> > > Lol. The farthest I've ever gone with any rp so far was in the Dead again and again rp, in which my character had to die already for the plot. beyond that, I'm inexperienced as hell when it comes rp and actual plotting. I mostly just go with whatever I feel like/should do/think my character would do most of the time. Idk, I'm weird like that?
> >
> > My longest RP spanned about two years and over three generations in the story itself (was a crossover in another world). My highest amount of characters was about thirty-one or thirty-two (I can make a ridiculous amount of characters and still control them?) and I've killed off plenty of my characters and given almost all of them some form of ridiculous background story or anything else.
> And that....is very, very scary, and very, very impressive. Du spielst rp sehr gut!!
Dankeschon! Ich spreche Deutsch auch. Ich liebe Roleplay besonder gern. >.<