> > I'd love to join this, but sadly it seems that all roles have been taken. If one happens to be free, please contact me.
> Well the shard of love wielder dropped out, because she was too bummed out. Clearly she did not see the show. So you can replace her if you'd like. Submit your character in the character section of the RP please.
That's not why she dropped out _at all_. She (as well as me, and I know GS will probably feel the same too) did not expect the script format, which is only really allowed in Free. It says clearly in the description of Casual that you need to write in paragraphs, otherwise you'd be better moving this to Free.
And it's also _really_ jarring to see you using script when everyone else is using prose. Really makes it look kind of... Not that great, honestly. ^^; Sorry.