Every thousand years, creatures with incredible power known as "Mamodo" appear on Earth to hold a tournament to determine king of their own world. One Hundred children from the Mamodo world search the human realm to find a Human partner to aid them in the battle, for only a human can help them unlock their true power and become king of the Mamodo world. Mamodo must prevent the spell book they were given from being burnt, while attacking other Mamodos' books. If their book burns, they will return in shame to the Mamodo world. If they somehow beat the odds, and become the last Mamodo standing, they will return to their world as King of all Mamodo. Learn the Spells. Destroy or Spare your foes. The fate of the crown is now in your hands.
This is the final interest check that United and I will be posting for our Zatch Bell RP before we post the actual RP forum. Everything below is what we've come up with for explaining how any of this would work in an RP. If you have any questions at all, want to tell us how interested you are, or just want to make us both regret living, just say so! We'll both be monitoring this post until the IC/OOC goes up.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Leave them below! :3 We'll post the IC and OOC sooner if more people are into this.