Name: Kanitah Noraha Ayna
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Race: Pundambayan, a race of hyper gravity beings that descend from demigods.
Random descriptors:
-Height: 5'3"
-Weight: 398 lbs
-Hair Color: Salt and pepper grey
-Eyes: Single long pupil stretching in a horizontal rectangle surrounded by a solid soft creamy orange mixture.
-Skin Color: A dim creamy skin tone, almost appearing caucasian but not quite. Somewhere a bit closer to yellow than your average caucasian man.
-Has a thick, square beard that traces his jawline and extends it outwards an inch and a half in every direction. Same salt and pepper color as his hair.
Character Type: Bridging Intermediate and High, heavily charge reliant.
Physical Description: Pundambayans are a descendant race of a massive group of demigods, their biology is effectively as advanced as it can get. The unfortunate downside is their lack of evolutionary potential. Their muscle structure is less primative and more tightly packed, making the larger ones a huge threat. And that's just what Kanitah is. Kanitah looks like a lumberjack took up the hobby of also being a body builder.
Though he's getting along in years Kanitah's physical fitness has always been a prime concern. Daily strength training and vitamin supplements keep him at his physical peak. The top of his head is covered in unkempt salt and pepper hair and it's contrasted with a thick and bushy beard, the damn thing is so thick that you could punch it and your fist might get stuck. That's happened before. His mustache is so well tamed that you could hit it with a hammer and it would pop back into shape before you withdrew the weapon.
Kanitah's got a sense of importance about him. As though he's destined for even greater things. Appropriately he carries himself like a really big man, chest out and chin up. His arms constantly swing as he walks, hoisting them unnecessarily high with every swing.
He dresses simply, wearing long sleeved collared button up shirts and pants that fit nicely. He does not wear fancy clothes. He does not dress in body armor. He does not wear anything that would suggest that he's anything more than the ordinary man.
Underneath his clothing is a Herculean form, a body that looks chiseled from stone. It's actually not made of stone, he's just incredibly fit. He would look good standing beside a young Lou Ferrigno. On his back are four scars that are placed just above and below vital organs, they appear to be remnants of old wounds from battles long since ended. From chest to toe he's riddled with finely shaped hair. If you're not catching it, he loves to shape his hair. Like everywhere.
After returning from the Multiverse, he had numerous reconstructive surgeries. These proved to be effective at returning him to a natural appearance, however it left numerous scars on him. Across his chest, stomach, face, and arms. These were from the most serious of his wounds, left behind by combat. They don't inhibit his movement, but they are quite visible. One such scar runs the entire length of the left half of his head. From eyebrow to ear. The hair that was once on his chest no longer grows there, the burns from his encounter in the Multiverse left it impossible to grow chest hair.
To be honest, on more than one occasion he's been called cartoonish and overly masculine. These are true in many ways, and yet they belie something more.
Personality Description: From a young age Kanitah has seen the future as a bright and vibrant place, full of possibility and potential. His dreams of a better world and a bright future have not waned as the years have passed. Though he has become a bit more serious as time has gone by, learning that not everything is going to go his way, but still withholding a hope for the future.
At the current time he's as heroic as one can possibly be, seriously, he's the kind of hero who will lay down his life for you twice. If at all possible. Pundambayan society is very social, significantly more social than humans. If you could believe it. They're a talkative race, using much longer words for names and conversation. The antisocial are pariahs among Pundambayan society, simply because of how conversation heavy they are.
Kanitah is an absurdly cheerful individual, no matter how great the hardship he faces he will always take it in stride. Even with his daughter missing he still enjoys a good fight and adventure. Though in recent years he has taken to drinking,
Skills, Powers and Abilities:
-Darligrov: One of the many words of power passed down the great families of Pundambaya. Passed down from their demigod ancestors, these words are a fraction of their power. Preserved in their bloodline since the beginning. Every word posesses great power, and of the great families the Ayna line is blessed with (contestably) the strongest word of power. Darligrov is the word of force.
It draws from the innumerable wells of power in the multiverse, constantly absorbing them into itself to maintain a steady flow of power. Including, but not limited to; Mana, Ki, Chi, Laylines, Aether, Natural Energy, Radiation, and Willpower. This passive draw allows Darligrov's power to never waiver, no matter how much duress and exhaustion Kanitah himself faces. This keeps its multplication power at a constant level, never dropping below what it began at.
The primary ability of Darligrov is force multiplication, each ring around each part of his body multiplies the force behind each strike. Each ring further increases the force behind each strike, allowing him to hit with tremendous force without being that strong.
It bathes him in a calm auburn rings of light, they wrap around his body's strike zones. The list of striking zones and the number of rings are listed as follows; head(2), shoulders(4), elbows(4), hands(4), forearms(4), knees(4), feet(4), and chest(2).
The multiplication formula is as follows;
No Rings = Force of 1 Strike
One Ring = Force of 2 Strikes
Two Rings = Force of 3 Strikes
The secondary ability of Darligrov is attributed to its divine, as opposed to occult, nature. Anyone deemed unjust by Kanitah's perspective are burned by the rings, this burning sensation has been described as: "Dipping your hand in acid." And it is caustic enough to leave permanent scars on your body if left in place long enough.
The third and final ability of Darligrov is a side effect of it being made from pure energy. Any other form of energy that connects with the rings is interupted as though it had struck a solid object. However, due to each ring only having a width of 4 centimeters, it does not protect against anything particularly hefty.
Darligrov's multiplication of force also has some other side effects, such as multiplication of speed, tossing strength, and grip strength. As the effects of Darligrov are instant, rather than sustained, his grip and tossing strength are only momentary boosts. When he grabs an object and lifts upwards he can throw objects that he could never naturally lift. As well, when he grabs something he can apply force to it greater than his natural grip strength. Finally, each ring amplifies how quickly he moves by increasing his stride and the force behind each step. The more rings he has on his feet, the faster he can move.
Kanitah can only move 4 rings at a time, and he must move them with his hands. He cannot will them to be moved.
- Peak Pundambayan Biology: Pundambayans are among the hardiest races in the known universe, intentionally putting their young through hardship from the moment of birth to sexual maturity. Born and raised on Pundambaya One, a planet with 5 Earth Gravities, they are naturally stronger than any human could possibly be. Those who enlist in the military at the age of 14 are sent off to Pundambaya 3, a planet wth 15 Earth Gravities. This hardens their bodies, making them stronger and faster than they would be naturally. Pundambaya 3 is a harsh, barely habitable planet. The beasts on Pundambaya 3 would be deemed monsters by humans, and Pundambayan soldiers are trained to hunt them until they can square off with them one on one. Kanitah enlisted in the military at the age of 14 and went through standard military training.
Increased Strength: Each Pundambayan soldier has a natural lifting strength of 10 tons, and a pushing force of 13 tons. Kanitah is above that, at 13 tons lifting strength and a pushing force of 15 tons. His punches carry enough force to send cars flying and tear humans in half. In full sprint he could strike a train hard enough to derail a train.
Enhanced Speed: On a planet with 1 Earth Gravity he is capable of 60 - 70 mph running speed with ease. Traveling a mile a minute in a literal sense. In full sprint he can reach up to 96 mph.
Highly Resilliant Skin: His exposure to high gravity, high temperature, and hostile environments have forged his skin to the tensile strength of reinforced leather. This llows for resistance to bladed weapons, concussive tools, heat, and firearms. As the do not easily break his tough but pliable hide.
Extended Jump: Near capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound. A jump in a single Earth Gravity is 28 feet vertical and 64 feet horizontal from a standing posture. From a running start he can jump about 180 feet in a straight line.
High Bone Density: Pundambayan bones are stronger than those of any human, but like all Soldiers of Pundambaya Kanitah has much stronger bones than average Pundambayans. His bones are comparable in density to the bones of a Rhinoceros.
Hyper Acute Senses: In a hyper gravity world sound, light, smell, and all that travel much slower. When transitioned to an Earth Gravity world they face sensory overload, however, after the overload has passed their senses are sharper and they can smell, see, and hear farther and faster. About 10x as well as a human being. This includes his reaction speed, his body can react quicker than he can run. Having a reaction time of 10 milliseconds, allowing him to react naturally to hypersonic movements.
-Military Combat Specialization: A full battery of martial arts, strength, and equipment training have given him the skills necessary to utilize any weapon to his advantage. Including his own body. Trained in two martial arts, he has formed a unique fighting style that is equal parts brutality and control, making every single punch count. Along with proficiency with any weapon in his hands, this makes him a deadly foe both armed and unarmed.
Character Equipment:
The Word Engine, Version 2: The original word engine was clunky box strapped to Kanitah's back, when his daughter Bita stole it to create hero wn, the prototype that was made proved to be much lighter and more convenient over all. Now it is a shoulder and upper back mounted. The machine still has the same effect as the original. Upon activation, after a short preparation time. This machine adds 1 ring to every strike zone, adding in another multiplication to his force. The number of rings are as follows; head(3), shoulders(6), elbows(6), hands(6), forearms(6), knees(6), feet(6), and chest(3).
The Engine draws power from a hyper dense crystal that passively absorbs ambient mystical energy from the surrounding area. In much the same way as the word of power itself does. The machine draws about half as much power as Darligrov itself does. It then feeds this power into Kanitah directly, as well as enhancing his physical form with cybernetics.
The transformation takes 2 turns, locking Kanitah in place for those two turns. Leaving him open to attack.
As well, it increases his natural abilities three fold with the cybernetic enhancements.
-Strength: Goes from 13 tons lifting weight to 39 tons.
-Speed: Goes from 60-70 mph running speed to 180-210 mph running speed. With a sprinting speed of 260mph.
-Durability: The same as his previous durability, though enhanced by cables of steel wrapped around his muscle. Buried just underneath his skin.
The enhancements given by the machine takes 2 turns to take hold. This cannot be interupted, however, while the enhancements are taking hold he is forced to remain stationary. As moving causes indescribable pain.
Biography: Kanitah Noraha Ayna, the Hero of Pundambaya. A war hero from the bloodline of Ayna with the word Darligrov at his disposal. Born in a small settlement to the north on Pundambaya 1, he was raised on a farm and told that one day he'd be a big strong man. A man who children would look up to in awe, a hero to all and friend to some. Kanitah's youth was full of excitement and adventure, as Pundambaya 2 is not a densely populated planet there is much in the way of property to explore. In his youth he raised livestock during the day and adventured in the night. He hunted with his father who taught him how to use the word of power properly. His mother taught him how to take care of himself and to always look his best.
When he turned 14 he enlisted in the Pundambayan Primary Military, he said his goodbyes to his parents who returned to Pundambaya 2 and he was shipped off to Pundambaya 3 for his training. Harsh environments, exposure to the blistering hot twin suns, violent beasts, and constantly training his body. Pundambaya 3 has a mortality rate of 20% for all who train there, the 80% who return are the most hardened warriors in the known universe. Standard training on Pundambaya 3 always includes a bare necessities wilderness survival portion. For one year they are given nothing but a knfe and they are sent into the wilderness. They must survive for one year, learning how to scavenge and hunt for food. Learning how to improvise shelter or survive without it, some have easy times. Kanitah, however, did not.
Along the equator of Pundambaya 3 is a harsh wasteland area, completely worthless for terraforming or even growing food. This is the location that Kanitah chose for his survival. Why? Kanitah was raised on a farm, he had some of that down home confidence. And with Darligrov at his disposal he was more than fit to survive that sort of wilderness.
At least he thought it would be easy.
It was a year of hell, he nearly succumbed to; Dehydration, Starvation, Wildlife, Heatstroke, Exhaustion, and any number of environmental hazards. But when one year ended he returned to his comrads in arms, stronger than most of them and with a much bigger reward on his plate. For surviving longer than some had in less harsh environments, Kanitah was rewarded with high praise and a decent rank when they finally graduated from training at age 19.
After a Military Career of 3 consecutive deployments, he finally shipped to Pundambaya 1 at the age of 31. (Each deployment being 4 years long.) He took a wife, Tora Soba Stroma. Another holder of a word of power, from the great family of Stroma. They had a daughter, an inheritor of the Stroma family word. And then two sons, an inheritor of the Ayna family word and one with no inheritance. As only one from every generation may hold a word of power.
Kanitah left home at 37 to adventure again, feeling unfulfilled with a normal life of business and the sort. He was a ship hopper, traveling from trade ship to trade ship. Along his journies he stumbled upon an elderly woman with an obsession for science. She was attacked by a band of pirates who wished to steal her technology to steal better stuff, and then sell it. Pirates are kind of stupid, no matter if they're in the sea or in the stars. Kanitah fought them off, being forced to use his word of power in the ensuing chaos.
For saving her life, the elderly woman offered him a reward. It took her a while to figure out how it worked, and it took even longer to figure out how to amplify it, but eventually she created the Word Engine. She gave it to Kanitah as a gift, they parted happily and Kanitah returned home after 3 years out in the stars. The Pundambayan returned home to his family, joyous greetings from his now 6 year old daughter and 4 year old sons, as well as his wife. They lived happiy for another year, until Pundambaya was attacked by the Ku-Ni-Tin Divine Light Armada.
The Ku-Ni-Tins had been trying to negotiate Pundambaya's surrender, commanding them to be assimilated into their coalition of species. They had already attacked Pundambaya 1 when they arrived on Pundambaya 2. Word only reached Pundambaya 2 after the invasion had started. The armies of Pundambaya and the great families pushed back against the invading fleet.
The invaders were well equipped, ruthless, and they killed many Pundambayans. Leaving many orphans in their wake.
Kanitah refused to sit by while his people were being slaughtered, and even though he was retired he moved to the front lines. Kanitah donned the Word Engine for the first time, letting it drive itself into his body. It changed him, making him stronger and faster. It felt astounding after the pain had subsided. When he activated Darligrov, the power that washed over him was sublime. The same feeling that he felt when he first became a man came upon him in waves, yes, became a man in that way.
Kanitah adjusted his rings, giving himself the most impact and speed that he possibly could. Kanitah rushed headlong into battle, throwing himself into the ranks of marching soldiers. Their power armor crumpled beneath his fist, their ranks thinned rapidly as he cleaved a path through their lines like Moses parting the Red Sea. After three solid days of fighting, Kanitah had pushed their lines back several miles.
The Pundambayan Military was able to counterattack because of his charge, and shortly afterwards they had driven the Ku-Ni-Tin off of their planets. Kanitah was found unconscious, wartorn, dying, and covered in blood. His own and his enemies. After a week of medical treatment he woke up in the hospital, surrounded by family and friends. When he left the hospital after a month of care, he was greeted by countless fans.
Kanitah was regailed as a hero, singlehandedly turning the tide of the war with his incredible abilities. He was showered in riches and fame, even taking a hobby of vigilantism from time to time to keep up his public image of heroism. Kanitah was truly happy, he had become what his Mother always told him he would be.
There were hard times, sometimes the great families would feud. Sometimes the weilders of the ancient Pundambayan relics would wreak havoc. But Kanitah enjoyed himself during this time.
After a few years he started adventuring again, leaving his family behind to learn to be themselves without being forced to live in his image. He started adventuring the universe, and sometimes accidentally hopping the multiverse. In one such forray at the age of 52 he fought against a powerful warrior who left him wounded on a backwoods planet in the middle of nowhere.
Kanitah made it home to Pundambaya where he was treated for his wounds, stayed with his family for a time.
During this time, his daughter Bita stole the Word Engine. She was intending to use it to seek revenge on the man who hurt her father, she took it to various engineers and scientists who created two new versions. She left Pundambaya with the most efficient verson, Kanitah was forced to take the less efficient version for himself to find his daughter and bring her back home.
Now, four years later he still doesn't know where his daughter is. Kanitah searches the cosmos for his daughter in the desperate hope he will find her and bring her home.