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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ten thousand years ago a battle reached across the stars and Zordon, the first [white] Ranger, managed to defeat a young Rita Repulsa and imprison her on the Earth's moon. His ship badly malfunctioning, Zordon and his droid Alpha 5 crash landed on Earth. They watched as civilizations rose and fell, and sooner than later the year fell on 2014. However, a routine moon landing accidentally had a Russian astronaut unlock the mystical prison of the villainess and her minions. Now the Earth is in peril once more...


1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys!

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to not post.

8.) My word is law.

9.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (not yet selected) will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.
Ten thousand years ago, the White Ranger known as Zordon closed the prison of Rita Repulsa and her gang and buried it on the dark side of the moon. Badly injured, Zordon's star cruiser crash landed on Earth. The first Ranger knew he had to stay alive, on the off chance Rita escaped and new Rangers were needed. With the help of his android friend Alpha 5, Zordon managed to construct the Zords as well as the Power Chamber in the desert hidden within some canyons just outside of what will come to be known as Angel Grove. Built around the damaged star cruiser and integrating some of it's technology into the Chamber, Alpha 5 managed to project Zordon's conscience into a holo-tube communication device. It's now August of the year 2014, two weeks ago Rita was freed by accident when a Russian astronaut discovered her treasure like prison.

The Power Chamber, present day...

Alarms go off, lights flash, and the android looks like it could use nerve medication.

"What's happening, Alpha?" Zordon asked.

"The third power coin was just found. Triceratops..!" Alpha responded eagerly.

"Have you come to any conclusions why we felt a sixth power coin's signature four weeks ago?" Zordon asked.

Back in town, it was 8 am and class was about to begin at Angel Grove High School. While the power coin of the Blue Ranger was found by a twelve year old who missed his school bus, the owner of the mysterious sixth coin rode into town on an old beat up motorcycle with messy long-ish hair. He had a dirty brown leather jacket over a green t-shirt, no helmet, and nowhere else to go. It was still early enough in the day and Alexander Mason promised himself he'd settle down wherever he ran out of gas. Maybe he could find a job in a garage somewhere by lunch time with his skill set...

On the moon...

"What's my little Green Ranger up to these days?" Rita asked looking into her gazing ball at the life of Alex Mason.

"I don't know what you see in him, my Queen." Goldar stated removing his helmet as he entered the room.

"Did Finster prepare the squad?" Rita asked as she continued glaring into the ball, "..a third power coin was found in the city called Angel Grove."

"They are ready for patrol my Queen." Goldar answered.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Earlier that day:
"Jace, wake up, I don't want to have to tell you again." Said a stern but loving voice through the door.

"Mommmm."Came out a pitched groan was all she heard.

"You heard me, boy."She opened the door and threw the covers off her son.

"I'm sick..."He faked two coughs. Today he had a big math test that he was dying to miss, but he knew it was futile...

"Okay, i'll just give you some of grandma's home concoction. You'll be feeling better in no time!"She smiled at him as he immediately sat upward looking at her with his eyebrows raised.

"No it's okay. I feel much better...I'm going to go get ready now, Ma'am."He told her and she chuckled and walked outside of the room. He then commenced to grab his covers and sleep in for five more minutes before he could hear his mothers pounding steps again. He hopped out of bed, and turned the shower on. Time to get ready for another bad day and let down his mom again with this failing grade he knew he was bound to receive.

After exiting the shower, his mom gave him his lunch and sent him on his way but as he exited the door, the bus was already closing it's doors and taking the other kids to school. "Wait!!!"He exclaimed as he ran after it, dropping his food on the floor. But it was to no avail. The bus was already gone and if he turned back now, he'd have to face his mothers wrath. He sighed and took up a seat on the curb next to the stop and stared down at the street. He picked up a couple pebbles and threw them, but then noticed a shiny coin. He picked it up as it glimmered in the light and wiped off the dust.

"Whoah..."He exclaimed. It was really something, with a triceratops etched onto it. Dinosaurs were awesome! They were just learning about them in biology actually. The T-rex had been his favorite but triceratops was a close second. He pocketed it and decided that maybe he's skip school today. He already found something so rare. He was bound to find more lucky stuff if he kept at it. But where would be the perfect place to search?

And that's when it hit him. "The park!"He said out loud, as he picked up his backpack, slung it over his shoulder and ran to his next destination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Come on one more Dan one more!”

Slamming his right hook into the heavy bag Daniel Wolff could feel sweat gushing down his face. Dripping off the tip of his nose and onto his athletic clothes. Swinging with a controlled force Daniel threw one more left cross before finally stepping away. His feet hopping almost uncontrollably as he finally felt his lungs getting air. The Westside MMA Training Grounds was fairly empty, as most of the other regulars came in after work or school. Daniel though was different. He wanted the adrenaline rush to course through his veins before anything else. Some people drank coffee to get through the morning, he practiced double leg takedowns and kimura locks. It helped that every morning when he left the house the last thing he would see would be one of his brothers, overweight gorging on some horrible sugary cereal. Or even worse, his mom, who was beginning to scare Daniel with how much weight she has. ‘Someday’ was the only thing he could feel his brain tell him whenever he saw her, ‘someday...’.

As he finished up, getting his training gear off and showering before getting dressed for school. He never looked forward to it, even if he was one of the popular kids. School always felt the pressure bearing down on him. He didn’t want to come off as some meathead who didn’t know anything. Plus his MMA instructors made it clear, at least a C in all your classes, or you aren’t training. Even though his grades were at a comfortable B- average, Daniel wanted better, and knew he could get better.

As Daniel got to his locker at Angel Grove High School, the rest of school getting through their breakfast and getting their last second homework done. Daniel casually went through his things before coming across a single gold coin that he had found the night before and left in there. On it was the image of a mammoth. He figured it was probably from the science museum, and also couldn’t help but wonder if it was real gold… but probably not. Mindlessly stuffing it into his pocket Daniel shut his locker behind himself. Sighing as another boring day of school began.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BloodyNine


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Quentin was up and dressed for school at 6:30. The rest of the hour was spent making sure that he was happy with the exact manner that his hair stood on his head. It had been two weeks since he had dyed the top portion pink and it was a decision that he had been supremely pleased with. With that task completed he headed into the kitchen to find his father staring blankly at a newspaper. “Hey, dad.” He patted the man on his shoulder and got a grunt in response. Without even bothering to toast them he grabbed a packet of Pop-Tarts and began to eat them there right next the the cabinet he had found them in. “You know you never turned the toaster on right?” His father looked up at him and Quentin walked over to the toaster pushed down the switch on the toaster and it began the process of toasting the waffles that had been sitting there for what was likely around twenty minutes. Alan offered his son a sheepish grin and gave a small wave as Quentin walked into the garage.

The teen hit the button beside the door and took a seat in the Focus he drove to school. As soon as he was in the car he looked over his shoulder to make sure his back pack was still sitting on the back seat where he left it and then buckled up. A turn of the keys brought the white car to life. Positive that nothing had been forgotten Quentin started the drive to school. It was a longer trip than most of the other students probably made, but there wasn't much in the way of traffic so he managed to make to Angel Grove High with time to spare.

Like many people he was a creature of habit and took the same parking space he normally used and waited for the song playing on the radio to end before turning the car off. After reaching back and grabbing his backpack Quentin exited the vehicle and started the walk to class. As soon as he steeped off of the parking lot he hit the button on his car key and locked the vehicle with out looking back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

School was beginning for the day and everyone was getting settled in. A girl in a red top with dark hair, a skinnier boy wearing black with pink trim and highlights in his hair, among others had already found their places. Just as the bell rang for class a girl with a mostly yellow volleyball shirt rushed into her seat last second. Some of the students talked among themselves. A boy in a school wrestling shirt, funny enough in black and yellow [GO Wildcats!], came in as well with his veins pumping and his chest seeminly puffed out. Dude was just that buff.

"Natural Science is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of ecology and natural resources at the local and state level..." began the teacher, turning to his class, "Many of you are still getting relocated to other classes. If this is your first day, since I see some new faces, I am Mr. St. John." he continued.

"This class also addresses environmental issues relevant to the state and makes connections to the effects on the global community. In this class you will all learn about ecology, local plant and animal identification, hunting, natural resources, land use issues, and human impacts both positive and negative on the environment. Expect to spend some time outside, and we'll go on field trips probably once every two weeks or so...." Mr. St. John said running his hand down his red tie while flipping through a text book.

Across town....

"You start Saturday at 11 am," an older man with a mustache and oil stained shirt said shaking Alexander's hand, "I think you'll fit in good here..."

Alexander walked out of the open door of the garage with a grin. He found a job in record time and walked back over to his motorcycle. He took his jacket off revealing his green sleeveless shirt and a large snake-like dragon tattoo on his left arm and shoulder. As he rode towards the park where a young boy in blue played with a power coin, several Putty Monsters began taking shape and moving towards the park. The garage owner, who's shirt had a name tag that said "Bill," walked into the back where two other employees laid dead. The man who was once Bill, and his only employee, a young man with a red undershirt, who's name tag read "Steve."

"It's done, my queen." said the man disguised as Bill before shifting into the pudgy Squat, "I await your further orders...."

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tamara hit her seat in the classroom so fast she nearly fell off the other side of it. But then, that was her fault for sleeping in.

Nailed it! she thought to herself, smirking slightly as class began. In the back of her mind, she was wondering why she'd taken this class at all, but to be fair it had been a "lesser of two evils" type deal; there were other electives on the list that she wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, but she still needed to fill her timetable somehow.

Whatever the case was, she sighed as she pulled a textbook from her bag, idly thumbing through it and only half paying attention to the teacher.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Nothin'. Load of nothing at all."Jace sighed kicking the sand around. Out of his pocket he pulled out his coin and rubbed it, making sure the dinosaur etching was still on there. It shined as a ray of light hit it. He smiled and then made a motion to take a seat on the swingset when he noticed the mummies. Were they mummies? They walked weird, sluggish and slow. It was scary. Jace immediately tensed up, put his coin in his pocket and shut his mouth. Unfortunately keeping quiet was too no avail, and they noticed him.

"G-get away from me."He said as he picked up his backpack near the swing. "Leave me alone!" One got close enough to grab his arm and as he struggled to get away, the grip tightened. Gurgling noises came from their mouths. Jace really felt like crying but the tears wouldn't form -- he was too scared. With his free hand he hit the monster with his backpack, who let him go momentarily doubling over in pain (He had A LOT of heavy books in there), but another monster was quick to grab both of his hands. The coin in his pocket began to glow more, and more.

"NO!! HELP!"He grunted trying to squirm free. "SOMEBODY HELP." As the rest of them circled around him, Jace hung his head in shame. If only he went to school today. The grip was so tight now that he started losing feeling in his hands. He dropped to his knees. Somebody...anybody...help...me...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the buff guy had his seat in the classroom, he idly sat and watched on as the teacher was either giving a speech, or demonstrating what being the living version of drying paint looked like. Getting out a textbook and doing anything humanly possible in that moment to stop himself from falling asleep. Daniel started reading random chapters while trying to at least pay some attention to the speech. Even if the guy was so bland Daniel was slowly starting to feel like he was losing his marbles.

Sure enough his physique was getting a few people’s wandering attention. Few girls looked over, a little wink or a little smile. Daniel would return it in kind, not wanting to disappoint his biggest fans of course. He knew some of them, though truthfully he didn’t care much about them. They always acted like they wanted him, but it was more clearly the social status clinging to him would bring. Letting girls starved for popularity leach onto them would be fine for some. Daniel though tried to never let people see him as some meathead though. It wasn’t easy, some people in the school were never going to see him as anything but, and he was going to have to live with that.

Daniel paused for a moment, pulling out the Mammoth coin from earlier out of his pocket. Absent mindedly rolling it across his knuckles like a poker chip as he continued to try and save himself from boredom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Shouldn't you be in school, kid?" asked Alex as he rode his motorcycle through the half dozen or so putty monsters.

Crashing the cycle right through one of the putty creatures, Alexander Mason ran for the outnumbered kid with the glowing pocket. The creature he thought he had defeated simply put itself back together and headed for the boy in the blue shirt as well. Mason jumped right in throwing punches and then grabbed one of the creatures and threw it into a tree making it splat. Mason noticed the glowing pocket and the boy again and freed him from the putty hands of the creature.

"You must have something they want... I bet it looks like this!" he said pulling out his dragon coin.

"Follow my lead and just say whatever animal is on the coin.... I call upon the power of the Dragon"!" yelled the young man in the sleveless green shirt.

Green armor appeared from nowhere like something from an anime and built itself around Alex. Gold armor plating appeared on top of a mostly green suit with black boots. Lastly a heltmet closed around the head and the guy was ready to go into battle. He fought mostly the same way he had before the suit appeared and gave him power, however his physical attributes had now been heightened. He could leap higher, run faster, and lift heavier things. While one of the putty creatures was somewhat solidified the Green Ranger lifted it and threw it into it's friends. After trading blows with a couple more of them it looked like the Green Ranger had bitten off a little more than he was ready to chew.

"You gonna activate that coin or what, kid?" the green clad Alex asked from underneath the helmet.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jace had stopped squirming and gave up when the motorcyclist made his way to the scene. It was awesome how he just drove through those monsters that were grabbing him. When he was finally freed he mouthed, "Awesome..." When he asked if he had something and showed him the like of his coin, Jace raised his eyebrows in suprise. "Huh...you mean this thing?"He said looking down at the coin.

"Follow my lead..."

Was his reply and out of nowhere, armor just attached himself onto the dude. "Whoah...Nice..."He said as he starred at the green ranger in wonder as the guy started fighting. After finishing off a few of those monsters, he broke Jace out of his stupor. "Oh right...Got it!" He held the coin in his palm and yelled, "Triceratops!" The coin sparkled as his body grew to a teen size along with his facial features. The Blue armor neatly fixed itself around Jace and the helmet, last of course while Jace looked down at his new suit. He felt stronger, and even with the armor...lighter. "Is this really happening? This is so cool. Just like my video games!" His voice sounded deeper but, he couldn't really tell. He bounced up and down on his tip toes as a putty tried to pummel him down. He was easily side swept and kicked in the back, onto the sand.
"Nice try! Ha!" As the other putties continued to attack him, he was pleasantly surprised at how easy he found dodging their attempts and using their own energy against him. He did, however, let his guard down a bit against three at once, who successfully hit him against the swing pole.

"Ouch..."He said rubbing his helmet. They surrounded him but he quickly got up and swiped with his ankle against all theirs, causing them to tumble. The green ranger seemed to be handling himself amazingly as he wasn't hit once. A sight that made Jace a little envious but in awe at the same time. Finishing off the last putty near him, Jace flexed his arm. "Oh YEAH!"
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