Name Tommy Oliver
Alias: White Ranger
age 20s
look ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
good or evil: Good
From: Power Rangers
Skills Skilled in several martial arts(Karate, kendo, Taekwundo, Kenpo, Judo, Shinkido,
Tso Kune Do,) He is also skilled in sword combat.
Powers Superhuman abilities. Strong enough to lift a car, faster then most cars and
motorcycles, Able to take blow after blow, and still fight, Superhuman stanimina. he can teleport short and long distances. Is made up of Pure good energy
weapons and tech:Saba the talking sword. It can fire energy beams, and help Tommy in a fight. The White Tigerzord, one of the strongest megazords.
Feats: is the Strongest Power Ranger
One of the most skilled and expeirienced Rangers
Has fought several monsters
Personality:Couragious, strong willed, quick thinking, saracastic, strong, wiling to risk his life for others,
Other information: Can lose his connection to the morphing grid, if he fights someone his equal or stronger