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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So I had an idea for a Dragon Age RP. This idea setting will be after Dragon Age Inquisition where a group of misfits must work together to try and live a normal life (normal is different for each person) this idea is based off Dragon Age 2, it will mostly take place in one city or at least a country. The location will be decided later. This will be heavily character driven, a character choice will have effects and reactions. I would like a smaller group of about 5 - 8 characters. Any races and classes can be chosen, but it must make sense of the setting. Mages can be picked due to the choices the inquisitor made in their adventures. Mages are legally free, but they aren't trusted even in their role with the inquisition. But they won't be thrown to a tower or attacked by mobs, without reason. Qunari can be picked if you have a good enough reason why they would be out of Par Vollen. Tal-vashoth would be easier if you want to play a character of the Qunari race. Combat will be seen mostly in'Quests'. CS: Name: Race: Class: (Please tell class type with weapon type or magic field you use most, example: Two handed Warrior, Archer Rogue, Fire Mage) Appearance: Personality: Backstory: (Can be shorten if you're going to explore it more in the RP) Skills: (Skills when in combat, 3 - 5 skills would be good at the start, you can use any skill from the games if they aren't too broken at the start.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interested :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Glad to have you two!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Count me in!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'm interested. I have a qunari mage character that I need to dust off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm down for a little Inquisition lovin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Im game
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 5 mos ago

These are two characters from another DA RP that died quite some time ago but I think they should fit here as well. Some things in the history might need to be changed I'll admit but I'll work on that a bit later.

Her attire:

Except she has a shirt or some form of clothing underneath that covers her stomach.

Character name:
Tal-Vashoth Zeynep Sihir



Saarebas (Qunari Mage), more specific her prowess is being a Force Mage.

Skills and talents:
Fist of the Maker- The mage slams enemies into the ground with incredible power, against which armor is no protection.
Stonefist- The mage hurls a stone projectile that strikes with massive force.
Chain Lightning- The mage singes a target with lightning, and electrical arcs lance out to hit other nearby foes.
Hex of Torment- The mage curses the enemy, increasing damage from all sources for a short time.

Her polearm which doubles as her catalyst of dishing out the magic she knows.

Zeynep was born Par Vollen and like all other qunari children, was sent to be raised by the Tamassrans of the capitol city, Qunandar. For a time she led the normal life that is expected of all qunari children, and of course would of more then likely have become one of the Tamassrans as well until the day came that she showed that she was cursed with the use of magic. When it was found out that she was plagued by this curse, she was removed from the care of the Tamassrans and placed in the care of an arvaarad, she became a saarebas. Those that she had come to know as brothers and sisters, the only form of family she would ever had, rejected her and she soon lost all contact to the world around her. Under the care of her arvaarad, she became nothing more then a social outcast due to the fear of magic that the Qun had. Zeynep learned to not speak at all after watching a fellow saarebas have his own tongue cut out of his mouth due to the accusation of that saarebas practicing magic while his arvaarad was not looking. She never spoke only gave nods and head shakes to questions or to show she was listening. She was lucky enough to be sparred from having her horns removed, making an agreement with her arvaarad that allowed her to keep her horns.
Zeynep eventually fooled them all that she was nothing more then a submissive servant, all the while she planned her escape. She might of not spoke but she secretly taught herself magic, it was never an easy task but she taught herself enough to have a means of escape. Eventually the time came where she could run, leave the Qun and become Tal-Voshoth. She never wanted to return to Par Vollen, there was nothing for here there to stay and she cursed the place for her exile from society and treatment which was no better then being an attack dog.
When the night came of her escape, she manage to slip by her arvaarad, asleep like a babe, never expecting that Zeynep would try such a feat. She would never know how long it took for them to discover her escape but it did not matter. She ran south, only stopping when necessary. She could not remain in one place for long, there was no knowing if she was being hunted down as she ran, if she was caught it would only mean death.
Once she managed to get as far as Orlais, that was when she took time to stop. She hid herself among the shadows of the city, finally cutting away the strand of strings that kept her mouth sown shut, not enough to entirely keep her from opening it but enough that it had been able to prevent most talking above a whisper, to finally hear her own voice again shocked her. She had not heard it in years since she had become saarebas, now though she was free of that accursed title and free to learn to speak the native tongue of Thedas. She had to learn on her own for quite some time, listening and piecing what everything meant. She learned a lot from her time in Orlais. Eventually though she left Orlais and continued south, coming to the Free Marches and finding herself in the city of chains, Kirkwall. Here she sold herself off as a mercenary for hire, what else could she do? She had no useful skills besides the little knowledge of magic she had, being able to at least be a mercenary for hire allowed her to learn more about other cultures, the language that most spoke, and at least a little more magic. Her time in Orlais as well as Kirkwall left her feeling slightly jealous of the people she saw. How they had so much freedom to choose their paths they desired, something she never had. Even the Circle of Magi she looked with awe as well, seeing how the mages were treated.
Despite her awe though, she still holds some ideals of the Qun and finds that most people are, for lack of a better term, weak and gets agitated by those that take the little things they have for granted. She also frowns upon those mages that would make deals with demons, seeing them as weak and unfit for the life they have.


His attire:

Character name:
Gavlan Drogoth



Beserker Warrior

Skills and talents:
His combat skills lie in two handed weapons, specifically he deals with great axes and great hammer weapons. Who says the small guy can pack a powerful punch to his foes? Gavlan skills as a warrior come from his years of training as being an enforcer of the laws in Orzammar as well as having to occasionally be sent into the Deep Roads with his fellow comrades when told too.
Beserk- The berserker flies into a rage, landing powerful blows for as long as this mode is active.
Mighty Blow- The warrior leaps into the air, crashing down on foes with tremendous force.
Giants Reach- The warrior's two-handed attacks rip through the air with such power that each generates a shockwave past the point of impact, effectively extending the weapon's reach.

His armor on his back and his mighty axe that is named Luca

Gavlan grew up at first as a trader of Orzammar. His trade was that in weapons and armor with an occasional dabble of the other markets when he could afford to do so. Unfortunately Gavlan ran into tough times and was forced into making deals with a group of thugs that were called the Carta. His involvement lead to a slight relationship with the gang's leader Jarvia. The relationship didn't last long however with Jarvia pressing him to do more illegal actions then he wanted to. For his disobedience, his shop was destroyed and the law enforcement of Orzammar got an anonymous tip of his dealings with Carta. For his punishment it was either going to jail, becoming casteless, or going into the Deep Roads on expeditions. His choice was the Deep Roads. This was when he began learning his fighting prowess. From other warriors, either other criminals forced into the expeditions for punishment or Orzammars guards who volunteered for these dangerous jobs. Orzammar was the last Thaig and it was determined to not fall, in order to do that, they had to thin Darkspawn from time to time. These expedition were also used to traverse to lost Thaigs and find anything that might be of use to Orzammar, be it ancient texts or miscellaneous items that could fetch a price being sold to the outside world above Orzammar.
Even after his punishment was deemed over, he continued going on the expeditions into the Deep Roads, partially because it meant finding rare items he could sneak back to Orzammar and sell for some coin and partially because he enjoyed the fighting, he learned he had a knack of using an axe and fighting Darkspawn gave him some pleasure and entertainment. Plus he made friends in his merry band of outcasts who also continued these expeditions. They shared in good laughs and mead. Unfortunately all good things come to an end. While on one expedition into the Deep Roads, they were ambushed by Darkspawn. Gavlan was the only one to make it out alive. He feared that perhaps returning to Orzammar would not be a wise decision. All the men in the expedition were considered criminals, even if Gavlan had repaid his dues to society for his supposed crimes. Rather the return he looked for a means of leaving the Deep Road. It took him days to find one of the exits of the Deep Roads, but he did and found himself far from the moutain range of Orzammar that he called home. He felt like he was going to fall off the realm of Thedas with how open the world was. He had no idea where he was only where he couldn't go. So he made his way north, passing though Orlais, Nevarra, and the Free Marches before stopping in Kirkwall. Here is when he meant his partner in crime. Zeynep the Qunari mage. At first neither saw eye to eye on anything. Always bickering back and forth on how things should be done. Eventually though they found the means to get along and even enjoy each others company. Both were social outcasts. She a qunari mage and him an dwarf with no home. They used their talents to be hired out as mercenaries or smugglers in Kirkwall and soon Gavlan was well know for being a guy that could smuggle just about anything into Kirkwall's walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, I have an idea, let me know if it would be allowed. A red templar; he a novice recruit when the Inquisitor broke the Red Templar's power, so he only had an introductory dose. He's been trying to keep it under control over the last few years, but the red lyrium in his body also gives him great power. It's still whispering and singing in his head, but at the time of play he's still able to keep things under wraps. EDIT: Decided since there were already Templar characters pitched and since we have to use skills from in the game, I decided to make a Nevarran mage instead. He mostly uses Entropy magic, but some Spirit too. The Mortalitasi are politically powerful so despite being an elf he's quite powerful and has a title.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hardin Cromwell Race: Human Class: Sword and Shield Warrior Appearance: A handsome man in his own "wandering adventurer" way. His head is dominated by unkempt shoulder length hair that takes on the color of brown bark and is usually left to the wind. In addition his eyes are almost always locked in a steely gaze, only softening when alcohol is involved or when a true friend is involved. Hardin's nose has a slight bump to it, obviously from a break, however it does little to detract from its strong profile while his lips are fairly thin and are usually pressed in a line save for the occasional smirk. Hardin has many battle scars from his adventures, little things that aren't worth much talk but add to his overall look but there is a large burn scar on his back that starts from the middle of his back to just under his right ear. Beyond that he is fairly normal, standing at about 6'2 and a heavy build from years of physical exertion.
Personality: A wanderer, never really staying in one place long. Because of that he is a little guarded in concern to others as he has never had a reason to open up. However he is loyal to any cause he pledges himself to and his time on the road has lead him to develop a dry wit, a taste for ale, and the company of strong women. Backstory: Orphaned during the blight, raised by a widowed soldier, and breaking out on his own on his 19th birthday. Hardin has traveled across Ferelden in search of purpose, drifting from expeditions to mercenary group. He has seen horrors and wonders, fought dragons, scoured ruins, killed bandits, and cleared man taverns. Anyone who tries to pry too far gets stern look and a cold shoulder, especially if you ask about the scar upon his back. Skills: - Shield Wall - Payback Strike - Shield Bash - Grappling Chain - Horn of Valor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I've started working on a character, she should be done in the next few days
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Woop I'll have one up laaater~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Count Harrow van Hinterfel Race: Elf Class: Mage (Death/Blood) Appearance:
Harrow's appearance is striking in contrasts, wearing dark clothes and having black hair but extremely pale skin. In many ways he looks the stereotypical Mortalitasi - death mage - and you would not be surprised to learn of his profession. Unusually for an elf, he has a finely groomed beard, though he has not really groomed himself in a way to hide his elven birth. He certainly does not hide his ears. Personality: Harrow is an educated man and a powerful one, and he is unlikely to ever forget that. But he is even less likely to forget the crushing poverty he was elevated from thanks to his rare talents and the fortune of being at the right place at the right time. Thus he might be pompous and stuffy, but he's far from a stupid arrogant noble. But he is ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to keep himself out of the gutter he came from. He is well-spoken and articulate, though not the sort who you invite to dinner parties if you can't avoid it. He makes a point of knowing as much as he can about as many people as he can, a deadly skill in politics. Backstory: It is not often that one climbs social ranks within the stolid, static monarchy of Nevarra but it does sometimes happen. Harrow was born in Hunter Fell, a historic town most notable for being where the Third Blight ended. He was a city elf, born dirt poor and with no prospects - until he began to hear the voices. One at first, a whisper near the Memorial. Then two. Soon it was an army, all shouting in his head. Young Harrow was not happy, barely able to sleep for hearing ghosts begging for a chance at life. His parents barely had the coin to feed themselves, never mind find a doctor for their screaming child. Soon he began to hear the voice behind all those other voices, the largest voice ever booming deep in the rock in an inhuman tone. Then the Circle found him. He was a mage. This was a relief, if nothing else to be taken from his home and the whispers of the dead. Now, had he simply been another fireball-tossing mage, perhaps Harrow's life would have never reached such dizzying heights and he would be a fat, happy academic in a tower somewhere. But this is Nevarra, where the dead are as important as the living and Harrow could hear them speak. He was destined for the Mortalitasi, the death-mages who formed a huge part of Nevarran political and religious life. Harrow learned, worked hard, prospered. He learned to shut the voices out, to hear them only when he wanted, to shape the dead and bind them to his will. More importantly, he filtered the dead so that he could hear what they said and learned from them directly, inheriting old and forgotten knowledge. This, he used to begin to climb the ladder, to win patronage and impress those above him. How well he did academically was perhaps less important than how much blackmail material he gathered by communing with the dead. And, though he would never whisper this to another soul, he learned forbidden arts from that loud, ancient voice that echoed in Hunter Fell. Through his status and his secrets, Harrow wound his way to Nevarra City, the capital, and the ear of King Markus Pentaghast. The king was old and failing even during the days of the Inquisition, too feeble and indecisive to properly throw his nation's weight to bear on the conflicts breaking out all over Thedas. But he valued the words of the Mortalitasi and listened to them often. Harrow won Markus' favour by communing with the ancient Pentaghasts to provide Markus with counsel, for which he was rewarded with rank and wealth. A title and a keep that came with it, a keep that overlooked the tumbledown shack in which he had been born. He had left Hunter Fell a sickly, weeping child and returned to it a wealthy noble, ripe with power. Of course, it would be awful (and treasonous) to suggest that he had anything to do with the sickening of the last van Hinterfel, the ancestral rulers of the area, but out of respect he adopted the name - he never had a family name of his own up until then. Harrow has not rested easy at Demonfall, the keep of the van Hinterfels, but has been working to secure his station there before he makes his next step up the ladder. To do that, as not just a Mortalitasi but a nobleman, he must find himself allies, coin - and a wife. To that end he has begun opening up communication with other nations, traveled widely and plays host to many strange and varied folks. All the while listening to the voices in the deep.. Skills:
  • Paralyze - Saps energy from a target, preventing them from moving
  • Death Magic - Draws on the local dead, healing damage and growing stronger based on how many dead are nearby.
  • Drain Life - Steals life-force from a target to heal himself.
  • Blood Magic - Use health to fuel spells instead of mana
  • Animate Dead - Raise skeletons or zombies to fight for him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Is there room for one more? Granted, the only DA I've played is the second and I'm only partway through that :T
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 13 days ago

If this is still looking for members I've got a character in mind, having recently come down from Inquisition I'm in a Dragon Age-y mode
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aaaaand done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zeynep, Gavlan,Harrow, Hardin, Marcellus, are accepted. And more are still welcome to join!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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obitokizuke Dat Sexy Potato

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@bornlucky , i sent you a pm based on this
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