Name: John Stark
Age: 17
House: Stark
Mother: Lady Maege Stark, formerly Lady Maege Umber. She is a proud woman of about 48. She cares greatly about her family and would do anything to protect them. She believes that the greatest weapon one can wield is their words and she is skilled with hers.
Father: The late Lord Brandon Stark. He was taken by fever two years ago, leaving John as the reigning lord of the North and of Winterfell. He was honorable and proud, never backing down. He served as the former king's Hand.
Skills: John is skilled with a sword, having been raised by a noble family. Likewise, he is a good horseback rider and a somewhat skilled archer, though it is not his best skill and he would much rather use a sword. Other than that he is quite diplomatic, and is good at keeping peace between enemies, though that may not work in the upcoming war between Lions and Dragons.
Weaknesses: John has been cursed with Stark honor. He refuses to go back on deals unless it is an absolute necessity. He won't fight an unarmed enemy and he can be somewhat naive about the workings of politics.

John wields the ancestral sword of House Stark, a Valyrian Steel sword called Ice.
Title: Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and soon to be Hand of the King.
Personality: John can best be described as a Stark. Because that is what he is. He's honorable, smart, and proud. He's kind to peasants and lords alike but he isn't afraid to stand his ground against the likes of the Lannisters, a House that he has no love for.
Bio: John was born as the winter was slowly fading into summer. He was the first born child of Lady Maege and Lord Brandon and as such he was spoiled rotten. When he was eight years old his father accepted the position of Hand of the King for the then king, Jaehaerys Targaryen, and he went with him. He spent the next eight years in King's Landing, going back to Winterfell only occasionally. As such he became good friends with the now king, Daeron, and he considers him one of his closest allies. The two would often play together in the Red Keep, scaring his mother's handmaidens and spying on the small council meetings. When John's father fell ill they traveled back to Winterfell where his father died three months later, leaving him as the new Lord of House Stark. Since then he has been trying to make a name for himself as someone who respects his subjects but will fight for what he believes in.
Other:John is the owner of a direwolf named Shiera, after one of Aegon IV's bastards, a woman who seduced many men and was considered a powerful sorceress. His mother gave him the idea after he stated he wanted to name the animal something powerful. She said that most women find power in words not in weapons, and then told him the story of Shiera Seastar.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."