Moonlight Sonata will be getting a reboot sometime tonight. This is to minimalize character sheets (for those who are uninterested) and thus, with a slighter smaller cast, scare off less newcomers. I'm not going to set a date for when the RP will begin aside from as soon as possible. I already talked to Entro 'bout wanting to start this as quickly as possible since I feel like the worst GM on the planet for not starting it already.
Do not rush to get your character sheet in. If something is going on or you're bouncing around in activity, that's fine! We'll make sure to keep a spot or two open for you, but after a while, we're going to have to either:
A.) Limit the characters we can use.
B.) Limit the amount of people who can join.
Either one is fine with me, but the RP is getting a lot of attention (far more than I anticipated). Obviously, I'm not going to make you guys restart entirely, all accepted CSes can just be copied and pasted to the new topic. You are also allowed to drop characters you no longer want to use without any problems, multiple characters can still be copied and pasted to the new topic!
Any questions? Please ask. If you have any advice or suggestions, please tell me! I'm more than glad to listen.
Side Note: We need a name for the reboot that isn't "reboot" -- maybe something involving melody, symphony, etc. I was considering "last song", but that seems too dramatic or final to me. You guys are creative, what can you come up with?