Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet: Name: Terry Adair Nicknames: The Cross Gender: Male Weight: 220 lbs Height: 6'1 Age: 24 Languages known: English, Japanese, Russian (minor knowledge) Appearance: Brown/black hair and green eyes [His Jacket](http://www.luckcos.com/images/v/201305/b/13699623143.jpg) - His lower body is a normal pair of jeans or sweat pants and under the coat is a nondescript grey shirt ![enter image description here](http://safebooru.org/samples/716/sample_842e2483f981aa0835460f91673e3a2f54c3d9ce.jpg?721540 "enter image title here") Fullbringer Ability: Cross of Scaffold (クロス·オブ·スキャッフォルド, Kurosu obu Sukyafforudo): Using Fullbring, Terry is able to transform the Celtic Cross pendant on his necklace into a large Claymore. The blade is a long, very wide, double-edged form of a longsword. The crossguard consists of a small emerald gem at the center and two straight ornate arms ending in simplistic version of a fleur-de-lis. The sword's handle runs through its guard, continuing on through a gold hollow space at the base of its blade. The handle is almost the same length of the blade itself. This part of the handle allows Terry to attack opponents at closer ranges. By gripping the handle near the base of his broadsword's blade and swinging the Cross of Scaffold around, Though he has trouble doing so Terry can generate certain amounts of light green Reiryoku which sheathes itself over the blade. When he swings the sword at his desired target it unleashes a small wave of energy in the shape of a blade that can cut through enemies. This requires effort on his own behalf to do so since he only had basic training since he left Tokyo. Fullbringer Item Appearance/Description: [Based/Unawakened](http://themescompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/celtic-cross-big.jpg) [Fighting Form](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111228012736/bleach/en/images/5/5f/Ep347SwordOfScaffold.png) Spiritual/Reiryoku Level: Average Spiritual Awareness Other Weapons/Instruments/Armor: None Personality: Terry is a man raised on catholic beliefs and doesn't normally partake in alcohol or over consumption of foods. He is a tolerant person and is very calm normally but when angered becomes a very serious person. He is not fond of large groups as he prefers being able to talk to people individually without being interrupted and groups in general make him uncomfortable. As a person he is not one to proscribe to romance of any sort but he finds the idea interesting in itself. That being said he is not one to completely obstinate from liking another person romantically. He is not a very funny individual and any jokes he makes tend to be pretty lame or lack clever thought behind them. As a combatant he is serious and directly to the point not afraid of using dirty tricks to win the day but doesn't enjoy doing so. He has a distaste for the Soul Society and says that people should be free to make their own choices in life. Terry's Fullbringer powers leave him with a sense of magnitude and a sense of dread. He dislikes being one targeted because of them but he still, despite all the trouble that it has caused him, loves having a unique ability no matter how much he may deny it outright. He enjoys the flow of combat and views it as a form of self expression and that a way a person fights says many things about the person. He is also a person whom doesn't mind being shouted at or demeaned. Terry, due to his time as a priest in training, also is a person who is neutral towards people in general and doesn't judge them based on their past but what they are doing right now. History: Born in southern Ireland to a woman named Michelle Leon and a father named Brandon Adair he (Terry) is the oldest son of the two children they had. Terry's mother was attacked by a crazed individual (whom was not seen again after the attack presumably he was caught or he died somewhere) and was hurt during her pregnancy but recovered due in no small part to the help of the town's doctor. Terry's parents where unimportant in the overall scheme of things with his mother being a nurse and his father being a construction worker and had only met when their friend introduced them to each other. Terry himself was often left with his rough and unready father whom showed he had little patience for little Terry but did his best to take care of him none the less being that Terry was his son and he wasn't about to become an abusive alcoholic father. His mother also took time to be with him when she could but was often to tired to do much and often got into fights with Brandon on who would raise Terry. Eventually Terry was handed over to his uncle who lived nearby and worked at home as a farmer and was a devout catholic. Terry was raised there the majority of the time by his aunt Rose whom loved him like the son she couldn't have. Terry was often read parts of the bible and about the history of Ireland itself by Rose who was patient and understand of people who where not catholic unlike the more stubborn uncle. When he was old enough he split his time between reading and working with his dad on small projects that he was old enough for,which were few and far between and often it was unpleasant but respectable work none the less, and working on the farm that his uncle As he grew older he noticed that he himself was a more physically tougher boy than his friends and classmates due to in no small part to the hard farming life he lived and the work with his father. When he got into a childish fist fight he often ended up giving people bloody noses and or outright overpowering kids who were from backgrounds that weren't like his. School itself was an strange ordeal and one that he didn't specifically excel at for the most part but did well enough. He wasn't a book smart child but liked the stories and challenges that came with reading and things like science and math. While his father helped him with math his mother and aunt helped him with his other projects and studies. He grew especially close to his aunt and started to go to church with her after school and learned to be tolerant of others but also to enjoy and praise the holy bible. However the arrival of his younger brother changed his life. Terry was often annoyed by his little brother's crying and the attention given towards him by his mother Michelle caused him to spend more and more time with his extended family. However he often was in charge of his younger brother and was there for him when his parents where not and even his first word was Terry. Terry was there for his first steps and when he hurt himself with scraped knees. It was more out of a respect for family than love for his imminent sibling that he did those things though. When Terry became a teenager he started to consider a teaching career despite pushes to become an athlete by his dad and uncle. When things got to stressful in Terry's life he was often found going to churches to talk out his problems. His local priest, Father Mance, was often kind and considerate towards the boy despite not being from around here, coming from Russia, and became a mentor figure for young Terry. His little brother tried to keep up with him but failed miserably in his attempts to do so. And gradually Terry began to slip away from his family and more towards those around him. He had few and far between girlfriends and eventually he started to burrow himself into studying languages hoping to become a language teacher with the help of his mentor Father Mance. His most treasured item during this time was a Celtic cross worn by Mance until Terry's sixteenth birthday. Towards the end of his school years Terry and his younger brother were out for a stroll when Terry and his brother were both attacked by a strange being whom was protecting a nearby playground they were walking past where a boy had died two weeks prior. Terry and his brother were afraid of the being though Terry's own inner strength made him brave enough to take most of the bad shots for his younger brother who insisted that he save himself. Terry was only aware of this being due to the fact that he had a strange sixth sense of sorts that allowed him to interact and see beings that passed on and his younger brother only had a basic awareness of it seeing the horrifying creature that was attacking them as a blurred vision compared to Terry whom saw the being in it's whole. Their father saw them being attacked and rushed to their aid despite not knowing what as happening and not being spiritually aware and only hurt himself in the process. Terry and his brother were almost certainly going to die until Father Mance steeped into the fight with a big brown war hammer. Father Mance displayed abilities that no one could have predicted and quickly dispatched the monster with ruthless ease which frightened young Terry. Much to Father Mance's annoyance before he could finish the monster off he was interrupted by a man in a black and white robes and was the lieutenant of a squad of some sort. The man made the monster vanish and then turned on Mance saying that he should have not gotten involved in which Mance retorted he didn't intend to let shinigami come late and cost boys their lives. The man ignored that statement and went to erase the memory of Terry and the others despite his brother's arguments. Mance intervened on behalf of his student Terry saying the boy involuntarily used something called Fullbringer powers during the fight which Terry was confused about and told him that he didn't want his memories removed and that was a statement his younger brother agreed with. The Lieutenant gave Mance a deal after a firm argument from both parties and wiped out his brother's memories of this while keeping Terry. While his brother and father were sent to the hospital Mance and Terry both went back to the local chapel and Mance personally took care of Terry saying from this point forth that Terry's life would never be the same. Terry said he knew it wouldn't be but that's what he asked for. Terry and Mance became in tangled in training in the outbacks of southern Ireland and occasionally France where they trained in the mountains. Mance told him about the basics of what was happening such as Hollows and Soul Reapers and told Terry he was like himself, a being known as a Fullbringer and that his mother had been attacked by a Hollow before his birth and some of that being's energy resided in him. Terry was a slow learner but he improved and eventually grew to have a certain strength in his Fullbringer power being able to conjure up a Claymore from his Celtic Cross. After this Terry and Mance left Ireland and France behind and left for Japan. Terry at this point had learned some Russian and Japanese due to Mance's recommendation due to Japan being where things normally hit the fan. Terry spent time as a priest in training there but gave that up once he had trouble coping with the trouble that came with knowing of the existence of the Soul Society. However he still followed the beliefs installed in him by his aunt and uncle. His brother often tried to contact Terry to little success normally. Terry would eventually gain a firm understanding of Japan after some year or so being there. Mance let Terry live his own life and was sent to a school where Mance's friend was a principal and gave him a spot for tutoring English for students. Terry grew comfortable with his life up until his twenty first birthday where he came home from a party with his newer friend and companions only to find the church that Father Mance lived in was under attack. Terry was unable to find Mance until it was to late. Mance had been left lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood and his last words to Terry were that he was proud of the man the boy had become and that this wasn't his fault. Making his own path was far more important than the life of an aging priest. Mance pasted from this world as the same Shinigami came and brought him to the new world Terry took his money and quit his tutoring job after a week later and left for his home in Ireland. In his time in Tokyo he had only encountered a dozen hollows and only three of which he defeated himself. Terry's life would live the rest of his days there he decided before one day a strange ornate letter was given to him and a man requested his appearance and it was signed anonymously but the details inside of it proclaimed frightening knowledge of Terry's Fullbringer status. He was determined to find out who it was who sent this letter to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Alexis Falk Gender: Female Weight: 55kg Height: 5,4 Age: 21 Languages known: English and minor Japanese Appearance: She wears what is in the image, along with baggy black pants and combat boots that she never ties up properly. In the cold she has a thick, dark tan jacket. Quincy Uniform When in her Quincy uniform, Alexis wears a simple white tank top and simple white shorts, with white knee high boots that have a small heal and come to a slight point at the toe, the shoes have blue laces and a blue line over all the seams of the shoes. Over all of this Alexis has a sleeveless coat, at the front it only reaches only to her stomach, as it reaches the side of her body it starts becoming long enough to reach the back of her heal, this again is white and is lined around the hems and seams in blue, with the Quincy insignia stretching over the upper back. Under this coat she keeps a small white pouch in which she can store her items. Quincy abilities: Like all Quincy, Alexis is able to use Hirenkyaku, An advanced Quincy moving technique that allows for high-speed movements by riding on the flow of Reishi created below the user's feet. And the Blut, A Quincy ability that gives a practitioner inhuman defensive and offensive capability. By making Reishi flow into their blood vessels, Quincy increase their attack and defense power drastically. Though Blut is significantly dangerous, it has one big flaw; the two forms of Blut for attack and defense work using two different Reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. Echt Quincy inherits it from birth while Gemischt Quincy must train to attain it. Alexis of course is also extremely good at archery and practices it often as a hobby in her spare and to keep her skills from diminishing, Her Quincy bow is called forth from her necklace at will, Spiritual/Reiryoku Level: Average Spiritual Awareness Other Weapons/Instruments/Armor: Alexis possesses a couple of Gintō, A capsule-shaped tool used by Quincy to store their Reiryoku. It is an antiquated tool, but the use of it allows Quincy to perform certain techniques. She keeps these in a small white pouch that is hidden under her Quincy uniform coat, and her Quincy Cross Is a necklace on a silver chain, one that she is never seen without. Personality: Unlike most other Quincy who are trained posh and formal with some kind of intelligence and efficiency in battle, Alexis is rather the opposite as she can be rash in her choice of attacks, with an attitude problem and a habit for not listening when she is suppose too. Maybe even a little quick tempered at the worst of times. Despite all this though Alexis is loyal and trusting to her friends, not that she has many friends to begin with. But like most Quincy she still has that loathing towards Soul Reapers, and will act rather unkindly towards them even though she will act unkindly towards any stranger who approaches her. She is a bit of a rebel as well when it comes to not paying attention or choosing to ignore the rules. playing by her own set of rules rather than those she had been taught as a Quincy, Alexis has never been good at playing with others either and would rather battle alone than be aided by another, not that she wouldn't appreciate the help if someone did come along but she wouldn't openly show this. Alexis likes to smoke all the time, though she is obviously suffering from it with coughing fits that hit her at random times and shortage of breath of course, something she however pretends isn't as bad as it really is, and if offered will willingly and happily participate in drinks through this is something she can easily lose control over, the tattoos on her right arm are a result of one such time, she doesn't like to talk about this particular event. History: Alexis was never born or raised in Japan, and in fact never set foot in Karakura town until she was at least 19 years of age, having moved here on her own to get away from her family whim all reside in some other part of the world. In the Australian and New Zealand area of the world to be exact. Alexis was raised by her mother on a small far, a quiet place where she could carry out her Quincy training without hindrance from Society, and living not to far from her and her mother were her relatives, her uncle and aunt. Though even though she lived away from Society it did not mean that she was safe from Hollows or never meet a soul reaper, Being told at a very young age that they were her enemies. Alexis never liked this life and would have often sneak out to town where she hung out with friends, getting in to trouble with the police and with her family on numerous occasions, though she didn't care she preferred the rush of trouble over her Quincy training and her life that was chosen for her, only ever learning what she needed to know, and no more than that so that she wasn't seen as a threat and left alone. When Alexis turned 19 she find the opportunity to leave her home and her family behind, forgetting about them and wishing to start fresh a new life, where she could do what she wanted when she wanted. However was unaware that the town she had planned to move to was renown for it's spiritual activity, and what she tried to escape from would become something she would have to rely on, more often than she would like. Living alone in an old apartment Alexis goes to a school to learn Japanese, even though language isn't something she was ever good at learning, and has a small part time job, aside from hollow hunting and Soul reaper taunting. And even though she has next to no friends in this new town, the Quincy is enjoying her new home and her new life away from strict rules and constant training, Living life how she sees fit just how she wanted, for now at least.
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