Name: Lord Jakob Frey
Age: 27
House: Jakob claims his hereditary from House Frey however it is highly doubted, especially by those who know how he came to power.
Mother - Brielle 'Frey'
Father - Unknown
Brothers -
Sisters -
Skills: Jakob is a skilled fighter, a fair tactician and also an accomplished player of 'the game'. His upbringing was part of this, having learnt his skills and talents through trial and error. In the way of making his way to power he became quite the adept player.
Weaknesses: Jakob's main weakness is his total paranoia, he trusts nobody and has had many friends, as well as enemies, executed.
Weapon: 'The Scythe of the Freys', a dig at the the fate of the Frey family.

Title: Lord of the Crossing
Personality: Jakob is a man who can come across as totally friendly and polite when in fact he is already plotting your downfall. He can laugh and have a joke but when business is at stake then he is deadly serious. He also is looking for a wife and allies, since his ascension to power did lose him a lot of friends.
Bio: Jakob's birth and early childhood are shrouded in the mists of time and intrigue. All that is known is that nearly eight year ago he appeared at the Twins claiming to be from an illegitimate line, fathered by Black Walder. This was doubted at first however some amorous love letters between Jakob's grandmother and Black Walder made Jakob's claim more believable and he was taken into the court as another member of the Twins guard. From here his dastardly work begun.
In the many years since Walder Frey's death the Twins had been in political turmoil. The multitude of offspring each fought for their own right to rule House Frey and it's rightful successor. This meant the number of Freys had dropped quite significantly, some leaving to find new lives, others being forced to leave for the wall and a few finding early graves. Family means nothing for the Freys and by the point that Jakob arrived at the Twins there was only half a dozen Freys left, and a number of them were leading ragtag bands, trying to take their birthright.
Jakob was expected to exist and soon die however he is not that sort of man. He started by organising the soldiers of the Twins, patrols of guards increased in frequency and their behaviour turned from abusive authoritarianism into a proper force of policing the law. A number of the pretender Freys were hunted down by Jakob himself and during this time he made many connections and friendships with men, and women, of importance throughout the hold. With such loyal behaviour the remaining Frey lords and ladies gave Jakob the right to be a true Frey and not the bastard he was considered. From then things changed, the guards would escort the other Frey lords everywhere they went, almost like house arrest. Meanwhile other bands of guards begun to systematically imprison, and then frame, men of power who opposed Jakob. Planting evidence of conspiring with traitor Freys. Trials were held and every man that Jakob's death squads picked up was executed as an enemy of the Throne. The guards believed that Jakob was trying to take power through them, however the truth was more sinister.
2 years ago Jakob seized power, he had a large number of guards stage a coup and Jakob then went onto 'save' the Freys from the coup but 'lost' them in the chaos. Eventually the Frey's bodies were discovered 3 days later by the waterside, the official cause of death being drowning. The instigating guards had been arrested and were executed very quickly by Jakob. As the last remaining Frey Jakob ascended into power, despite outrage from the courts around Westeros, and clever political maneuverings and intrigue closed every alley of investigation. Leaving Jakob's word the only one to be accepted.
Since then the Twins have prospered, new trade agreements have left Lord Frey with many lucrative deals and investments into the armed forces and and land. Over time the populace have come to accept Jakob as their new overlord though many believe he is not done planning yet.
Other: "When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die."