Accepted Characters
Aiden stands at 6'1, with a slim, but toned build. His eyes are a brilliant jade and his hair a light brown.
Name: Aiden Haythem
Status: Alive
Age: 21
Race: Human - Greater Human
History: Born in the outskirts of Carthis, Aiden is one of the many descendants of the First Men. Like all Great Men, they are born with a sense of curiosity to the world around them. His father, a mighty Paladin before him, trained Aiden at a young age in the way of the sword. Though it took time, Aiden would soon become a skilled swordsman as he grew. It was when he turned seventeen that he joined The Order, for his father was slain in combat against rogue Shades, their patrol wiped out in the middle of night. Aiden, determined to live up to his fathers name, took up arms and swore an oath into The Order. His sister, on the other hand, is a priestess in The Church. As of recently, Aiden has graduated among the many others into the brotherhood and has now become a freshly made Paladin.
About Them: Brave, strong-willed, and young, Aiden is what you would expect from a Great Man. Although he does get a little cocky and fumed, as he is still young and inexperienced, he is still pure and ready to aid those who would seek help. His skill with the sword is excellent, but far from perfect. As of now, he is learning under Captain Duncan, like many of the new recruits.
Weaponry: Steel longsword and an iron dagger(for emergency situations.)
Etc: He and Elizabeth are siblings.

Appearance(Description or picture):
Name: Elizabeth Haythem
Status: Alive
Age: 19
Race: Human - Great Human
History: Elizabeth was born into the Haythem family, two years after Aiden. Unlike her brother, she took a more scholarly approach to her life. At the age of twelve, she was accepted into The Church as a Priestess in training. When their father had died, Elizabeth would be nearly devastated by this event. It was the Archbishop, Pope Edward, that had persuaded her to stay strong in her faith and to continue her life. Ever since, she has done as much as she can to increase her skill and support Aiden in his training. As of recent, the choosing of a Priestess is soon upon her and the rest of the women of The Church...and she is afraid.
About Them: Elizabeth, unlike her brother who is arrogant and proud, is an extremely calm and well mannered lady. She has always carried a charm about her that could soothe most souls. Whether it is her character or looks is unknown. She is ill-equipped for combat and is even scared of it, but will act if the moment calls for it. She is no stranger to death...
Weaponry: A small dagger, but can use her environment to her advantage as she is not used to combat and never will be.
Etc: She and Aiden are siblings.

Name: Blake Gilfreed
Status: Currently a fresh Paladin for The Order.
Age: 21
Race: Greater Human
History: An orphan found at the doorstep of The Church, he was raised by the priestesses all of his life. At an early age, he was taught how to wield a sword and the values of justice. Although childish and humorous in nature, he sought out become a Paladin and find purpose in his frivolous lifestyle. Throughout his years he trained tirelessly, all to serve his caretakers and return the favor. His twenty-first birthday he finally achieved the status of Paladin and took his place amongst the legendary Paladins of The Order. In his ceremony, he said his good-byes to the loving priestesses whom raise him, packed his belongings, and headed out to the barracks of where the Paladins were located.
About Them: As mentioned in his history, Blake is a satirical character whom always tries to lighten the mood. The priestesses taught him to be courteous ad chivalric in nature, so he’s always apologizing for the slightest of mistakes and is naïve overall (Basically meaning that perverted jokes will most likely fly over his head. Plus he deems all enemies “evil” without haste). Although he sees the priestesses as his true parents (however few did raise him), he still has a slight curiosity as to who are his blood parents.
Weaponry: Steel Short sword and wooden shield.
Etc.: Not applicable.

Appearance(Description or picture):**30 feet tall, over 150 feet long nose tip to tail tip** See avatar (Sorry for the bad quality, My camera is not very good.)
Name: Forett
Status(Everyone starts as alive, of course.)): Alive?
Age: 1265
Race: Dragonic
History: Forett served under Artorias during the great rebellion as a lieutenant. His command and reputation are well known into the current day due to his military successes and battlefield prowess. This dragon and his serving 'Dark knights' were feared by many mortal men. Though his reputation has fallen greatly due to the end of the great rebellion (not to mention his disappearance from the face of the known world) anyone with historical knowledge of the old war will know of his name and, should they be educated still, fear it.
About: Forett left Artorias 10 years before the great war ended due to his own personal feelings. Forett still saw the great mother as what she was, the reason for all existence. Without her there would be nothing, and to strip her of her power would make her nothing. Thus he demanded his payment for serving in the war and moved on to "retirement" Much to his lord displeasure, he was allowed to leave his service. He currently lives in the desert regions bordering the human capital. Here the terrain is barren and rocky, allowing for little reason to be explored or traveled. This makes a perfect place for a dragon's Horde. Forett considers human beings as lesser beings, though does not belittle or underestimate any opponent. In short, a human being is smarter than average food that can fight back. He typically avoids harming humans as this would bring about suspicion to the region he resides in. He has kept himself hidden for quite a few years, stealth is a feature he excels in... even though he is a rather large dragon.
Weaponry: Sixty four Elder shades commonly referred to in history as "Dark knights" Plus the fact that he is a dragon, So teeth and claws and all that good stuff.
Etc: "I'm not scared of some dragon, I've killed plenty." "You don't need to be scared, Klein... This dragon vanished years ago, and from all the books I've read.... I don't think its because he is hiding... I think its because no one has found him and lived to tell about it..."

Appearance: Mileena is a 5’7” woman. She has fluffy ears on her head with her body covered in a light tanned fur. Her medium length red hair is pulled back and braided at the ends of it. Her yellow eyes pierce through the night, or would if they lit up. She typically wears her medium armor which is a mix of metal and leather. Her tail is let free from a hole in the back of her outfit.
Name: Mileena Keren
Status: Alive
Age: 26
Race: Avaren
History: Mileena was born to a tribe that roamed the plains and peddled wares from place to place. She was taught to be a swords-woman and guard of her people. Still, the tribe life was starting to not be enough for her. She was starting to enjoy fighting greatly by time she was eighteen and had a desire to leave the tribe to go do other things with her life. She started her life as a sell-sword then. She traveled around as a warrior with mostly positive results.
About Them: Mileena is a pretty positive thinker. She’s typically always ready with a smile with the exception of combat and some other situations. She’s ready to do what she needs to assist people. . . For a price of course. No mercenary worth their salt would do something amazing for free. Do not expect to cheat her out of her money or one may regret it. She is a Highly skilled Swords-Woman with her many years of experience. She likes to regard herself as an “Acrobatic Swordmaster”. Her form is mostly agility with a shield for offense moreso than defense.
Weaponry: Steel Shortsword and a Heater Shield with a few throwing daggers.
Appearance: She stands at 5'11 with very dark purple hair, so dark that it is almost black. Her face has the markings of the Sarghress upon it, and her eyes glow white.
Name: Kyndaria Val'Sarghress -AKA- The Black Wolf
Status: Alive
Age: 85 - Adult in Drow.
Race: Drow
History: From within the massive city of Dalenarth, Kyndaria Val'Sarghress was born into a family of nobility and military fame. Her mother, known as "The Red Wolf" by her enemies, quickly started to train her only daughter to carry on her name and legacy. What she was taught, she picked up very quickly and was showing a lot of potential, threatening to eventually out skill her own mother. Alongside being taught regular forms of ranged and melee combat, she also learned about elemental magic, or affinity. Her teacher, who was a close friend of her mother, taught her that there are five elemental magics that can be use by the Drow, and that she could only pick one. Many years would pass as she was tuned into effective and relentless solider of the Sarghress. The day came where there was an attempt by the humans to acquire slaves, to work alongside the Vel.
Her mother was not part of the council and could not directly attack the humans, so she sent her daughter to finely test out her skills in a real life or death situation. Those that saw her described her fighting as if it were a setup, as if they were meant to die. Her attacks were fluent, fast, and always made contact with their target. When the battle was over, no Drow had fallen, and out of the ten humans that attacked, none of them survived the defensive onslaught. From that day, she was given the nickname, "The Black Wolf" she enjoyed the sound of it and has stuck with it to this day. Only a couple years ago, her mother died, and with her passing, Kyndaria did not take her mother’s seat upon the council, but stayed in the military as a high ranking commander. Politics were never something she was interested, she would rather be out in the field, defending her people instead of using a pen, hiding behind large stone walls while listening to people complain about their problems.
Personal information: For someone who has seen some of the worst the world has to offer, Kyndaria keeps a surprisingly positive attitude. She greatly cares about her family, friends, the rest of her people, and those she works along side with. She is willing to do whatever it takes to get the mission done, as long as it does not mean she is going to end up getting anyone under her command deliberately killed. Pride, honor, respect, these words describe her both on and off the of the field of battle. Many disagree with her, but mercy is something she can show, even to those who have made an attempt on her life. A quick, clean death, with respect, is what one meets if they are foolish enough to attack her. Sometimes, her dark sense of humor has gotten her into trouble among the higher ranking officials in the military, even though they know they couldn't even raise a finger of discipline at her if they wanted to. Sometimes, when on the battlefield or in the middle of a tense situation, she can be known to crack a joke or attempt to try and help boost morale.
Weaponry: Master Crafted Repeating Crossbow, Master Crafted Long Sword, Spy Scope, advanced first aid and survival kit, engineering kit for small explosives and gadgets.
Misc: Kyndaria is a very interesting and multitalented Drow. Along side all of her other skills, she also knows how to cook, play the harp and lute, as well as craft devices and explosives as an engineer. She has also been trained in advanced first aid, just in case something goes terribly wrong, which it seems it always does. There has been many attempts, but she can out drink a dwarf.
Drow Music:

Name: Izaris "Iza" Sonne
Status: Alive
Age: 25
Race: Lesser Man/Vel
History: Iza was born as a bastard, his father, a well known noble, and his mother, a Vel slave. His father having realized that the slave carried his child, demanded one of his guards silently put her and the child down. The guard, having a heart, instead lead her to her escape. The slave convinced the guard to accompany her on her journey, as she was sure that she would not survive alone. The two traveled to a remote fishing village off the coast, surrounded by forest. There, the guard built a home with his own two hands, and the slave gave birth to a son.
The village welcomed them warmly, and they lived in peace. Iza was a born adventurer, as a child he often explored the forest, sometimes against his parents' wishes. Eventually, Iza's mother and father caved, and they taught him how to survive in the wild. His father taught him how to fight, with sword and dagger, while his mother taught him how to make shelter, how to cook, which plants were poisonous and which were edible. Iza soon became the center of much attention, as many in the village saw him training with his father just outside their home. Soon, an old man offered to teach him how to use a bow. Iza and his father took the offering and the old man taught Iza the ways of the bow. Not long after, Iza's days were far different than those of the rest of the village. His days were full of training, sparring, and practice.
Years passed, and Iza was adept with sword, dagger and bow. And as the years passed, so did the old man who taught Iza archery. Before the old man died however, he gave Iza his old bow, Torchlight.
Weeks after the old man died, a group of bandits attacked. The villagers fought back, Iza and his father doing particularly well against the bandits. His father noted the performance of his son, the swiftness of his sword and dagger, how his arrows flew straight and true. After the battle, his father asked Iza if he wanted to travel. After a moment of contemplation, Iza said yes. And so, he traveled, but without purpose. After hunting and selling skins for months, he felt unchallenged. Until he heard of a system of caves in a particularly treacherous part of the forest, with rumor of a treasure hidden in the caves. Iza took that challenge to heart and attempted the caves, nearly losing his life several times in the process, but at the end of the caves was a chest full of gold and gems. Iza grinned.
Years passed now, Iza doing what he did that day. Braving dangerous traps and land, taking treasure from tombs and caves, earning a name for himself as a treasure hunter. However, with that reputation came thieves wanting to steal what Iza had taken. Over the years, Iza has gotten very good at his craft, and has learned how to defend the treasure that he has taken.
About Them:
-Iza is pretty skilled with a bow, although his strength lie in his rate of fire, not his accuracy.
-Iza usually uses his dagger not as a weapon, but a tool to make tinder, or cut meats, etc.
-He's pretty darn good with his short sword. It matches his slightly below average height and his agility.
-He's a pretty flirty individual.
-He likes treasure, but only places value to treasure he has worked hard to get.
-Due to his half Vel blood, he's capable of minor magic. The only magic ability he's shown so far is the ability to ignite his arrow heads with fire.
-"Torchlight", an inherited Composite Bow
-Steel Short sword
-Steel dagger

A metallic rustling heralds the arrival of a black, metallic boot. Swishing into place inside its immediate wake is a velvet cape, embroidered lovingly with golden thread and hemmed with the fur of a white tiger. Travel upwards, along the shin and the thigh, and there is lovely ornamentation onto the armor, excepts from the holy scriptures presented in storytelling golden filigree. At the armored hip, still fully plated, hangs an arming sword's scabbard clutched by a gauntleted hand, upon whose proximal phalanxes are inscribed in micro-scripture several prayers of redemption.
And upon the breastplate is a magnificent relief sculpture of the Mother, who is depicted as crying for her wayward children and surrounded by comforting angels. While the gold of this art piece contrasts well with the black steel, it is obscured partly by the parchment of purity seals secured cascadingly with wax icons over where the wearer's heart would be. Upon the left vambrace is the story of Creation, and its counterpart at the right depicts the Mother guiding her children to victory at the conclusion of the failed Great Rebellion. Large parchment pages are secured by tight chains to the pauldrons, expounding at length the wisdom of the Mother, and warning against evil sins and temptation, in addition to the standard prayers that make up most of the inscription that blackened them.
The neckguard is a swept-up beak that begins at the farther side of the clavicle and reaches its zenith over the sternum. Above this is the unreadable face of a crusader helm, with light failing to reach the innards of its slits and holes, painting them an ominous black. The ornamental tracery that began at the toes ends at the foot of a tall miter that crowns the helm, which is grabbed by gauntleted hands, and taken off slowly.
A stern-looking man with a bald head and chiseled, boxy features gazes unwaveringly with bright eyes of jade as he puts his hands against his kite shield, upon which was emblazoned proudly the icon of the Church. Logan Grimnar's voice is mild as he assures, "Fear not, child, for I am a merciful man."
Name: Logan Grimnar, Prince-bishop of Tvere
Status: Alive and well
Age: 35
Race: Lesser Man
Born the fourth son of a minor noble, Logan never had a realistic shot at the throne to begin with, and so, even from childhood, he turned his thoughts away from the blue-blooded life and instead engaged himself in holy scripture and clerical wisdom. Enrolling at the university at age sixteen, he went through the other side after five years a priest, at first sharing a parish with a priestess before her promotion to bishop, at which point he inherited her church.
Though young, he spoke with fire and vigor, and through the written Word of the Mother, he gave comfort to the sad and healed the sick. And with local church artifacts, he performed minor miracles that awed his flock and strengthened their faith in the Mother. He preached and preached as years went by, smiled and made smile a great many children, and headed the wedding for his one of his elder brothers. When he was thirty years old, he lead the rites during his father's funeral, and during his appointed brother's coronation as Baron of Aettlond.
His unexpected appointment as Prince-Bishop of Tvere by the Archbishop after the former title holder's death brought about responsibilities not entirely welcome to Logan. For one, amongst others, he had to learn how to use a sword, for it was the symbol of authority for lay rulers. As prince-bishop, he was not only this, but also an ecclesiastical official, though one quite disconnected with the parish he used to minister himself, since his office now was quite far away from it. Regardless, nothing else of much magnitude happened, and for several years he ruled competently in both the matters of the temporal and the spirit.
Perhaps it was because of this above-average performance that he was hand-picked to escort the Maiden to the Northern Wastelands. As unforeseeable as his rise to the office of prince-bishop, his new mission is, again, not entirely welcome, but one that Logan is willing put himself into and see through.
About Them:
Logan's boxy features are more fitting to a sea-raider brute than a man of the cloth, but they strangely fit his jolliness with how easily they transform into warm smiles and happy grins. An energetic man who somehow does not like surprises, Logan is proactive in his role as a leader of the spiritual flock. Friendly, trustworthy and generous, he is popular amongst the children and seen as an angel by the poor. Devoting himself to the Love of the Mother, he is amongst one of Her finest instruments in the mortal realm.
Unfortunately, he cannot stomach the death of his fellow mortals.
Finally finding use for his rather baroque full-plate armor, he would rather see his appointment as a Maiden escort to be a peaceful one. Killing is a sin, and to draw one's sword and harm another is something that is anathema to him. But he is not a fool: he will defend himself, no doubt; just that he would simply hold himself back during the affair, and would be reluctant to deliver a decisive strike if fatal. This is, of course, assuming that the foe is spiritually innocent, or guilty but redemption for them is possible.
To the enemies of the Mother, however, he can be merciless. The Mother gifted love to the world, and Astorias would dare replace it with greed and hate. Ending the lives of such monsters if fine, for it is as the ancient saints say: there is nothing wrong with killing the wicked. Sure, those particular saints may have been lesser men, but there is wisdom in their words.
Name: Daregim Silverdredger
Status: Alive
Age: 62 years old (Or Dwarven equivalent.)
Race: Dwarf
History: Daregim was born to the owners of a small trading business in one of the Dwarven City States. Both of his parents rarely spent on much of anything lavishly; conversely, his parents donated much money to the church, and raised him and his siblings to be just as devout as they were, if not more. Daregim's greatest dream as a child was to be apart of the clergy and to sing the praises of The Mother along with a congregation. His parents, ensuring that their children gained an industrious attitude, made their children work for them and others while they were not being schooled. Daregim rarely had time to play, but when he did, he pretended to be a clergyman taking care of holy artifacts, blessing something or someone, or just singing hymns.
For many years he thought that he would become a member of the clergy; so he studied as much as he could about the religion, and had theological dialogue with his local priest. Ultimately, his dream did not come true. Daregim had been travelling with a number of pilgrims to a village on the outskirts of the city-state, when a group of bandits attacked him and the pilgrims. In the chaos of the situation, Daregim saw three people looking about frantically for an escape. A middle-aged Dwarf man, and a Human woman with a young child. After little thought, Daregim helped the mother and child to escape the scene and alert the authorities. In turn, he had done something no Dwarf should do; abandon another Dwarf. Or at least that is what he had told himself. To make up for this lack of action, Daregim banished himself from his City-State, taking some funds with him to live on for a few years and contemplate what he had done.
By now Daregim had viewed himself as unworthy of the priesthood. So he decided to do something else with his life. He bought two years worth of weapons training in polearms, shortarms, and shields. His funds running dangerously low, and halfway finished with his two years of training, Daregim hired himself out cheaply as a bodyguard. Given poor equipment on his first job, Daregim used the rest of his money to buy a good shortaxe and shield, sure that all would turn out well. His first job, and nothing eventful had happened. Daregim was paid, and for many years onward, he was a bodyguard for a number of people; eventually he added to his arsenal a pollaxe, and studied how to use it. Daregim eventually set his eye on adventuring, and continues to do so now despite his age.
About Them: Daregim grew up in a staunchly religious household; he loves The Mother, and hates Artorias. He doesn't take kindly to blasphemy, and while he can hold his tongue on some issues at times, religion is one of his buttons. He can spend hours talking to clergymen about The Mother. Daregim sometimes likes to poke fun at the serious, though this usually only happens when he has drink in him. While he has no qualms about saving the Human woman and child, he feels deep regret that he didn't save his fellow Dwarf as well. He rarely talks of this event.
Weaponry: Finely crafted pollaxe, Shortaxe & kiteshield
Etc: None