, deliberately chosing another way to avoid Myth, or Allen and entering the classroom, feeling miserable and crap. She sat down and dropped her head in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth only glanced up slightly when Kalinda and Tori entered the room, before dropping his head back into his folded arms, his eyes filled with tears. He murmured inaudible sorries to her as well as Allen while keeping his head covered. He felt as if all this drama was his fault. Allen seemed to just ignore him, and merely glanced at Kalinda when she came in, his face emotionless. He continued gathering his things, and when he finished he put it next to Myth. "If you wouldn't mind I'd like you to take my stuff back to the apartment for me when you head home, I need to take a walk." Myth nodded after a moment, and gave him a thumbs up to indicate he would do it. "Thanks." Allen patted him on the shoulder before starting to head back out of the class, his face still deadpan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked at the red man and after a moment just laughed hard for a few moments then he finally calmed down damn your either stupid or have really bad timing! its only been on day genius how would I know if its been all I desire besides I don't really have high standards so im happy as I am and since I answered your question you think I can get my teacher back, I rather not start something cause you were to greedy in asking more then your one question Angelo said with a grin, honestly Angelo didn't care about his desires cause he had little as long as he could eat sleep and have fun it was all he really needed. Angelo still wanted to be a great meister and he will as he stays in DWMA that's his only long term goal and he wouldn't ruin it by leaving or do something stupid like blow it up over a fit... Maka and soul started to walk out of the DWMA and they simply started talking about getting the students ready to form teams and get together before they go on their first missions by the end of the week...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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When classes were over Kalinda trudged out the academy, with Tori. Tori didn't aask to go anywhere, and when they got home, she grabbed Kalinda's notes and slunk to the small study they shared. Kalinda sighed, and sat down for a moment, pressing her fingers to her eyes as if they hurt, and stayed like that for a time, before rising, and going to the kitchen. She gathered some ingredients and began to bake, mixing some batter, she worked with the front door open, the security door locked, and moved something with music she played.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen calmly went walking through the park, enjoying the short session of serenity he would get before more hell broke loose. After a time he looked up at the sky, wondering about his past, before heading home, where Myth had brought both of their bags. As he got there, he ruffled the younger boy's hair a little before heading to the kitchen to cook, letting Myth stay bundled up on the couch.
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