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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Katherine Harvey Nickname: Sometimes she goes by her last name, Harvey. Gender: Female Age: 19 Age Appearance: Looks slightly younger than she appears to be Appearance: Katherine stands at a reasonable 5'8 and has a medium build. She is never seen without her flight goggles. Personality: Katherine is a mild, straightforward girl with an impressive wit. She is quite open and generally will be friendly towards those she meets, being someone who could quickly make friends in foreign lands. The kind of person that could walk into a bar filled with scary mercenaries and pirates only to be laughing and drinking with them moments later. Deeper down, she is a skeptical person, not taking things how they are and always asking questions. Like most pilots of small, flimsy bits of metal that have somehow gotten off the ground, she is pretty carefree and calm, even in the most dangerous of situations. Not to extent of near suicidal ignorance, but just happens to hold herself together under a lot of pressure. Yet despite having this seemingly strong personality, there is something lurking in the depths of her mind... something waiting to come out. Backstory: It was a warm summers day on the small agricultural island of Pasteir. A little girl ran through the meadows, a kite in tow. It was her favorite thing to do that day when she didn't have to go to school. She watched the kite hover in the air as the wind held it in the sky, her eyes gleaming at the sight. "Katherine! There you are, I've been looking for you!" a male voice said behind her. Katherine turned to see her father walking over to her. "Ah, I see your flying the kite you made. I'm glad to see you haven't crashed it yet!" He said with chuckle. "Do you want to come into town with me for some errands? I here the airship is back." Katherine's eyes widened. "Really? Let's go, let's go!" she said, hastily reeling in her kite and running back towards the house. Her father shook his head and chuckled to himself. "My my.... I wonder if she will get the chance to fly?" Katherine was born into rural community of the island of Pasteir. It had remained out of reach from the oppressive Crucible, but was connected to the outside world just the same. It was closer to a cluster of islands that made up a small state, Pasteir serving as the agricultural district. Since she was a little girl, Katherine had always had some sort of natural attraction to flying. During her younger days, she would read books about modern day aviation, befriended the airship crew that would come periodically to pick up and trade goods with the island. As she grew, she soon had read every single book her library had to offer on flying. Heck, even her pet flies. A Kulca she named "Ava" that had stayed by her side ever since it was a little hatchling. When she finished school, she began full time work on the farm with her parents. Despite her parents fully supporting their daughter's dream of flying, being a farming family meant money was always tight. Regardless, she began to work and save up. Katherine had been drawing up designs for aircraft for years, but now she decided she would design an aircraft she herself could actually build and fly. She began drafting up compact, cost effiecient designs, making paper models to simulate their flight characteristics, and studying various engine types. Soon her relatively small community began to take interest in her little project as she began to buy the parts for her aircraft. People would stop by the farm to check up on her progress, talk to her about the plane, and even occasionally help her out. Whether it be a metal worker taking on a special order for a unqiue part, or a machinist mysteriously putting a few key items on sale, it seemed the whole town was excited to see this project take off. About a year or so later, she had finally finished the aircraft. A rugged, small, push engine aircraft that looked like a quilt thanks to the miss matched plate aluminum that made up the aircraft's fuselage. One the day she was going to take off in it for the first time, many towns people came to the farm to watch. The Aura engine sputtered to life and the aircraft began to shakily move down the strip of flattened dirt that acted as a makeshift runway. Her parents watched with baited breath as the aircraft began to lift off the ground. Everyone suddenly cheered when the plane took off successfully and for many hours after the crowd disperse did Katherine finally land. Her parents ran over to her and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you.... to have such an amazing daughter makes me the happiest father in the world..." A few weeks later with much testing, Katherine decided it was time she left home. Her aircraft had a great range thanks to its small, light design and highly efficient lift to weight ratio. At first her parents were hesitant, but they knew was pointless to stop the now young adult from following her dreams. On the morning of the day she was to leave, only her father came out to see her off. "Your mother couldn't stand to see the sight of you leaving... She always said she hates saying goodbye. But here, this is from both of us." He handed her a small case. Inside were a pair of flight goggles, good ones at that. "Please come visit us once and awhile. I want to hear about that world your about to explore." With that, they parted ways. Katherine has been traveling from island to island for nearly eight months now with nothing but her pet Ava to keep her company. She only arrived at the somewhat isolated island of Krukow a few days ago, taking a rest after a particularly long and dangerous flight through a storm. Skills: Natural Skill of Flying Incredibly knowledgeable of all things on flying Very open mind, can easily absorb information and new ideas Techniques: Erm.... Techniques...techniques... Oh uhh... Dogfighting maneuvers? She hasn't learned many as she has only encountered hostile airborne forces twice, but here are a few things she's picked up "The Double Take" When an enemy aircraft is on your tale, you can use their high speeds to your advantage. By cutting the engine, lowering flaps, and snapping up you can send your aircraft behind the attacker. It requires great timing and control over your aircraft to preform. "The Death Spiral" A counter to the Double Take, it requires both the knowledge of the double take and the reaction time to pull it off. When the defender pulls up to rapidly slow down, the counter is to quickly roll right or left then spin your aircraft in the opposite direction. This will position you into a firing position aimed at the belly of the Defender's aircraft. Equipment:
A Luger like pistol Traveling Supplies (Food, water, ect.) A basic utility knife. Tools for working on the plane Other: Katherine's Pet Kulca named Ava:
Position: Scout Theme Song: Parov Stelar - The Mojo Radio Gang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BsAl6HVZ-Y&list=WL&index=84
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Iris Germanica Nickname: None yet Gender: Female Age: 20 Age Appearance: Slightly younger, maybe 18 Actual Appearance Personality: If it were possible to explain a person in one word, the one for Iris would be; Dandere. Quiet and shy, she usually never speaks unless spoken to. Iris is someone who actually will avoid talking if she can, and this may make her come across as emotionless but in reality she is not as cold. She prefers to be alone or with small groups of people. Any more than a dozen or so in the same room with her makes her become increasingly nervous and immediately do anything she can to escape. Though slightly antisocial, Iris is a total sweetheart and is quick to trust others. Often times her cute side will come out unexpectedly when something exciting happens. Backstory: Two decades ago, Iris was born to a family of criminals on the island of Krukow. The Germanica family worked closely with another family. THE Baxters. Rift Hunters that worked separate from the Crucible, who favored buying cheap knock off weapons. For whatever reasons, for a time the two families were partners in a way. And as a result, Iris spent a lot of time home alone from her parents. They never bothered having another child. Iris was, afterall, a mistake. Born as a fire Mage to parents who were not mages themselves caused tension between her mom and dad, not being sure if such a thing was even possible. Many times she practiced using her abilities, often getting scolded for turning household treasures to ashes. Eventually she stopped practicing and spent her time teaching herself how to read on her own. there was, However, one person who would occasionally stop by and fill Iris' secluded world with laughter and fun. His name was Hayden Baxter. Four years older than her, and way cooler, he was the one person who she would wait for hours, tiny face and hands plastered to the window of her small home. They first met when she was five, and he nine. From then, they had become best friends. With her family's business starting to expand to other islands in the area, Hayden and Iris had begun to spend more time together, Often playing outside or exploring the city. Due to her shy nature, Iris was content to just watching Hayden goof around, playing tricks on the neighbors or doing crazy stunts in the forest. It was when the two of them were goofing off, playing target practice in the woods, that they created Iris' "Fire Lance" technique. A 12 years later, just after Iris turned 17, a rift ended up opening a few miles outside the city limits. The Baxters and other Rift Hunters ended up clearing the area in no time at all, and the forest had re opened to the public after just a few days. Many civilians were too afraid to return, and Iris was as well. But somehow, Hayden, who was then her boyfriend of three years, convinced her to go out and have some fun. It was just their luck that they stumbled upon a stray monster, and they were attacked. Hayden, who was already 21 and a professional Rift Hunter in his family, fought it head on without fear. He got beat up the most in an attempt to protect Iris after it turned it sights unexpectedly on her. All the while the fight went on, Iris stood there in a shocked fear. It was Hayden's screams that finally snapped her out of it when the beast took his entire right side of his body in its jaws. In an attempt to free her boyfriend, she used her Fire Lance technique and set the creature on fire. It was A deadly mistake she will never forget. The jaws of the beast kept a tight hold onto Hayden's arm and leg and despite her desperate attempts to pull him free, she failed and had to watch as the two of them burned to death. Present day, two years later, Iris is now 20 and works with her parents, staying as far from the forest as possible. When she can that is. Occasionally she will head to the edges of the forest to do target practice. But Now she is simply going through the motions. Iris is responsible for testing out the new gun shipments her family get, making sure they are ready to sell and dont have any defects. Without Hayden around, Iris' life is bleak. She rarely smiles anymore, just sits in her room and pets the only thing left that remains of Hayden. His "new best friend" which is what he called it after the two of them became more than friends. Dusty. Well.... she has him and her memories. But she is torn between wanting to keep those, and wanting to just forget it all. Mage: Fire Mage Skills: Along with having great accuracy when using long range weaponry, Photographic Memory is Iris' best skill, if it can even be called that. She sees it more as a natural talent than a skill. This is helpful to her in many ways such as remembering names and faces from the first meeting, to remembering different types of guns and other various weapons. This also makes her great with puzzles and other things, such as remembering where things are located, landmarks, and directions she has traveled in. Techniques: ~Fire Lance - this is a collection of created or minipulated fire that is in the shape of a spear, used as a projectile. Iris uses this technique as a long range sort of skill. The lance varies in size, depending on the distance in which she throws it. Can be super - heated to create the "Blue Fire Lance" which differs in size (typically smaller) and impact effect. While the regular Fire Lance simply slices through an object or lights it on fire, the "Blue" Flames explode upon impact with an object. She never uses the second version However because super heating her fire takes a large amount of time and energy for her. This technique was developed when she was a little girl and is not more effective due to her now well honed accuracy. ~Spontaneous Fire Generation - In addition to being able to manipulate fire, Iris has the ability to create fire from virtually nothing using simply the energy that flows all around. Due to this, it requires little effort for her to simply create a flame or light something on fire. Simply looking and focusing her energy with the surrounding energy is enough to start a fire show. Though she means it as a simple threat, when she says she will light you on fire, don't take it too lightly. She really can. Equipment: Iris usually travels Lightly. Her light clothes are fitted with a few lightweight, high heat tolerant metal plates that somewhat protect her from... Alright she admits they are mostly there cuz it looks nice. Aside from that, the only other items on her would be burn ointment and an illegally obtained concealed handgun that she keeps, just to feel safer. Rarely does she use it. She owns, but does not usually carry around her also illegally obtained sniper rifle that she calls "Slim." Position: Guard Theme Song: ~Iris~ Sleeping With Sirens
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gao Hichi




Age Appearance:
Gao both looks and acts mature for his age, and many people guess his age to be mid- to late-20s.

Standing at close to six feet and weighing around 150 lbs, Gao is of average stature and build. He is muscular, but not overtly so, and it shows that he takes good care of himself. Pin straight black hair falls below his shoulders, which he usually leaves unstyled or in a simple ponytail. He is a handsome man with strong features and royal blue eyes. His visage is normally passive or thoughtful. He dresses casually in crisp pressed shirts and simple straight legged pants typically all covered with a trench coat. A navy blue dufflebag carries his supplies.

Gao is a modest individual, who is neither loud nor quiet, and can easily be forgotten. Friendly and congenial, he can keep any interaction at the very least civil. He can be a bit aloof at times but seems a warm compassionate man that stands up for what he believes in. He has an easy sense of humor and tries to keep the situation, whatever it be, amicable. He can easily be an ear to unload to, or a shoulder to cry on, and is empathetic. He isn't quick to trust, but rarely holds others in contempt. He will forgive, but not forget.

Growing up in a restricted setting makes the man restless. He yearns for adventure, and to see the world, and to fight against the tyranny of the Crucible. He wants to find lasting friendships, meaningful love, untold legends, amazing works of nature and man, and everything else this world has to offer. He aches to experience life to its absolute fullest. At times he capricious and restless, especially when he stays in one place for too long. He jumps at any chance to travel, learn a new skill, or meet new people.

However, this belies a more confused inner sense of self. Gao doesn't know where he's going in life and this causes him distress. No family to speak of, and no where to return once he's done traveling. He is lost and without purpose. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy and validation, and strives to keep those around him pleased with him to prove, mostly to himself, that he's welcomed and accepted.

Gao was born on Travior to parents he has never met. At his birth, he, like all babies born under the Crucible's rule, was tested for high mana levels, and whisked away to the capital before his parents even got the chance to take him home. His young childhood is fuzzy under the Crucible, he knows only that he he was not happy. Since he was a small child, he had neither trusted nor believe in the Empire's greatness. Rigorous education, intense training, and an unloving environment propelled the boy to be intelligent, skilled, and dissociative. Having no parents and only instructors made the boy shy and quiet. He had no companions except other students. They all tried to be friends, but the adults raising them encouraged competition between them; it would result in soldiers who were accustomed to long stays in unfriendly territory, and kept them from forming rebellions. More than once someone he had once called a friend would stab him in the back to get an advantage.

In his elementary years, Gao was taught chemistry, maths, biology, and medicine. His education was geared toward his suspected purpose; to be a battle medic. He was taught first aid by the age of four, and went through most of the education a physician would (it they specialized in trauma medicine) excluding serious diagnostic skills by the time he was 15. He might not be able to recognize obscure diseases or deliver a baby, but he could stitch up a man who was nearly cut in half just moment prior.

After the onset of puberty, the apprentices, as they were sometimes called, were introduced to physical training. Like all aspects of their training, this was geared toward his estimated future purpose. He was taught that, in battle, he should READ; react, evade, adjust, and disengage. This tactic was taught to all White Mages in the Crucible at an early age and is really just a basic strategy. He was also taught close quarters combat, gun mechanics and proper handling, and collective attack behavior.

Gao was a good student, however that was most likely because it was all he had ever really known. He did well in all of his magical courses, but lacked in the more physically demanding tasks he was required to learn around age 11. He had never really stood out among his peers in anything in particular, which often made him feel quite useless, but it kept his superiors from focusing on him too much. He passed without issue, but stayed in the background.

When the mage was 16, his year was taken on a trip to an area close to the expanding borders, to show the apprentices some "practical applications" of their skills. While in route to the distant island, a large rift appeared in the air near their vessel. The ship was badly damaged, and the chaos resulted in the ship crash landing on a random island. Monsters were fast in pursuit, and although the ship consisted of instructors and students of magic, they were overpowered. In the end, the instructors, in a surprising show of valor, let the surviving students escape in life boats.

Gao and a few of his fellow students drifted for a few days until they made it to a small, unfamiliar island. There, they met colorful natives not under Crucible control. They had drifted out of the Empire's reach. His fellows were outraged and demanded to be taken back inside the Empire's borders, but the natives wouldn't risk it. At that point, Gao surrendered to them, and was taken to a neighboring, bigger island to be inspected. He made it known that he had no desire to return to the Empire, and eventually was released. He doesn't know what happened to those he shared an escape boat with, but her rarely thinks on it now. In recent years, Gao travels to different islands and does odd jobs. He flees the border of the Empire, but he no longer considers himself running. He doesn't fear them catching him and believes that they think he is dead.

White Mage

  • Trauma Aid: With his kit, Gao can patch up battle wounds with relative speed. He is good under pressure and knows what to do in a variety of situations.
  • General Aid: The right supplies enables Gao to keep people healthy in most aspects and can preform the duties of a practical physician if need be.
  • Divine Aid: Gifted with mana, Gao can heal others when their maladies transcend his physical healing abilities.
  • Combat Trained: Trained to be used in combat, Gao does not panic is high-stress situations and has limited knowledge of how to act in these situations.

  • Font: Gao release energy from his core which radiates to his allies. This can either heal them or provide them with extra mana. The effect is increased if the mage is immobile, and more so if he is meditating.
  • READ: First, acknowledge and inspect your opposition. Look at your surroundings and make sure you understand the layout of both your allies and enemies. Then, if you face a considerable threat, evade and distance yourself from it and allow you stronger comrades space. After distancing yourself from the threat, move to where you are most accessible to your comrades. If your comrades fall, disengage from the enemy and retreat. This technique keeps Gao calm and focused in combat.

  • .9mm Pistol, holstered on his belt
  • Two 9-shot magazines and extra ammunition (approx. 40 bullets)
  • Two changes of clothes
  • Two days of rations and water
  • Map of local islands
  • Pocket Knife


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