Who are the characters you like? Aiden, Cynthia, Oriel, Chrome (hilarious), Marduk (awesome), Nathan. Favorite? Sairis (Idk why) Who are the characters you dislike/least like? Vrabe, not much going with him... for now. And Revan, just seems too strong. If he turns on everyone, it'd be incredibly hard to beat him. That and he's extremely lazy, it was like he born into power. lls. Who you hate most? Roganoffs lol. Or the King. Hate both of them lol. Nahh, Pirate Captain, final answer. EDIT: I thought so, hopefully it works. EDIT EDIT: Wait! Is the dragon dead? did it explode, explode!Revan feeds off your hatred, muhahahahaha. But seriously, I can't deny it, but he'd still have trouble with cat and the masters, and a good deal of the S-class mages. It would be a hard fight, but not an impossible one. Also, i don't think the dragon's dead, I believe that's just flavor text.