Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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That morning was particularly cold. He stood on the edge of a pond in the middle of the forest. It was still a little dark but light was starting to hit the sky, painting the area in a blue winter wonderland. Derek was up all night on guard duty, assuring none of the humans came into the forest. He checked his digital watch on his right wrist. He saw the red numbers illuminate through the ascending dark, 7:30. He saw his other pack member, Adrian leaving his post for school. Derek's replacement was late, but he decided to go ahead and start jogging to the entrance of the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer woke with a loud scream after she heard her alarm clock going off, she had the same dream again the day five years ago being dragged into that truck. No matter how much or how hard she tried to forget what happened that day, today was going to be her first day at a completely new school after the fifth time transferring in five years since it happened. With a sigh Jennifer got out of her bed as she started to change into the warm set of clothes that were set up the night before. Jennifer walked down the stairs most of the boxes had been put away, she walked into the kitchen seeing her mother finishing making breakfast. "Good morning sweetie." Her mother said putting a plate of scrambled eggs, and bacon down before her daughter. "Good morning." Jennifer said softly grabbing herself a glass of water and started to eat it. "Excited for your first day?" Her mother asked, Jennifer gave her mother a slight shrug as she finished eating the rest of her breakfast. "I guess, I know I have to use the fake name I was given." Jennifer got up from her seat setting the plate down in the sink and grabbed her jacket and packpack making her way towards the door. "I'll come straight home after school." She left the house the school wasn't that far from her house and it was a good fifteen minute walk, walking past the entrance to the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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Derek came out of the forest entrance in a secluded part of the small town. He continued jogging until he reached the school. He didn't think he was late, but didn't dare look at his watch. He walked up the steps to the school and headed inside, going straight for his locker. He grabbed his jacket from inside the locker and put it on, feeling the faux fur on the inside warming him up. His hot body temperature warmed it up fast. He felt better. The cold air outside felt colder to him where his body temperature was higher than others. He walked into Mr. Brown's English class and sat down in the back row, awaiting for class to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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As Jennifer walked past the entrance of the woods, she got a feeling that something else was in there but she didn't even want to walk down that path. Fifteen minutes later Jennifer finally made it to Polina High School, she took out a small sheet of paper containing her class schedule as well as her locker and locker combination. She adjusted her glasses and quickly found her locker as she quickly put her backpack inside to grab her English book before heading to Mr. Brown's English class. Mr. Brown a man who looked to be in his early fifties was sitting at his desk watching his students entering the classroom Jennifer stood outside the door for a moment as Mr. Brown looked at her for a moment and smiled motioning the young girl to enter. "Everyone we have a new student here today, she just moved into town her name is Krista Neal. If she needs help please take a moment of your time to do so." He said. Jennifer smiled softly and nodded her head to everyone in the class, but didn't say another word taking a seat in the back next to Derek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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Derek could feel an eerie darkness that hovered over this girl. She looked normal and nervous, as any new high school student would. He couldn't take his eyes off her, even as she came to the empty seat next to him. She had a scent of fear on her, as if she was fearing for her life that same day. What was it about this girl's life that she was in fear of? Was her parents abusive? Was she scared for her life? Something didn't seem normal about her fear. He could see it in her eyes. She was genuinely afraid for her life. Something about her looked familiar. Almost as if he had seen her somewhere, but her name just didn't seem right. She didn't seem acknowledged when the teacher said her name. Why am I getting so worked up about this? "Good morning," he said to her, after she sat in the seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer jumped slightly her eyes looked towards the boy who was sitting next to her. "Sorry.. good morning." Jennifer said shyly and smiled at him, she just thought he was being friendly with her and seemed to relax though she seemed to still be very tense about something. Even though she would be safe in this town, he would eventually find her again. "I'm Krista by the way. But I guess you kind of already know." Mr. Brown then started his lecture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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He shook his head at her. There was just something about the way she said her name. It isn't sound natural the way she said it. Almost as if it were rehearsed. It was something that nagged at him, but he had no right to question her about it. "So what brings you to a small town like this? We almost have nothing here," he chuckled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer smiled softly and giggled slightly. "My parents wanted to move somewhere that is quieter is all." It was yet another rehearsal with her family to add to her fake story. She really wanted to tell someone what happened to her, but that would add way to much attention to her and her family after all her killer was still out there. She brushed some of her hair away from her face, and looked towards Derek he seemed like a nice enough guy. "What is your name?" Jennifer asked, something seemed to be different about him though she couldn't think what was at all different about him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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He shifted in his seat, turning more towards her. Somewhere quieter he could believe. There was nothing quiet about this town. He wasn't even sure if she knew of the nightly curfew. "I'm Derek," he answered her. He just knew she was a curious individual. He never wanted to understand someone before. "You picked one hell of a town to settle in," he commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer turned around slightly in her seat to face Derek as he told her his name, though she didn't know much of the town having only moved in about two weeks ago. Her parents had met some of the neighbors already they didn't tell any of them about a curfew but Jennifer always came straight home no matter what. "It's nice to meet you." Jennifer said softly and smiled at him, though she didn't want to get close to anyone in case she had to move again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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He nodded at her remark. She seemed to be withdrawn from everything, but holding it in. He turned back to face the teacher and wait for class to end. At the end of class, he would ask her what is on his mind. His curiosity was killing him. She seemed to be hiding something, which so did all people. But this dark scent that surrounded her aura just screamed something bad was heading into her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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After talking a bit to Derek Jennifer turned back to the teacher as he continued on with his lesson, she barely took any notes, the whole time she was looking around the classroom almost paranoid as if someone was watching her. She also got the unsettling feeling that Derek was looking at her occasionally throughout the class. When the bell finally rang for English class to be over, Jennifer was the first person to leave the classroom despite being in the back of the class and headed for her locker to get her math book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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Derek watched her rush out of the classroom. He grabbed his things and followed her to her locker. Something had this girl spooked in life, and it didn't seem to be healthy or safe for her. He walked up to her as she pulled out the math book. "What are you so afraid of?" he asked bluntly. He stood next to the locker and stared her down. "i can understand not wanting to talk about something big in your life, but whatever it is that looms around you is something dark. It's something that is killing you inside, Krista."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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As Jennifer finally got to her locker and pulled out her math book, the young girl jumped suddenly hearing Derek saying. "What are you so afraid of?" She stood there staring into his eyes at his blunt question, Jennifer knew that the way she has been acting since the whole ordeal five years ago happened was not healthy. But no one knew or understood what she had gone through, or how she was coping with it, then the way he said her fake name made her slightly fearful of him. "Why do you even care? You don't know a thing about me, and you wouldn't even know what I have been through!" Jennifer snapped at him, she glared at him she didn't mean to become angry she was doing the only thing to keep herself safe and the people around her and pushed them away. Jennifer then slapped her locker shut and started to walk away from him, if Derek looked closely at her neck as she passed he would notice the edge of a scar on her neck she stopped for a moment looking back at him. "I know you mean well, and everything. But for your safety and mine, just drop it." Jennifer said before heading off to her math class, she looked down feeling bad for her reaction but she needed to protect herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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Derek was astounded by her defensiveness. It didn't seem like she was angry with Derek himself, but she was just protecting herself from the blunt question that had prodded her privacy. He couldn't think of what to say when she was jumping onto him, but knew it was not a good idea to do what he did. As she turned, he did in-fact notice the scar on her throat. That was when it clicked to him. He knew her. He had seen her as a young child on national news. She was the one who escaped the clutches of the serial killer, and lived to tell the tale. He tried to recollect on the memories of himself as a young cub. The werewolf tribes all over the world was searching for this serial killer because he was very close to revealing to the world about the existence of the supernatural. He was close to having the supernatural beings in the world hunted and thrown onto autopsy tables with their insides pulled out and examined. This girl was lucky. She had survived the signature of her attacker. He would never had known who she was if the serial killer had been just a regular mundane human. He only knew of her because of the fact that the person who took her as a young child, was a vampire. He could finally make sense of it all. The looming darkness that is surrounding her aura is the experience she had. Her life had changed that night and it would never had been the same. Did she know he was a vampire? Did she actually see what he was? Would she forever hate the supernatural? He didn't know any answer, but he wanted to find out. But why would she share this story with him? If she dared to breathe a word about her real name or anything about the truth of her life, the U.S Marshals would snatch them up and place them somewhere else. If there was one thing he knew about tracker vampires, it was that they don't give up on their prey. They would scourge the Earth to find them. Derek ran after her. "Krista! Wait!" he called out for her. She needed his tribe more than she knew. She needed him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer started walking away from Derek even quicker, some of the students stared at them for a moment as they headed to their individual classes. She was very tempted to just walk out the front door now, already there was someone who might have recognized her when he called out to her Jennifer stopped gripping her math book tightly. The last time she opened up to someone about everything was three years ago with another girl her age, the vampire had found her again and knew exactly where she lived and knew who she hung out with. One morning she was about to open the front door to see the body of the girl just as brutally mutilated like all of his other victims, another reason why she refused to make friends or get close to anyone. Jennifer turned around to face Derek again, she didn't know why he was so interested in her or if he wanted something from her. "I told you to just drop it, please!" Jennifer snapped again clearly getting more agitated with him she was starting to tremble in fear, she spoke way to much about her past already and the Marshals would end up moving her entire family once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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He jogged faster towards her. He could see that she wasn't in no mood to talk to him, or if she even wanted him to bother with her. He couldn't help but feel horrible for her. He could sense this overwhelming feeling that maybe this was all a game to the serial killer. He just toys with her for years and hopes she gives in a fight. But once all the fight is left out of her, he would surely kill her for real the next time they meet. "I can't just leave you alone," he said, jogging up closer to her so that he could talk with her in private. He put his hand around her elbow, tugging at her. "Come with me. I promise you that I will leave you alone if you'll just hear me out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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She stood there as he jogged towards her, her eyes meeting his once more she was still shaking from the stress that was going on around her. She knew he was just doing what he could to help her Jennifer looked away from him once more as she started to think about he wanted to tell her, or weather to trust him enough to tell him more. With a sigh as she closed her eyes calming herself down before nodding slowly to him. "Alright, but you have five minutes. I just want to get through the day and go home.." Jennifer told him and quickly pulled her arm out of his grip still not trusting him fully, she would at least just hear what he has to say not very many people knew who she was except for the local law enforcement her therapist, and the US Marshals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CupcakeQueen


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He nodded his head and walked to the door leading to the front of the building, holding it open for her. He waited until she followed him to the side of the building at the patio-type area that had tables during lunch time during the summer. He turned to face her, and he sat on the top of the table. He honed in on his sensitive hearing and could tell no one was within hearing distance. He could not smell any scents close to them to hear their conversation. "I know who you are. I don't remember your real name. But believe me when I say that you are in no way safe in this world. No matter where you go, he will find you. No matter who you talk to, he can get to them. But I want you to trust me. I know you do not trust me at the slightest bit, but I need you to. I'm not going to ask you to re-live your memories. I'm not going to ask you about the experience. And when I ask you this next question, please be honest. Did anything about the person seem abnormal to you? Did he seem almost, non-human?" he asked. He could tell he was being very pushy. He knew that by making her talk that she was jeopardizing her life, her parents, and anyone she ever cared about. But in reality, he needed to know these things. He needed to know if a vampire was heading into their territory. Werewolves had a treaty with the vampires dating back thousands of years. Although they both hated each other, the treaty was never to be broken or else there would be an all out war against one another, possibly bringing their existence to light. If this vampire was to invade Polina, then they had a shit storm heading their way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Jennifer quietly followed behind Derek, heading towards the front of the school she nodded towards him as he held the door open for her and followed him to the side of the building near the cafeteria where some of the students chose to eat outside. The cold winter wind caused her to shiver since her jacket was left inside, when Derek told her he knew who she was she looked fearful. "I'm not going to give you my real name, still just call me Krista. Okay?" Jennifer asked hoping that he will agree to do that. "I know I am not safe, and I will never be safe I moved to the other side of the country just to hide from him. And a girl was killed because of me, which is more of a reason to just leave me be.." Jennifer didn't want anyone to get hurt or go through what had happened to her five years ago, and she would end up blaming herself just like the girl who was killed by the same man who was after her. Jennifer looked at Derek once more in the eyes as he asked her a question about her killer and shook her head. "No I could never see his face, he knocked me out when I was forced in his car. When I woke up I was blindfolded and gagged the only times I could see was his figure in the shadows." Jennifer thought for a moment what else she could say. "When there was sunlight in the room he would stay to the shadows, that is all that I know."
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