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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I am not sure how well I understand." Tarentek responded regretfully. "Those concepts, soul, spirit, and heart, are not ones I grew up with, so I don't think I understand them in the same way you do. I remember you describing your soul as your 'eternal self,' but don't understand exactly how you can make it weaker or stronger. I will try to understand as best as I can, if you believe it is something you can explain in words. For my people, we did not have any sort of ritual to determine our role. In theory, our paths were chosen based on our greatest talents, but that was usually just following our parents' roles. After all, our talents are usually formed through what our parents teach us. The methods of your people are new to me; foreign."

Tarentek doubted his answer was what Onyx wanted to hear, but nevertheless, he gave a smile and tried to elevate the mood at least somewhat. "But, as I said before, my people are always open to new ideas, and I am no exception. And as someone with an outside perspective, I might even be able to give some advice."
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"I am not sure if I could explain it any differently without distorting the meaning, but I can say that my situation is very rare. Most of my people, across all the tribes, have a weaker Heart and a stronger soul. They are harder to get along with, but they are better suited to leadership and making decisions that affect more than themselves." Onyx stopped walking as she spoke, while a thought came to her. "I also think I mentioned Fellagang and Heillias last night, although I don't think I said anything about them..." Onyx trailed off as she tried to think exactly what she should say. She didn't want to make Tarentek think she was forcing him to recognize them, but she wanted to be clear that they were not simply the meaningless fact that he was so used to learning in his culture.

Then, the words came to her, a breathy whisper in her mind. "Yes, our Soul is our eternal self and the source of our strength when we come of age. A strong Soul is sought after and guarded by Fellagang and his minions, as he is the patron of our Soul, and a strong Heart is guarded by Heillias, the patron of our Heart. Fellagang and Heillias fight each other for the right to be recognized as the 'good' conscience, as they both are a major power on the decisions we make."

"The only way to make a Soul stronger is if one is blessed by Heillias, where a stronger Heart is a blessing of Fellagang. They can only bless the other's patronage because that is the nature of their fight. One with a stronger Heart is more likely to listen to Heillias than Fellagang, where one with a strong Soul listens more to Fellagang than Heillias. They are both jealous of the other, so they are very unlikely to bless anyone unless their Spirit is strong enough for such a change to leave their loyalty unaffected."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek did his best to understand what Onyx was explaining. To him, what she described was a spiritualistic religion, a concept that was foreign to his people. Despite this, her beliefs were not so complicated as to make him unable to understand entirely. As she explained it, the soul and spirit was indicative of different parts of their personalities, with each guarded by one of their deities. That was actually reasonably similar to his own people's beliefs, though in the case of the Karisskan, Jhala imparted onto them their entire personality. He still felt that there were parts he must be missing, as any religion was too complicated to explain in a few short sentences, but he did have some thoughts on what she had said so far.

"I see, so these beings work against one another, but both for your benefit. And a stronger heart means you are blessed by...Fellagang. You said a strong soul is important when you come of age, but I have a question about your heart. Namely, what are all the traits a strong heart bestows upon you? If a strong heart gives you certain traits, then those traits would have to give you certain skills and abilities that others do not necessarily possess." Tarentek asked.
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"I am glad you seem to understand better now." Onyx said before answering his question. "Well, our Heart grants us compassion and joy, along with love and loyalty. Heart becomes our agility and speed in battle, and a guide when we are unsure what to do. Those with a stronger heart are more delicate than those with a weak heart, but are often kinder than those with a weak heart."

"I would not say that our Heart does not give us good traits, but none of them define a practical role in our society. Sentries and scouts, hunters and healers, and leaders are the fundamental roles that must be filled for a tribe to continue to survive, while the role of a prophet, merchant, or diplomat is unnecessary because of the leader's ability to contact other tribes and arrange trades like that. Most Sentries can play the role of a merchant if needed, and prophets are practically nonexistent once you are this far from the hearth of our people."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"You know, I believe I might disagree with that." Tarentek commented, casting his gaze across the village as they walked along in order to observe his surroundings. He did not know for how long her people had been living essentially alone in these mountains, but he had the feeling that they would not be able to maintain their isolation forever. "The way your people live, it seems to have worked for you. Even without those roles you just mentioned, your people have survived and, normally, would probably continue doing so. However, with this Empire approaching, I have a feeling that the wave of change is going to come crashing down over this place, and every other settlement in this area. No matter how events unfold, I see no way that any city is going to remain untouched. I do not know if I told you, but that mission your father assigned me is to go to Tel Nof, with an escort, and negotiate on behalf of your people to secure their aid in the coming war. From all I have gathered, that is something that has never happened with your tribe, or if it has, no one has mentioned it."

Tarentek looked back to Onyx with an encouraging expression. "This problem you face, with your heart being stronger than your soul, it may just be a sign of things to come. You people might not have traditionally needed the roles you are suited for, but as change sweeps the land, your people may find themselves in dire need of people like you. After all, if it were anyone else from your tribe who had found me, I doubt they would have saved me. You would not have received my warning, and you would be left to face our enemy alone, with no time to seek help from even your own kin."
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Onyx couldn't stop herself from staring at Tarentek as they walked. Her father wants him to play the role of a diplomat!? "Y-you make a valid point, however that would imply that Fellagang and Heillias knew this was going to happen by the time of my birth, and that is not possible. Only Olias can tell the events of the future, but Olias never tells Fellagang or Heillias anything of what they see. Only Spirits of the past may guide the Spirit of the future."

Onyx sighed and took a deep breath before continuing. "One thing I think I've realized by talking with you about this is that I probably am destined to be a Prophet or a Diplomat like my mother is. I will have to go to Fellagang's place of power and ask him for guidance to be sure, however I have a feeling in my heart that I am right." Onyx stopped talking and led Tarentek the rest of the way to the marketplace in silence.

The marketplace was one of the most confusing things Onyx had ever experienced in her life, and it was all because of wings. Everyone in the market was almost always an Elissic, because of the aversion her race had towards outsiders they rarely appeared there, however the living mosaic of multi-colored wings made it just as confusing as if every person there was a different race altogether.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek was not sure if his counsel was helpful or not. On the one hand, she explained more about her beliefs that made her seem as if she was skeptical, but on the other, she also seemed to accept it in the end. In any case, he believed he had said all his limited knowledge would allow him to, so they were silent for the remainder of the walk to the market.

As with most markets, this one was crowded, at least in comparison to the rest of the village. Being that Amman was a sizable city, he was accustomed to large crowds, but this one looked a fair amount more spectacular simply because of the people themselves. Tarentek had been unaware that Onyx's people could show such a variety of bright colors in their wings. While perhaps not conducive to camouflage, their multicolored wings made his own race seem bland by comparison. This was the first time he had been in a crowd of her people, so Tarentek glanced over to Onyx somewhat nervously. "So...are there specific people in the market you think I should see, or should we just wander? Either way, it might be best for you to lead."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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"I have a few things I've been looking for, so we'll visit with those traders first. After that we can wander around for awhile if you like." Onyx started leading him through the crowd, pointing out traders she knew and what they normally had with them. She noticed after a little bit that even though everyone was being nice to her like normal, they seemed to be trying to avoid talking to her, as she was the one calling out to each of them.

Onyx hoped that Tarentek would not notice their actions, as they were probably only being like this because she was leading him around. "If anyone seems hostile to you I will tell them off. Most of these people are from other tribes who are currently cordial of better to us right now, so they may know who I am by my name." She said to Tarentek, more to keep herself calm than for his benefit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I see." Tarentek answered. Mostly, he had been observing the vendors and their products. Since her people restricted their settlements to only Elissics, they did not have quite the variety of trade goods that he was used to seeing in markets, but it was an interesting experience nonetheless. In particular, he found himself interested in their more artistic works. As he would expect, their style of art was much different than what he was accustomed to seeing. Unless two groups had extended contact, it was rare that they would have similar artistic styles. Just like the multicolored wings of their creators, the sculptures and paintings were filled with color, which made some stands into impressive displays. Some of Tarentek's people felt that art was not useful, but he personally believed that beautiful works that their own, practical reward. If Tarentek actually had anything of value that he did not need, he might have even traded for one.

After a few moments Tarentek shifted his gaze to Onyx once more. "I am not expecting trust, but...do you think it will ever be possible for me to gain it? Would anyone you know here even be willing to speak to me? Also, what do you think they know about me? Your father must have told them something, but I do not know what."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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"I would assume that he told everyone not to attack you at least, although I am unsure about the extent of any other interaction he would have specified. The people of my tribe, the ones with golden-brown wings here, might not be as willing to speak to you as much as the people of other tribes because they may feel that you are less obtrusive because they don't live here." Onyx hoped that her explanation made sense, that those living here would rather avoid talking to him because of their distrust.

"Here's one of my favorite stands." Onyx led Tarentek over to a stand that had dried herbs and sculptures made of sweet-smelling wax. Greeting the trader, an old sentry of the Black-wing tribe, Onyx started looking over all of the statues. "Good day Jai'san! How have you been?"

"Good as always, Onyx Bright. Do you see anything you like?" The old trader seemed to notice Tarentek then, and narrowed his eyes at him. "And who are you?"

"Tarentek. If you got here before yesterday you would not have had any warning about him yet, Jai'san. I found him at the sea yesterday at about this time and- Here it is!" Onyx cut off her explanation and picked up a delicate-looking sculpture made of a light brown wax. "You always have a Honey sculpture, it just took me longer to find it today."

Onyx was smiling at herself while Jai'san looked back and forth between her and Tarentek. "Um, you were saying?" He prompted her after a few seconds. "What would I have been warned about?"

"Oh! Right, sorry. You would have been told that Tarentek was found near-death and is staying here to recover, under my watch. You also probably would have been told not to attack him." Onyx put the statue back on the counter and took out her med-pack. "I have my usual supplies with me, what are you willing to trade for the statue and a braid of dried Creosote?"

"A honey-statue and Creosote? Hmm... Two rolls of bandages should be fine." After Onyx had finished her explanation the trader had simply nodded and was now watching Tarentek with curiosity rather than malice. "You remind me of the Karisskan, are you one?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The trader's reaction to seeing Tarentek was initially no different than any other Elissic he had run into, but he was surprised to see that he was actually willing to speak to him after they were introduced. Opal had seemed unwilling to do any more than tolerate his presence, but as Onyx said, those from outside the village were potentially more accepting. He nodded to Jai'san before responding. "Yes, I am indeed Karisskan. From what I have been told, it is exceptionally rare for one of my kind, or any other kind for that matter, to be allowed into this place. However, there were...extenuating circumstances that granted me an exception." He explained.

Tarentek was not precisely sure how much he should share about his reason for being here at this time. He understood that Raldel might want to avoid a panic, so revealing the full gravity of the situation might not be wise. However, giving a basic warning about danger to the east could save lives without risking panic if anyone intended to travel in that direction. "There is trouble in the east. If you have any plans to travel in that direction, I would cancel them if at all possible." He added.
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Jai'san Simply shook his head before answering. "No, this is as far east as I ever go. My route comes from the southwest continent, up through this region, and to the northwest in an arc around the great sea." He smiled at Onyx as she handed him the two rolls of bandages. "Speaking of paths, the fact that you needed a honey statue makes me think that you have a better idea of what yours is now Onyx."

"Yes, I suppose you could say that. I plan to preform a solo ritual at Fellagang's place of power at high-moon tonight." Onyx said as she gently placed the statue and herbs into her med-pack. "Will you still be here then?"

"Alas, no. I depart at sunset dear. Best of luck, however it seems strange that you would ask the guidance of Fellagang rather than Heillias. Planing on being a merchant like me?"

"I am still unsure of that, although I don't suppose that it's impossible." Onyx gave a small smile before continuing. "Good travels, Jai'san. May Olias watch over you." Onyx gave a small bow as she said goodbye, and the trader returned it as he did the sentiment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek mimicked Onyx's gesture, then moved with her. From her conversation with Jai'san, Tarentek gathered that her personality traits were not quite as uncommon among her race as she initially said, though perhaps she was rare among her particular tribe. Tarentek did not know the significance of this ritual she spoke of, but it seemed like something highly personal to her. It was possible that it was some sort of coming-of-age ritual where she selected her path in life. The Karisskan had no such customs, but many of the races who traded with Amman did, so Tarentek was familiar with the concept.

"I will be honest, I did not expect him to speak to me. Perhaps if I can speak to more of your people, I might have some chance of at least changing a few minds." Tarentek commented before his attention slowly shifted to the pouch in which she had placed her statue. "So this statue you purchased, it is for a ritual, you said? Will this ritual give you the answers you need about your future?" He asked with genuine curiosity.
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"Hopefully, yes. If Fellagang hears me, he may point out my path to me. Once I know that, I can begin to prepare for my coming-of-age ritual, not to mention that I'll be a step closer to acceptance by the tribe." Onyx patted the lump where she felt the statue was in her med-pack and smiled. "Honestly, I don't know why I feel so happy right now. From everything that's been going on I should be worried about more than just my own future, but I can't bring myself to focus on those thoughts."

Onyx was silent for a moment and then spoke again when they had passed a trader she did not recognize. "Here, I will show you how to greet someone you don't know. Watch my exchange with this merchant, and then do the same as I did after we bow. I will still be there, so I can introduce you if needed." With that she walked up to the stand. The trader smiled when he noticed her.

"Greetings! I am Haku Gil, of the White-wing tribe." He kept smiling as Onyx introduced herself.

"Good day Haku'gil. I am Onyx Bright of the Gold-wing tribe." Her eyes glinted in laughter as she continued. "That's quite a name for a merchant."

"You have quite a name yourself. Are you really so unpredictable?" His smile betrayed his laughter as Onyx smiled back.

"Around here I seem to be. Are you always honest?"

"I try to be, at least when it comes to fish." He bowed slightly, and Onyx bowed back. His stand seemed to be filled with stacks of stone slabs. They were not very thick, however the sheer amount of them was surprising to Onyx. He must not live too far away, or he is stronger than he looks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Even if he did not understand everything involved, Tarentek was glad to hear that Onyx was happy with what she was doing. It would likely help her to go into the coming crisis with a clear head. It was not long before Onyx stopped him near another merchant's stall, deciding to instruct him in how to greet strangers. With the relative success he had experienced so far, Tarentek decided that it could not hurt to try, so he watched her closely as she approached the merchant. There were some words of her people's dialect that he did not understand, mostly names, but fortunately, their greetings seemed simple enough. At least, there did not seem to be anything different from greetings among his own people.

Tarentek stepped forward beside Onyx, mimicking her posture. "Greetings, I am Tarentek, of Amman." He said politely, though he wasn't absolutely sure if he was meant to say anything afterwards. He assumed it was appropriate to exchange simple banter as Onyx had, but in any case, he would wait for Haku'gil to respond.
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"And I am Haku Gil. It is nice to meet someone who is not an Elissic so early in my route." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "My name means 'Honest Fish' among my race. I will not attempt to guess at what your name means however. I do not wish to offend you." He bowed as he finished, an easy smile on his face.

Onyx nodded and smiled at Tarentek. He'd done well, although it was normal to allow the trader to greet you first as a courtesy. She'd tell him about that later though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"You need not worry about offending me. I understand that you do not necessarily know of my people's customs...just as I would like to apologize in advance for any mistakes I may make. I'm afraid that I am quite unfamiliar with your people, as I have only just arrived in this...nest." Tarentek explained briefly. He was quite pleasantly surprised by Haku Gil's overall demeanor. While the previous trader was readily accepting of Tarentek's presence, Haku was openly friendly towards him.

Tarentek gave a bow as well, assuming that it was the appropriate gesture. "The meaning of my name is 'Favored-of-the-Gods,' though whether it is an accurate name, I suppose is not for me to decide. You said you are accustomed to meeting other races, correct? I did not know there were Elissics who traded among other races. Onyx explained to me that her tribe does not tend to interact with outsiders, though I suppose if your people have many tribes, you also must have many customs."
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"We are not Very kind to other races in much else we do, that is the same for every tribe I know of, however as a merchant I am a part of a group that is much more involved with other races. We do not have the limitations of heart that cause Sentries and Scouts to be so cold towards others." Haku'gil looked at Onyx warily. "Not that I think I'm better than a Sentry or Scout in any way."

Onyx smiled at him and shook her head. "You have made no offence. I have not come of age yet."

"Oh, really? But you're so..." He trailed off, squinting at her.

"Mature?" She offered.

"Somewhat." He went back to smiling at her. "So, you know your path?"

"Somewhat. I have a plan." Onyx looked back to the stone slabs piled on the counter. "So, Haku'gil, what is all this? I seems rather strange to carry around stone slabs to each of the tribes."

Haku'gil's smile grew even bigger, if that's even possible. He took hold of one of the slabs and gently lifted it up, revealing an array of beautiful pressed flowers. "These are my wares, although if you're interested in the slabs I can arrange something for those too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Haku'gil's answer mostly served to create more questions for Tarentek. He wondered what role merchants served within their society, how many there were, and how often they traded outside of the Elissic tribes, but those were questions he could ask Onyx later. For now, he observed the pressed flowers after Haku pulled back one of the slabs. Even when he had nothing to trade, Tarentek enjoyed going to markets just to see wares such as these. The flowers were colorful, and many of them he had not seen before.

"These flowers are quite brilliant, I must say. Some of them are unfamiliar to me; are they from outside the desert? There are not too many flowering plants in this area, and I have a reasonable belief that I have seen most of them. If so, then you have likely traveled to farther places than I have ever had the pleasure of visiting." Tarentek commented, though as a thought crossed his mind, his expression became slightly more concerned. "Do you happen to travel to the east of here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Yea, these came from the northeast. It's a lot cooler there, so these beauties are everywhere. I decided to bring them with me to this region because of the lack of flowers here." He picked up one that was a bright red color and gave it to Onyx to hold. "These are one of the most common, so they're not worth enough to trade anything for. You can have it."

"Really? You just said that because there aren't a lot of flowers here-"

"There are so many of these that they're considered a weed by my tribe. They take up space that could be used to grow food or medicinal herbs instead. I'm happy to be rid of it, besides it looks good with you."

"Well, thank you." Onyx put it gently inside her med-pack before turning back to Haku'gil. "So, your tribe lives to the northeast? What is it like there?"

"Not as good recently. There's some trouble in the south that's been bugging a few of our sister tribes. Apparently, a few have even been wiped out." Haku'gil frowned and looked at Tarentek. "You sounded worried when you asked if i'd been to the east. Do you know something about this?"
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