Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Right. There were (Counting Warriors who went to Lyoko. Jeremie counted as a helper... but he never really fought on Lyoko, which was a big part), Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, William, Aelita.. so it still ends up being 5. We have three scanners, so if we end up with 7 warriors... that would make it chaotic. We have to take in the fact ALL warriors might be in a situation where they all go at once. If that were to happen, that would just be crazy. Especially since I have things planned. I'm going to limit Lyoko Warriors to 5, absolutely 5. But, we might not reach that limit if other character's fit other spots, or just never get around too it. I have other spots that are important, which is mainly good since this is an RP, that aren't Lyoko Warriors... but if we fill them up more than there are Lyoko Warriors, that will make it not just hard (Fun!) for us... but impossible (End game.) I think, in the end, it will work out. Chances are we won't have 10 people! If we have that many... odds are some of them won't even end up playing important characters. I am considering the fact people will have multiple characters though. I will limit up to 1 character in each group max... other than the regular people. It's good to make a few extras of that, so then people have chances to RP more often during situations otherwise boring. This is the SECOND Page Claim in all of the Guild! Woot woot!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

We have a total of ten _characters_ right now. Including your two. Like I said, I'd be more willing to fill in a less important spot with Arndt to allow others who feel more fit to the job to actually be Lyoko warriors. rather than me taking up a spot that someone else clearly better suited should take. Plus, being someone who's an onlooker rather than someone who knows can be fun to RP out depending on the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ahh, okay. I will keep that in mind that you have volunteered not to be a Lyoko Warrior. It's going to be hard picking who will be though... but, that will be clear later on! Especially those who constantly knock at the door to be a warrior are obvious pickers. But if they get to too much of an extreme that's violating the rules anyway. I'll figure it out. I did last time. There's enough spots for everyone, and I'm still counting on some current characters not continuing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Though you did say that there is _Another_ group. I don't know if that means just regular school-goers or a different group of people who go into Lyoko to do stuff, but I am willing to join that group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> Though you did say that there is _Another_ group. I don't know if that means just regular school-goers or a different group of people who go into Lyoko to do stuff, but I am willing to join that group. ***Rolls Eyes*** The special group does Lyoko related stuff. But, it means your character will change. I will send character's a PM when the have been chosen, explaining what is going on, and giving them the option. I would like picked people to accept anyway... but I won't force them if they think it will conflict with their characters too badly, or if they can't handle it. But yes! It is another group that can be filled with more people!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start. Other: There is something very strange about rule number 9.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th > > Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. > > Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. > > Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. > Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start. > > Other: There is something very strange about rule number 9. Cool, good job! Accepted without a doubt. Do you need any help getting started, or have you read up enough to understand what's going on?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks! I think I may need a bit of help, I'm not sure exactly what I am supposed to do next since I haven't really roleplayed before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> Thanks! I think I may need a bit of help, I'm not sure exactly what I am supposed to do next since I haven't really roleplayed before. Ahh, gotcha, I understand. Okay! First thing (New to all of us, actually) is you need to copy your application, and move over to the characters tab. Post your app there so it's easier for everyone else to find... I've been using it quiet a lot for NPCs, and will even more once we move onto Lyoko related things! After that is done, you can move into the IC portion! I am assuming your character is coming to Kadic from another school. Today is introduction day, so everyone is registering with the principal, and being assigned classes, and their room. I currently have someone else called to go into the office... but since they're not here right now, I've edited it out. So! Pretty much just post something on the IC section of you either arriving at school, or having already been waiting around. You can have your name called up, and then enter into the principal's office, and then wait for a reaction from him (I'm currently in charge of NPCs, so that's where your'll end your post.) Though, more advanced RPers know how to make their posts 'open ended', meaning they post interactions with a character that can be easily responded to in any way the other person wants. Hope that helps! Happy posting!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay awesome, I will post on the character page now then! Then I will write up my IC post. That does help a lot, thank you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Congrats on your first post! By the way, I have NPCs up on the character's section if you want to have a full description of the character. Responding!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

hey, nice first post. Are ya sure you haven't ever roleplayed before?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

> Congrats on your first post! By the way, I have NPCs up on the character's section if you want to have a full description of the character. Responding! Thanks! Cool I will check it out then!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

> hey, nice first post. Are ya sure you haven't ever roleplayed before? Thanks lol. I really haven't roleplayed before, but I am working on writing a book, so that is probably why :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yep! Currently I have it set up so I add in character's as they're introduced. I usually add in the character right after I make a post with one that I've introduced. So there shouldn't be too many. There might be names of some characters, but they haven't appeared yet (Or might not in some instances.) Yep! Natural RPing skills Gambit. I remember my first posts a few years ago, and they were nowhere near what they are today. I can tell your'll have no problem RPing, and your'll probably handle writers block pretty well! --- Alright everyone, I'm logging off now! I'll be getting up around 10:15 tomorrow (12 hours from now), but my laptop is going to be bagged up, so I won't be able to respond to anyone. Everyone else can keep on going to catch themselves up, but I'll say don't go so far as to start classes at 10 (RP time) since I have a few things I need Josive to do before then to get some plot working up. I'll also not be available to post until later tomorrow night... though, I might have time to post during the time I'm gone. Toodles everyone! --- Wait, Flippy, if your character is new at school... you can enter the office right after Bella leaves. Otherwise, you can after the blind character does. If he doesn't respond in awhile, you have permission to go ahead anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ah okay cool, thanks :) I am looking forward to roleplaying here, it seems like a lot of fun! Anyways see you later then!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

so how are the rooms going to be determined?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RawrgnatheBloodfridge


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have no idea what he's going to be doing as far as rooms go. I'd say for now, just pick a random one and maybe ask where it is later. I don't think rooms really matter much though, because as far as plot goes it's just a space to talk to your roommate (if you have one) and sleeping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

***Blinks eyes one last time before falling asleep*** Rooms are just completely random. Everyone can bunk with who they want. People who quit can easily be removed by being put in another room. But at this point, the rooms have been randomly assigned. 99% of the boys are currently in the downstairs (2nd floor) dorm room, and 100% girls on the upper (3rd floor) dorm rooms. It has been confirmed there is actually one student who is a boy allowed on the upper dorm floor, having a room there. The reasons are unknown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 27 days ago

Hey guys, I saw I missed allot last night. Can anyone summarise what happened?
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