Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 5 days ago

**Name:** Mitchell ‘Mitch’ Garmen **Age:** 23 **Appearance:** (Sorry, I don’t have an image :/) A tall man, (6’4” to be exact) Mitch is long-armed, long-legged and moderately muscular, no bodybuilder, but built enough to look toned. This stems from lots of full-body exercise, as opposed to actually working out. His skin is an odd tone, somewhere between tan and grey. He also sports darker grey stripes on his arms and legs, looking like wide bands with feathered edges, merging smoothly back into his skin tone. These are only really prevalent on his forearms and the backs of his calves, the stripes fading gradually as they near his torso, where they completely fade off. These can pass for tattoos if they have to. His canine teeth are noticeably longer than the others and very sharp, not unlike the fangs of a snake, but less needle-like. His saliva also contains a mild venom, but it does little more than burn a bit (for example, if one were to passionately kiss him, their mouth would burn similarly to the feeling of very fizzy pop). Mitch’s eyes are slitted (like those of a snake) and dull grey. He has a scar running diagonally down through his left eyebrow, disappearing and reappearing on his cheekbone, looking as if a left-handed person had slashed downward with a bladed weapon. His hair is jet black and straight, long enough to cover his ears and almost into his eyes. It tends to be dishevelled and looks generally okay however it falls. There is one streak dyed bright green, however the dye is faded and near the tip of the lock, indicative of its age. **Background:** Mitch was born unwanted, and never really had much of a relationship with his parents. He wasn’t necessarily mistreated, but ignored, treated more like a dispenser of chores than a son. He left home rather young and pursued the vices his species all had: an affinity for music, lust and parties. Eventually, he ended up falling in with a less law-abiding crowd, thriving in that environment (mostly) until he was arrested. **Personality:** As mentioned earlier, Mitch is a classic example of his species. He’s the life of the party with an affinity for drinking and a reputation for fooling around. He has impeccable musical talent, specifically in the areas of voice, piano and dance. He’s also very skilled with technology, stemming from working in the computer store his family ran. Another miscellaneous skill of his is mixology, a hobby he developed from working as a bartender when he first came of age. Mitch is a lover, not a fighter, unless he has to be. Witty, flirty and stubbornly optimistic, he tries to make light of tough situations, although he knows when his input is better left unsaid. Mitch is a night owl, and as such it isn’t rare to see him up from dusk ’til dawn, either out partying (in his pre-arrest days anyway, who knows how that will b received at Oasis). However, he does try to be responsible. He won’t hesitate to help out around the house (when he arrives) and will try not to disturb other people. (answer the following in character) **What type of mythical creature are you?** “I’m an [Encantado.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encantado) Weird, right? Trust me, we’re a hell of a lot more common in Brazil, although we’ve spread out all over the place over the years. Anyway, I’m basically a snake person. I can turn into a [snake](http://i.imgur.com/S87gKFN.jpg) (although dolphin Encantado are more common). We used to actually be snakes or dolphins that occasionally took human form, but over a few generations of interbreeding with humans, the animal/human form ratio kind of flipped. Anyway, I can go a while without eating, don’t like the cold, there's a bit of venom in my saliva, blah blah snake things blah blah. I know, it’s a long, agonizing explanation that doesn’t cover everything. Imagine being the one who has to tell it every time you introduce yourself." **What Crime did you commit?** “Well, I got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, (it was a broken bottle, by the way) but after they took me in they also pinned me with solicitation and identity theft. I can’t say any of them are false accusations, but the assault charge *was* self-defence." **How long where you in prison?** “My sentence totalled at four years, but I got off a year early on good behaviour. It would have been more, had I not been so careful to cover my tracks." **How long have you lived at The Oasis/ Are you looking forward to being at Oasis(Answer whichever applies)?** “I’m looking forward to living in a real house, with a flexible schedule. I especially can’t wait to drink again, and shower whenever I want." ------------------------------- ##**EDITS** I specified that his eyes are slitted, like a snake's. His height IS going to be noticeable, as well. And WOW new code weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**Name:** Geoffrey Dirk (also known as Rey or Croweyes) **Age:** about 180 but physically he looks about 18 **Appearance:** [Rey's picture](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10882226_10203108893756502_4134095205414993841_n.jpg?oh=3a765e5d6813685d7cdf0cce752d2e4a&oe=553063A4&__gda__=1429373471_4751bf5fe625d2b69261e3b354233ccb) Standing at 5'11", he has a relatively athletic build and can fight in both his dragon and half-dragon forms. The charm that keeps him from being his true self is a tongue stud and occasionally a golden armband. Unseen in the picture is one scar going from his right shoulder to the bottom of his ribs, and another scar going across his stomach. In his dragon form, he is about 40 feet tall (4 stories) with diamond-shaped plates on his neck, underbelly, and thighs. His hands and feet have large claws and atop his head are five spikes that go from front to back with a small horn on his nose. **Background:** Rey comes from a family of very strict parents and a house with many siblings. Often bullied by his older, stronger siblings, he grew up believing that the only way you would get things in the world would be to fight for them. So when he eventually was kicked out by his parents to live on his own, he became distrustful of everyone and especially humans. The prejudice against mythological creatures didn't help either so it wasn't long until the impressionable dragon got into some bad dealings with the wrong crowd which soon landed him in the slammer. Before he went to jail, he often moved around doing odd jobs and street preforming. He had to teach himself how to fight for the most part, which kept him both in and out of trouble. After getting out of jail, he often bounced around from house to house. His aggressive nature and bad temper made it hard for him to find some place to stay. But then he found Oasis. **Personality:** Personality-wise he is a brash, aggressive and stubborn guy who doesn't like to be told to do things and does what he wants at his own pace. If anything, the primary word to describe him is cranky. He doesn't listen to anyone unless they've earned his respect. His temper is understandably explosive and he's quick to change form and go on the offensive. Because of how he was raised and the great distrust he has toward humans, he is considerably racist toward them. Though its usually uncommon, once he's made friends with someone he is surprisingly loyal to some extent and rather protective. **What type of mythical creature are you?** Well, if you really couldn't tell by the wings and tail, I'm definitely a dragon. **What Crime did you commit?** Hmmm, let me see if I remember right. . . I think it was they said "four accounts of arson and money laundering". **How long where you in prison?** I was in prison for about 5 years since back then I was considered a "minor". Though, I don't know how you can call me a minor after 100+ years living on this planet. **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** So far I've been here almost a year now. ((edit: added some things that I forgot XP ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*[Juniper Brizo](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/45784/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2308972)*
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry, ignore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

**Name: **Fallon **Age:** 19 **Appearance:** Her hair is an auburn colour, her skin a soft light brown in her Myth form with her cheeks freckled with little white spots, the fur on her legs being a dark brown. In her human form her skin is fair and her cheeks and nose are covered in freckles. In her human form she has normal legs and her face looks more human other then her nose being a little flat and her small horns stick out, which she usually hides with hair or a hat. She is quite small aswell being only 5'2 (158 cm) ![](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/010/9/f/fallon_faun_by_gothicfail-d8dbps2.jpg) Her Myth Form ![enter image description here](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1660438_817618948299428_6692119565665155318_n.jpg?oh=c4235d1389c673f9fb0f01001c2ead91&oe=556755C9&__gda__=1428506450_840c9ce19b1ca3d80b26857a5ced880d "enter image title here") Her Human Form (Sorry would hide the pics but I have no idea how to XD) **Background:** She spent most of her life working in a circus as a sideshow act. It was all she knew so she enjoyed it and became attached to those around her. He "Career" was quite good at first but after awhile not many people wanted to pay to see something that was quite common now. So she had less work and the Master of the circus had less and less use for her. And near the end that just chained her to her enclosure and feed her once a day. She was sad at first but assumed this was for a reason, like they were planning a big show, her hopes faded after a year passed and barely any of them spoke to her. It was until a heavy thunderstorm hit the small town, a employee heard banging outside and went to check on Fallon who was distressed at the loud noises and was smashing around in her cage. As the employee opened the cage Fallon leaped out, kicking him square in the face and ran toward the closest shelter, the tent. it was pitch back as she ran in, stumbling and tripping over crates as they were ready to leave the town the next day. In her haste to escape the thundering sounds she smashed a hove through a light that was laying on the ground, it sent sparks flying and eventually lit the tent alight. No one killed but the tents went up in flames and hundreds to thousands of dollars of equipment damaged and 7 employees injured. Fallon assumed the Ring Master would be forgiving but to her surprise he wanted to kill her, but the next best thing was to get her arrested. **Personality:** Hyper most of the time, cheerful, always trying to see the good in people, a little shy and easily spooked, very bouncy but stubborn. She can be horribly clumsy at times seeing that she isn't use to Human legs and hates them, She is terrified of the dark and of thunder storms. **What type of mythical creature are you? **I'm a Faun, A creature that is a half human–half goat, my bottom half being goat and top half semi human, Although I have pointy horns and my face is different to humans too, But only a little. **What Crime did you commit?** Property Damage and Injury. **How long where you in prison?** 2 years. **Are you looking forward to being at Oasis?** Yeah, it sounds nice and I'm excited to be somewhere other then a circus and a prison, but I'm a little scared too, Just hope I don't wreck anything this time hehe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Sorcha Age: 19 ![](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/106/5/3/slime_girl_3_by_piketh-d3e64je.png "") (Commmonly wears dark clothing and has full humanoid body) Background: Sorcha has been alone most of her life, and doing he best to avoid interaction with anyone. Only talking to creatures like cats or the occasional scorpion. She got by in terms of food by "eating" anything that was unattended/unsupervised and any freshly thrown away food she could find. She also followed a life style similar to that of nomads, never staying in one place for more than a week. She had moved around the city quite a number of times before she was arrested. Personality: Sorcha is shy, irritable, and kind hearted. She tries her best to make friends, but her shyness holds her back from initiating conversations. Making her wait for someone to come along and talk to her, and hopefully become friends with her. She's a big softie for cats, and scorpions. Also loves sweets, but will "eat" just about anything. **What type of mythical creature are you?** A slime, isn't it obvious? I don't like wearing clothes but humans are so finicky over this stuff, almost got arrested for it too. And before you ask, yes, slimes can get arrested. I don't know how they do it either. They must have some special cuffs that don't allow us to change our form to escape or something. **What Crime did you commit?** Destruction of property. I was really hungry and not thinking straight...so I kind of "ate" someones porch furniture. It was delicious mind you. Oh and they also gave me a loitering charge, a vandalism charge, attempted murder, and resisting arrest. I won't deny the resisting arrest charge, but I didn't do the other three, I mean it, I really didn't do anything to get those other charges. **How long where you in prison?** I think my sentence was about 7 years? I don't remember. **Are you looking forward to being at Oasis?** No. But its the only place I can go. --- Name: Skye Mooringstar Age: 27 ![enter image description here](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/278/1/7/Naga10_by_BanyeX.jpg "enter image title here") (She doesn't have the hat) Background: Skye is a pure-bred Naga, her ancestry has roots going all the way back to the Naga's origins, and everyone of her ancestors being a Naga. She fears that she will have to break that soon as she has had no luck finding a suitable Naga partner. All of the Nagas she has encountered thus far just wanted to partner up just to have a child. She wants a partner who would be with her for more than just a child. She's seen suitable partners in humans and other myths, but has put off on dating them because she wanted to keep the purity in her bloodline. But this hasn't stopped her from living as normal a life as she can. She's picked up temporary jobs as a secretary, even after her arrest and release from prison. And is even able to use her secretarial skills outside of work, the skills that are noticed easily and most often are her desires to keep things organized, such as her room, and her ability to communicate with ease. Personality: Genuine, and motherly. But also protective, almost over-protective. And a bit of clean freak at times **What type of mythical creature are you?** I'm a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C4%81ga]Naga[/url], and if you don't know what that is, I won't hold it against you. A simple summary is that we are human from the waist up, and snake from the waist down. Although technically you should be calling me a Nagi or Nagini, call me a Naga, as I like it more. **What Crime did you commit?** Saw four teenagers beating up a smaller boy, so I broke the arm and leg of one, broke the ribs of another, and was in the process of breaking both legs of a third when the police arrived. Once I was cuffed the boy walked by me, he seemed terrified of me, but also rather thankful. So I guess the charge was reckless endangerment in the first degree, as it was serious physical harm to one of them. **How long where you in prison?** They gave me the maximum sentence for it, so 7 years. **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** About 5 months. So I've been here for some time now. It's a nice place, and I really don't want to leave. Much better than the apartment I used to live in, and immensely better than the prison cell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Name:** Karaiyah (Kai) Ramos **Age:** 22 **Appearance:** ![image description?? coding is weird](http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a543/LizasaurusRex/Karaiyah-Sarah_zps3e00feb5.jpg "enter image title here") **Background:** Her mother was a Siren, and her father a sailor. The classic _tail_. (I'm awful) Her father got her mother pregnant while she was in human form, and abandoned her as soon as Karaiyah was born. A bit afraid of commitment, apparently. She grew up for the first 15 years of her life with her mother in the ocean, living a life as normal for a Siren as it gets. She was happy, and loved. Naturally, no interesting story stays happy like that. A couple of fishermen unhappy with the presence of Myths in human culture murdered her mother, a harpoon through the gut. Karaiyah then decided to migrate to land and try to integrate with the rest of society, letting as few people as possible know of her Myth nature. Her life was average from then on too, until committed the crime detailed below. She was sent to prison, served her sentence without incident, and now lives in the Halfway House with the other Myths. **Personality:** Although sweet and caring, Kariayah is very opinionated and not afraid to speak her mind if she thinks you're doing something or saying something that disrespects someone else unwarranted. She loves her friends, and will defend anyone who needs it to the death. Though she's confrontational, she's very forgiving and if you fight with her she'll likely pretend it never happened if you're in distress. However, if you ever upset someone or are disrespectful she does not tolerate it and will either call you out or punch you out. Not to mention she's flirty to a fault, and will flirt with anyone. Boy, girl, people and Myths who are neither boy or girl. Once in a relationship, though, she's the most loyal and affectionate woman you'll ever meet. **What type of mythical creature are you? ** I'm a [Siren](http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren_(mythology)). Absolutely hate it, too. I try to avoid singing around people whenever possible, but sometimes I need to just get away from everyone for awhile, be in the water, and sing quietly so nobody can hear. It's a good stress reliever. While in my Siren form, I look like any other mermaid, but apparently exceedingly beautiful. (Scoff.) My tail is teal as is my hair, and really the only difference between my human form and Siren form is the tail and the fact that I'm naked. **What Crime did you commit? **(I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE HIDERS ANYMORE HHHHHHHHH SORRY RAPE TRIGGER) Murder. Long story short, I caught a man trying to rape a little girl. Got 5 years, since it technically wasn't self defense but I know I did the right thing. I wouldn't do anything different, given the chance. **How long where you in prison?** 5 years. **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** A week. Tried to avoid everyone else until today, figured I had to say hi and decide who I like and who I do not at some point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Konami
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I know this is closed but I figured I'd just post this here as a reserved character incase you have a dropout and a spot opens up. **Name:** Nerachara "Nera" **Age:** 24 **Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/arachnegirl_zps8bccab86.png "enter image title here") **Background:** Nera was first brought to the attention of the authorities when people began going missing from a small town in the north. All young men between the ages of 18-25. After an extensive search they were all found, unharmed and well fed, but imprisoned in a small cave a few kilometers away from the town. The culprit of these kidnappings was Nera and, when the police arrived, she surrendered to them without a fight claiming, rather cryptically, that she'd had her fun and was ready for something different. The reason for the kidnapping was never disclosed and her victims returned to their lives, perhaps just a little emotionally scarred. Nera freely admitted her guilt before a judge but showed absolutely no remorse for what she had done. As a result she was quickly convicted and sentenced to prison. Once she was released she disappeared off the radar, appearing once again when yet more disappearances began and police began to investigate. Once again she was taken before the courts and it was decided that she was clearly a habitual offender and, after another stint in prison, she was sent to the Oasis and placed under indefinite house arrest. With an unobtrusive tracking collar locked around her neck, she was told in no uncertain terms that should she leave the grounds of The Oasis she would be shown no mercy. **Personality:** Nera is, in a word, a sadist. While not particularly violent, she enjoys toying with people and humiliating them. She does have enough self-control, however, to avoid getting into too much trouble in public and yet she still has a habit of looking at everyone as if they were little more than a meal to her, result in most people being afraid of her, or at least feeling uncomfortable around her. **What type of mythical creature are you?** "My my, what's wrong? Can't you tell? I'm clearly an Arachne.... Are you scared?" **What Crime did you commit?** "Oh, I was just having a little fun. It's not my fault if those humans decide to call it '8 counts of kidnapping'" **How long where you in prison?** "I suppose it would add up to around five years. I was in and out a couple times. It would've been longer but after the first two had to be...removed, no one wanted to be cell mates with me. And with prison overcrowding, they just wanted me out." **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** "I've been cooped up in this place for almost eight months now. It's rather boring, but it's better than prison. No one wanted to play with me in prison."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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