**Name:** Albert Wesker
![enter image description here](http://arabhardware.net/forum/customavatars/avatar11294848_1.gif "enter image title here")
![enter image description here](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/137/c/a/albert_wesker_by_wolfshadow14081990-d65ktot.jpg "enter image title here")
**Game:** Resident Evil
**Short description of abilities:**
Rapid Regeneration: Due to the duel virus's coursing through his body most wounds suffered will heal rapidly and any damage sustained will be regenerated with in mere seconds. However it should be noted that the bigger the wound or more serious a wound is the regeneration process will take more time, and this can debilitate him until the process is complete. Another notable short coming is that if a limb is cut off per say then the regeneration properties can neither attach it back on or grow a new limb for all it will do is close the wound. Therefore these type wounds are permanent.
Increased Speed, sight, strength and reflex movement: Again due to the nature of the virus's in his body he has the ability to move at great speeds and his sight and reflex's are off the charts. This can make him really hard to hit in close combat situations and even when it comes to small arms fire. His strength is also greatly increased making blows in a close combat fight fatal at times if not properly blocked and gives him the ability to punch solid walls with little to no damage to himself.
Steel skin: His body is hardened dramatically due to the virus's inside him, when it comes to how much damage he can take his threshold is higher then most.