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Falling Skies: 7th Mobile Armor Suit Team
It is year 2899. Humanity has long since conquered the stars around them. The resources and riches from their conquests had brought the human race into an Golden Age of technological advancement. Powerful self sustaining AI's were developed to aid humans and their machines, and cyborg parts allowed cripples and the weak to continue working for society.With the advent of AI, biotech and cybertechnology several centuries prior, the advancement of humanity has grown exponentially. Starships of massive proportions were built, floating worlds in space were created, massive Utopia cities on lush green planets were erected. Worlds beyond even what humanity thought were possible were discovered. Wars weren't fought, the human race was too busy expanding at a breakneck pace. Life was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
And then it did. By the year 2480, Humanity had overextended itself; the great sprawling empire it had forged had become too large for it to support itself. The empire collapsed onto itself. In the course of 20 years, the mighty empire humanity had established splintered into thousands of factions. The fall of the Empire resulted in a massive power vacuum and the Galaxy erupted into a large feudal war. Some factions grew power by warring with other factions, taking them over; others stayed secluded for as long as they could. Many were taken back by the earth empire, and just as many were lost in deep space.
By the 25th Century, most of the numerous factions had consolidated into 3 major powers: The original Earth Empire, the largest and most numerous of the 3 powers, made up of most of the core empire planets; The Coalition, a group of separatists strictly opposed to the Earth Empire, spanning across most of colonial space; and the Krellian Republic, a reclusive, bizarre group focused mainly along the outskirts of known space. The Earth Empire and the Coalition fight bitterly, the Empire seeking to reclaim their lost territory, and the Coalition fighting for a new order in the galaxy. The Krellians choose to stay out of the conflict, their faraway frontier colonies too far away to be bothered by the other two factions.
By the turn of the 26th century, the Earth Empire and the Coalition had suffered dreadful casualties on both sides, and just as many worlds lost in the splintering had been razed by both sides. The two superpowers agreed to an uneasy truce. That marked the start of an intergalactic cold war, as the two superpowers begin a buildup of military strength and engage in proxy wars with smaller nations and colonies.
As the end of the 28th century drew near, a series of failed operations by the Earth Empire at an attempt at securing a rumored Coalition Superweapon has sparked up and reignited the flames of war. After almost 300 years of peace, war between the Coalition and the Empire had renewed in earnest. Millions of people from both sides are drafted as fleets of starships and planets are thrown into vicious war. The Coalition forces take advantage of the Empire’s overextended lines to take victory after victory by utilizing a new type of fighting machine: Mobile Armor Suits, a humanoid fighting machine much more maneuverable than conventional aircraft and ground units, and effective in most environmental situations.
In an attempt to counter the new threat and reorganize their military efforts, the Empire assembles the 101st Legion, a Special Forces unit with the purpose of using Mobile Armor Suits of Imperial design to counter the Coalition Suits. All the meanwhile, the Krellian Republic continues to watch from a distance, giving unease to both sides.
Though off to a rough start, the 101st Legion has proven to be an effective counter to Coalition Suits and has become the standard to which new Mobile Armor Suit units are designed after. The 101st has received news that the Coalition may be attempting to pull out its Superweapon to bare on the people of the Empire. Despite knowing full well the superstition and misfortune that has revolved around this weapon, the 101st regardless prepares to strike. This is Falling Skies: 7th Mobile Armor Suit Team.
We the players will play the role of the 7th MAS (Mobile Armor Suit) Team, a special squad from the United Earth Empire 101st MAS Legion, as they venture deep into Coalition Space in order to capture and destroy a Coalition Super Weapon. Our story will be dramatic and tense as we attempt to prevail over insurmountable odds. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this RP that blends the humanity and melodrama of a space opera, with giant robots.
Terminology and Technology:
The United Earth Empire:
The United Earth Empire was the originator of the galaxy’s space colonies. Formally known as the United Nations, the United Nations of Earth was formed after humans had first colonized mars. Originally developed to unite humanity against possible hostile extraterrestrials, humanity encountered few alien species, even fewer of which were intelligent. With no need to worry about possible alien attacks, the UNE was free to focus on rapid expansionism, and renamed itself the United Earth Empire, as international differences became less and less important. After the Great War, the shattered remains of the UEE were quick to regroup and reclaimed the majority of the former empire's core worlds with little difficulty. Now one of the largest powers in the galaxy, the UEE is known for its patriotism and solidarity, despite the presence of an unusually large number of corrupt officials.
The Coalition for a Free Galaxy:
The Coalition for a Free Galaxy, better known as just 'The Coalition', was formed shortly after the Great War as a group of colonies' desire to stay separate from the UEE. A loosely tied confederacy of worlds, the Coalition's movement has picked up a large number of worlds against the imperialism and rigidness of the UEE. Due to the fact that they are allied purely to combat against the UEE, competition and rivalries are common between the Coalition Nations. Despite this, their armed forces are able to remain standardized and well equipped to combat the UEE. Well known for their individualism and its dependence on commercialism, the Coalition is constantly trying to dismantle the UEE once and for all.
The Krellian Republic:
Very little is known about the Krellian Republic. They are a reclusive group of fringe world colonies, and were paid little attention to by both the UEE and Coalition. With their proximity to the edge of discovered space, it is believed there is a possibility for them to be in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, though this notion is widely dismissed as untrue by both the Coalition and UEE. With the Krellian Republic being so far removed from contested space, the galaxy has yet to see the Krellian Military, and many wonder if the Krellians even possess a standing armed force.
101st Special Forces Legion:
Only recently initiated but extremely successful, the 101st Legion is the UEE's mechanized fighting force. With heavily specialized training that focuses on not only efficient piloting, but also highly competent infantry tactics, the members of the 101st Legion are notably more individualistic than their standard issue counterparts. Despite their individuality, the members of the 101st are still human and are trained to work well in groups. Analysts have noticed that side effects of these different types of training techniques have often resulted in soldiers that are fiercely loyal to one another, often risking the life and limb of many to save a few. It is noted alarmingly however that this loyalty pertains more to one another than that of the entirety of the UEE. Most members of the 101st utilize heavily customized and personal Mobile Armor Suits, and are considered to be superior in quality and handling.
Coalition Mobile Armor Division:
The Coalition’s Mobile Armor Division was the most dangerous mobile force before the advent of the 101st Legion, and despite the effectiveness of the 101st and the new Mobile Armor units of the UEE, the C-MAD remains the most numerous mobile force in the galaxy. Though their exact numbers are unknown, it is a well known fact that they greatly outnumber the UEE Suits.

Mobile Armor Suits are the newest development in mechanized armor, capable of besting space-craft as well as ground armor. Mobile Armor Suits, while generally not as fast as air and spacecraft, are considerably more maneuverable, and can make sharp turns to out maneuver and defeat aircraft. They are also more resilient than conventional ground armor, and are even able to take out space warships when properly equipped.
Typically standing around 40-50 feet tall, Mobile Armor Suits are large humanoid mechs and are extremely versatile and able to be equipped with a variety of weapons and armor. Powered by sealed energy cores, these energy cores are immensely powerful and could power a home for several months, however, due to the nature of Mobile Armor Suits, a single energy core typically only provides a few hour’s worth of power, forcing pilots to be tactical about their power usage.
Mobile Armor Suits are widespread amongst the Coalition forces, who have all but stopped using Aerospace fighters in combat- Though coalition gunships, and bombers are still present in their military forces. UEE forces have only recently begun producing Mobile Armor Suits, and have only a few units equipped with them. The majority of the UEE still relies on Aerospace fighters.
Weapons technology has advanced significantly since humanity has entered the stars, but for the most part splits into four main categories.
Energy/Laser Weaponry:
At first rather ineffective and prohibitively expensive, humanity quickly discovered that laser weapons were much cheaper in the long run than typical conventional weapons. Laser weapons are considerably more accurate, lightweight, and lack the need for any sort of ammunition, and are considerably cheaper than their ballistic counterparts. However, despite these perks, laser weapons are rarely used as military grade equipment. While capable of causing serious burns and injuries on unarmored targets, laser weapons are relatively ineffective against body armor and are more fragile and temperamental than their conventional counterparts. Laser Weapons, due to their low cost and light weight are mostly used by police forces and civilian shooters. In regards to ship based weapons, MAS grade laser weapons are effective as point defense and precision targeting, but deal minimal damage to shields and armor. On the other hand, capital ship based laser cannons do considerably more damage to armor and shields in general.
Conventional/Ballistic Weaponry:
The mainstay of weapons technology since before humanity entered the stars. Loud, heavy and hard hitting, mass driving technology has made smaller caliber ammunition more and more effective against body armor and flesh. Effective in most situations, ballistic weapons remain one of the more effective and reliable methods of killing other human beings, though it should be noted that new mass driven rounds tend to overpenetrate soft unarmored targets. However, despite their universality, conventional weapons are considerably more expensive due to their needs for parts and ammunition and the methods used to produce these materials. Conventional weaponry is used extensively by both UEE and Coalition military units.
Plasmatic Weaponry:
A very new concept in modern weapons technology, plasma weapons are regarded as a two edged blade. On the one hand, the damage caused by a plasma burst to any surface, flesh, armor, and nature alike is tremendous. On the other hand, plasma weapons are heavy, difficult to maintain, dangerous to reload and fire, and finicky on a good day. Plasma is not a blast of superhot liquid as the name may suggest, but is instead similar to a bolt of energy. Purely Plasmatic weaponry remains mostly experimental and is not often used in modern military units. Plasma weapons are typically only installed on specialized units. Projectors also make plasma edged weaponry possible.
Hybrid Weaponry:
Combining Plasmatic weaponry with ballistics, Hybrid weapons- also known as E.K.P.(Enhanced Kinetic-Plasma) weapons combine the best of both worlds. Taking the reliability and ease of use of ballistic weaponry, and giving it the enhanced power of plasmatics. While lacking the raw, devastating power of plasma weapons, EKP weapons are exceptionally more powerful than Ballistic weaponry, with only some of the instabilities of plasma weapons. EKP technology is relatively new, making it almost as expensive as plasmatic weaponry, and just as rare- no mass produced unit uses EKP weapons.
Energy/Laser Weaponry:
At first rather ineffective and prohibitively expensive, humanity quickly discovered that laser weapons were much cheaper in the long run than typical conventional weapons. Laser weapons are considerably more accurate, lightweight, and lack the need for any sort of ammunition, and are considerably cheaper than their ballistic counterparts. However, despite these perks, laser weapons are rarely used as military grade equipment. While capable of causing serious burns and injuries on unarmored targets, laser weapons are relatively ineffective against body armor and are more fragile and temperamental than their conventional counterparts. Laser Weapons, due to their low cost and light weight are mostly used by police forces and civilian shooters. In regards to ship based weapons, MAS grade laser weapons are effective as point defense and precision targeting, but deal minimal damage to shields and armor. On the other hand, capital ship based laser cannons do considerably more damage to armor and shields in general.
Conventional/Ballistic Weaponry:
The mainstay of weapons technology since before humanity entered the stars. Loud, heavy and hard hitting, mass driving technology has made smaller caliber ammunition more and more effective against body armor and flesh. Effective in most situations, ballistic weapons remain one of the more effective and reliable methods of killing other human beings, though it should be noted that new mass driven rounds tend to overpenetrate soft unarmored targets. However, despite their universality, conventional weapons are considerably more expensive due to their needs for parts and ammunition and the methods used to produce these materials. Conventional weaponry is used extensively by both UEE and Coalition military units.
Plasmatic Weaponry:
A very new concept in modern weapons technology, plasma weapons are regarded as a two edged blade. On the one hand, the damage caused by a plasma burst to any surface, flesh, armor, and nature alike is tremendous. On the other hand, plasma weapons are heavy, difficult to maintain, dangerous to reload and fire, and finicky on a good day. Plasma is not a blast of superhot liquid as the name may suggest, but is instead similar to a bolt of energy. Purely Plasmatic weaponry remains mostly experimental and is not often used in modern military units. Plasma weapons are typically only installed on specialized units. Projectors also make plasma edged weaponry possible.
Hybrid Weaponry:
Combining Plasmatic weaponry with ballistics, Hybrid weapons- also known as E.K.P.(Enhanced Kinetic-Plasma) weapons combine the best of both worlds. Taking the reliability and ease of use of ballistic weaponry, and giving it the enhanced power of plasmatics. While lacking the raw, devastating power of plasma weapons, EKP weapons are exceptionally more powerful than Ballistic weaponry, with only some of the instabilities of plasma weapons. EKP technology is relatively new, making it almost as expensive as plasmatic weaponry, and just as rare- no mass produced unit uses EKP weapons.
Mobile Armor Suit Builder:
While this RP is closed to further interest, this is still a handy tool to have in a convenient place.

Chassis, one of the main determining factors of your MAS and its abilities. The Chassis refers to the size and class of your MAS. Chassis are divided into several categories:
Ultra Light:Ultra-light MAS's typically stand in at 10-20 feet tall. They have up to 2 Power Cores in their dual core power system, and can support 7 Weight. Ultra Light MAS's are like exoskeletons and often act as direct infantry support, similar to an armored car or scout vehicle. They are typically a liability in MAS v MAS combat. Ultra Lights are capable of flight and are the fastest MAS's in production, with ground speeds reaching 100 Mph.
Light MAS's are typically viewed as the smallest "True" class of MAS. Standing at up to 30 feet in height, these MAS's typically use a tri-core power system, and can support 15 Weight. With their relatively thin armor, Light MAS's typically avoid direct combat and are often used in scout and sniper roles. Light MAS's are the fastest flying MAS's in production, capable of rivaling super sonic jet fighters at max speed. Light MAS's are the only types capable of sustained flight.
Medium MAS's are the mainstay and standard class for MAS units. These powerful mecha stand in at anywhere from 40-50 feet in height, and use a quad core power systems, and can support 20 Weight. Combining powerful armor with mobility, Medium MAS's are the versatile standard for frontline units, and can be used in a variety of roles. While capable of limited flight, Medium MAS's are typically incapable of sustained flight.
Heavy MAS's are like their Medium class counterparts, but with considerably more powerful weapons and armor. Standing in at a bulky 50 feet in height, Heavy MAS's use a 6 core power system, and can support 35 Weight. With its heavy armor, Heavy MAS's are incapable of flight, but are essentially walking artillery platforms, capable in both close and long range situations.
Ultra Class MAS's are in a class all their own. Requiring their own special ship to transport them, these machines stand in at 50-60 feet in height, and are heavily custom tailored to meet the needs of their pilot. With powerful defenses and weapons, Ultra Class MAS's are developed for specific roles. Using a unique reactor, Ultra MAS's can often support up to 70 Weight. Ultra Class MAS's are not available for general use, and will not be available to players yet.

After reading through Chassis, you're probably wondering: What are Power Cores? What does 15 Weight mean?
MAS's are powered through special clean-nuclear power cells. About the size of a bottle of water, a single core possesses enough energy to power a home for a few months. However, due to the high energy requirements of MAS's, a single power core typically only provides a few hours worth of operating power. Operation wise, a single power core will provide a MAS with 5 Power units. A MAS's total operating time is "hours = 2x Unused power units". Most military units are designed to provide a minimum of 8-10 hours of combat operating time.
Example: A MAS has 10 power units, and a weapon that consumes 7. The MAS has 3 units of remaining power, or 6 hours of operating time.
Each Class of MAS can also support a limited amount of weight before it starts straining its energy and suspension systems and damaging its body. Weight can be found in any piece of equipment attached to a MAS, extra armor, weapons, shield systems, auxiliary systems, all require some combination of power and weight to use properly.

Obviously a machine of war needs weapons and armor. This following list will show you types of weapons, and the Weight and Power required to run them. Items not included in this list I will allow you to make yourself, provided you're realistic with them and have run them by me first.
Assault and Primary Weaponry:
Primary weapons and other weapons typically held by MAS units.
Built in Weaponry:
Weapons built into the MAS's body, like head mounted MG's and missile pods.
Melee Weapons:
Swords, Axes, and all sorts of medieval implements of death: Modernized.

Chassis, one of the main determining factors of your MAS and its abilities. The Chassis refers to the size and class of your MAS. Chassis are divided into several categories:
Ultra Light:Ultra-light MAS's typically stand in at 10-20 feet tall. They have up to 2 Power Cores in their dual core power system, and can support 7 Weight. Ultra Light MAS's are like exoskeletons and often act as direct infantry support, similar to an armored car or scout vehicle. They are typically a liability in MAS v MAS combat. Ultra Lights are capable of flight and are the fastest MAS's in production, with ground speeds reaching 100 Mph.
Light MAS's are typically viewed as the smallest "True" class of MAS. Standing at up to 30 feet in height, these MAS's typically use a tri-core power system, and can support 15 Weight. With their relatively thin armor, Light MAS's typically avoid direct combat and are often used in scout and sniper roles. Light MAS's are the fastest flying MAS's in production, capable of rivaling super sonic jet fighters at max speed. Light MAS's are the only types capable of sustained flight.
Medium MAS's are the mainstay and standard class for MAS units. These powerful mecha stand in at anywhere from 40-50 feet in height, and use a quad core power systems, and can support 20 Weight. Combining powerful armor with mobility, Medium MAS's are the versatile standard for frontline units, and can be used in a variety of roles. While capable of limited flight, Medium MAS's are typically incapable of sustained flight.
Heavy MAS's are like their Medium class counterparts, but with considerably more powerful weapons and armor. Standing in at a bulky 50 feet in height, Heavy MAS's use a 6 core power system, and can support 35 Weight. With its heavy armor, Heavy MAS's are incapable of flight, but are essentially walking artillery platforms, capable in both close and long range situations.
Ultra Class MAS's are in a class all their own. Requiring their own special ship to transport them, these machines stand in at 50-60 feet in height, and are heavily custom tailored to meet the needs of their pilot. With powerful defenses and weapons, Ultra Class MAS's are developed for specific roles. Using a unique reactor, Ultra MAS's can often support up to 70 Weight. Ultra Class MAS's are not available for general use, and will not be available to players yet.

After reading through Chassis, you're probably wondering: What are Power Cores? What does 15 Weight mean?
MAS's are powered through special clean-nuclear power cells. About the size of a bottle of water, a single core possesses enough energy to power a home for a few months. However, due to the high energy requirements of MAS's, a single power core typically only provides a few hours worth of operating power. Operation wise, a single power core will provide a MAS with 5 Power units. A MAS's total operating time is "hours = 2x Unused power units". Most military units are designed to provide a minimum of 8-10 hours of combat operating time.
Example: A MAS has 10 power units, and a weapon that consumes 7. The MAS has 3 units of remaining power, or 6 hours of operating time.
Each Class of MAS can also support a limited amount of weight before it starts straining its energy and suspension systems and damaging its body. Weight can be found in any piece of equipment attached to a MAS, extra armor, weapons, shield systems, auxiliary systems, all require some combination of power and weight to use properly.

Obviously a machine of war needs weapons and armor. This following list will show you types of weapons, and the Weight and Power required to run them. Items not included in this list I will allow you to make yourself, provided you're realistic with them and have run them by me first.
Assault and Primary Weaponry:
Primary weapons and other weapons typically held by MAS units.
- Ballistic Weapons:Assault cannons, hand held machine guns, and the like typically have 5 WT (Weight) and cost 2 PWR (power) to run.
- Energy/Laser Weaponry: Laser cannons, hand held laser weapons, and the like typically have 2 WT and cost 4 PWR to run
- Plasma Weapons: Plasma launching weapons are extremely devastating, many capable of destroying Light and Medium MAS's in a single hit, but come at the cost of 7 WT and 9 PWR
- Hybrid/EKP Weapons EKP autocannons and machine guns are highly damaging, and typically have 5 WT (Weight) and cost 5 PWR (power) to run.
Built in Weaponry:
Weapons built into the MAS's body, like head mounted MG's and missile pods.
- Ballistic Weapons: small caliber machine guns and anti personnel/missile weapons typically have 1 WT and costs a negligible0 PWR.
- Laser Weapons: small scale anti personnel/missile laser weapons typically have negligible 0 WT[ but costs 2 PWR.
- Missile Launchers: explosive launchers often fitted into the shoulders or legs of a MAS. The size of the explosives vary, but they typically have 3 WT and costs 2 PWR[. On the other hand, smaller scale launchers have 1 WT and costs 1 PWR.
Melee Weapons:
Swords, Axes, and all sorts of medieval implements of death: Modernized.
- Alloy Weapons: Physical weapons made of powerful metal alloys, they have 5 WT but costs no power. Obviously a smaller weapon (like a dagger) will weigh considerably less (1-3 WT)
- Plasma Weapons: Weapons with blades made of pure energy, these lightweight weapons have 1 WT, but costs 7 PWR. Alternatively, plasma weapons can come with their own power capacitors, reducing their power draw to 3 PWR, but reducing their operational time to a maximum of 3 hours. (As opposed to the operational time of the MAS)
- Hybrid Weapons: an alloy weapon with an extra cutting edge made of plasma, this weapon combines the best of both worlds, having 3 WT and costing 5 PWR.
Armors, shields and extra systems, this section will give you a quick runthrough at the costs and strengths of different methods of defending your MAS.
Armor Plating:
While all MAS's already have their own respective levels of armor, sometimes you just want more.External alloy plates can be added to the outside of your MAS, typically covering the shoulders, forearms, torso, and legs. Its purpose is self explanatory, this armor plating protects your MAS's armor plating, which protects you. Armor plating costs no power.
Alloy Shield:
A solid slab of alloy molded into the shape of a shield for your MAS to hold. These plates provide protection in a singular direction- that is, whichever direction you are pointing the shield, and are often coated with special solutions to help it resist energy and plasma. Alloy shields have about 2-4 WT depending on their size
Energy Shields:
Typically the prime method of defending a MAS, a MAS energy shield is a thin barrier of energy that coats the exterior of the MAS. Easily dissipating laser weapons, shields offer varying levels or protection against the more common ballistic and plasma weapons. All shield units have 5 WT, with the exception of Class 1 Shield generators, which have 3 WT, and Class 5 generators, which have 10 WT. All generators come with quick-recharge capacity.
Armor Plating:
While all MAS's already have their own respective levels of armor, sometimes you just want more.External alloy plates can be added to the outside of your MAS, typically covering the shoulders, forearms, torso, and legs. Its purpose is self explanatory, this armor plating protects your MAS's armor plating, which protects you. Armor plating costs no power.
- Light Alloy Plating (3 WT) a layer of extra armor over the MAS's arms, shoulders, and legs. A plate of light alloy will survive a single glancing blow from a plasma weapon, and provides limited protection from other weapons but provides little protection from explosives
- Heavy Alloy Plating (7 WT) a more complex layer of thick armor covering the MAS's extremities, as well as folding over the cockpit when in use. Heavy Alloy plates provide considerably more protection, and are much more durable than light plates. Able to survive a single hit from a plasma weapon, but only provides little protection from explosives.
Alloy Shield:
A solid slab of alloy molded into the shape of a shield for your MAS to hold. These plates provide protection in a singular direction- that is, whichever direction you are pointing the shield, and are often coated with special solutions to help it resist energy and plasma. Alloy shields have about 2-4 WT depending on their size
Energy Shields:
Typically the prime method of defending a MAS, a MAS energy shield is a thin barrier of energy that coats the exterior of the MAS. Easily dissipating laser weapons, shields offer varying levels or protection against the more common ballistic and plasma weapons. All shield units have 5 WT, with the exception of Class 1 Shield generators, which have 3 WT, and Class 5 generators, which have 10 WT. All generators come with quick-recharge capacity.
- Shield Class 1: 3 PWR. A scaled down shield generator, this shield provides defense against high caliber infantry weapons and lightly armed vehicles, but will shatter when hit with a MAS grade weapon of any sort.
- Shield Class 2: 5 PWR. A standard Shield generator, this shield provides defense against a small amount of MAS grade weapons fire, but will not stand up to sustained fire, or plasma weapons.
- Shield Class 3: 7 PWR. A more powerful Shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amoumts of sustained fire, and can take a direct hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.
- Shield Class 4: 10 PWR. The most feasibly powerful shield generator in the standard unit, the Class 4 shield provides protection against some sustained fire, and can take a several direct hits from a plasma weapon before failing.
- Shield Class 5: 15 PWR. A large scale shield generator, Class 5 shields are most often mounted on Heavy and Ultra class MAS's. The protection it provides is much higher than that of normal shields, and is able to protect against small amounts of sustained plasma fire before failing.
Extra systems to give your MAS an edge in combat.
External Power Cores: - Used for extended missions or for power intensive weapons and systems, an External Power Core back obviously provides a MAS with extra energy. With the appearance of a large, square backpack for a MAS, an external power pack links an extra dual core powerplant to the MAS, providing +10 PWR at the cost of 5 WT.
Improved Reactor Output: - A high end customization used by pilots. Using efficient parts and techniques, this upgrade allows MAS's to add an additional +5 PWR to their generator output. However, this improved reactor requires pilots to reduce the load on their units to prevent damage to the MAS, and costs 3 WT - cannot be taken simultaneously with Improved Reactor Draw
Experimental Reactor: - Often used by newer prototype units, experimental reactors are an improvement to the standard MAS reactor, and effectively doubles the MAS's energy output. Prohibitively expensive, Experimental Reactors are not put onto Mass Production units. Still finicky in design, using an Experimental Reactor comes at a risk, damaging the reactor too much can turn it into a small scale nuclear bomb.
Improved Reactor Draw - A high end customization used by pilots. Supercharging the MAS's reactor and hydraulics system, this upgrade allows MAS's to add an additional +5 WT to their maximum load. However, this additional strength draws on the reactor's energy reserves quickly and costs 3 PWR - cannot be taken simultaneously with Improved Reactor Output
Improved Suspension System: - Often added to MAS's that require higher weight caps without sacrificing mobility, improving the MAS's suspension allows it to carry signigicantly more weight at the cost of power. Upgrading the suspension system adds +10 WT support at the cost of 5 PWR
Tesla Drive: - by equipping a MAS with a Tesla Drive, Light and Ultralight MAS's can fly faster, Medium MAS's can sustain flight, and Heavy MAS's are able to give themselves limited flight capacity. A Tesla Drive system his negligible Weight, but costs 7 PWR. Note that all MAS's can "fly" in space, Tesla Drives are only necessary for in-atmospheric flight.
Countermeasure System: - Countermeasure systems are often used by lighter MAS's to avoid missiles instead of using body mounted machine guns to intercept them. Using chaff and flares, countermeasure systems are negligible in terms of weight and power, but only has 3 chaff uses, and 6 sets of flares before needing to rearm.
Enhanced Radar Suite: - effectively doubles the MAS's radar range, Enhanced Radar Suites, as most extra systems, come in two variants, internal and external suites.
Upgraded Targeting Suite: - Increasing the effective range and accuracy of the MAS's weapon system, Upgraded Targeting Suites has a Smart AI that quickly determines range as well as any other environmental factors faster than MAs's the onboard computer, and projects the predicted weapon path on the user's HUD.
Sonar Stakes: - Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. It has 1 WT, and costs 2 PWR. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground.
Smart-Target AI: - By improving the standard MAS AI with a Smart Targeting AI, MAS's can now acquire multiple targets simultaneously, and can now track up to 40 targets, including missiles, and other MAS's, instead of the standard 5. It has a power draw of 3 PWR.
Stealth Drive: - Stealth Drives allow a MAS to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the MAS's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the MAS from visual recognition. Stealth Drives draw 5 PWR.
Active Camouflage: - A camouflage generator attached to the back of a MAS, it projects a field of particles over the MAS, effectively making it invisible to the human eye, as well as optical scanners, and tracking modules. The generator does not however shield the user from all scanners, and the generator unit itself produces large amounts of heat. Camouflage generators are also notorious for consuming large amounts of energy, and while unable to be used with a external power pack, comes with a small power supply of its own, resulting in 3 WT and 3 PWR. The standard Active Camouflage generator can only continuously produce particles for a single hour before beginning to massively drain the power reserves of the MAS.
External Power Cores: - Used for extended missions or for power intensive weapons and systems, an External Power Core back obviously provides a MAS with extra energy. With the appearance of a large, square backpack for a MAS, an external power pack links an extra dual core powerplant to the MAS, providing +10 PWR at the cost of 5 WT.
Improved Reactor Output: - A high end customization used by pilots. Using efficient parts and techniques, this upgrade allows MAS's to add an additional +5 PWR to their generator output. However, this improved reactor requires pilots to reduce the load on their units to prevent damage to the MAS, and costs 3 WT - cannot be taken simultaneously with Improved Reactor Draw
Experimental Reactor: - Often used by newer prototype units, experimental reactors are an improvement to the standard MAS reactor, and effectively doubles the MAS's energy output. Prohibitively expensive, Experimental Reactors are not put onto Mass Production units. Still finicky in design, using an Experimental Reactor comes at a risk, damaging the reactor too much can turn it into a small scale nuclear bomb.
Improved Reactor Draw - A high end customization used by pilots. Supercharging the MAS's reactor and hydraulics system, this upgrade allows MAS's to add an additional +5 WT to their maximum load. However, this additional strength draws on the reactor's energy reserves quickly and costs 3 PWR - cannot be taken simultaneously with Improved Reactor Output
Improved Suspension System: - Often added to MAS's that require higher weight caps without sacrificing mobility, improving the MAS's suspension allows it to carry signigicantly more weight at the cost of power. Upgrading the suspension system adds +10 WT support at the cost of 5 PWR
Tesla Drive: - by equipping a MAS with a Tesla Drive, Light and Ultralight MAS's can fly faster, Medium MAS's can sustain flight, and Heavy MAS's are able to give themselves limited flight capacity. A Tesla Drive system his negligible Weight, but costs 7 PWR. Note that all MAS's can "fly" in space, Tesla Drives are only necessary for in-atmospheric flight.
Countermeasure System: - Countermeasure systems are often used by lighter MAS's to avoid missiles instead of using body mounted machine guns to intercept them. Using chaff and flares, countermeasure systems are negligible in terms of weight and power, but only has 3 chaff uses, and 6 sets of flares before needing to rearm.
Enhanced Radar Suite: - effectively doubles the MAS's radar range, Enhanced Radar Suites, as most extra systems, come in two variants, internal and external suites.
- Internal: An internal suite is built into the the MAS during creation, and therefore has no weight, but draws 3 PWR from the MAS energy system.
- External: An external suite is often installed after the creation of the MAS, and as a result has 1 WT. They often come with their own power system, and only draws 1 PWR from the MAS energy system. As it is an external system, it is more prone to damage than an internal system.
Upgraded Targeting Suite: - Increasing the effective range and accuracy of the MAS's weapon system, Upgraded Targeting Suites has a Smart AI that quickly determines range as well as any other environmental factors faster than MAs's the onboard computer, and projects the predicted weapon path on the user's HUD.
- Internal: Built into the MAS during creation, the targeting suite has no weight, but costs 3 PWR.
- External: Installed after the creation of the MAS, the external suite has 1 WT, and draws 1 PWR, but can be very easily damaged by small arms fire.
Sonar Stakes: - Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. It has 1 WT, and costs 2 PWR. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground.
Smart-Target AI: - By improving the standard MAS AI with a Smart Targeting AI, MAS's can now acquire multiple targets simultaneously, and can now track up to 40 targets, including missiles, and other MAS's, instead of the standard 5. It has a power draw of 3 PWR.
Stealth Drive: - Stealth Drives allow a MAS to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the MAS's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the MAS from visual recognition. Stealth Drives draw 5 PWR.
Active Camouflage: - A camouflage generator attached to the back of a MAS, it projects a field of particles over the MAS, effectively making it invisible to the human eye, as well as optical scanners, and tracking modules. The generator does not however shield the user from all scanners, and the generator unit itself produces large amounts of heat. Camouflage generators are also notorious for consuming large amounts of energy, and while unable to be used with a external power pack, comes with a small power supply of its own, resulting in 3 WT and 3 PWR. The standard Active Camouflage generator can only continuously produce particles for a single hour before beginning to massively drain the power reserves of the MAS.
Commonly Encountered MAS's:

Designation: PTX-051 Sentry MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Combat
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Quad Core Engine. 20 PWR
Operating Time: 10 Hours
The successor to the original Sentry MAS, the Sentry MkII has replaced the MkI as a general workhorse unit for the UEE. Similar in build quality to the Coalition Ferir, the Sentry MkII is a versatile fighting unit, with no real weaknesses or strengths. Lacking the ability to fly, the MkII serves as the standard ground unit for UEE MAS teams, and comes in standard tan, though many pilots add accents or change the color of their machines.
M90 30mm Assault Autocannon. 5 WT 2 PWR. - A general purpose machine gun in use by the UEE, the M90 fires 30mm armor piercing rounds from a 250 round magazine. The M90 has a semi-automatic and a 5-round burst mode, and has a fire rate of 600 RPM.
Micro Missile Launcher. 1 WT 1 PWR - This small launcher system is installed in the Sentry's chest and fires six Micro Missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS's, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on light vehicles and MAS's
Claymore Missile Launcher. 3 WT 2 PWR - A missile launcher system set into the right chest of the Sentry. Launching 3 Claymore missiles from its chest mounted launcher, these small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
Dual linked .50 Caliber Machine guns. 1 WT 0 PWR. - A pair of .50 caliber machine guns mounted on the Sentry's chest, these light weapons provide the Sentry with anti personnel and small missile defense. Each machine gun has a 300 round magazine.
Class 2 Shield Generator. 5 Wt 5 PWR. - The Sentry comes armed with a Class 2 shield Generator on top of its standard armor for defense.
Combat Tomahawk. 3 WT 5 PWR. - A combat axe used by the Sentry in close quarters. The edge of the tomahawk uses plasma energy to improve its cutting power.

Designation: FTX-003 Sparrow MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Rapid Assault
Chassis: Light
Engine: Tri Core Engine. 15 PWR
Operating Time: 16 Hours
Favored by scouts and acrobats for its maneuverability, the Sparrow series of MAS are the UEE's first Mobile armor suit to have sustained flight. The main body is reminiscent of various fighter planes and contains extremely aerodynamic features, with maximum flight speeds reaching over 1000 mph. Though poorly armored when compared to the Sentry, it is capable of performing maneuvers the Sentry could never hope to accomplish. The Sparrow is designed for a variety of purposes, mainly long range reconnaissance and rapid reaction, hence its relatively long operating time.
P120 20mm Flechette Mass Driver. 5 WT 2 PWR. - A rail-based rotary cannon attached to the Sparrow's arm, the P120 uses an advanced electronic mass driving system to propel its flechettes at extremely high speeds, resulting in an effective weapon with a high rate of fire. The P120 has a 4000 RPM rate of fire, and uses an integrated 1500 round magazine. The P120's edges are sharpened, allowing it to be used as a sword.
Triple barreled .30 Caliber Light Machine Gun 1 WT 0 PWR. - A body mounted machine gun on the Sparrow's torso, used for strafing and anti-personnel purposes.
Countermeasure System. 0 WT 0 Power. - The Sparrow relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
'Shield' Missile Launcher. 5 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher attached to the Sparrow's other arm, the Shield launcher fires 6 100mm multi-purpose missiles. With impact safe explosives, and a wide launcher size made of hardened alloys, the launcher also works as a shield to pair with the Sparrow's sword railgun.
Class 1 Shield Generator. 3 WT 3 PWR. - A small shield generator provides the Sparrow with the minimum military grade defense system.

Designation: PTX-071 Sentinel MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Quad Core Engine 20 Power
Operating Time: 12 Hours
Designed as an upgrade to the standard Sentry, the Sentinel is built for assault and extended combat situations. With its thicker armor, and more potent weapons, the Sentinel maintains the versatility of the Sentry, with an added focus on staying power. Though too costly to mass-produce in large numbers like the Sentry, the Sentinel is often used by advance units and special operations forces. Like the Sentry, it is incapable of full flight, but can use its boosters to both jump large heights, hover over the ground, and boost forward.
M290 30mm Support Autocannon. 5 WT 2 PWR. - A machine gun in use by the UEE designed for prolonged engagement and sustained fire, the M290 fires 30mm armor piercing rounds from a 500 round internal belt/box magazine. The M290 has semi-automatic, 5-round burst, and fully automatic modes of fire and has a fire rate of 750 RPM.
Claymore Missile System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher system set into both upper leg portions of the Sentinel. Launching 6 Claymore missiles from each leg, these small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
Head Mounted .50 Caliber Machine Gun. 1 WT 0 PWR. - A .50 caliber machine guns mounted on the Sentinel's head, this light weapon provides the Sentinel with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a 200 round magazine.
Energy Saber - Internal capacitor. 1 WT 3 PWR - The Sentinel utilizes a high powered energy saber stored in its shoulder. The blade length can be adjusted, but due to the saber using its own power capacitors, the operational limit of the blade is 3 hours. As such, pilots are often encouraged to limit their melee time.
Alloy Knife. 3WT. - Ideal for close quarters when the 'continuum of force' has been reduced to hand to hand combat. For optimum performance, the leading edge, 'pointy end', should be applied to the enemy and thrust into vital regions. This should be repeated as necessary.
Class 3 Shield Generator. 5 WT 7 PWR - With a higher level shield generator than the standard Sentry, the Sentinel improves its overall staying power.

Designation: PTX-088 Centurion MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Fire Support/Heavy Combat
Chassis: Heavy
Engine: Six Core Engine 30 Power
Operating Time: 10 Hours
Originating as a variant of the Sentinel, the need for a heavy weapons platform soon saw the Centurion as its own unique model, designed with a heavy chassis to allow it to focus more on firepower, at the cost of some mobility. A heavy and somewhat sluggish machine, the Centurion compensates by providing potent firepower over a wide operational range.
Jackhammer Missile Launchers. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher system consisting of a heavy mounted on each shoulder of the Centurion. Each missile pod holds 4 powerful Jackhammer missiles, designed to deliver critical damage to Heavy MAS's as well as considerable- if not fatal damage to most small to medium sized spacefaring vessels.
Micro Missile Launcher. 1 WT 1 PWR. - A small launcher system is installed in the Centurion's chest and fires six Micro Missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS's, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on light vehicles and MAS's
Warhammer Artillery System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - Built into the back of the Centurion is a long range artillery system designed to provide accurate fire over a long range. Firing howitzer style shells, the Warhammer artillery system has an internal magazine of 50 150mm shells.
'Oculus' Point Defense Laser. 0 WT 2 PWR. - Mounted in front of the Centurion's 'head' the Oculus serves as a multi purpose camera feed interface, as well as a powerful point defense laser, providing it with anti-personnel and missile defense.
Plasmatic Fist. 3 WT 5 PWR - As the Centurion was too large and bulky to effectively wield melee weapons, the Plasmatic Fists were developed to give the Centurion melee capabilities. When activated, the knuckle 'joints' of the Centurion's hands give off large amounts of heat and energy, allowing it to melt, as well as smash through most hulls with its alloy reinforced fists.
Advanced Internal Targeting Suite. 0 WT 3 PWR. - The Centurion comes standard with an advanced internal targeting suite and computer, allowing the pilot to effectively and accurately lay down fire from long ranges.
Class 4 Shield Generator. 5 WT 10 PWR - The Centurion boasts an extremely powerful shield generator, which on top of its already considerable armor plating gives it very considerable staying power.

Designation: PTX-101 Gladiator M (Mass Produced)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
Engine: 5-Core Engine 25 Power
Operating Time: 12 Hours
The Gladiator is the first of a line of Next-Generation MAS designed to give the UEE an marked advantage over the Coalition forces in a bid to turn the tides of the war. The Sentry, while in almost all regards superior to the Coalition Ferir II, still manages to generally underperform when compared to the older machine- this is generally attributed to the fact that most of the UEE pilots are in general less experienced than Coalition pilots, and the fact that the Sentry's operating system is roughly reverse-engineered from the Ferir OS. The Gladiator's operating system was designed from the ground up, and its familiarity and innovation is designed to allow UEE pilots to match the skill at which Coalition pilots fly. This, when combined with markedly superior weapons, armor and support systems utilized by the Gladiator makes for a deadly combination. The Gladiator is capable of significantly outperforming the Ferir II and Sentry, and rivals the Ferir III in terms of maneuverability. Though it is slightly more expensive than the Sentry or Sentinel, it has slowly begun replacing the old Sentries on the production lines.
New technology allows the Next-Gen Medium MAS units to utilize 5-core engines instead of 4, and allows it to support 5 more weight.
XBR 28mm Multi-role Autocannon. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A machine gun used by UEE forces using the newer 28mm Autocannon round, the XBR is considerably lighter and more accurate than the standard M90, and has a higher rate of fire at 800 rounds per minute, and features a 50 round 'stick' magazine, along with 2 spare magazines on each leg. Advanced recoil mechanisms allow this weapon to be accurately fired with one hand.
Gladius MR Missile System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A medium range missile launcher system set on the shoulders of the Gladiator. Launching 4 Gladius missiles from each leg, these powerful missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Medium class MAS's with a single missile.
Head Mounted .50 Caliber Machine Gun. 1 WT 0 PWR. - A pair .50 caliber machine guns mounted on the Gladiator's head, this light weapon provides the Gladiator with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a linked 400 round magazine.
Energy Saber - Internal capacitor. 1 WT 3 PWR - The Gladiator utilizes a high powered energy saber stored in its shoulder. The blade length can be adjusted, but due to the saber using its own power capacitors, the operational limit of the blade is 3 hours. As such, pilots are often encouraged to limit their melee time.
Composite-Alloy Shield. 2WT. - A medium sized alloy shield with multiple layers of anti-beam coating sandwhiched between multiple layers of powerful alloy, this new shield design allows a the Gladiator to withstand multiple hits from plasma weapons.
Class 3 Shield Generator. 5 WT 7 PWR - With a higher level shield generator than the standard Sentry, the Gladiator improves its overall staying power with a powerful shield unit.
Boosters 3 WT 5 PWR - Using advanced booster units situated on its back and feet, as well as behind its shoulders, the Gladiator has considerably more maneuverability than most Mass produced medium MAS's, and can reach and sustain high speeds as well as flight. This enhanced mobility allows the Gladiator to rival the Ferir Mk III in regards to maneuverability.
External Power Cores 5 WT +10 PWR - Coming in the form of a pair of large battery packs attached to the sides of the Gladiator, these Power Cores are designed to be quickly removed, and are often either utilized to extend the Gladiator's operating time to an astounding 32 hours, or to allow it to equip more powerful Class B plasma weapons.
AEBR-32 Multi-pulse Plasma Gun 5 WT 7 PWR - Replacing the XBR, the AEBR is a rather cut down weapon when compared to other plasma weapons, the AEBR makes up for its lesser firepower by allowing it to be fired in rapid bursts of three alongside its standard semiautomatic firing system. While less powerful than the standard plasma weapon, it is still capable of heavily damaging machines, and the three round burst is often deadly to most unshielded units. It has more efficiency when compared to normal plasma weapons as its first pulse alone is often capable of downing MAS shields, allowing the second and third pulse to impact directly against the foe's armor, as opposed to most single shot plasma weapons which rely on residual heat and energy to slag armor after overwhelming shields.

Designation: FTX-003 Sparrowhawk M (Mass Produced)
Role: Rapid Assault
Chassis: Light
Engine: Quad-Core Engine. 20 PWR
Operating Time: 8 Hours
An advancement of the UEE Sparrow, the Sparrowhawk is a next generation MAS combining the maneuverability of the Sparrow with heavier weapons and armor for more survivability. Though it trades the max speeds the Sparrow affords, the Sparrowhawk is one of the only light class MAS's to feature armor comparable to the UEE Sentinel while still maintaining high speeds. As with other Next-Gen units, it has only recently begun phasing the Sparrow out of production lines.
New technology allows Next-Gen Light MAS units to utilize 4-Core engines as well as allow them to support 5 more weight.
Rotary Arm-Mounted Autocannon. 2 WT 2 PWR. - Each of the Sparrowhawk's arms features a 6-barrel rotary autocannon firing 25mm Autocannon rounds at a rate of 2400 Rounds per minute from a 800 round magazine.
X-55 Light Plasma Boosters 5 WT 9 PWR. - A scaled down version of the powerful X-50 plasma boosters, based on designs from the late Tori Astelion, the X-55 is a dual purpose plasma weapon and booster unit. Enabling rapid acceleration, the X-55 allows the Sparrowhawk to quickly reach its Mach 1 maneuvering speed in seconds. As a weapon, it fires twin blasts of light plasma bolts from its shoulders, which open to reveal its weapon barrels. Each bolt is individually weaker than a standard plasma weapon, but is still capable of overloading most shields and is deadly versus unshielded units. The Sparrowhawk cannot fire the X-55 and use it to maneuver at the same time.
Countermeasure System. 0 WT 0 Power. - The Sparrowhawk relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
Class 2 Shield Generator. 5 WT 5 PWR. - A standard shield generator provides the Sparrowhawk with a respectable military grade defense system.
Extending Whip-Blade 3 WT 0 Power. - A heavy cord launcher featuring interlocking blades launched from the Sparrowhawk's forearm. It features flexible cutting power, and can become a rigid blade when needed.
Optimized Alloy Plating 5 WT 0 Power.- A layer of extra compound armor over the MAS's arms, shoulders, legs, and cockpit. More durable than light plates, but lacking the protection of heavy plates.

Designation: AAT-004C Ferir MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Quad Core Engine 20 Power
Operating Time: 18 Hours
The standard Coalition Mobile Armor Suit, the Ferir is one of the first Mobile Armor Suits ever developed, and is the first unit ever developed for combat. Originally only lightly armored and armed, developed for an infantry support role, the Mark I was quickly superseded by the more prevalent Mark II. Heavily armored and easily recognized by its almost alien-like 4 "eyed" sensors, the Ferir Mk II has been in service ever since the start of the 29th Century war. While its aged design raises questions about its capabilities, it has still proved as a serviceable unit for almost 100 years. However, with the advent of the UEE MAS units, the Ferir has begun being phased out by various newer models to combat the new threats. Despite this, the Ferir, with its thick armor and remarkable operating time, remains the most common MAS unit in the Galaxy.
A70 Type-3/5 35mm Assault Autocannon. 5 WT 2 PWR. - A heavy assault weapon utilized by the iconic Ferir, the Type-3 fires a powerful 35mm Armor Piercing round from a 210 round internal magazine. The Type-5 fires the same round from a 1200 round belt fed 'backpack' magazine. The Type-3/5 fires at a rate of 450 rounds per minute, and has a semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic fire modes.
Hammer Missile System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher system set on top of either or both of the Ferir shoulders, the Hammer Missile System fires large, powerful missiles, effective against most MAS types, as well as lightly armored naval vessels. While slower and easier to dodge than smaller missile systems, the projectiles fired from these launchers are also more difficult to destroy with point defense weapons. Each shoulder can launch up to three of these missiles.
Alloy Knife. 3 WT 0 PWR - Ideal for close quarters when the 'continuum of force' has been reduced to hand to hand combat. For optimum performance, the leading edge, 'pointy end', should be applied to the enemy and thrust into vital regions. This should be repeated as necessary.
External Alloy Plating (Heavy). 7 WT 0 PWR - With shields being a more recent technology, energy shielding was unavailable when the Mk II was being designed. While the Ferir Mk III boasts an energy shield, the more common Ferir Mk II utilizes a large coat of heavy plating, with excess armor over all important areas of the MAS. The heavy armor plating results in the bulky, large size the Ferir is known for.
Tesla Drive. 0 WT 7 PWR - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Ferir Mk II MAS's. The Tesla Drive increased its maneuvering and top speeds in space, its improved handling allowing it to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Ferir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Ferir the power of flight, though the weight and bulk from its armor plating slows it down considerably.

Designation: AAT-064C Ferir MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Seven-Core Engine 35 Power
Operating Time: 14 Hours
A more advanced iteration of the widespread Ferir Mk II, the Mk III has numerous improvements over its older counterpart, namely: the presence of energy shields. Considerably more advanced than its older variant, the Ferir MK II trades its thick heavy plating and robust stature, for more a more maneuverable and well shielded unit. Due to their cost, and the already massive numbers of Mk IIs, the Mk III has been slow to phase into Coalition military, and is commonly only seen in the hands of veterans and squadron leaders.
Ferir Mk III's are proof of the Coalition's greater mastery over MAS techniques than the UEE, with the Mk III utilizing an advanced engine design allowing 7 power cores instead of the standard 4.
P110 Type-9 Plasma Cannon. 7 WT 9 PWR. - An assault plasma launcher utilized by the Ferir Mk III, the P110 provides it with devastating power. Firing high velocity bolts of plasma, the P110 is often capable of destroying lesser shielded and armored MAS's with one or two hits.
Havoc Missile System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher system set into the shoulders of the Mk III, the Havoc Missile System fires medium sized, powerful missiles, effective against most MAS types. Considerably faster than the Ferir Mk II Hammer Missiles, the Havoc missiles trade only a small amount of firepower for their increased maneuverability. Each shoulder launcher carries 4 missiles.
Energy Saber - Internal capacitor. 1 WT 3 PWR - The Ferir Mk III utilizes a high powered energy saber stored in its shoulder. The blade length can be adjusted, but due to the saber using its own power capacitors, the operational limit of the blade is 3 hours. As such, pilots are often encouraged to limit their melee time.
External Alloy Plating (Light). 3 WT 0 PWR - While the Ferir Mk III boasts an energy shield, it still maintains a solid layer of armor plating iconic to the Ferir series. The combination of shields and armor make it incredibly tough.
Class 3 Shields . 5 WT 7 PWR - A more powerful Shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amoumts of sustained fire, and can take a direct hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.
Tesla Drive. 0 WT 7 PWR - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Ferir Mk II MAS's- an idea that carried on to the Mk III variant. The Tesla Drive increases its maneuvering and top speeds in space, its improved handling allowing it to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters and MAS's. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Ferir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Ferir the power of flight, which the Mk III uses to its advantage due to the removal of much of its bulk and weight.

Designation: AAT-007 Hardballer MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Anti-Ship
Chassis: Heavy
Engine: Six-core Engine 30 Power
Operating Time: 6 Hours
The AAT-007 Hardballer is a ship commander's nightmare. With heavy armor capable of shrugging through AA defenses and MAS weapons, and not one, but two heavy plasma cannons, the Hardballer is used by the Coalition to provide heavy firepower and devastation to an assault force. Hardballers are generally disliked by Coalition forces due to their relatively low operational time, as well as the fact that UEE forces tend to concentrate fire on these units. Nevertheless, Hardballers are commonly deployed in small squadrons tasked with destroying enemy capital ships.
Twin P170 Type-11 Plasma Cannons. 14 WT 18 PWR. - A heavy plasma cannon utilized by the Hardballer, the P170 is primarily designed to take on and destroy naval vessels, though can be extremely devastating when used against a MAS. Unlike the P110, which launches highly concentrated, high speed bolts, the P170 launches a relatively slow but devastating blast that deals incredible damage over a large area. - The bolts from the P170 are more easily dodged by Light MAS's and are generally used against ships and the largest of MAS's.
Goliath Missile System. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A missile launcher system set either on one or both shoulders of the Hardballer, the Goliath Missile System upgrades the Hammer missile system. Like the Hammer, Goliath Missiles are large, powerful missiles, and are difficult to shoot down but easy to avoid. Goliath missiles were designed primarily for destroying ships and large MAS's. Each shoulder launcher carries 4 missiles.
External Alloy Plating (Heavy). 7 WT 0 PWR - While the Hardballer has its own energy Shields, it also utilizes incredibly thick armor to defend it from all manner of MAS weapons. The cost of this heavy armor is an even slower and more sluggish MAS.
Class 3 Shields . 5 WT 7 PWR - A more powerful Shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amoumts of sustained fire, and can take a direct hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.

Designation: AAT-101 Fafnir M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Five-Core Engine - 25 Power
Operating Time: Variable
Description: The Fafnir is a high performance mobile armor suit designed by the Coalition based company Lockheed Martin. Developed to combat the increasingly efficient UEE mobile armor suit designs, the Fafnir series MAS is designed as a replacement for the aging Ferir series of MAS. An excellent, well rounded machine with low development and operational cost, the Fafnir, unlike the more expensive Ferir III is meant to combine combat effectiveness as well as affordability.
The Fafnir was designed for general purpose use, and can adapt to various environments by using various equipment setups to meet the needs of different missions. The frame was also developed to be lighter when compared to the Ferir series that represents the majority of the MAS forces, while maintaining its simplicity and ease of use. Using new technology, it features a Five-Core engine to provide it with more power than its predecessor, without breaking the bank like the Ferir III did.
Class 2 Shield. 5 WT 5 PWR - While the old Ferir II forwent shields, due to the technology not existing at the time, the Fafnir takes advantage of new industry standards to mass produce and equip class 2 shields, which when combined with its armor, makes it as resistant to damage as a Ferir II.
Tesla Drive 0 WT 7 PWR. - Like most Coalition designs, the Fafnir utilizes a tesla drive system to allow it to fly while in atmosphere and also maintain high degrees of mobility in and out of zero-g conditions. The Fafnir Tesla Drives are mounted onto its back, reminiscent of traditional boosters, allowing the tesla systems to be mass produced and easily replaced when damaged beyond repair.
External Alloy Plating (Optimized) 5 WT 0 PWR - Sticking to the age old standard of Coalition design philosophy, the Fafnir features a lightweight composite alloy plating over the majority of its body, along with anti-beam coating to lessen the effects of weaker plasma weapons.
A70 Type-6 35mm Autocannon 3 WT 2 PWR - A carbine variant of the Type-3 assault autocannon used by the Ferir, the Type-6 is a cut down, lightweight assault weapon that combines light weight and the heavy firepower of a 35mm shell fired from a 180 round internal magazine. The Type-6 fires at a rate of 600 rounds per minute, and has a semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic fire modes. The lighter frame of the weapon increases the weapon's noticeable recoil, and as a result, most pilots fire in single and burst mode.
Composite Alloy Shield 3 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses is a medium sized slab shield attached to the Fafnir's forearm. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Combat Blade 3 WT 5 PWR - A thin combat longsword used by the Fafnir in close quarters combat. The edge of the blade utilizes a plasma edge to increase its cutting power.
Operational Time: 12 Hours
Composite Alloy Shield 3 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses is a medium sized slab shield attached to the Fafnir's forearm. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Combat Blade 3 WT 5 PWR - A thin combat longsword used by the Fafnir in close quarters combat. The edge of the blade utilizes a plasma edge to increase its cutting power.
Operational Time: 12 Hours
Twin 20mm Arm Mounted Autocannons 2 WT 2 PWR - Mounting a 20mm autocannon on each forearm, the Fafnir sports a short range autocannon allowing it to engage more easily in CQC. Each autocannon has an internal 200 round magazine, and fires at a rate of 800 rounds per minute.
Twin Plasma Claws 2 WT 6 PWR - Short plasmatic punching daggers powered by external power, these plasma weapons provide the Fafnir with high mobility and deadliness in close quarters combat. Plasma daggers are mounted on wrist gauntlets attached to the Fafnir.
Twin Composite Alloy Shield 4 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses are two small forearm shields. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Operational Time: 10 Hours
Twin Plasma Claws 2 WT 6 PWR - Short plasmatic punching daggers powered by external power, these plasma weapons provide the Fafnir with high mobility and deadliness in close quarters combat. Plasma daggers are mounted on wrist gauntlets attached to the Fafnir.
Twin Composite Alloy Shield 4 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses are two small forearm shields. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Operational Time: 10 Hours
P200 Long Range Beam Rifle 7 WT 9 PWR - A long ranged beam plasma rifle, the P200 is a high cost, high damage plasma weapon capable of picking off targets at long range. The P200 is capable of destroying anything weaker than a class 3 shield and slagging the opposing MAS behind it. Due to its properties as a beam, it has a lower rate of fire than traditional plasma weapons, with a longer venting time between volleys, but is more capable of destroying anti-beam coated armor. While designed to destroy MAS, it also poses a threat to ships as well.
20mm Arm Mounted Autocannons 1 WT 1 PWR - Mounting a 20mm autocannon on its forearm, the Fafnir Sniper sports a short range autocannon allowing it to engage in short range combat when needed. The autocannon has an internal 200 round magazine, and fires at a rate of 800 rounds per minute.
External Targeting Suite 1 WT 1 PWR - Mounted on the Fafnir's head is an advanced targeting unit, allowing it to track enemies from extreme distances.
External Power Cores 5 WT +10 PWR - A large power pack mounted on the Fafnir's back provides it with extended operational time, allowing Fafnir snipers to lie in wait for long periods of time.
Removed Tesla Drive +7 PWR - Removing the Tesla drives in order to install the external power cores, the reasoning is that the Fafnir sniper doesn't need to move fast, but instead settle into a discreet location in order to combat its foes.
Recoil Reduction System +5 WT 3 PWR To make up for the high recoil and weight of the P200, the Fafnir Sniper uses a recoil reduction system to lessen the effects of the heavy weapon, at the cost of some power.
Stealth Drive 5 PWR - tealth Drives allow the Fafnir Sniper to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the Fafnir's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the Fafnir from visual recognition.
Operational Time: 24 Hours
20mm Arm Mounted Autocannons 1 WT 1 PWR - Mounting a 20mm autocannon on its forearm, the Fafnir Sniper sports a short range autocannon allowing it to engage in short range combat when needed. The autocannon has an internal 200 round magazine, and fires at a rate of 800 rounds per minute.
External Targeting Suite 1 WT 1 PWR - Mounted on the Fafnir's head is an advanced targeting unit, allowing it to track enemies from extreme distances.
External Power Cores 5 WT +10 PWR - A large power pack mounted on the Fafnir's back provides it with extended operational time, allowing Fafnir snipers to lie in wait for long periods of time.
Removed Tesla Drive +7 PWR - Removing the Tesla drives in order to install the external power cores, the reasoning is that the Fafnir sniper doesn't need to move fast, but instead settle into a discreet location in order to combat its foes.
Recoil Reduction System +5 WT 3 PWR To make up for the high recoil and weight of the P200, the Fafnir Sniper uses a recoil reduction system to lessen the effects of the heavy weapon, at the cost of some power.
Stealth Drive 5 PWR - tealth Drives allow the Fafnir Sniper to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the Fafnir's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the Fafnir from visual recognition.
Operational Time: 24 Hours
CS08 Anti-Capital Ship Missile Launcher 5 WT 2 PWR- Following the design of a traditional infantry shoulder mounted rocket launcher, CS08 is a magazine fed 110mm Goliath Missile launcher. Sporting a 10 missile magazine, in impact resistant casing, the CS08 provides the Fafnir with powerful anti capital ship missiles, without the massive power draw or weight of a typical Hardballer's P170.
Composite Alloy Shield 3 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses is a medium sized slab shield attached to the Fafnir's forearm. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Combat Blade 3 WT 5 PWR - A thin combat longsword used by the Fafnir in close quarters combat. The edge of the blade utilizes a plasma edge to increase its cutting power.
Operational Time: 12 Hours
Composite Alloy Shield 3 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Fafnir with improved defenses is a medium sized slab shield attached to the Fafnir's forearm. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Combat Blade 3 WT 5 PWR - A thin combat longsword used by the Fafnir in close quarters combat. The edge of the blade utilizes a plasma edge to increase its cutting power.
Operational Time: 12 Hours
Ceremonial Alloy Shield 4 WT 0 PWR - A large, ceremonial kite style shield mounted on the Fafnir's arm, this ornamental shield bears the crest of the Coalition across its face. Though made of the same alloy as typical shields, it lacks anti-beam coating, and is therefore only marginally defensible against anything more than low caliber autocannon fire.
Ceremonial Blade 5 WT 0 PWR - A thin, ornamental longsword used by the Fafnir in an Honorguard situation. While capable of being used as a viable weapon, it lacks the cutting edge of most modern weapons.
Honorguard Energy "Cape" 0 WT 5 PWR - A unique piece of equipment attached to the shield generator and used by Fafnir Honorguard units, energy projectors attached to its back projects a "cape" made of the same energy as shields. While capable of absorbing oncoming fire similar to an extra class 2 shield, its main purpose is for show.
Operational Time: 16 Hours
Ceremonial Blade 5 WT 0 PWR - A thin, ornamental longsword used by the Fafnir in an Honorguard situation. While capable of being used as a viable weapon, it lacks the cutting edge of most modern weapons.
Honorguard Energy "Cape" 0 WT 5 PWR - A unique piece of equipment attached to the shield generator and used by Fafnir Honorguard units, energy projectors attached to its back projects a "cape" made of the same energy as shields. While capable of absorbing oncoming fire similar to an extra class 2 shield, its main purpose is for show.
Operational Time: 16 Hours

Designation: AAT-101c Fafnir Commander Type "Agis IV" C (Custom)
Role: Command
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Upgraded Six-Core Engine - 35 Power
Operating Time: 12
Description: The Fafnir is a high performance mobile armor suit designed by the Coalition based company Lockheed Martin. Developed to combat the increasingly efficient UEE mobile armor suit designs, the Fafnir series MAS is designed as a replacement for the aging Ferir series of MAS. The Fafnir Commander Type improves upon the Fafnir's exceptional maneuverability and provides commanders with an improved situational awareness. The Fafnir Commander Type is designed to replace the Ferir III as the preferred commander unit.
The Fafnir Commander type was designed for general purpose use, and is often customized to the specifications of the specific commander. The frame was also developed to be lighter when compared to the Ferir series that represents the majority of the MAS forces, while maintaining its simplicity and ease of use. Unlike standard Fafnirs, the Commander Type has an improved thruster system, allowing the Fafnir Commander Type to be even more maneuverable. Using new technology, the Commander type it features a Six-Core with an improved reactor system to provide it with more power equal to the Ferir III without as much hardware cost.
The Agis IV, piloted by Captain Sarken, leader of the famed Spartan Team, is a highly customized Fafnir Commander type, most notable by the fake plume on top of the machine's head unit.
Class 3 Shield. 5 WT 7 PWR - The Fafnir Commander Type sports a more powerful Class 3 Shield to protect its high value commander.
Tesla Drive 0 WT 7 PWR. - Like most Coalition designs, the Fafnir utilizes a tesla drive system to allow it to fly while in atmosphere and also maintain high degrees of mobility in and out of zero-g conditions. The Fafnir Tesla Drives are mounted onto its back, reminiscent of traditional boosters, allowing the tesla systems to be mass produced and easily replaced when damaged beyond repair.
External Alloy Plating (Light) 3 WT 0 PWR - Sticking to the age old standard of Coalition design philosophy, the Agis features a lightweight composite alloy plating over the majority of its body, along with anti-beam coating to lessen the effects of weaker plasma weapons.
Composite Alloy Shield 3 WT 0 PWR - Providing the Agis with improved defenses is a medium sized round shield attached to its shoulder forearm. Advanced servos allow the shield to move along the Agis' arm and hand as well. Lightweight alloy alongside beam coating provides the Fafnir with extended protection against enemy weapons fire.
Combat Blade 3 WT 5 PWR - A wide combat broadsword used by the Agis in close quarters combat. The edge of the blade utilizes a plasma edge to increase its cutting power.
X07 EKP Rail Rifle "Pike" 5 WT 5 PWR - A long range hybrid cannon utilized by the Agis, the X07 can tear apart foes at range before closing in with the combat blade in close quarters. The X07 fires 35mm EKP rounds from a 100 round internal magazine. The X07 comes with its own smart targeting AI.
Honorguard Energy "Cape" 0 WT 5 PWR - A unique piece of equipment attached to the shield generator and typically used by Fafnir Honorguard units, energy projectors attached to the back of the Agis projects a "cape" made of the same energy as shields. The cape is capable of absorbing fire similar to a Class 2 Shield, and the Agis IV is known to use this to its advantage.

Designation: CMS-110 Gowser M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Work/Non-combat Unit
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Quad Core Engine 20 Power
Operating Time: 26 Hours
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company H&K, the Gowser is a rugged and reliable civilian unit, highly customization and able to be outfitted for a variety of roles, from construction and heavy lifting, to deep space mining and large scale construction. The Gowser is available in relatively large numbers in the Free Enterprise Zone, and is commonly used by PMC's, and militias, as well as civilian sector workers.
A70 Modified 35mm Nail Gun. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A heavily modified construction weapon, the Nail Gun has been modified to fire Coalition 35mm Autocannon rounds. The Nail gun is a semiautomatic weapon fire a fire cap of 700 Rounds per minute and has a 200 round integrated magazine. The Nail gun is also mounted with a construction grade chainsaw, capable of tearing through shields and armor alike.
Alloy Knuckle Duster. 3WT - As is aptly described, the Gowser holds a sturdy knuckle duster made of strong alloys allowing it to do more damage with an unarmed strike with less risk of damaging its sensitive hand units.
Civilian Grade Shield: 5 WT 5 PWR - Generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, Civilian grade shields are considerably weaker than Class 2 shields, but are a step over Class 1 Shields, and would be considered a Class 1.25 shield.
Light Armor Plating 3 WT - Because of its nature as a general purpose construction unit, armor plating is often necessary to provide protection against the elements.

Designation: CCS-099 Stylet M (Mass Produced)
Role: Commercial Service/Recreation
Chassis: Light
Engine: Tri Core Engine 15 Power
Operating Time: 12 Hours
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company Mara Aerospace, the Stylet is a high performance suit designed for the rich and wealthy denizens of the Coalition. Agile and maneuverable, the Stylet is one of the best selling civilian grade suits on the market. Often stolen and repurposed as war machines by the black market, the Stylet, while relatively expensive, is well received by PMC aces and can be easily outfitted with a variety of weapons.
20mm M600 Vulcan. 3 WT 2 PWR. - A relatively common military grade rotary cannon strapped onto the Stylet's arm, The M600 uses a relatively primitive electrical system to provide the weapon with a 4000 RPM rate of fire, and uses an integrated 1200 round magazine. While capable of firing one handed, considerably better accuracy has been observed when using the free hand to balance and brace the firing arm.
Pilum Missile Launcher 3 WT 2PWR - A missile launcher attached to the Stylet's other arm, the Pilum missile system fires a pair of 100mm impact-safe multi-purpose missiles.
Stylet Boosters. 3 WT 5 PWR - While already quite agile and capable of flight, the Stylet's commercial boosters allow it to reach even greater maximum speeds, at the cost of some maneuverability at close range when activated.
Light Armor Plating 3 WT - A common addon made by mercenaries and black market dealers, armor plating provides the shield lacking Stylet with some much needed protection.

Designation: PMT-075 Enforcer M (Mass Produced)
Role: Police/SWAT Enforcement
Chassis: Heavy
Engine: Hex Core Engine 30 Power
Operating Time: 36 Hours
A 'Civilian' grade MAS designed by Coalition based company H&K, the Enforcer was designed for Police and SWAT units as a heavy support platform to aid their smaller Ultra-Light police MAS units. A heavy and sturdy machine, it is plain to see why this dedicated civilian grade combat unit would be so valuable on the black market. Found in relatively few numbers on the black market, the Enforcer is a stalwart Heavy MAS capable of holding its own against other military grade machines. The Enforcer is meant to be deployed for long periods of time to settle unruly worlds, and as such has an abnormally long operating time.
50mm Battle Autocannon /w 75mm Canister System. 8 WT 4 PWR. - The Enforcer sports a semi-automatic 50mm battle 'rifle' autocannon as its primary weapon, allowing it to send accurate, heavy hitting, and rapid fire down range. The rifle also has a built in canister system, originally meant to dispense large amounts of CS gas, these 6 Canisters are often replaced with 75mm Rocket Propelled Grenades or guided missiles.
Civilian Grade Shield: 5 WT 5 PWR - Generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, Civilian grade shields are considerably weaker than Class 2 shields, but are a step over Class 1 Shields, and would be considered a Class 1.25 shield. While poor by military standards, these shields are often enough to deal with criminal incursions.
Heavy Armor Plating 7 WT - Heavy plate armor serves to make the already durable Enforcer even more durable, capable of resisting several insurgent explosive and incendiary weapons before sustaining bodily damage.
Alloy Riot Shield 4 WT - This massive shield is often coated with an anti-beam/plasma coating and provides the already defensible Enforcer with even more directional defenses.
Upgraded Targeting Suite Internal: 3 PWR - The massive horn on top of the Enforcer's head, while intimidating is also where its upgraded targeting suite is installed, allowing it to accurately identify and target criminals and individuals at most ranges.