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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Chandler Griffin Webster was -NOT- having a very good day thus far, and honestly his entire Hogwart's experience thus far was all about him getting hurt. He sighed and stepped into the Great Hall knowing he had missed the entire first class, he supposed he would just have to get Nolan or Caelum's notes and memorize them. Speaking of which where were they? He looked around closely and finally saw them sitting at the Slytherin table talking with another older girl, Chandler thought he recognized her from the train and he shrugged making his way over slowly, rubbing his arm. He was just passing the entrance when he heard and saw shouting, he sighed realizing it was another fight. He wondered why everyone thought it was such a good idea to fight in the middle of a school with wands that had the potential to do some real damage. Shrugging once more he just continued his way to is friends plopping down beside Nolan. "I have had the morning from hell I think... I woke up late and rushed down the stairs... I tripped and broke my arm and wrist. The nurse was right though I did see her again, much sooner than I thought I would." He had a pained expression on his face but figured it was no use to reflect on his bad morning and just tackle the rest of the day. "So, what did I miss?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dani was about to write down that she thought they had Flying as their next class, not something that Dani was particularly looking forward to considering her fear of heights, when she noticed that Roze had trailed off. A quick glance at her friend revealed that she had stiffened up considerably, a clear sign that something had unnerved her, which was odd considering the fact that Roze was usually bold and fearless.

Before Dani could make any attempt to discern what had spooked her friend, Roze was lifted off the ground and sent flying down the hallway, knocking the smaller girl down in the process. Vaguely aware of what was going on around her, it was all Dani could do to cover her head as the reflected spell hit the ceiling and caused pieces of debris to rain down upon the group, though the slight stinging sensation as tiny rock shards hit her arms did help her shake off the daze.

By the time Dan yelled at her to get Roze to the infirmary, a funny joke had the situation not been so serious, Dani was already pushing herself up off the ground, doing her best to ignore the dizziness that washed over her whenever she moved too fast. Still, the notion that Roze was in need of medical attention, as conveyed by Dan’s instructions to get her to the infirmary, helped spur the smaller girl to action despite the fact that her head was still ringing something awful.

As Dani reached Roze, ignoring the fight between Wade and Dan on the stairway nearby, she heard an older woman’s voice cut through the chaos and suddenly found herself entirely unable to move. The sound of heels clicking on the floor echoed in the silence as the headmistress made her way to the two girls first, unfreezing them and casting a spell to slow the bleeding on Roze’s arm before instructing them to head to the infirmary and then her office when they were patched up.

Instructions given, the headmistress turned to Dan and Wade, her expression furious and unforgiving. Glad to have been spared the brunt of her wrath, Dani offered a hand to Roze to help her up if she needed it. Once Roze was on her feet, the two of them began to make their way to the infirmary, Dani trying desperately to ignore how everything seemed to bob and sway, including herself. It was very… disconcerting to say the least.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Despite Roze's slight bravado in the face of danger, the events had shaken her up a little. The mere fact that Wade had so publicly attacked her without even allowing her to get her own wand out was frightening, especially with his use of spell. Had he put more effort into it or aimed a little higher, he could quite likely have cut her throat and killed her. It was a little over the top, considering the last one he had used was a harmless bat-bogey hex. Despite Roze's dislike for that childish spell, it was much better than the curse Wade had used.
Thankfully, Dan had jumped in rather bravely - and somewhat foolishly - and deflected the second curse. He then proceeded to try his own spell, which didn't work out as well as he probably intended; however, at that point, the Headmistress had shown up. Stuck in the freezing spell, Roze couldn't help but feel a spark of fear as the stoic Headmistress made her way towards herself and poor Dani, who looked rather shook up herself. Mcgonagall looked furious, although it clearly wasn't aimed at the two girls, as was made obvious when they were unfrozen and dealt with crisply, but rather gently. The spell Mcgonagall used on her arm got rid of most of the pain and bleeding, but it would still probably need bandaging.
Taking Dani's arm, Roze was happy to get out of there as soon as possible. She'd heard how badly Mcgonagall's wrath could be, but the look on her face was scarier than some of the intimidating Auror's she had met once or twice.
"God, do I feel sorry for Dan. I hope Mcgonagall goes easy on him; he was just protecting me, after all." Roze said to Dani as they walked to the Hospital Wing on the third floor. They walked at a swift pace; not wanting to keep the angry Headmistress waiting, and also, Roze didn't want to miss her first flying lesson. She'd had a couple of goes on her brother's broomstick, but never had a decent fly; nor a game of Quidditch. As they entered the Hospital Wing, Roze glanced at Dani and noticed she seemed a bit unsteady on her feet.
"Dani, do you want to sit down? You look quite pale." Roze suggested, concerned for her friend. "Did that bastardo hit you with a spell? Io ucciderò il figlio di una puttana!" The last of her rant ended in her native Italian, as her hair sprang back to life as a deep red in her anger. Mrs. Longbottom gave a double-take at the change in hair colour, but ushered both of the girls to a bed to patch them both up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mrs. Long bottom had long blonde hair that was neatly tucked back into a low bun. She wore plain but well fitted black robes and a white apron. It was not nearly sold old and conservative fashioned as the previous Matron, Madame Pomfrey. The current hospital matron preferred simple and practical, but more modern attire. As she was now in charge, there was no one to fuss over her about her uniform. Mrs. Longbottom also neglected the whole 'madame' title, preferring Mrs. Longbottom. There was no need to pretend she was not married to the head of Gryffindor house. She liked to think it made her a bit more familiar to the students, everyone seemed to like Neville after all.

She tended to the arm first. She muttered her spells quietly, the girls would not be able to understand her words. She waved her wand over the wound. Roze would feel it tingle and mend. "I'll need you to take it easy with your arm for the rest of the day. How are you feeling otherwise. Dizzy? Fatigued? Unusual in any other way?"

Then she turned to Dani. "And how about you... Did you also get hit with a spell?" Mrs. Longbottom touched flicked her wand and the very end lit up. She shone the light close to Dani's eyes, measuring how much the pupils did or did not dilate. "What are your names? And your houses?" She would need to report to their housemasters.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dani nodded absently in response to Roze’s comments regarding Dan and the headmistress, as her attention was primarily focused on not falling over or running into a wall as she struggled to keep up with Roze’s swift pace to the infirmary. Of course, it didn’t help that, as they walked, the ache in her head continued to grow worse, accompanied by a growing sense of nausea. Needless to say, Dani was relieved when they finally made it to their destination all the way on the third floor, even if everything was still spinning.

And that’s when Roze noticed that she certainly wasn’t in tip-top shape, her hair turning a violent shade of red as she asked if Wade had hit Dani with a spell before switching to a language that the smaller girl didn’t recognize. Dani only managed to shake her head no before Mrs. Longbottom realized that they were in the room and ushered them both to beds lined up along the wall, muttering about something under her breath.

Grateful for the opportunity to sit down, Dani plopped down onto the thin mattress without question, squeezing her eyes shut as another wave of dizziness came over her. Figuring that she should probably respond to Roze and let her know that Wade had not hit her with a spell, Dani went to grab her whiteboard, only then realizing that she left it in the hallway outside of the Dining Hall where she had dropped it.

Before she could worry too much about it, Mrs. Longbottom, her blonde hair tied neatly in a bun, came over and began tending to Roze’s wound. As she muttered under her breath and waved her wand over the site of the injury, it mended itself, tissue regrowing and reconnecting to cover the wound and stop the bleeding. The nurse then proceeded to instruct Roze to take it easy with her arm for the rest of the day, asking a few questions about how she felt to make sure that there were no further issues to treat.

As she interrogated Roze concerning how she was feeling, Mrs. Longbottom came over and began shining a light from a wand into Dani’s eyes, her fingers gently, yet firmly, holding the young girl’s eyelids open. After working for a few seconds, Mrs. Longbottom asked Dani if she had been hit with a spell as well. Dani slightly shook her head no, Mrs. Longbottom’s firm grasp keeping her from moving much more than that, and tried to grab her whiteboard to explain what had happened.

After a moment of confusion over her missing whiteboard, Dani remembered again that she had dropped it when she had been knocked over, which meant that she was effectively silenced until she got it back. Still, it was important to let Mrs. Longbottom know that she had hit her head, so she attempted to communicate that knowledge by pointing to the side of her head, smacking the back of her hand, and pointing to the floor. Hopefully, Mrs. Longbottom would understand what she was trying to say, although it was up to Roze to tell her what house they were in and their names.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I feel fine, I guess. Just annoyed." Roze replied, examining her now-healed arm. As for taking it easy, there was no way in Hell she was going to miss out on flying. She'd done far more strenuous activities with worse injuries. Scowling slightly, she glanced at Dani as she attempted to show her injuries. With a start, she realized her friend did not have her whiteboard with her. She must have dropped it in the Great Hall during the rather one-sided dual.
"Oh! We're both in Ravenclaw House. I'm Rozalia, this is Dani. She's a mute; she must have dropped her whiteboard." Roze swiftly informed Mrs. Longbottom, who had clearly taken Dani's hint and was examining her head for bumps. "That scum Wade attacked me with a curse; I think I knocked into poor Dani here when I flew backwards." She paused, glancing at Dani. "Sorry about that, by the way." She added somewhat uncomfortably. It was pretty much her fault; if she hadn't provoked Wade in the past day and a half so much, none of the past events would have happened.
"What if Dani or Dan had gotten really hurt? It would have been all my fault! Roze thought to herself; among the sea of red, blue began to streak down, guilt taking its hold on her.
"Well, you both seem to be alright now. You've got a little bump on your head there, but if you take it slow, you'll be alright." Mrs. Longbottom said kindly to Dani, once her examination was over. Glancing at the clock, Roze realized they had ten minutes left; plenty of time to walk to Mcgonagall's office, and then to the courtyard where they'd be taking part in their first Flying lesson.
Upon leaving the Hospital Wing, Roze glanced at Dani sheepishly.
"Let's cut through the Great Hall; it's a little longer, but then we can get your whiteboard." She suggested, hoping to offer some helpfulness to Dani.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A lot seemed to happen all at once. Caelum managed to explain the problem she'd had the previous day which Zava listened to with interest. The expression on her face failed to change, but Nolan got the impression that the explanation satisfied her. Why she showed such an interest was a still a mystery to him, however. Before Nolan could add anything further to her explanation, there was a loud clatter and the overpowering smell of fish stew. The stew had splashed everywhere, but luckily he and Caelum were far enough away that the splash didn't quite reach them.

He sighed in annoyance as Peeves sang the whole way out chasing after the doused Slytherin team. He saw Zava watch her teammates run out and roll her eyes. "Peeves is already up to no good, huh?" She turned to the two first years again the disinterested look having returned to her face, "Ugh, Marie's going to need some help getting it out of that hair of hers, and I won't hear the end of it if I don't help. But it looks like we got just another batch of boring first years. Try not to die or get eaten before dinner." She adjusted her scarf and then got up and walked away after the rest of the Quidditch team.

"Those guys all seem to cause a lot of trouble," he muttered to Caelum. "I wonder if this what our whole seven years is gonna be like." He spoke over his shoulder as he tried to wipe up some of the liquid that had flowed over the table. It had already started leaking on to the floor in one spot, and he didn't want it to run off the table onto his robes. There seemed to be some commotion out in the hall, but he shook his head and finished wiping away their part of the table. Last time he'd tried to see what was going on, he'd gotten detention. "Anyway, I think lunch is nearly over, right? I think Flying is next." A grin spread across his face, as he said this. His other classes may be full of information he'd never seen before, but this was something he could do. Something he'd enjoy.

He was surprised but pleased to find Chandler joining them again. He was also glad he'd kept the stew from covering the area where Chandler had chosen to sit. Despite his sympathy, Nolan had to fight to supress a chuckle when Chandler related his morning to them.

"What did you miss?" He looked to Caelum with his eyes wide. "Let's see... Morning classes. Nothing too interesting, just 'magic is dangerous and hard and you're gonna have to work hard to learn it' about four different times. There's not much homework except for reading. Professor Quinn assigned us to figure out how to curse a teaching position..." It occured to him that Chandler would likely have no idea what he was talking about concerning the curse. "Uh, you can copy my notes and we can go over it later. Right now you should eat quick because we have class soon." He gesutred to the food in front of them. "Anyway, after that you missed the Roy Archer Show. By the way, he said we should apologize to that kid you hit with the door. I didn't get a name or anything though. He's got some blue hair, so he shouldn't be hard to spot." He then went on to summarize the incident with the poltergeist just minutes before.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dani nodded as Roze mentioned that she had crashed into her when Wade hit her with that spell of his, though her motion was cut short by a wince as Mrs. Longbottom began feeling her head for injuries. Finding nothing more than a bump, Mrs. Longbottom procured a bottle filled with a pastel pink liquid from a shelf on the wall, pouring a little into a cup and handing it to Dani to drink. Surprisingly, the medicine tasted like cotton candy instead of the usual, nasty cherry flavor she was used to at home.

“That should reduce the swelling and clear away any headaches or dizzy spells you might get,” Mrs. Longbottom said as she returned the glass bottle to the shelf. Though she probably should have expected it by now, Dani was still surprised when the throbbing in her head and the nausea she was feeling faded to tolerable levels. Of course, Mrs. Longbottom went a step further and instructed her to take it slow for the rest of the day.

Care administered and names/houses noted, Mrs. Longbottom dismissed them with a gentle smile and admonition to be more careful in the future. Once outside the infirmary, Roze mentioned cutting through the Great Hall on their way to the headmistress’s office so that they could get Dani’s whiteboard, prompting the smaller girl to check her bag again before she remembered that she had dropped it when she had fallen.

Nodding, though a little concerned at how hard it seemed to be to remember the details of their encounter with the Slytherin Quidditch team member, Dani motioned for Roze to take the lead. In addition to the larger girl seeming to have an innate sense of direction when it came to the features of the castle that Dani lacked, she also possessed a lot more bravado, a trait Dani hoped would help lessen the butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach at the thought of meeting the headmistress.

Unfortunately, the pit resting in the middle of her tummy wasn't soothed at all by Roze's example by the time they made it to the door to the headmistress's office. Even being able to communicate again, having grabbed her whiteboard from the spot where she had dropped it outside the Dining Hall, was a minor condolence in the grand scheme of things. It hadn't helped her avoid being punished for the incident on the train, in which she had had no part, so it was unlikely that it would help her now.

Somehow, however, she managed to find the courage to rap on the solid oak door, her tiny fist making a quiet thud with each hit. It almost seemed like it would have been impossible for the headmistress to hear it from the other side, and yet, Dani's knocking was answered by a firm, "Enter." Taking a deep breath, Dani opened the door, and the two girls stepped through into the office of the headmistress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Chandler listened to his friend with a intense gaze, as if he could suck all the class time her missed from the boy. It was a futile effort but at least it didn't seem that he really missed any instruction. A lot of get to know you and such, he was very interested in the fact that Professor Quinn assigned such a intriguing topic and he already couldn't wait to get to the library to research. He had read already about different curses and the such but honestly if what he read in his many, many books was correct and he remembered them correctly. Which he knew he had, then a 'curse' per say wouldn't really get enough umph unless it was combined with a Jinx of sorts, almost like a Taboo. A large smile broke out across his face as his thoughts well all over the place with different possibilities and he knew he sort of zoned out from Nolan and Caelum talking. He phased back in when Nolan mentioned saying sorry to the kid that the- he had hit with the compartment door. Chandler turned slightly red but he nodded.

"Yea, that's probably a good idea. I already apologized to my head." Without realizing it Chandler did take Nolan's advice about eating quickly while listening to the ghostly exploits of Peeves. He was going to have to make sure he steered clear of that meddling ghost and his dumb do- errr, wrong story. Chandler consulted his schedule and tilted his head to the side reading Quidditch. "Hey, Nolan what's quidditch?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

In the Hospital.

"Oh..." Mrs. Longbottom watched the two girls leave. Once they were far enough away to guarantee that they would not see, she allowed her face to fall into a deep expression of concern.

"Dani..." Of course she had been informed of the girl and her peculiar condition during the summer. She would have liked to examine the girl herself, but she had been cautioned against it. They wanted to treat Dani like every other student, and so she would only see the hospital when she had a bump or bruise that needed mending. How normal was her experience so far? Was Wade picking on the poor girl? She would talk to Neville about it later... He would have some sound advice. She would also have liked to have a word with the head of Slytherin house about Wade... Yet... She never felt comfortable speaking with him, she probably never would.


The Office of Headmistress McGonagall

"Have a seat." The Headmistress folded her hands on her desk. "If Mrs. Longbottom believes you are well enough you may return to your classes today. I know your next class is flying which is quite dangerous. I have already sent a letter to Professor Wood in case you do not feel ready to participate today."

"I'll not keep you from class long if you do not wish it. First should like to hear your version of events..."


Table Slytherin

Caelum was glad to see Chandler well. "I don't really know what it is either. The Quid... Quid... thing..." She trailed off a bit embarrassed by her ignorance, though she was not alone in it.

"I'm glad that you are feeling better." All from trying to cast a spell, it made her worried about casting spells herself. Was her wand a tool or a stick of dynamite waiting to burst? "I think we have flying next... Are you going to be okay to fly?"


In the Courtyard

Professor Oliver Wood waited in the middle of the courtyard. He had his own broom in his hand. His was a long and aerodynamic model, the paint was beginning to wear away form years of use. It was painted red and yellow, the bristles were black and neatly braided and arranged at the bottom of the broom for optimum aerodynamics.

Beside him was a basket full of brooms... These were crooked branches with twigs and straw bunched up at the end. They truly were solid, steady, reliable flying devices, perfect for beginners! But they were not pretty.

He waved at the students as they arrived. "Here they are, first years first time flying. Go ahead and pick one out, but don't try taking of yet. You'll break your neck most like... I hear you first years are troublemakers already. Good job fellas. You'll be flyin' in no time at all if you can be patient and willing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Daniel was overjoyed. Flying, quidditch, everything about it was amazing. His father had taught him a lot about it. Seekers, chasers, beaters, and keepers, bludgers, quaffles, and, the snitch.

He walked over to the basket of brooms, examining each one, seeing which one was the most sleek, yet sturdy. Of course he knew he was not going to find Firebolt quality, so he picked out a good one, and waited with the rest of the other students. He hoped Dani and Roze would make it in time, and hoped that they were ok. He probably should have gone back to check on them, but the Headmistress told him to go back to his classes, and he sure didn't want to get on her bad side again.

Since he didn't have a note pad, Daniel tried to make mental notes. Patient and Willing Daniel wanted to try to become the best flyer he could, and he knew he needed to stay focused and pay attention. He couldn't wait to get off the ground.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Despite the fact that she was technically not guilty of the fight that had sparked in the Great Hall, Roze couldn't help but feel nervous sat in a large seat before the stoic Headmistress. Yesterday hadn't been so bad, what with the bigger group and less personal attention. Now she felt she had been pierced to the chair she sat upon by Mcgonagall's gaze. Her mind also wandered to the possibility that this was the very same chair her brother Leo had sat upon ten years ago, when he recieved the world-shattering news of their mother's demise at the tender age of eleven.
Roze's mind shook back to the present as the Headmistress awaited their version of events. Concious of the time, Roze kept it as short as possible.
"Myself, Daniel and Dani were having lunch in the Great Hall. Peeves appeared, but I... Erm... Persuaded him to go bother someone else while we ate. He ended up dumping fish stew on a bunch of Slytherin's; one of them being Wade. I thought it was funny, and he must have seen me laughing. When we walked out, he was already there waiting for me." Roze paused uncomfortably, glancing first at Dani, then at her shoes. "He got me with a curse, and I knocked Dani over. Dan deflected the second curse, shot off his own spell... Then you turned up." Roze's attention stayed fixed on her feet. She still felt awfully guilty for hurting Dani.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the duo walked into the headmistress’s office to the chairs that were arranged in front of her desk, Dani couldn’t help but examine her surroundings as a way to take her mind off the butterflies in her stomach. Much like McGonagall herself, the room was austere in its design with its black marble flooring and mahogany walls. Every decoration was arranged precisely with no allowances for anything that wasn’t useful, apart from what appeared to be photos of family on the desk.

The one thing in the room that stood out the most to Dani, however, was the portraits hanging high on the wall. Though she had seen the moving pictures throughout the hallways of the school, she still hadn’t gotten used to them, giving a start every time she saw the subject turn to look at her. Unfortunately, these portraits didn’t appear to be particularly friendly, looking down on Roze and Dani as they entered the room with disapproving expressions and muttered words, reminding the smaller girl why they were there again.

Despite still being quite nervous to be sitting in front of the headmistress waiting for judgment, Dani did find some relief in the fact that her expression was noticeably less furious than it had been when she had broken up the fight earlier. It also didn’t hurt that she appeared to have most of her attention directed at Roze, more than likely because Dani couldn’t speak, as she instructed them to take a seat and tell their version of events.

For some reason, Dani found it hard to pay attention as Roze explained what had happened outside the Dining Hall, looking around at the interior the room as if seeing it for the first time and admiring the little details of the walls and floors. Somehow, she managed to catch the slight pursing of McGonagall’s lips as Roze explained that she had persuaded Peeves to go bother someone else, a.k.a the Slytherin Quidditch Team, which caused her heart to beat a little more quickly. Whether a sign of the headmistress’s annoyance or anger, it didn’t bode well for the two girls.

Silence stretched on for a long moment after Roze finished telling her side of the story, staring at her toes in what was a rare lack of bravado on the larger girl’s part. It was understandable, however, as McGonagall’s eyes never wavered from watching Roze for those long seconds. “Ms. Carson?” the headmistress said, her green eyes turning to regard Dani with much the same intensity as they had Roze.

“Ms. Carson!” the headmistress repeated with a snap when it became clear that Dani wasn’t paying attention, sky blue eyes glued to a particular section of the wall that appeared to have been carved with a floral pattern of some kind. Dani jumped as if she had been poked in the ribs, turning to look at the headmistress, eyes wide and an expression of confusion and fear on her face.

“Do you have anything to add to Ms. Éathliel’s summary of what happened outside the Great Hall after lunch?” the headmistress continued once she had Dani’s attention, her expression softening when she realized that she had frightened the tiny girl. Dani quickly shook her head no, though she wasn’t entirely sure what all Roze had chosen to share with the headmistress. She also didn’t really have an entirely clear picture of what had happened, apart from Roze slamming into her and knocking her down, so she wouldn’t have been able to contribute much anyway.

Nodding, the headmistress stood, her slender form making her appear taller than she really was, and turned to stare out a small window, the sunlight softly illuminating the patterns of green thread on her robe. After allowing the silence to continue for a few moments, McGonagall turned back to the two girls in her office, her mind clearly made up on what judgment she would dole out.

“Because the part you had in instigating the fight with Mr. Dauer was both small and indirect, Ms. Éathliel, I am not going to give you another detention,” McGonagall stated, her tone direct and firm. “Still, you did play a part in instigating the scuffle, and so I’m deducting ten points from Ravenclaw. I feel that this is more than fair considering it isn’t the first time that you’ve been in an… altercation with Mr. Dauer.”

Having dealt with Roze, the headmistress turned, slight though it was, towards Dani, who had managed to more or less pay attention as the headmistress announced Roze’s punishment. Fidgeting noticeably as she became the focus on McGonagall’s attention, Dani wiped her hands on the part of her robes that covered her legs while she waited to hear how she would be punished for her part in the scuffle.

“Ms. Carson,” the headmistress began, her tone as steely and firm as ever, “by all accounts, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and had no part in the fight apart from being knocked over. As such, I’m not going to punish you, though I would advise you to try and avoid such situations in the future.” Dani blinked a couple of times as she processed what she had heard. This was the same woman who had given herself and her two friends a detention for the train incident despite them having done nothing. Ultimately, however, Dani decided that the gift wasn’t worth questioning.

“If you plan on making it to your next class on time, I would suggest you hurry,” McGonagall said as she returned to her seat, dismissing them with a wave of her hand toward the door before resuming whatever she had been working on when the two girls arrived. Having been granted permission to leave, Dani slipped off the edge of the seat she was currently sitting in to the ground a good foot or so below, tottering noticeably when she straightened her legs to stand fully.

After a moment, the surge of dizziness passed, Dani opened her eyes and looked to Roze, beaming her a smile and motioning her to take the lead to hide the fact that she was still a little unsteady on her feet. Hopefully, Roze would be too excited for flying and rushing there to notice Dani’s wobbly steps as she followed the larger girl. Dani didn’t want Roze feeling bad for knocking her over, after all.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roze couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief once they escaped from the Headmistress' office.
"Gods, that sucked." She said to Dani, now noticebly brighter in both her expression and hair, now that the punishment was over and done with. "I was sure she was going to give me another detention." She said then paused thoughtfully. "Although, considering it would have been in the Forbidden Forest, I wouldn't have minded so much. There's all sorts of magical creatures in that place - fair to say I'm looking forward to tonight!" She said with a grin, her fearlessness returning to her. When it came to fear, it was rare for Roze to apply it to things such as the dark, the unknown, or bullies like Wade. Fear of someone with the power to make things very hard for you - such as a Headmistress or teacher - was more likely in Roze's mind. And of course, fear of a few other things, but she was hardly likely to be telling everyone about those.
"Oh, I hope they haven't taken all of the decent broomsticks. Some of them can hurt you more than the Whomping Willow, according to my brother." Roze informed Dani; she was sure Dani would be sitting out anyway, because she looked a bit wobbly on her feet still. Despite the smaller girl's ailment, they managed to make it to their lesson with a minute to spare. Not even everyone had shown up yet.
After informing Professor Wood of Dani's sitting out, they both ventured over to Daniel, who stood by the bin of broomsticks.
"Hey! Nice to see you've still got your head attached, Dan." Roze said with an easy smile, picking a fairly decent broom out of the bunch. Some of the twigs were wonky, and the shaft was covered in knots, but it felt right in her hands. "And, uh... Thanks. That was brave of you, jumping in like that. Perhaps you should be in Gryffindor instead." She added, her face flushing slightly. She wasn't exactly used to having people stick up for her - so she wasn't used to thanking people for their help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Daniel was relieved to see that Roze, and Dani were ok, or, at least somewhat ok. Dani was wobbly, and Roze, although it was patched up, still had the gash on her arm. As Roze grabbed a broom, he replied, "Yeah, I don't know what I would do without it." At Roze's next comment, he smiled and blushed slightly. He could feel the slight pink tinge on his cheeks. "Gryffindor wouldn't be bad, but, if I was there, I wouldn't have met you two." His face became a brighter red. While the reply was meant for Roze, he felt it rude to leave Dani out. Moving the topic off of something that would make him blush, he continued. "So, how was the Headmistress? Your not going to the Forbidden Forest as well, are you?" He would have felt bad if they got in trouble for a fight he was in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roze shrugged at Dan's question, glancing around the rest of the students. Most had shown up, but the Professor seemed quite happy to wait for a bit longer. He was a bit of a Quidditch legend - Oliver Wood, ex-Puddlemere United Keeper, and used to be the Gryffindor Captain that coached Harry Potter. Leo had gained a few tips on flying from Professor Wood, what with him becoming a Chaser for Gryffindor in his second year.
"She was okay about, I suppose. Lost 10 points for Ravenclaw, which I thought was pretty unfair considering I didn't even get my wand out." Roze replied with a hint of bitterness in her voice, but her smile returned to her at Dan's second question. "And me and Dani were already scheduled for a trip into the Forest. There was a fight on the train over here that a lot of us first-years got pulled into. McGonagall was not amused." She said with a light chuckle.
"Anyways, enough of that. Are you thinking about trying out for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team? I hear a lot of places have opened up this year." She asked both Dan and Dani, although she was certain Dani wouldn't be too interested in that. Even before she got knocked over, Roze noticed Dani had pulled a face at flying practice. Well, if wasn't for everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Moirah Mindel was headed for the courtyard, when she was intercepted by Marc McQueen.

"Are you a muggle or a pure blood?" Marc asked.

"What?" Moirah blinked.

"Your a Slytherin aren't you? Are they not usually pure blooded wizards?" Marc didn't seem like he was looking for a way to insult her, it sounded more like he was curious. "See. I'm starting a petition. Hogwarts should stop prohibiting muggle technology on school grounds. It is a violation of our rights! Don't you see? But I have not been able to get anyone from Slytherin to sign it! I think it might be because they are pure bloods and support the restrictions." The boy narrowed his eyes. "Do you think that is the case?"

"Ah... Um..." Moirah wanted to sink into her robes. "I honestly think they don't care. All they talk about is Quidditch." She waddled around the second year boy and made her way to the courtyard...

... Where she picked out a broom and took a place in line near the other first year Slytherin students.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While Dani agreed wholeheartedly that it was a relief to be out of McGonagall’s office, she didn’t really share Roze’s enthusiasm for traipsing through the woods in the middle of the night to serve out their detention. Still, she nodded along as the two of them walked towards their next class, a little concerned as Roze mentioned the brooms hurting people worse than something called the “Whomping Willow.” Though Dani had no clue what all Roze was talking about, it certainly didn’t help loosen the knot that had formed in the pit of her tummy concerning the next class.

When they did finally make it to their class on the lawn overlooking the forest, Roze went up to the instructor and informed him that Dani would be sitting out, leaving the smaller girl to stop and stare at her for a moment before following her over to Dan, a rather sullen expression on her face. Sure, it was a relief that she wouldn’t have to participate in flying that day, as it probably wasn’t safe and the mere thought of getting into the air made her shake like a leaf, but it hurt that Roze hadn’t even considered asking her if she wanted to sit out before telling the instructor.

Unfortunately, Dani’s displeasure at being spoken for without her permission seemed to go unnoticed by Roze for the most part as she explained that McGonagall had punished her for her involvement in the fight by deducting ten points from their House, whatever that meant, and that the two of them were already due for a detention in the spooky-looking forest. Despite feeling that losing points was an unfair punishment, Roze didn’t seem to dwell on it for too long, asking the two of them if they had plans for joining the Quidditch team.

Though Dani knew virtually nothing about Quidditch, understanding that it had something to do with flying and having met some of the people who participated in the sport meant that she definitely didn’t want anything to do with it. To answer Roze’s question, she simply shook her head no, offering up no other explanation. If either of them were really curious, they would ask. Hopefully, the professor would arrive shortly so that class could start and be over with.
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