Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mother gave us music that we might pray without words. -- unknown
In the Kingdom of Man, there lies the vast city of Carthis, the capital built as a harbor. The sun had just risen from it's rest, shining it's light upon the vessels that laid anchor in the waters. The birds began to migrate back into the land, as Spring had finally come at last. As the morning proceeded, the citizens silently exited their houses. Some would go on to run businesses and errands, while others came out for a good stroll in the morning. The majority, however, gathered at the city chapel, for today was a special occasion. Pope Edward, Archbishop, had knighted a group of trainee's into Paladins, sworn into The Order. As the celebration continued, Pope Edward would bring about his speech to the masses gathered. "My children....Human, Vel, Dwarves, and Drow alike...it does not matter what you are. Remember always that The Mother is with us, through our happiest moments to our final hours. Remember to love Her, thank Her, for She is the mighty hand that will guide you. Let us pray for these young boys and girls, who'm have chosen to serve The Order as Her divine hand. Let us pray for those who have already given their lives for our peace. But most important of all, let us pray to Her, for She has allowed these brave souls to be her holy subjugators, so that evil may never rise once more." He led the prayer, with hymns of faith being sung out by citizens, clergy, and warriors alike. After the gathering, the Archbishop blessed his children, and sent them on their way. The mass was over. The day was beginning...and the decision was to be made today. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aiden watched the many people disperse from the Church, including those who had recently been graduated. Others were with their families, sharing their tears of joy with them. He smiled at the sight of families being there for them, as he stood by himself. His thoughts wondered on about how proud his father would have been at this event. He knew he would be, there was no doubt. His hand rested on the end of his blade, sheathed at his side. He looked all around, watching the many different cultures together, for their Mother. Though it would be short lived, it warmed him to see these people together. Elizabeth would soon approach him, his younger sister. She was a Priestess and part of the clergy. Smiling, she spoke to him, "I'm happy for you Aiden. What will you be doing now?" She asked. He shrugged, scratching his head as he thought, "I might end up having to head towards the barracks to meet with Captain Duncan. You know how he is with his schedule." She grumbled slightly, unable to celebrate with him. Ever since he had joined The Order, they were rarely given time to be together. He laughed and scolded her, "Hey, come on. I have to provide for my brat of a sister somehow. Listen, I'll be here at the Church again for the Archbishops special announcement tonight. Just continue to stay here and help around the place." She sighed out, hugged him, and turned back. With a cheer in her voice, she yelled to him, "Don't be late! I'm making dinner tonight this time, just for you!" This made him chuckle quietly as he began to leave the Church, when he spotted one of his friends, Blake Gilfreed, a fellow graduate who'm he had gotten to know during the course of their training. He called out to him, approached him, and smiled. "So, how does it feel to be a big, strong, and noble Paladin, pal?" He grinned, nudging Blake on the arm. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth remained at the Church, answering to those who required assistance or her time. She tended the flowers, assisted those in praying, and listened to suffering as she tried to comfort them. Her voice was like honey, but with a certain strength to it, as if her words rang true. She marveled at the idea of helping those around her. She was a Priestess, a Lady of Mother, and she was proud of it. She moved her blonde hair behind her shoulder as she finally sat down, reading a scripture on the history of the universe..."In the beginning, The Divine Mother sang out in the darkness, shaping the universe to her liking...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A tall, anonymous figure stood only a distance away from the Church, having watched, but not actively participated in the proceedings that happened only a few dozen feet away from him. The figure was something that you wouldn't pay much attention to, and for good reason. He was tall, yes, but that's all that you could notice. His form was completely shrouded in an all-consuming black, blank cloak that fell to the dirt ground, complete with a tall, high black collar that hid everything up to the bridge of his nose. On top of this, a large straw hat rested meekly on his head, the complete outfit successfully making it so that not an inch of clothing, flesh, or skin could be seen on the man. Only glowing, completely bluish white eyes were evident to show that someone was even inside of the outfit. His sleeves were long and billowing, completely going past his fists. Over-all, a nonassuming figure that would blend in with the crowd. A useful disguise. "'Mother'..." His voice was quiet, almost too quiet to be heard. It was young - lacking the grovelling, wavering voice of a middle-aged or older man -, yet it was deep and low, holding a smoky tone that would both pacify and caution anyone within earshot. "Foolishness." It wasn't that he didn't believe in her; it was just that...he blatantly didn't care. He didn't specifically ask to be created on this universe, so why would he praise a being that forcefully put him here without him having any prior knowledge to requesting such an act? It was all just complete foolishness. Without even moving his head from the Church, the figure spoke once more - this time to the similarly dressed female beside him. "...What is your thoughts, Adira?" There was honest curiosity in his apathetic tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A young woman stood beside the taller figure, her golden eyes peeking from underneath her straw hat as she crossed her arms and let out a defiant huff. "Let them believe whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect me..." Adria replied. Her long black cloak masked her gestures, however she believed her traveling partner had received her point. "What more do we have to do here anyways?" She watched as people exited the church, smiling as they have achieved their life goals. Adira shook her head lightly and glanced back at Shen whom at the moment was in his usual stoic mood. He was always so straightforward and willingly voiced his opinion even with the knowledge that others may not agree. The Drow removed her hand from underneath her cloak and brushed her long raven hair onto the side of her shoulder to keep her appearance neat and to remove heat that would collect from her hair. "Well, are we going to stick around? Maybe pry into someone's business? Doesn't that sound like fun~" Adira cooed and clasoed her hands together. "You shouldn't be so stiff all the time, it tends to dampen things out." She had waited patiently for his answer before continuing on. [ Sorry for the short post, I'm on my phone ]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Mileena sat at one of the taverns of the city, Carthis. She hadn't cared too much for the names of these human cities but this one was a rather overly ornate place by Avaren standards, still if nothing else they had great taste in alcohol. A great taste in alcohol but a bad taste in manners. She attracted a great amount of stares from the patrons. Of course these people wouldn't enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman like her though not because of her beauty and more so for the fact that she wasn't a human. "Idiots these humans are." She muttered under her breath. Her legs were up on the table as she tilted back in her chair and took a sip of her drink. It was one of her guilty pleasures, mead and beer. "I'm just enjoying my mead now I suppose." She muttered to herself sipping back on a little more. But her cup emptied itself rather quickly. She wasn't quite satisfied with that, but it was probably best to just stop there on the drinks. "Hey, Kelan." Mileena said as she got up and took a pretty little valuable coin out. "Thanks for the hospitality. Not something I can say much in this town." The bartender nodded in appreciation for the payment for the drink. She handed the coin to him, grabbed her gear and started walking out with her sword by her side and her shield on her back. "Hey, kitty kitty." A voice spoke from beside the door. A man, most likely a man too drunk to actually care for his own safety towards a woman with a weapon. "Where do you think yer' going? You got a nice full purse there. Not gonna pay for everyone in here?" He asked slobbishly as his three 'friends' gathered around him. He slurred his speech a little bit and his breath reeked something. "Yuck, what crawled into your mouth and died, gutter-breath?" Mileena grasped her nose and swatted her hand in front of her face. She couldn't help but antagonize these drunk idiots. Not like she was planning on hurting them. "Think I'm going to help you out when you don't even know how to ask a lady for help?" "Wha-- You. . ." The man said flabbergasted. "I oughta. . . !!" He swung his fist a Mileena as she lightly moved her head to the side dodging the hit. He "Now, now. It isn't nice to take a swing at a lady. Especially one you practically begged to pay for you drink bill." A smile crossed her face as she said it as she cracked her knuckles and loosened her arm up. "I get a free swing at you now right?" She said right before the wind-up to her punch that hit the man square in the chest. It knocked him back a slight bit and he just backed off. "Now then, I'll get going." She continued as she shook out her fist and walked off. "I just couldn't bring myself to give him a punch to the face with as drunk as he was." She sighed as she walked onto the streets wondering what to do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gendarme
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Gendarme Not a Serf

Member Seen 11 days ago

Daregim Silverdredger filed out of the building with the rest of the people who had attended the mass. After having made it a few feet out the door, he turned around and started to walk back inside; he had almost forgotten one of his important rituals. Studying the architecture and beauty of places of worship as soon as a service was over. Daregim took his helmet back off, holding it in one beefy hand. He admired the different statues and decorations for awhile, noting as much detail as he possibly could from the decorations. From statues, to the stained glass. When a significant amount of time had passed, Daregim fulfilled another important ritual; prayer. Though now he had a chapel to pray in, instead of a tavern room or the open air. The aging Dwarf took a seat in a pew. While he was sure most of the elderly folk would sit if needed, he would kneel. After all, "The Divine Mother just keeps making me age like a fine, fine brew." He chuckled at the statement, then looked around, hoping nobody heard him. It was true that he was getting older, yet he didn't seem to care. That was what he told himself anyways. "Maybe I'm more like a cheese." He muttered. "Think I'd be more like one of those moldy cheeses." This time he kept the thought to himself. Daregim set his helmet next to him as he kneeled. He went into a deep state of prayerful meditation. He started out with a childhood prayer deeply rooted in Dwarven tradition so as to make himself even more comfortable in his surroundings. He muttered the words and thought on them. "Divine Mother, grant me strength like the stone." He imagined himself as a rock, sturdy against all of the elements that would do him harm. All thanks to The Mother. "Divine Mother, grant me purity like that of yourself." Daregim may have matured quite a bit since his time as a young man, yet he still dealt with the age old problems of anger, jealousy, pride, and yes, lust. Not the lust of flesh, but the lust for gold and precious things dug from the ground. The lust of flesh had long been gone from him. He simply believed that with age it had gone away; he was sure he was impotent. Regardless, he felt it was both a blessing and a curse. The lack of lust for such things was good as it kept him from sin. Yet the desire, he thought, and indeed all of his "faculties" were needed for a relationship. Or at least, one he viewed as meaningful. One in which he could have had children. Yet that ship had sailed long ago, and he was not meant to be a father in either sense of the word. He continued the prayer. "Divine Mother, grant me obedience like that of a Paladin." Daregim nodded at this concept. The desire to be a holy man for The Divine Mother was greater before than ever in his life, yet he didn't believe himself worthy even after all of this time. He had to be not only obedient to his own promises, but he had to be obedient to the will of The Mother. Daregim looked back to the day he saved the woman and child. He had no regrets except one. The inability to save his fellow Dwarf. Daregim swelled with anger at that moment, his face going red. He almost uttered a loud profanity in the chapel, though it was replaced with what could only be described as a low growl. He took in a deep breath, "Divine Mother, grant me patience like that of a smith." Daregim exhaled somewhat loudly, and continued his prayer. He still had problems with his temper, and he was sure that one day that would be the death of him. Still tormented by what he had done, and what he had failed to do, Daregim spoke again. "Divine Mother, grant me peace." He paused to say one more word. "Please." He would abstain from ale today; it would be a bit of a challenge, but the lack of one luxury would do him good. "Self denial..." He uttered the two words. "I offer myself completely to the Divine Mother and bind myself to her will." He whispered for perhaps the thousandth time in his life. Daregim looked to his helmet, gear was not cheap, and he had to make sure it was safe. Except it tended not to be. Daregim had numerous encounters with people who had tried to steal his helmet. He was absolutely certain that the thieves did it out of either desperation, or some sick sport. He himself had grown tired of it. So to ward off thieves, he tried to look as menacing as possible. It didn't always work. When a street urchin had stolen his helmet, Daregim was quick to take it back and scold the poor boy. Having seen the boy cry, in the end Daregim had given him some funds for food, medicine, and money to start working in an honest trade. The orphan reminded him of the boy he had helped to save, and he truly felt guilty for making him cry. Daregim shook his head. How many years ago was that? He wasn't sure. The Dwarf continued his prayers in relative silence, unsure of how the day would go. So he put it all into the Divine Mother's hands. All would be well provided he trusted the Divine Mother and her guidance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redneckatron
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Redneckatron Florida Man Extraordinaire

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Blake was in the middle of shaking hands of a clergyman when Aiden nudged him. Noticing who it was, Blake politely bid farewell to the clergymen and spun around to his close friend. "Aiden! It's great to see you, and I'm quite excited at that!" For his whole life, Blake had grown up in this very church and was raised by the very Priestesses bustling around at the time. He never got to know who his true parents were, he was left at the Church's doors as a mere child. Actually, it was the Archbishop himself who found the newborn on the ground as he was locking up. As Blake was raised in the Church, fables about the mighty Paladins sparked a curiosity in his young mind. This curiosity would then lead him to where he stood now: Standing next to his closest friend, a fellow Paladin, in the glory of the Mother herself. The two of them had first met in a sparring match, in which Blake lost terribly. Devastated by the loss, Blake pondered leaving his training in shame, but it was Aiden himself who supported him to stay and improve. Blake felt he owed a debt to him, against Aiden's wishes, and he always attempted to repay Aiden's kindness to him by supporting his decisions just as Aiden had done for him. Grabbing Aiden's shoulder, "Are we not brothers in arms, now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aiden nodded, patting Blake on the back as he began to take his friend with him. "Of course. We've been shield-brothers ever since we entered the Academy!" He laughed, knowing very well that it was in fact true. Despite Blake's thoughts on owing his a debt, Aiden just wanted to see his friend be successful in their endeavors. "Come on, we need to get to the barracks. Captain Duncan is waiting for all of us." He said, as he began to jog, making sure to go slow enough for Blake to catch up. He would pass two Drow's, a dark skinned cousin of the Vel. ------------------------------------------------------ As she continued reading, she looked up, and noticed a Dwarf praying to The Mother. She giggled quite a bit at the sight. Although a Dwarves were followers of The Mother, it was quite odd to see on being so centered around faith. She stood up, closed her book, and approached him. "You seem troubled, Master Dwarf. Only someone who has a predicament would be praying this hard." She smiled down at him. She was quite short for a Human, but she was taller than a standing Dwarf. "I can pray with you if you like. Perhaps The Mother will hear your prayers better." She offered, a kind tone to her voice. She looked like and even acted like an angel, but of course it was quite obvious that she was a Human. "I am Elizabeth, a Priestess here. It's nice to meet you, Master Dwarf." ------------------------------------------------------ At this time, the city would be bustling with civilians and soldiers alike. The sun would shine down upon the streets, lighting up everywhere other than the alleys, which were very narrow and tight spaced. Large pipes would circle around some buildings, for they were the power of the city. Technology was new, but it was developing faster than ever. Of course, it was fueled by artificial magic, for this was the Human capital, and much of it was needed to develop new technologies. Steam would rise from an alley every now and again, as valves were being turned by slaves and working parties. The Slaves, in particular, worked the hardest. It was not that they were forced into slavery, but rather were in debt. They were determined to pay off their due's, but it was in vain. The aristocratic businessmen that owned them would find any reason to keep their workers, for the labor they did was helping the noblemen! Of course, there were kind blue-bloods that would treat their workers fairly, even feed them better than a third-class citizen, but it was rare. The birds would continue to fly over the city. And if one could see out the walls, a man on a carriage would be riding into the city...in a hurry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gendarme
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Gendarme Not a Serf

Member Seen 11 days ago

Daregim opened one eye and used it to examine the woman in front of him. He then raised his head and opened the other eye. His face lit up like a torch, and the elderly Dwarf felt as if he had to respond. "Elizabeth." He said with a grunt. Daregim stopped kneeling so as to sit down in the pew. He grabbed his helmet, set it next to him, then began rubbing his legs through the mail, leather, and cloth. "Maybe I shouldn't have been kneeling," he thought. Having been a few seconds since had said anything to Elizabeth, he raised a gloved index finger and said, "A moment please." He took in a deep breath; it wasn't that kneeling was particularly strenuous. Indeed, he was sure he could kneel all day if for one simple fact. "Hurts to kneel." He said. He then responded to Elizabeth more directly. "Daregrim Silverdredgeer. Nice to meet you as well." Daregim said all of this while attempting to suppress his own accent and use the one of the city he was in. That way everything would be understood in a smoother fashion. "If you want to pray with an old man, by all means! Theological discussions aren't out of the picture either!" He said boisterously as he motioned towards the empty spots on the pew. "No predicament, mind. Just prayer; oh, and please watch out for th'helmet." He shook his head after he realized what he had just said. Had he swallowed another vowel? Daregim wanted to make sure he was understood. His accent could be a real pain for him if he didn't try and suppress it in some situations. "The helmet." He put emphasis on the first word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Frost! Let’s go! We already missed the ceremony.” They were late, hunting kept Alexis out late sometimes especially if it was big game. She owned a small two story home in the city, despite her family’s wealth and large farm land Alexis enjoyed a simple life in the city .She laced up her brown leather boots in a hurry and raced toward the door nearly knocking over the small boy that stood in front of it. “Rhawion. Please tell your mother we’re leaving now. I’ll be back in a day or two. Be good! And I promise you your own pup and hawk one day just like Frost and Talon” She kissed the Vel childs forehead softly. Like her father, Alexis too enjoyed the company of Vel, and had a young Vel mother and her child tend to her home while she was away hunting or on business. “Talon” The hawk swooped to her shoulder graciously. Talon was a Red-Tailed Hawk, she was average size and every feather was a beautiful pattern all on its own. Alexis didn’t have to look twice before her wolf was then at her feet ready to go. Her fingers brushed through his charcoal gray fur, Frost was bigger than the average gray wolf but not enough to be mistake for a corrupted beast. He was incredibly fast, he was mean and he was very intimidating. They were her lively hood, her senses that humans couldn’t possess. Without them hunting would be difficult. A sigh escaped her lips as the three of them hurried around the street corners. “I’m very upset we missed the ceremony. You both know that I grew up with nearly half of those young men and women. Today was one of the biggest days of their lives!” Although she was a Huntress and her family were farmers she was well known at the church. She would seek blessing before every hunt and would always return afterwards for the blessing of her kill. We all had to eat, but in Alexis eyes the animals she hunt were still the Devine Mothers children. "Lets hurry I want to at least congratu--Woah" She payed no mind as she turned the next corner causing her to brush the shoulder of a feline like creature. "I'm so sorry! I'm in a rush to see my friends I and didn't even see you- do you have fluffy ears?" She reached out to touch one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redneckatron
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Redneckatron Florida Man Extraordinaire

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aiden's pat on the back was the usual insignia of a challenge, and Aiden running off made Blake think he wanted to race to the barracks. Laughing, Blake hollered, "A race it is, my friend!" Blake took off in hopes of catching up, but Aiden was now purposefully slowing down just to mock him. This is how most of their playful spouts began, but Blake never minded. The two ran down the path and narrowly missed the two hooded figures standing by the corner. Spinning around, "Sorry!" Blake shouted the apology to the Drow. Then, just as quick as he spun the first time, he was off after Aiden who had just gained an unfair advantage. Typical.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forett
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Forett Corporate Dragon Lord

Member Seen 6 days ago

A tall man wearing full steel chainmail beneath a brown cloak would be easily seen sprinting through the bustling streets of the city, his helm and hood missing, this man was indeed in a hurry. He held Two wads of cloth in his right hand as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. The clangs of his boots as they hit the ground along with the shuffle of the chains were fairly audible and rather out of place in the city. The man ran around a corner and collided with Aiden, sending both of them to the ground. The man quickly placed himself back on his feet, Running past the three onlookers without so much as saying a word. Quite the rude one, though it would seem he left something. Laying next to Aiden was one of the fist sized cloths the man had been carrying. He had dropped it when he had fallen, and failed to realize his loss. The speed with which the man ran was rather remarkable to anyone who had watched… it would seem he was well practiced. The man ran quickly around the corner of the church, not wanting anyone to follow him inside. doubling back, he found the side entrance and paused to allow himself to catch his breath. He walked inside, Finding the church to be absent of its usual crowd. The clank of his armor and the fall of his boot would be more then enough to draw the attention of whoever was within this holy place. There were two persons he could see conversing in the pews, and he made fast to approach them. He did not give greeting or even so much make eye contact. The man half jogged down the aisle to the two, and kneeled on the pew in front of Daregim. He presented the fist sized cloth to him, panting from the run down the aisle. “Please… keep this s-safe…” His body fell limp, and he dropped the cloth in front of Daregim. As the cloth hit the marble floor it would bounce and unravel. A near fist sized Sapphire with a flawless cut would catch the glimmering light from the fixtures above. This gem could easily be worth a fortune, and for a man as hard looking as this to run within a church and throw it at a stranger? The man, once further examined, would be pronounced dead. His clothes and armor point at being a bandit or mercenary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

From upon the tavern balcony that overlooked the street below and part of the Cathedral Courtyard, a lone Drow clad in black leather armor sat upon an uncomfortable hard wooden chair, watching the Paladin graduation ceremony unfold with a certain interest. "I have to admit, these humans undoubtedly have a good taste in music." she said under her breath before taking a bite out of the sandwich she had ordered only a short while ago. The ale would come next, placed down upon the wooden table next to her by the female human waitress that quickly left her without saying a word. "Friendly bunch here, quite social, I will have to come back someday." she grumbled under her breath and thought about how many strange looks she received when she arrived at town. “I guess the humans are not use to seeing Drow around here.” The mug of ale was brought to her lips, and she was barely able to manage a sip of its contents before someone knocked the mug out of her hand with the flat side of a sword. The smile that she had once worn across her face had now gone emotionless. Standing up, she reached for the mug and placed it on the table, turning to face the armored male human that had his weapon raised in a threatening way. "The Black Wolf, Kyndaria, or better known as the Drow Slut in these parts. I was told you were at the tavern, and I had to find out if it was true for myself. Glad to see you are still alive, you may not remember me but you killed my comrades when we came to pick up our slaves from the Drow lands." Kyndaria let out a soft chuckle under her breath, "I remember you and your men, I killed them with some of my Sarghress soldiers and you ran away from the fight like a coward, as if a pack of bloodthirsty wolves were after you." She glared in an ominous way at the human, "Which they were..." Kyndaria pointed at the door behind her and spoke, "If I were you, I would put what happened that day behind you and leave, forget about what happened and live out the rest of your life." The man took a swing at her with his blade out of pure anger, and frustration. Kyndaria leaned back against the railing behind her, missing the blade by a couple of inches. "Throwing a tantrum like a child, I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Last chance, leave or I will have to put you down." The human laughed, only to have Kyndaria deliver a swift kick to the man’s crotch, causing him to fall over in debilitating pain. "Sloppy in combat as well, just like the rest of your men, take this as your only warning, come after me again and I will kill you, be it in your home town or out in the wilds." The man withered in pain upon the ground, trying to get out what seemed like a long list of curse words. When she was heading for the door that lead back into the tavern, the waitress that had helped her before stopped in her tracks, only a couple of feet away from Kyndaria. "Miss, are you alright? I heard the commotion and came as quickly as I could." The Drow reached out and handed the female waitress a couple gold coins before patting her on the shoulder. "Nothing you need to worry about, I took care of it." The waitress nodded her head while looking at the man that rolled around on the floor in pain. Kyndariana walked down the stairs of the tavern and quickly left without making another sound. On her way out, she almost collided into the Avaren standing in front of her. "Excuse me ma'am, I..." she was unable to finish her sentence as a female human with a wolf and bird came around the corner, immediately turning their attention to the Avaren as well. With a laugh at the humans comment, Kyndaria folded her arms over her chest, "She is called an Avaren, if I am not mistaken, and do you always go around touching things out of curiosity?" She would pause and bow lightly, "I am Kyndaria Val'Sarghress, also known as The Black Wolf, it is an honor to meet both of you this fine day." Near the group, the organs music that came from the cathedral echoed through the city in its unrivaled glory, only to add a feeling of true spirituality as the sun spread its loving warmth and embrace across the land. ( Music that is coming from the Cathedral: http://youtu.be/ySBejN0MDGg )
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cynric rarely did much work nowadays, thanks to his scheming and his stratagems. However, today was an important day for the people in his merchants guild, or at least those in or near Carthis. Cynric helped supply specialty gear to weapon shops, smiths, armorers, and those alike. Today had been a big day after all, a big day for profit! Paladins were being sword into the order, and being sword in meant getting a bit of a raise, at least in position. Cynric didn't know much about paladin work, but he did know about gifts, positions, and the desire for new gear! He knew that around this time, whenever paladins were sworn in, the shops in Carthis get dealt with quite a bit more for a short time. So it was his job to make sure the stores that work under him were adequately prepared for the onslaught of customers that may come there way! However, now that Cynric was at the Chapel as everything had been finishing up, things were out of his hands now and he could go back to do as he please. Cynric found himself inside the Chapel, praying to the mother for a bounty of customers. Although, this was more of a customary action rather then him truly asking her for help. Cynric was absolutely sure he had played his cards well, so the only thing returning to him would be profit and new customers. After his prayer was done, Cynric stood. The chapel was filled with more then he had wanted. Although that's almost always the case, due to his love of empty chapels. There was an elderly dwarf, and some girl who looked like a maiden. The combination ruined his mood, and had he seen this earlier probably wouldn't have been able to pray as sincerely as he had. Not as though he had been too sincere in the first place, but it would have lacked even more of his faith. He really didn't understand why she would offer her hand in prayer to the rusty old dwarf when men of youth still walked these halls. Why don't her priorities stay with those of kin and blood? Although the scene agitated the merchant, he couldn't bring himself to leave just yet. Although his previous prayers were not passionate, there was one task he requested of the Mother that he feels is worthy of his emotion. However that was not meant to be, soon as he stood up and started to stretch before entering another prayer-like stance, a man came into the church and fell at the feet of the dwarf. He couldn't hear what the man had said, but he then gave him a gem and, shortly after, fell over and died. What in Artorias' name happened? he asked himself, staring over at the scene. He couldn't bring himself to move, this kind of situation was a first for him, drama and death like this wasn't part of his usual scene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gendarme
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Gendarme Not a Serf

Member Seen 11 days ago

Daregim looked expectantly at Elizabeth for a reply; then, a man came up to him and practically threw a precious gem at him. Daregim looked at the gem, to the now collapsed man. He removed his glove from his hand to check the man's pulse. He was unsure of what to do in the situation for a moment. It was rare that a man would come up to him and practically throw a precious gem at him. It was even rarer for that person to immediately die. Daregim reached down to pick up the sapphire. He rolled up the sapphire in the cloth, and set it in a buttoned pocket beneath the mail and leather that protected him. He pondered setting it back, but the man had asked him to keep it safe. Safe from what? He had the look of a mercenary or a bandit, yet he didn't act like those Daregim had met. Maybe Daregim's meager reputation as an adventurer is what lead to this; someone seeking him out. Another thought ran through his mind like a jolt. What if it was the will of the Divine Mother? This was quite the situation, and he wasn't too sure of what to do. After some more thought, he turned to face Elizabeth. Puzzled and scared, he said with his voice starting to crack. "He's dead." With the cracking of his voice, Daregim shook his head. He had to maintain a calm composure. "If anyone asks, think up a story." He thought. "Would that be what the Divine Mother would want?" He replied to his own thought barely above a whisper. This man had wanted him to keep this sapphire safe. Surely she would understand his reasoning? Daregim kneeled down to look at the man again. He furrowed his brow. Why had this happened? Was this pure coincidence and nothing more? Daregim looked back up to Elizabeth. Shaken by the event, and perhaps hoping that the man was still alive so that he could give the sapphire back, he shouted, "We need a healer!" Daregim stood back up, and took in a deep breath. This day wasn't going to be a simple one, he was sure. He hoped the man would be well off by the end of it. Though it appeared to be in vain. After shouting for a healer, Daregim stepped back. A man had just died, and this was all he could do now. Stand, and wait. Maybe everything would turn out for the better. If not? He could simply find this man's family and give the sapphire to them. Unless this man had no family. Daregim's mind shifted to avarice for a full minute before he dispelled such thoughts for the moment with a feeling of guilt. "I won't sell it." He said internally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

As she exited the tavern, Mileena brushed shoulders with a woman that had. . . A bird and a dog with her? The woman apologized to Mileena. That was pretty uncommon in this town. She also stopped mid-apology to comment on the Avaren's ears. "Uhh, yea. I do have fluffy ears. Got a prob-LEMMM!" She said as she backed up quickly and almost knocked into someone, as the woman started to grab for one of her ears. This new person introduced herself as. . . Kyndaria Val'Sarghress was it? That last name was unique to Mileena's knowledge of names. Mileena assumed it must be an elf thing. She was still wary of the woman that went to touch her ears but introduced herself, "Mileena Keren." She said to the newer arrival then turned back to the woman with the two animals. "I don't like my ears touched, if you don't mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aiden would continue to race with Blake, until a suspicious man came and bumped him. Aiden fell to the ground, hard. A large splash would occur, as he fell into a puddle. "Ow, damn it!" He yelled out, as the man began to run. "Who does this guy think he is..." He mumbled, rubbing his arm, until he noticed a light shining from a piece of cloth. He grabbed it as he stood. "Blake...look. This guy must have been some kind of Thief, but where would we have gotten a gem like thi-" He rambled on about the gem, until the church bells rang. It was no ordinary bell, however. It was a signal ringing. An emergency. The Paladins were being called and everyone in the city knew it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth would respond to the Dwarf until she noticed a man staring at her. She knew all too well who it was, a local merchant, and one with money at that. She knew exactly what he was thinking....well, not really, but if looks could kill. It was at this time that a frantic man came into the church, begging the Dwarf to take the cloth bundle he had with him. Elizabeth tried to calm him down, to no avail, when he suddenly died at their feet. She almost screamed, closing her mouth shut. The man had died with no wounds, no piercings, no scars. It was silence as the Dwarf checked his pulse and suggested a plan. "No...we must tell the Archbishop. Please, wait here." She said, quickly leaving to the back. What seemed like an eternity was only a minute, as the older gentleman, Archbishop Edward, appeared. "What in Mothers name!?" He called out, checking the mans body. As he noticed no wounds on the man, a look of disbelief caught him. Quickly looking at the Dwarf, he mumbled out, with a fearful voice, "You, Dwarf, you are Daregim, are you not? Please, let me see what the man had in the bundle. I only need to check it, you can have it back." He said, extending his wrinkled hands out. His words were sincere and honest, but his face...it was petrified.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gendarme
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Gendarme Not a Serf

Member Seen 11 days ago

Daregim nodded at the Archbishop, and although he was a bit reluctant to do so, he reached into his coat of mail and leather to pull out the sapphire from the inside of it. He had to reach deep inside to the wool pocket, and a few pieces of lint would fall to the ground as he did so. He held out the bundled sapphire to Archbishop Edward. With the other hand, he unraveled the cloth to reveal the sapphire. "Archbishop, he...He told me to keep it safe. I don't know for what purpose. Maybe it's some sort of a family heirloom? Maybe we can track his family down. See if they know anything about it. We should also alert them of this man's passing." Daregim looked to the man once more. "I can't say I have the funds for his funeral without losing what little I have from my retirement fund." The Dwarf nodded, "Could chop wood for it all." Daregim uttered a few more words about the man needing a proper burial, or contacting the family at least. He wasn't too sure of what else to talk about. A man had just died, and this was all he could muster. With a bit of a cough into his fist, he uttered, "May he rest in peace." Rather than acting like a complete and utter cheapskate, he thought of how he could contribute to the funeral in some way. Flowers? A wreath? Weren't funerals usually fancy and expensive? How could he possibly help?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Still where he was before, Cynric listened to them talk. He was very unnerved by this scene, he even broke into a small cold-sweat, and moved in closer to investigate it. From what he had seen and heard, it definitely wasn't the Dwarfs fault the man had died. Daragom, or whatever his name was, was innocent. Looks like no one had any doubts about that though. As he came closer, he saw the gem and within seconds a lust drew from within him. Cynric was experienced when it came to trinkets, rarities, and jewels. He was sure that whatever this was, it'd make him a small fortune if he could sell it properly. He had seen many precious jewels similar to that, but this one stood out. He couldn't name any reason for why it did, however that made him even more sure there was one. He withdrew his eyes from the gem once the bells rang. Being inside the church while it happened was painful for him and ruined his concentration, he clasped his hands over his ears lightly in order to drown out some of the sound. What was this? Some kind of summoning? Although this was quite a weird scenario, he didn't understand why they had to bring the paladins into it. Maybe there was another incident outside? The thought flew through his head, and after giving it some reasoning he doubted it. If something were to be happening elsewhere nearby, he would surely have heard some commotion. Some screams, crashing, or other cues would surely have traveled to the church. As this went on, he could hear the Dwarf's and other's words. Once he was near the group, he could recognize one of others that had recently joined them. It was Archbishop Edward! Soon as Cynric saw that he was involved, he knew the chances of him owning the gem or selling it off were closer to none than an assassin was closer to death. On the topic of death, the dwarf wanted to help the funeral? What a Joke! Why plan that for a man who died the moment you met him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She withdrew her hand almost feeling embarrassed. There was another woman with them now who she was sure was a Drow. She’d never met a Drow before just heard many stories from the Vel. Her eyes darted back and forth from the Drow then to the Avaren. She wasn’t sure if she should explain herself or introduce herself first. “I’m sorry... they’re just so fluffy. I’ve met many creatures and I’ve hunted many creatures, but I’ve never encountered anything like you.” Her eyes widen a little as she observed them. She was reading them, trying to decipher their purpose here. Alexis wasn’t hostile to anyone, and she wasn’t alarmed by their body language or aura but this was her city and she was curious. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mileena Keren and Kyndaria Val'Sarghress. I’m a Alexis Stangle and this here is Frost, he looks larger and probably more aggressive than most wolves but I promise he won’t bite.”She gestured to the wolf at her side first then to the hawk perched on her shoulder “And this is my beautiful girl Talon. My best friends and loyal companions.” She was silent for only a moment before the church bells rang in her ears. “Hey. Why don’t I show you both around. I’m actually late for a ceremony and heading to the church at the moment. Would either of you care to join me?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Iza held his newly made clay bottle and played with it restlessly, walking down the streets of the city. It was too crowded here, he preferred smaller towns, or villages, but with the size of this place came the variety of resources that he needed, as well as the rumors of new dungeons to go hunt for and go down. Soon, he came to a less populated portion of the city, and stepped inside of a small alchemy shop. "Ah, Izaris! It is a wonder that you are not dead yet!" The stout dwarven shopkeeper greeted, like an old friend had just come to visit. The shopkeeper walked over to the masked Ranger and held out his hand. "Damo." Iza replied with a smile on his face, grasping the hand and holding it tightly. "The fact of my living is a wonder to me as well." He said jokingly. "What is it this time, more oil for your bottle?" Damo asked, seeing the clay bottle in Iza's offhand. "Aye. On my travels to the southern islands though, I discovered something peculiar." Iza said, "Do you know of yellow phosphorus?" As Damo fetched the black oil, "A very dangerous substance. I don't carry any here in my shop. It is said that its anger is calmed when placed in a pool of water." Iza nodded thoughtfully, taking the oil and filling his clay bottle with it. "Could you get me some, the next time I come back? I wish to run some experiments." He closed the clay bottle and hooked it onto his belt. While Damo was in thought, Iza placed the amount due on the counter. They were interrupted by a loud bell, which startled Iza. He looked to Damo in confusion and saw the blood drain from the face of the dwarf. "Izaris, head to the Church, there is an emergency and they may need someone of your skill!" The dwarf yelled over the bells. Iza never knew the dwarf to be one to ask someone of something. After a second, Iza nodded and left the shop. He headed towards the Church, finding himself following a young Paladin closely who had heard the bells as well. Several thoughts went through Iza's head, was there an attack? Perhaps some great evil threatened this city. Iza hoped that his skills would be up to the test, and that the coin would be decent.
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