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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

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Post your WIPs here!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nem: A diminutive race from the deserts of the south, the Nem resemble small humans, commonly reaching heights of around 3'4-3'5. They are universally pale in skintone, with red or yellow eyes and black hair. Nem males cannot grow facial hair, and as a whole they are small and agile but lacking in physical strength. They are also known for being skilled archers, and wielding curved swords(well, more like daggers to the larger races). Their language lacks an equivalent to the letter "B", and some Nem have trouble pronouncing it as a result. They are nocturnal and possess excellent night vision, but during the day their vision is slightly worse than a human's. They also easily burn their skin in the sun and must wear covering clothing to move during the day. Most Nem live in their desert homes, but there is a sizable number in other lands as well as well. They have an extremely low alcohol tolerance. Nem worship a night goddess known as Ila-Nem. Just the basics about the race for now. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Humans (WIP, feel free to comment!)
Humans are the most widespread sentient species in the world. They live short lives and are quick to reproduce. The three most important factors in the success of human population are their ability to adapt to the environment, their innovation and their bottomless ambition. Where many other species find themselves suited to one climate or geographic zone, humans thrive everywhere. Humans vary much in appearance and behavior. Depending on where they live, their skin, hair and eye color varies greatly. Adults measure anywhere from below 100cm to nearly 300cm in height and between 30kg and 200kg in weight. Typical humans measure around 150-180cm in height and weigh in at around 50-100kg. Variations in hair growth, limb proportion and other differences are also common. Humans are fairly cosmopolitan as a species and are known to mix and interbreed with other species. They are quick to grasp how other species think and operate and often use this to their advantage. Most human civilizations know how to develop agriculture, work minerals and metals, and domesticate animals. The human species as a whole is divided into many families, groups, clans, and nations. There is no special loyalty between different factions of humans; at times groups of humans can be more loyal to local members of other species than to distant members of their own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

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The Grimoire (WIP)
Introduction Magic is a universal force of nature, a phenomenon so mysterious and powerful that it fills the heart of many with awe. The energies that permeate the multiverse is tied to that of creation, and the inevitable destruction thereof, that is, in reality, uncontrollable. To master its power is to assign yourself to oblivion. It is simply wiser to say that you allow it to move through your body, an extension of your being, independent and must be coerced, not controlled. However, how did magic come to be? What causes it? How can one learn it? Simply put, everthing is born and molded by the Nexus. Even the recently raised dead are bound by it, preserved with artificial life connecting them to the Nexus. To learn how to use it, to employ the elements or the natural energies of one's own body, takes years of training, even with natural talent. The Nexus, born from nothingness and giving birth to all creation, radiates with the multitude of energies used in every day life, from the basis of physics to the metaphysical. We shall begin with the different energies gathered from the Nexus...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Undead The undead are a race that is independent and separate from all the other races. The only exclusion is that when they die, that is when they are able to become an undead. It is a race that is controlled by the use of pillars to support itself, aka a hierarchy is used to determine the power of the undead. Most of the time the undead are a neutralistic race, however when twisted and provoked they, become what you fear most. However, sometimes it is not their fault as with the use of necromancy the will of the dead can be twisted into horrifying things. The main goals of the undead who remain true and untwisted is to guide the souls of those who have died to their afterlife; whether as an undead being or another species it is the choice that the souls make.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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So this ended up a little longer than I initially intended. ^^; Whoops. Hope it's okay regardless. Also my ideas for orcs are that they are a race of social darwinists, but we'll see how that turns out when I get to work on them. EDIT: Oh right! Female Ky-Ree and male Ky-Ree. The males are noted for having somewhat darker skin than the females.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Female!, Male! And some of my sketching of them. BIOLOGY: Physically speaking, Nem are almost identical to humans anatomically. The possess two arms, two legs, a head, skin, hair, eyes, a nose, and everything else you would expect from a human, and it's all arranged and proportioned as you would expect. However, one of the biggest and most noticeable differences is their height. An adult Nem will be around 3'4-3'5 in height, and no taller. Nem have large, expressive eyes(though not large to a disconcerting degree), which are invariably either yellow or red in coloration. These eyes possess excellent night vision, but during the day they are slightly worse than a human's. Nem have black hair and very pale skin, their extremely pale skin tone due to their nocturnal lifestyle. Because of this, their skin easily burns in the sunlight and requires coverage to avoid damage during the day. Nem tend to be lightly built, though for some reason teenaged to adult Nem possess rather wide hips. Nem are rather lacking in physical strength, but they tend to be quite agile and swift, making for remarkably fast fighters and archers. Due to their small size, Nem are unfortunately vulnerable to poisons to a greater degree than larger races. This includes alcohol, Nem are notoriously lightweight drinkers and are quick to pass out from drinking. While it is possible for them to conceive children with larger races, female Nem are not built to bear larger offspring and will not likely be capable of carrying an interspecies child. Males cannot grow facial hair. CULTURE: Nem are a nocturnal, desert-dwelling race built to handle the hot temperatures of the Southern deserts. Their lives revolve around the night, at least in their native home, and as to be expected this means that they sleep during the day. This means that they naturally shun the sun, and this is reflected by the antagonistic and vengeful nature of their sun deity, Yrrah. Yrrah, to the Nem, is a massive humanoid being wreathed in flame with a gigantic whip. This whip represents the pain of the severe sunburn Nem suffer in the sunlight. Yrrah is scorned, and the only worship he receives are charms placed to keep his heat from homes However, the chief deity of the Nem is Ila-Nem. Ila-Nem is a night goddess and an important part of the Nem creation myth. To them, she appears as a beautiful Nem maiden dressed in the finest of clothes and wreathed in the glow of moonlight. Her name is a contraction of "Ila-Zenniso-Netuyem", which translates to "Ila, Great Goddess of the Chosen Night People". Indeed, the name of the race is derived from this contraction, Nem being a shortened version of "Netuyem". Every Nem City or village possesses at least one shrine to Ila-Nem, cared for by the Nem religious leaders, "Iylah/Iylayu", or priestesses. All iylayu are young and female, ranging from early teens through to around thirty years of age. They live in the shrine and care for it. Each shrine has at least three iylayu, and many of the larger shrines possess more. The biggest may have ten or more iylayu tending to them. While most iylayu depart from the shrine at thirty, the most devout remain behind and become siri-iylayu, a higher and more authoritative iylayu. A single iylah can become the supreme leader of the Nem religion, the Uthur-iylah. There is only one Uthur-iylah at a time, in accordance with how Lia Arahas was but a single Nem girl. Also due to the importance of Lia Arahas, Nem religious leaders are all female. There are many other deities based around various objects and concepts in the Nem religion, but none hold as much importance as Ila-Nem. In terms of government, each Nem village or city is run by a Council, known as the Tras-Rulah, composed of a variety of figures, from distinguished farmers to former members of the guard, in order to represent interests from all over the settlement. Members of the Tras-Rulah are elected directly by the group they belong to. For example, someone wishing to represent the guards would be elected by the guards, while someone wishing to represent farmers would be elected by farmers. Both male and female Nem can be represented on the Tras-Rulah. The only members of the Tras-Rulah that are not elected are the representatives of the village or city's shrines. In this case, the oldest siri-iylah and two iylayu she has hand-picked represent the shrines and even relay decrees from the Uthur-iylah. The size of the settlement dictates the size of the Tras-Rulah. Villages and cities are mostly autonomous, but when an especially great or important decree is made it can be communicated to other settlements. Indeed, Nem settlements of all kinds possess loose connections to one another, connections mostly forged by the noterunners, or in the Nem language, the "Uradamaso". The uradamasyu are a set of skilled Nem, rotated monthly, who run messages from each Nem village to the next. They are skilled at surviving in the desert away from their homes. The uradamasyu are deeply respected by other nem, and enjoy fame and popularity in their homes. Despite not being an official part of the Tras-Rulah, an uradamaso carries some political clout due to the importance and danger inherent in their position. Between noterunning duty, they enjoy a sedate and quiet life in order to recover from the dangers they experience. The harshness of the Nem's original conditions guaranteed that both genders were treated with equality, as everyone needed to contribute equally for survival. Now that conditions have vastly improved, this equality remains. The only example of inequality is the barring of male Nem from all religious positions. Water is highly valued by Nem, and they are excellent at locating it as a result. A deep well is dug in all Nem settlements, and there are a series of underground communal bathes. Shrines to Ila-Nem have their own bath for the iylayu. Communal bathing is valued by the Nem as time to relax and spend time with your friends and family. In terms of family, Nem rarely have more then two children, who are not allowed to venture too close to the settlement walls or outskirts as part of a superstition that a mythical "Child Eater" or "Kreshid" will devour them. Nem children are expected to be able to help their parents work upon reaching age nine, but for limited periods of time during the night. Nem children in villages are educated by their parents, but in some cities there are communal education centers. Nem are considered adult at age fifteen. The Nem have limited military. However, their guards are highly trained, skilled archers who fight with curved blades(or rather daggers in the hands of larger races) at close range. The ferocity of Nem guards defending their home has brought down many a wandering scorpionman. The most honored of the guards are the Day Guard, or Uraluefas. Uraluefayu endure the heat and sun to keep Nem settlements safe during the day, and for this they receive a vast amount of respect. Nem do not have a standing army, and instead raise militias in order to defend their homes from danger. Nem cuisine includes desert melons and a favored delicacy of Nem, the Sandcrab. Sandcrabs, known as "Bikura" to other races of "Tytufo" to the Nem, are a staple in the Nem diet, along with various other desert plants an animals. A favored method of preparation is to crack the body open and extract the meat, before placing it back in the shell and using the shell as a makeshift cooking pot. Of course, this is hardly the only method. Sandcrab meat is moist and soft. Nem dishes are often rather spicy, counteracted by a sweet, sticky paste created from various desert plants. Nem are poor metalworkers, capable of working with basic metals but not forging alloys due to their small size and lacking physical strength. They have a healthy trading relationship with humans and the distant dwarves as a result, often exporting their glasswork. Nem glasswork is renowned for its excellent craftsmanship. Nem also import exotic foods in addition to metalwork. Finally, not all Nem dwell in the desert. Some have traveled to mixed-race cities, taking small shrines with them in order to continue their worship of Ila-Nem. City Nem often work at night, or wear heavy clothing during the day to protect themselves from the sun and the relatively cooler temperatures. TERRITORY: Nem dwell in the deserts to the South, on the Western Continent. They live in villages composed of circular white buildings and a small underground portion. The largest Nem settlements, great enough to be considered cities, dwell within large caverns in arid regions. HISTORY: The Nem race began as scattered, nomadic tribes, who relied far too much on chance to protect themselves from the blazing, harsh rays of the sun. They were easy prey for scorpionmen, and life was difficult for Nem. Their numbers were low and it seemed as if they fell every day. That is, until they were united. A girl named Lia Arahas emerged, claiming to have guidance from Ila-Nem herself. She forged a path to stability and prosperity for the Nem, leading them to build their white villages and even their cavern-cities. To this day, it is believed that Lia Arahas is the living embodiment of Ila-Nem herself, and she is regarded as one and the same with the Nem's chief goddess. They met other races and founded trade with them, primarily exporting glass and importing metalwork. NEM LANGUAGE: “I killed a scorpionman yesterday.”=”Ah mera hadrid yo tayra.”(more on scorpionmen later) “That vicious bastard insulted my sister!”=”Yat dahrum hadrid ahs fasra!” I=Ah Killed=mera Scorpionman/vicious bastard=hadrid, plural hadriyu A=yo Yesterday=tayra That=yat Insulted=dahrum My=ahs Sister=fasra Action comes before the subject that performed it unless it is a personal pronoun, “dahrum hadridHadrid is both the word for scorpionman and a very harsh swearword. “B” does not exist in Nemmish. “My name is Tesi.”=”Ahs da yar-ei Tesi.” Is=”da” Name=”yar-ei” Greeting to new person=”Safas ma tasu.” To someone you know=”Sahtas.” To a friend=”Sawahas.” To family=”San’ai.” To someone you respect=”San’yashu.” To someone you dislike=”Rutashsa.” Nem contraction of “Netuyem”, which means “Chosen Night People”. Humans are called “Juyuem”, which means “Many Feet People”. “Ila-Nem” is the common version of the shortened name of their goddess. It is the shortend version of “Ila-Zenniso-Netuyem”, which means means “Ila, Great Goddess of the Chosen Night People”. Obviously this is not a direct translation. Mythlogically, Ila-Nem shortened her title so that it would serve better as a name. Me=”ahz” Dwarf, dwarves=”duwahf”, “duwahfyu”, a loanword as Nem did not meet dwarves until after hearing of them from others.(because of course we need to have dwarves) Day Guard=”Uraluefas”, meaning “Honored Daylight Watcher”
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

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The Bestiary

Here is where I shall store all products which are either finished or still a working a progress. Requested animals will specifically be listed as Requested by (Insert Name Here).

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

WIP Name of Race: Tarandrus General Biology: The Tarandrus are a sentient species that can be described as half-human, half-reindeer. They are bipedal and bi-armed, very much humanoid in configuration, their torso and abdomen are those of a human, consisting of bare skin that varies slightly in color depending on the region in which they live and a pair of breasts for women. However their lower body is that of a deer's, complete with stiffles, gaskins and hocks (a bit of terminology for you), hooved feet and completely fur covered, also little cute tails. Their heads vary widely on where they live, specifically their biomes; Desert Tarandrus, for example, have long pointed black horns at the front of their heads that resemble those of Oryxes, Whereas Forest Tarandrus tend to have wider more branching antlers from the sides of their heads. However even the resemblance of the antlers change from place to place, being more moose-like the colder it is and more deer-like in leafier places; The color of their coats also changes accordingly to biome and type of horned creature they get their head adornments from. Their eye also varies from that of a human's, they tends to be one color, usually black or dark brown but can also be greens or blues, they are positioned more further apart then a humans and are much wider, resembling those of a deer.  The male Tarandrus stands on average around 6"6' tall and weighs in at about 350Ibs mostly due to the amount of muscle within the legs. A male usually has hair running up the middle of his back, all the way up his neck and joins with the head of hair, the hair is almost always the color of the leg fur. Throughout most of the year prior to the two months that make up mating season, the sexual organ of the male is stowed within the body, emerging during mating season through a sheath, that is angled slightly upwards, between their legs; their testicles and scrotum however, hang freely through out the entire year. However, a male Tarandrus sexually matures at a very late stage, at around 17 years of age because the reproductive system of the female also takes a long time to develop.  The female Tarandrus stand at around 5"4' dwarfed by their male counter parts and weigh a dainty 200 pounds, as they are much slimmer, with skinnier limbs and smaller torso and have less muscle. A female has a much narrower strip of hair down their backs then males, however they make up for this by having triple hair growth speed on their heads. Also, while we are still on the topic of heads, they have much smaller horns/antlers, more for decoration then for combat, and much longer wider deer ears then males. The woman's reproductive organ, unlike in other species, is not frontal but underneath the tail, making the up angled male organ necessary for more comfortable intercourse. However for most of the year, the organ is closed and would require tremendous force to get through, but to make up for prolonged periods of sexual inactivity, woman give birth to litters of two offspring at a time. The gender of the offspring isn't decided by the gametes of the mating couple but completely by the female, her eggs containing both genderal chromosomes for either gender.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name of race: Ratmen biology: Ratmen are humanoid rats that stand between five foot six and five foot two. Despite their small size, Ratmen are very hardy and can take a beating thanks to their tougher bone structure. Their muscles are strong which allow them to have a good amount of strnegth and they have sharp teeth and claws for natural weapons. The race's senses are highly developed especially their sense of sight and smell. Their digestive system is very unique in the fact that they can digest almost any type of edible substance with having almost no ill effects, and thanks to having a abnormally high metabolism they can regain energy back quicker from eating. The Ratmen's main source of nutrients comes from eating meat and cheese. Because of their high metabolism, Ratmen have to eat more than most life forms and can die from starvation at a quicker rate. --- *coming soon, spirits*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Scorpionmen: Scorpionmen are large, powerful beings that wander the desert. Possessing rudimentary sapience, they have a very basic language. However, given that their sapience is the barest minimum, they are more likely to respond to their aggressive animal instincts and fight one another then speak to each other. They possess no inherent magical capabilities and instead rely on their massive size and strength. Scorpionmen are aggressive and violent, similarly to some species they get their name from. Their massive claws can bend steel and crush stone, and their sharp tail can deliver a deadly poison directly into the blood of a victim. However, they are dim-witted and their head is very vulnerable to attack. Scorpionmen have no qualms with devouring members of other sapient races, and in some cases even smaller members of their own kind. They are a hazard in the desert that seems concerned only with eating and nothing more complex than that. As stated, their heads are highly vulnerable, and Nem archers are well-versed in sinking arrows directly through their skulls. To the nem, they are known as Hadrid.
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