Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo felt a cool blade on her throat. The skin broke and a drop of blood began to form, trickling down Tatsuo's neck. More blood began to flow down, standing the collar of Tatsuo's kimono. A fox mask fell from her face as Tatsuo began to crumple to the ground. She landed on top of her most recent and final victim. Her breath ragged, and shaky, Tatsuo reached for her mask in her dying moments, placing it on her face as the young girl's breath stopped. Her killer stood above her, admiring his work. He had killed a murderer. Justice had been served. Tatsuo's eyes opened. She was at an altar. In a moment of panic, Tatsuo looked around for her mask, relieved when she found it was in her hands. Dread began to set in as questions arose in Tatsuo's mind. Where was she? Was she dead? What would happen now? Would Tatsuo find others or would she journey alone?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So you are finally awake" A feminine voice said, a beautiful woman stepped out of the shadows. holding an open book, it's words were impossible for Tatsuo to understand. "As you are thinking, you are dead, your corrupted soul ended up in the deepest part of reality, this is the Hell. The woman got closer to Tatsuo and caressed her head with a smile. "But worry not, I know a way to get out of here, that's if...you trust in your strength. If you die here in hell you will surely reincarnate as a snail or ant, but if we succed you will return to the living world as a human and then...well, take revenge." The woman explained, then placed a scythe on Tatsuo's hand, knowing she would accept
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo curled her hand around the scythe. Revenge. Such a sweet word. Sure this was hell, but hell offered revenge. And Tatsuo was going to take it. Tatsuo's smile widened. She felt better with a weapon in her hand. And a beautiful red scythe like this one felt just right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scott ran dodging gun fire from a countless number of cops."Freeze!" One of them shouted. He ignored the cops statement and answered back by firing a gun he previously stole from a cop he just murdered. Scott ran to an intersection and pointed the gun at a car signaling the man in the car to get out. By now the cops cought up with Scott and surrounded him. Scott held the man as a hostage and aimed the gun at his head. "Let him go o-or will shoot!" A cop demanded. Scott laughed , he knew it was over but he didn't want to die in prison , he wanted to go out in a band. On a near by roof top a sniper was readying his gun for the signal to shoot. When Scott directed his gun at one of the cops everything seemed to be in slow motion. Before Scott could fully aim his gun one of the cops raised their hand and "BANG!" The sniper fired aiming directly for Scotts head killing him instantly as the bullet reached his head. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Scott jolted up rubbing his head as if it was hit very hard. " What the....were am I?" He stood slowly looking around and noticed he was standing on a alter or something." Were ever I am it looks pretty cool." He smiled devilishly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo looked down at her scythe. Admiring it. The red shade of the blade was beautiful. It wouldn't be stained with blood. Tatsuo put the scythe on her lap, Her white kimono clashing slightly with the red scythe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

______________________________________-Tatsuo's path-________________________________ Tatsuo looked down at her scythe. Admiring it. The red shade of the blade was beautiful. It wouldn't be stained with blood. Tatsuo put the scythe on her lap, Her white kimono clashing slightly with the red scythe.
"Alright, it seems you have decided already. If that's the case then let's get going" The woman said and opened the rotten wood door of the shrine the altar was in, as soon as she opened Tatsuo could feel the hot air of hell, much worst than any desert in the living world, the sky was bloody red, not possible to tell if it was day or night. The woman walked out of the shrine "I need you to find a key, well not a key, it's a sword, a really old one" The woman said, she was about to keep talking but for some reason she didn't, suddenly she felt to the red sand, an axe stuck at the back of her head. "Damn you killed her! She was really hot! We could have had fun with her!" A huge man holding a sword said while walking from behind some big rocks. Four other men appeared holding swords and daggers "Sorry sorry! I didn't aim to her head!" One of them said. "Well...I guess this one will do.." The huge man said while walking towards Tatsuo _____________________________________-Scott's path_______________________________________
Scott ran dodging gun fire from a countless number of cops."Freeze!" One of them shouted. He ignored the cops statement and answered back by firing a gun he previously stole from a cop he just murdered. Scott ran to an intersection and pointed the gun at a car signaling the man in the car to get out. By now the cops cought up with Scott and surrounded him. Scott held the man as a hostage and aimed the gun at his head. "Let him go o-or will shoot!" A cop demanded. Scott laughed , he knew it was over but he didn't want to die in prison , he wanted to go out in a band. On a near by roof top a sniper was readying his gun for the signal to shoot. When Scott directed his gun at one of the cops everything seemed to be in slow motion. Before Scott could fully aim his gun one of the cops raised their hand and "BANG!" The sniper fired aiming directly for Scotts head killing him instantly as the bullet reached his head. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Scott jolted up rubbing his head as if it was hit very hard. " What the....were am I?" He stood slowly looking around and noticed he was standing on a alter or something." Were ever I am it looks pretty cool." He smiled devilishly.
"You are in hell my dear~" The dark haired woman seductively whispered in Scott's ear, then sat on his lap with a smirk. "I hope you enjoy your stay in the deepest part of reality. It will be a long way to get out of here. If that is what you want" She then wrapped a flail around his neck as if it was a scarf. "But..I must warn you, if you die here in hell you will surely reincarnate as a bug or something worse." The woman said knowing Scott would not get scared of something like that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo looked at the men, then back to the woman on the ground. An axe to the back of the head. Brutal and too messy. Kill four, let one live and torture him. That was Tatsuo's plan. Well, if you could call that a plan. Tatsuo ran towards the men, scythe in had. She needed o give the scythe a name. She would do that after the battle. For now, attack the legs of the men, make them fall, then make your move and kill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

_____________________________________-Scott's path_______________________________________
Scott ran dodging gun fire from a countless number of cops."Freeze!" One of them shouted. He ignored the cops statement and answered back by firing a gun he previously stole from a cop he just murdered. Scott ran to an intersection and pointed the gun at a car signaling the man in the car to get out. By now the cops cought up with Scott and surrounded him. Scott held the man as a hostage and aimed the gun at his head. "Let him go o-or will shoot!" A cop demanded. Scott laughed , he knew it was over but he didn't want to die in prison , he wanted to go out in a band. On a near by roof top a sniper was readying his gun for the signal to shoot. When Scott directed his gun at one of the cops everything seemed to be in slow motion. Before Scott could fully aim his gun one of the cops raised their hand and "BANG!" The sniper fired aiming directly for Scotts head killing him instantly as the bullet reached his head. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Scott jolted up rubbing his head as if it was hit very hard. " What the....were am I?" He stood slowly looking around and noticed he was standing on a alter or something." Were ever I am it looks pretty cool." He smiled devilishly.
"You are in hell my dear~" The dark haired woman seductively whispered in Scott's ear, then sat on his lap with a smirk. "I hope you enjoy your stay in the deepest part of reality. It will be a long way to get out of here. If that is what you want" She then wrapped a flail around his neck as if it was a scarf. "But..I must warn you, if you die here in hell you will surely reincarnate as a bug or something worse." The woman said knowing Scott would not get scared of something like that
"Hell...." Scott repeated to himself as a smile appeared on his face. He didn't mind being in a seducive situation but once he heard the dark haired beauty say he could die again that could only mean one thing." Excuse me, but if I can die again doesn't that mean I have to be killed?" He asked possibly knowing the answer." If so ,that means the same thing applys to my victim. Then I can kill who ever I won't and don't have to deal with any one bull shitting." Scott joyfully hugs the black haired woman." I'll happily enjoy my stay here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

_____________________________________-Scott's path_______________________________________
"Hell...." Scott repeated to himself as a smile appeared on his face. He didn't mind being in a seducive situation but once he heard the dark haired beauty say he could die again that could only mean one thing." Excuse me, but if I can die again doesn't that mean I have to be killed?" He asked possibly knowing the answer." If so ,that means the same thing applys to my victim. Then I can kill who ever I won't and don't have to deal with any one bull shitting." Scott joyfully hugs the black haired woman." I'll happily enjoy my stay here!"
"Oh my you are so full of energy~!" The woman said a bit surprised by the hug and smiled from ear to ear. Once free from the hug she covered Scott with a thick gabardine. "You better wear that or you'll freeze to the bones!" She then covered herself with another gabardine and kicked the door of the shrine, a cold violent wind pushed her a little bit. "Welcome to hell!" She said and then walked out. "Alright, firs of all, I need you to get a shield for me, not a common one. I would do it myself but I can't get close to it" _____________________________________Tatsuo's path____________________________________
Tatsuo looked at the men, then back to the woman on the ground. An axe to the back of the head. Brutal and too messy. Kill four, let one live and torture him. That was Tatsuo's plan. Well, if you could call that a plan. Tatsuo ran towards the men, scythe in had. She needed o give the scythe a name. She would do that after the battle. For now, attack the legs of the men, make them fall, then make your move and kill.
The huge man ran towards Tatsuo holding his sword high, he knew one hit was enough to cut the girl in half
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo saw the raised sword. She would need to dodge that. So Tatsuo went as fast as she could, darting around. She sliced the man's leg, running towards his companions. They would fall to her blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 6 days ago

James slowly awoke. "Damn...my head...where am I...?" He looked around, realizing where he was. "Oh yeah...that's right..." He remembered the feeling of the arrow entering his throat, and his life slowly draining from him. "Shit..." He slowly got up, looking around again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

___________________________________________Tatsuo's path_______________________________
Tatsuo saw the raised sword. She would need to dodge that. So Tatsuo went as fast as she could, darting around. She sliced the man's leg, running towards his companions. They would fall to her blade.
The huge man fell to the ground, screaming in pain, he could not believe such a petite girl cut slice his big fat leg off. The others freaked out as soon as they saw this, they slowly stepped back and tripped. "W-We are ead meat!" ______________________________________James's path____________________________________
James slowly awoke. "Damn...my head...where am I...?" He looked around, realizing where he was. "Oh yeah...that's right..." He remembered the feeling of the arrow entering his throat, and his life slowly draining from him. "Shit..." He slowly got up, looking around again.
As soon as he got up the face of a woman appeared really close to his. "Hello there, it looks like this place isn't for you. Lucky you, I can get you out of hell but first I need you to get something for me. However I must warn you, it will be a loooong adventure that will take you to the ends of hell, as if you die, well you will reincarnate as a bug. The dark haired woman said, then place a weapon on James lap, she already knew he would accept
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo slid her mask over her face. She had a habit of wearing her mask when killing or torturing, it kept blood for falling on her face. Tatsuo decided the largest man she would keep alive, the others were dead. Tatsuo ran over to the tipped men and sliced their necks. She then returned to the fallen man and sliced off his other leg. She wouldn't be running anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 6 days ago

______________________________________James's path____________________________________
James slowly awoke. "Damn...my head...where am I...?" He looked around, realizing where he was. "Oh yeah...that's right..." He remembered the feeling of the arrow entering his throat, and his life slowly draining from him. "Shit..." He slowly got up, looking around again.
As soon as he got up the face of a woman appeared really close to his. "Hello there, it looks like this place isn't for you. Lucky you, I can get you out of hell but first I need you to get something for me. However I must warn you, it will be a loooong adventure that will take you to the ends of hell, as if you die, well you will reincarnate as a bug. The dark haired woman said, then place a weapon on James lap, she already knew he would accept
James's eyes seemed to shine as he saw the weapon and he grinned, getting up as he picked it up. "Hell yes."(no pun intended) He smirked. "I'll gladly fight my way through this damned place to get out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

________________________________-Tatsuo's path
Tatsuo slid her mask over her face. She had a habit of wearing her mask when killing or torturing, it kept blood for falling on her face. Tatsuo decided the largest man she would keep alive, the others were dead. Tatsuo ran over to the tipped men and sliced their necks. She then returned to the fallen man and sliced off his other leg. She wouldn't be running anywhere.
The huge man screamed even louder, he could not move anymore, he just waited death to come and so it happened, a sword pierced his head as if it was butter, the sword belonged to no other but the dark haired woman, who looked as if nothing happened to her. "Seesh this guys are so annoying!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo looked up at the woman. "Come on, you ruined the fun," she complained. Tatsuo wiped the blood of her scythe. Satsugai-Sha That would be the scythe's name. It meant 'slayer', a fitting title for a scythe. "Oh, and how are you alive?" Tatasuo asked, confused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

__________________________Tatsuo's path_____________________________________--
Tatsuo looked up at the woman. "Come on, you ruined the fun," she complained. Tatsuo wiped the blood of her scythe. Satsugai-Sha That would be the scythe's name. It meant 'slayer', a fitting title for a scythe. "Oh, and how are you alive?" Tatasuo asked, confused.
The woman looked at Tatsuo with cold eyes, as if she was another person,and in a way, she was. She wiped the blood off her sword and sheathed it under her robes. "Let's just say the "real me" is not able to get in the underworld, and even if she did she would not be able to get out. However she found a way to interact with the underworld, that way is us: Doppelgängers. However we are not as strong as the original" The woman explained, then continued walking not interested if Tatsuo followed her or not ____________________________________________James's path_________________________________-- "Then Let's get going!" The woman pushed James of the altar, making him hit the dusty floor with his face. he quickly opened the door of the shrine. As soon as she did a purple liquid started to get in. The woman looked outside and saw something that looked like an octopus, a really really huge octopus. "Well....Show me if you are worthy my time..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tatsuo followed the woman. "Dopplegangers? Like shadow clones?" she asked. Tatsuo had a slight linguistic downside. She was fifteen, Japanese, and not exactly from modern Japan. However Tatsuo did know a lot about samurai and ninjas. That was fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lunarus woke with a gasp and frantically looked around grabbing for his weapons, to find himself unarmed in no where he recognized. Hid dilated eyes quickly searched the landscape for anything he knew but he only found himself on some strange alter in a land with a fiery red sky. Seeing no danger he took a deep breath and attempted to remember what he happened. Lunarus was returning from another job from the king his last one before the king finally released him from his servitude. His last mission the king had said. Lunarus had been too foolish to realize the double meaning in his words, he had arrived in the middle of the night. Of course it was a trap, he had been turned into a pincushion faster than he could emit an "oh" of surprise. Lunarus sat on the alter eyes downcast cursing his own foolishness, now his sister would no doubt die a death worse than his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 6 days ago

____________________________________________James's path_________________________________-- "Then Let's get going!" The woman pushed James of the altar, making him hit the dusty floor with his face. he quickly opened the door of the shrine. As soon as she did a purple liquid started to get in. The woman looked outside and saw something that looked like an octopus, a really really huge octopus. "Well....Show me if you are worthy my time..."
James was quickly on his feet again, holding his weapon in his hand. The fact that his weapon was literally a six foot chain with a 20 pound steel ball on the end made it very effective from a distance, and he started walking towards the octopus, a sadistic grin on his face. "Oh, I'll show you that I am very worthy."
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