Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This roleplay is still accepting The year is 2012 and humanity is secretly guarded by the organization known as The Soul Society whom fight against groups of monsters known as Hollows, and many people in the world go their whole lives without even knowing about it. The Soul Society itself is dedicated to returning the souls of the damned to their place in the Soul Society HQ. The souls who refuse to go to the afterlife, hollows, are proving to be a real nuisance to the Soul Society as of recent and activity has been increasing. There are those who are aware of this organization, for various reasons, and it's Soul Reapers whom protect it as well some even serve as Substitute Soul Reapers in times of crisis or when the need arises. As of recently however hollow activity has been on the rise and the society is having more and more trouble handling them all. With the rise in Hollow activity the Soul Reapers are having more trouble keeping up with them. This rise in activity has also come with a surprising arise of new fighters....Fullbringers. Fullbringers are individuals whom have parents who have survived being attacked by hollows before they were born. In doing so their children gain unique powers and spiritual awareness from their parents near death experience. They are human however and are still confined to their normal bodies. With the rise of the hollows in activity more of those unaware or faintly aware of their powers are having themselves put in danger and forced to learn their abilities or suffer. Also with rise of the hollows Quincies are appearing once more but are still few and far between and mostly under the notice of the soul society as a threat. Few normal humans are able to combat these monsters and survive without the assistance of these three parties. And this is where our roleplay starts out with the call of a strange individual calling out to 'fellow fullbringers to end the threats of the hollow'. === Basic rules: 1. All basic roleplay rules apply including meta gaming, power playing, and 'god modding' 2. All characters are restricted to basic to above average spiritual levels. If you want a high spiritual level please ask me first. 3. Substitute soul reapers and soul reapers are not allowed in this roleplay unless you can make a good argument for a former substitute reaper. 4. Minimal requirement is a paragraph (preferably a half along with it) per post and the ability to post at least once every four or five days. If further time is needed please say so in the roleplay. 5. Most of us won't have that much training but I won't be against your character having training before hand just keep it so it limits it to average power level. 6. You can be from almost any nation or whatever be it but preferably to be at an age where you don't need to go to school anymore. 7. You accept the fact that you must inform me or someone of your departure from this roleplay. Doing so without my knowing (leaving the roleplay) will result in a permanent ban from any and all of my roleplays. 8. You need to get accepted by my personally to join this roleplay. === Character Roster: Terry Adair - VanceXentan Alexis Falk - Lex === NPC Character Section: === Character Sheet: Name: Nicknames: (This is applicable and please include a reason for any nicknames in the other or bio section) Gender: Weight: Height: Age: Languages known: (English required) Appearance: Fullbringer Ability: (please go in depth here. This section of the CS is only required if you're a full bringer) Fullbringer Item Appearance/Description: Spiritual/Reiryoku Level: Other Weapons/Instruments/Armor: (If applicable those who do not carry weapons or armor don't need to apply to this) Personality: History: Other: (this is for anything missed here. If you are playing a quincy feel free to change out any fullbringer sections above to the applicable things for your character instead) === Wikipedia links: http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Spiritual_Energy http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Fullbringer http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Hollow http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Quincy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ignore this post it was meant for the character section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll get working on this soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

alright sounds good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jaxson Iden Nicknames: Hayasa (Japanese for 'Speed' Gender: Male Weight: 60 Km (132.277 pounds) Height: 182.88 cm (6 feet) Age: 20 Languages known: English and Japanese Appearance: Tall, black hair, blue eyes, not so masculine more built for speed, wears a soul reaper's kimono that changes during bankai.
Fullbringer Ability: While training non stop to be the best fighter around Jaxson went out to the mountains in Japan for 8 years to live in the wilds so he can train his Full bringer abilities. What he learnt was to move at super sonic speed, which because he isn't a strong person he relies on this very heavily. Using this ability he learnt to fly as fast as a jet and to be able to hover. He feels as though he can get so fast to the human eye he isn't even moving. Fullbringer Item Appearance/Description: ??? Spiritual/Reiryoku Level: Through his vigorous training he managed to get a 'High Spiritual Energy.' Other Weapons/Instruments/Armor: Traditional black Japanese robe.
Personality: Jaxson, living with a Japanese family, with his master in the mountains, learnt how to live like a Japanese. He is polite to those who deserve it. He is very skilled and is always talking about getting stronger. He is knowledgeable and often quotes saying that always seem to be in the right moment. He is a forgiver but not a forgetter. History: When Jaxson was Twelve he learnt of his abilities and he wanted to be a protector of his family. He traveled up to Japan because he had heard of a man who could train him in his abilities. Upon reaching the base of the mountain an old man had been meditating. He told Jaxson that only five people have ever made it up this mountain. The master and his wife, and three students of his. A true test of willpower as this mountain was relentless and unforgiving. Jaxson, with his will to protect made him start the journey. Two days in the ground nor the top could be seen and Jaxson was losing his grip to his life. In a last act of desperate hope and will he manged to move up the mountain with tremendous speed but alas still not making it. Dying and alone Jaxson cried for help but no one was hearing him. Deciding the mountain won he decided to lay down and give into this defeat. Flashes of his sister and father went through his mind and his body acted. Without control and running on willpower alone he had done it, he reached the top of a mountain where sitting atop, was a small hut, where the wife had brought him in. Amazed that a twelve year old manged to conquer the mountain he agreed to teach him in fighting. Eight long years of constant training his master had told him of a call. And so Jaxson's story begins...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Sheet: Name: Bryce Lee Nicknames: Shooting Dragon Gender: Male Weight: 175lbs. Height: 6'0 Age: 22 Languages known: English, Some Japanese Appearance: Quincy Ability:
  • Basic Reishi Manipulation: At a young age Bryce was taught how to manipulate reishi in his surrounding in order to form a spirit bow. His mastery over this technique isn't perfect because he abandoned his formal training before it was complete, but he can use it to take down an average hollow.
  • Spirit Bow: Bryce's training as a Quincy has taught him to generate a bow by collecting reishi and combining it with his which he calls his Doragon (ドラゴン literally means: Dragon)
Quincy Cross Appearance/Description: Spiritual/Reiryoku Level: Slightly Below Average Other Weapons/Instruments/Armor: None for now. Personality: Bryce comes off as a rather serious person but can be funny once he opens up his shell to you. He was not raised knowing many living people as a child so he tends to only socialize with the dead until he knows he can trust you. Once you do earn his trust he tends to make witty and sarcastic remarks at you. When talking to females he does end up being a bit more flirty and he acts more confrontational when speaking to men. With his training by his mother and the military he tends to try and think of three or more answers before he takes the time to respond making him the last to act in any situation. In battle Bryce immediately takes the time for his first thought to analyze and assess the situation he places himself in. His training in the army has him look at shooting vantage points and locations that can stop a ranged attack opposed to a spot that would leave him wide open to a volley of bullet. Like wise in his hollow hunting he tends to fire his Spirit Bow from a concealed location if he can't find definite cover. Like all other situation in battle Bryce usually is last to move but this is because he spends most of his time in battle thinking of the best possible way to finish a battle in as few shots as possible. However, if he cannot finish a battle quick he will do what he can to stay on his toes until he can get a clear shot in. History: Once upon a time there was a hollow known as Young Blood. This hollow was not especially powerful but it was smart and managed to outrun the Soul Society for about a hundred years. That was until he was slaughtered by a blast of concentrated reishi fired by a Quincy. This Quincy was a half-Chinese and half-Japanese girl named Sora Lee. Sora moved from Hong Kong to Karakura town when she was little with her parents because they were being hunted by an exorcist. Sora eventually met a man named Kiba who she slowly fell in love with due to his charm and wit. The problem with being with Kiba was that he came from a family who was not spiritually aware so she kept her powers and family a secret from her lover for a majority of their relationship. It wasn't until after Sora was pregnant that she revealed the existence of the Soul Society and hollows to Kiba. Sadly Kiba was killed by the dreaded hollow Young Blood in front of Sora. This enraged the ferocious Quincy and she destroyed the vile creature while gaining infamy among the Seireitei. Sora soon felt that she could not live her life in Karakura town. Thus she packed up and relocated to the United States for her child to be born in a nation where he may someday prosper. After three months of living in this nation in a quiet town her son , whom she named Bryce, was born to her. The Shinigami took notice that Sora had relocated to the outskirts of Maine so they relaxed their patrols in her neighborhood not wanting to help extend another line of Quincies. Soon Sora noticed that she was the only protector against hollow attacks. This firmly prompted her to start training Bryce at the age of four in the art of the Quincy. Bryce Lee accompanied his mother on her hollow hunts until he turned thirteen. Then his mother planned on testing him to see if he could handle hollows on his own and he succeeded to possess the basic mastery over all abilities necessary to take down a hollow. This changed when Bryce turned seventeen because he never enjoyed hunting these hollows and he hated that he was born into a family where he was charged with slaughtering these demons. Although he was selfish and was not willing to let people suffer. He left his mothers house after he graduated high school early to join the United States Army. There he took a job in the Intelligence Department. Bryce spent the first two years in the Army working Infantry. Being charged as a warrior on the battlefield he used his Quincy training to enhance his reflexes higher than his peers and pinpoint accuracy with a rifle to outdo other soldiers taking lives of the enemy while he fought in the heated climate of Afghanastan and Libya. Even though Bryce was trained to combat hollows he could easily have died if there was a weapon fired at him before he could take notice then he probably would have died. And he knew that. After his second year of fighting on the front lines he requested to be retrained by the Army in their Intelligence Division. There he was charged with plotting battle formulas of military operations. This helped him become a master in military strategy and major battle tactics. Bryce was a model soldier until one day. He explained each possibility to a General, but the commanding officer in question did not take the plan with the least casualties because an other plan could bring greater results. After Bryce offended the General then he was immediately discharged from his career in the Army. A few months after his job with the Army Bryce received a letter from a mysterious source. Bryce knew he would spent his time partying and wasting the rest of his life if he did not keep himself busy. That notion prompted him to accept the offer and he begun to travel to the airport in question so that he may see what this stranger wants from him. Other: Bryce has U.S. Army Tattooed vertically from his left shoulder down his back. Edit: your rules look strange to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll accept Lex's and Helios's character. I also fixed the rules. They were all screwed up due to the BB code changing that forces things together. However for Brod I don't believe you understand fullbringers all that well. They have the power to hover in the air already. They have the power to move at very fast speeds (not shinigami levels for the most part if I remember correct but still fast), and they work by manipulating something with their abilities which allow them to do as they do. I'd recommend reworking his abilities. Likewise you requested that you keep that high spiritual level on that character. I request that you turn it into a slightly above average level. High is Lieutenant class.
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common among those of an average lieutenant rank and high ranked seated officers. (Lieutenant-class)
That quote was taken from the wiki. Likewise Jaxson has no history beyond his training. His only given reason for protecting his family is...that he wants to protect his family. He has no history of leveling being slightly different than others or seeings spirits or what have you. You need more information on his live before his training. If you want to keep this secret for whatever reason then please send me a private message regarding the details.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fullbringers have fast movements yes but if one trains they can be faster, like byakuya. And i know they can all hover i was merely stating that he found out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yes but how does that exactly translate to your actual fullbring ability? Is it just the ability to move faster? My guy turns his necklace into a sword that uses spiritual power to sling pure raw power at the enemy like a sort of explosive slash. It's a variant of Ginjo's but based more on ranged and is unable to be used at range.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

i may not know much then.... i was more going off of ichigos power
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So how many players are we looking before we start?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We can start. Four was enough I accepted your character so you can post in the IC Helios. If you're having trouble with the Fullbringer concept then please just use a Bount or something. If you really want a fullbringer then just take The Lucky Knuckles ability from that one guy (a hit with random amounts of damage given per hit the more hits the less likely it is to cause major damage).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Im ready when everyone else is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just said everyone whose been accepted can post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I was going to let lex go first since she has a post already in the IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That first post was an accidental post on her behalf. I set us all up on the plane because it let's us interact and it doesn't leave any room for people to be confused on what's happening since everyone is in the dark per say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yea I was on my phone when I posted that, and I couldn't see then that I was in the Rp section not the comment section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

well just edit your first post into that comment and have helios post after your done. I'm not sure if Brod is still here (S)he doesn't seem to be having much luck with the character (S)he made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

But that means I have to think!et aro lol K I will get around to it as soon as possible, when it isn't 2 in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright how about you Helios? Also do either of you want me to bump up the interest check?
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