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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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533 went and picked herself a bunk further away from the others. She picked the top bunk and threw the few things SHIELD had given her on it. Everyone sleeping in one room would be a new experience. Of course being around anyone was new. It seemed that some of the others were complaining about what the others would be wearing. Maybe the point was lost upon her. Given the environment she grew up in being left with absolutely nothing in a cell happened more than once. "What's the big deal what he wears or doesn't wear?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wanda: I raise my hand "I talk in my sleep! I don't snore though…thats just weird. So can either one of you survive a bullet to the head?" I ask, pointing at Aiden and Isis. "I hate magic…all those random people learning they can say some words and make an apple into apple sauce. Oh and don't get me started on Doctor Strange…he once mentioned that Wade was insane, and that there aren't random people writing everything we do and say…"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Aiden rolled his eyes. "Nothing is random spandex for brains, even all the stuff you do." He said before he made a zipping motion with his hand and Wanda would then notice she wouldn't be able to open her mouth, like it had been zipped shut. "And what I do takes skill and talent that I had to earn and learn, not luck into by some mutation." He said with a smirk. "And I don't want to hear anything you have to say about Strange, got that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wanda: Internally growling, I reach into my holster and aim a red and black Glock 19 at Aiden, putting one finger on the trigger and the other one points at my lips. Gwen: I watch the fight, discreetly aiming my web shooters at Aiden and Wanda. I look at Hawk, then the others in the room, expecting someone to do something. "Now guys…don't fight. While she is annoying, she can also kill us in our sleep…so you wanna undo the magic, Sleepy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hawk rolls her eyes at Aiden. "Undo it. Now," she snaps and turns to Gwen. "I apologize for ignoring you earlier. If you would like, I could take you to our training facility now." She smiles kindly at her before looking at the rest of them. "My room is directly next door," she says, pointing to the side opposite of her. "If you ever need anything, you can always come and find me. No fighting in here. Save that for the training room. You may only use certain powers in here." She glares at Aiden when she says this. "Got it? Or I will personally have something to say about it." She smiles at the last part and turns to Gwen. "Shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Isis stared directly at the girl who claimed a bed near Aiden, getting the message She was putting across. I guess She called dibs on that guy, that would be a weird relationship. she wondered what would happen if she became the girl's desire, maybe it would be Aiden? Probably not, as that wasn't a very big desire. Her train of thought was broken by a single phrase from another girl's mouth. "I hate magic.." Isis growled as she heard what the girl said said. That was rude, and after all her years of verbal abuse, she was getting tired of it. Using her telekinesis, Isis send a wooden hairbrush barreling towards Wanda's head. "That's demeaning, you jerk. Would you talk to your mother with that mouth?" Isis sighed and started to roughly fold clothes, setting them aside and wrinkling them again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: I stand up and walk over to Hawk, "Thanks, so Captain Fury-beard is gonna be here at some point? What is next, the Avengers make us scones?" I look back at Wanda and Aiden, wondering if its safe for them to be in a room together. "Actually, I was wondering something else. When do we eat? Sleeping for…about thirteen hours really builds an appetite." I say this nonchalantly, as if we weren't knocked unconscious and flown here, then chucked out a plane. Wanda: I catch the hairbrush, and rub my ponytail that is sticking out the back of my mask. I smile under my mask at Isis, and shake my head no when she asks if I talk to my mother with that mouth. I point at my mouth, then at Aiden, then do the sign language for 'speech-impaired'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Aiden laughed. "I deal with demons, ghosts, and evil necromancers on a nearly daily basis, do you seriously think that a gun scares me?" He said with a raised brow. He then looked to the girl who introduced herself as Hawk earlier. "Hey I was simply preventing the slandering of the name of a great man and the respectable art both he and I both practice by somebody who clearly knows nothing about either topic. " He said in a rather official tone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hawk narrows her eyes at Isis but answers Gwen's questions. "Okay, Fury will probably be here in a little bit. And you will eat whenever you hear the dinner bell." Before anything goes any further, Hawk glares at Isis, Aiden, and Lady Deadpool and says, "Chill out." Hawk is not willing to throw them up against a wall and pin them there quite yet, but she would if she has to. Hawk then rolls her eyes at Aiden's arrogant answer. "Drop the gun, Lady Deadpool. I'm sure that Aiden will undo the spell." Hawk glares at Aiden, hoping he gets the message. "Right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Miss...whatever, when do we get to go to the training center, sitting in a room bugs me. Do we get to explore? Do we have a bedtime? I found Dr. Bear, but do we get to keep our tedd- stuffed animals?" Isis chewed on the paw of an old, patched up stuffed bear, with a pair of sewn on glasses. She really wanted to get out of this room, and away from her teammates for a while. So far, only two of her teammates were even slightly friendly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Maybe if she apologized yeah? She did kind of just said she hates two people in the room or did you miss that part?" Auden said as he crossed his arms, he was already not liking having to share a room with all these people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hawk presses her fingertips to her forehead and rubs her temples. "Alright. Just call me Hawk, dear. Yes you can explore, under my watch. You don't have a set bedtime I don't think, and yes you can keep them." She turns her eyes to Aiden. "I did not miss that and I'm sure that she would apologize if you undid the spell." She squints her eyes slightly and sees the hazy outline of Aiden's aura and she rolls her eyes. "Come on. Just deal with it. You're going to meet people you hate here. Captain America hated Thor when he first got here, remember? Just undo the spell."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wanda: I turn away from Aiden, pulling out a bottle of polish and a rag. I pour a little polish on the rag and rub my gun, mentally using very curse word I know to describe Aiden. Gwen: I groan and walk over to Aiden, putting one hand on his shoulder, I look at him and gently explain, "You realize, that you made her unable to speak…right? So maybe you shouldn't ask for an apology, who knows what she considers an apology. She might think that killing everyone you know counts as a Sorry…" I turn to Hawk, and walk back to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden rolled his eyes before he made another zipping motion with his hand, though in the opposite direction this time. Wanda would find that her mouth was now unstuck. "Just know if she says anything else bad about Strange I am taking her tongue and flushing it down a toilet. " He then looks at Gwen. "Much worse things than a zipped lip would happen if she tried." He said in a oddly serious tone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hawk rolls her eyes and turns to Lady Deadpool. "Don't kill him please. We still need him here. He is annoying, but he is worth it." She nods to Gwen as she walks back over and she takes a deep breath. "Are we cool now?" She turns her eyes to Isis. "No more throwing things?"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wanda: "Oh…thanks for not being exactly what I think Strange and other magic users are…and I'm sorry you couldn't handle the truth…that Strange made a deal with the Devil, that was more in the Devil's favor." I smile and put the polished gun on the bunk above me. Gwen: "I could just web them to the walls, and you can list all the rules to them. Though Lady Deadpool might chew through the webbing…" I grin and watch Aiden for a reaction to what Wanda said, getting ready to shoot the webbing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Uh yeah..no more throwing things. Also I'm gonna go walk around, okay...Hawk? I really need some fresh air right now." Isis stood, and smoothed out her dress with one hand, holding Dr. Bear in the other. "Does anyone want to come with me if it's okay?" She looked around, mainly at Aiden and the girl who spoke up to her earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden grits his teeth. "Okay you ignorant little girl you obviously have nothing nice to say and know nothing about anything." He said as he stood. "And I will not board with a bigot." He said as he started walking towards the exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hawk growls and a force field comes up around her body. She thrusts it toward the doors and covers the doors with the force fields. Just to help her out, she throws her arms forward and the doors shut. "No one is leaving until you guys settle this!" she snaps. "Either go to the training room and fight your problems out or stay here and talk it out like adults. But I am not going to sit here and babysit you children. Now, if you want to be heroes, start acting like adults!" Her wings ruffle, showing her annoyance. She knows what Aiden is going to do and she shakes her head. "Don't even try, dude. Those force fields can only be brought down by me and by me alone. No form of magic can get through it. Trust me, everyone has tried."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: "Hey, at least she believes in Magic, Tony thinks Magic is just science he hasn't figured out yet. Which I believe is what Magic is too. It is similar to a mutant's X-Gene. You just call upon outside forces. Doesn't make it mystical, just stranger science…like cloning or genetic tampering…" I watch Aiden, not sure if he will get that I am on his side. Magic is real and amazing, that doesn't mean it isn't connected to Science. Wanda: "Hey, I said Sorry, I didn't hear him say it…" I say, then make a humph noise. I reach into my right boot and pull out a rather large knife, and begin to polish it. I smile at Isis, though once again its hidden by my mask.
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