Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Oh, you don't need to worry right now. I didn't mean to say that I am getting worse or anything, just that I am not up to my normal strength. Rest assured, I am steadily improving. Though, I suppose it will not hurt to take the pills." Tarentek answered reassuringly before taking the pills, followed by a drink of water.

"Thank you. If you intend to play another game, I would be quite content to watch, but we could go elsewhere as well. If you think it would be appropriate for me to participate in something, I think I would...enjoy it. It would just have to be something that is not physically demanding." Tarentek added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Well, it's actually geting pretty late." Onyx said as she looked up at the sky. The Sun was getting low on the horizon, turning the sky a light orange color. "I actually haven't done any of my tasks for today. Would you like to accompany me on those?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Hmm, I did not know you would still have tasks to complete while you were assigned to me. Sure, I can accompany you. Perhaps I can even be of some help if it is nothing strenuous." Tarentek answered before slowly bringing himself up to his feet. It was questionable how much help he could actually provide for many tasks, but he was willing to try nevertheless.

Tarentek gave a glance to Onyx's friends, who were talking amongst themselves. While they seemed surprised at first to meet him, they were at least tolerating him at the moment. Of course, they were young, and perhaps not as far set in their ways as some of the older members of the community. Regardless, his experiences with meeting some of the members of the tribe had showed him that it might be possible to be accepted by them. Although, he did not know for how long he would even be with them. After his mission for Raldel, he could very well be made to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"I'm never given very laborious tasks, although I seriously doubt you'll be any help to me." Onyx laughed as she began leading the way to a large ruin that looked more intact than many of the others around the nest.

She stopped at the entrance and spoke again. "Wait here for me. I have to go in and revive my tasks. This will not take long." True to her word, she reappeared just moments later carrying a few small items that were wrapped in simple white cloth. "I have to do deliveries today. It might be faster if I did this alone though, and easier because some of the places can only be reached by flight. Do you still wish to accompany me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Tarentek did not know what kind of tasks Onyx might have that he could not help with, though it made sense once she emerged from the ruin with the items in hand. She could very easily cover more ground, more quickly than himself, so he did begin to reconsider his decision to join her. As much as he wished to learn more about the tribe, he had no desire to hold her back from her duties.

"Honestly, I probably shouldn't accompany you. It would be far more efficient for you to simply give the deliveries by flight. I will head back to your den. I was paying attention as we walked, so I know the way back, and I do not believe anyone will bother me. I will see you once you return." Tarentek answered.

After the two parted, Tarentek made his way back across the bridges and down the paths to Onyx's den. Since most of the tribe flew to their destinations, it was not hard for him to stay out sight and out of mind. While he had positive experiences with the people Onyx introduced him to, he had a feeling that other individuals, such as sentries, would not be as open-minded.

As soon as Tarentek made it to Onyx's den, he took a seat in the main room to rest after a long day of walking. Despite his condition, he wanted to maintain a minimum amount of exercise, so he hoped he would continue to be allowed outside. At first, he did not believe he had much to do while he waited for Onyx to return to her home, but as the scent of some of her cooking ingredients entered his nose, an idea formed in his mind. Onyx had seemed interested in the idea of learning some of his recipes, so why not simply show her one? He began to grin to himself as he lit a fire with which to cook, then searched through her stores of ingredients. They were not as varied as what he was used to, but there was plenty he could make in the time it would take for her to finish her deliveries. Eventually, he decided on something partially similar to the dish he had described before. She did not have everything needed to make the right kind of bread, but he could make flatbread for a type of meat pie with ground mutton, melted cheese, and a collection of spices.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx was slightly relieved that Tarentek had not insisted on going with her on the deliveries. They did not take too long, So when she got back to her den Onyx was surprised to find Tarentek cooking.

"Of all the places you could have snooped around in here, you choose the kitchen? I must say though, that smells good." Onyx sniffed the air. She had no idea what it was he was making, so she went over and started watching him to try and guess.

"Oh! This looks like what you described earlier! Or at least, something like I had imagined when you had told me." Onyx couldn't keep the excitement from her voice when she spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The meal was nearing completion by the time Onyx returned. He might have finished sooner if it had not taken him so long to find something he could use to grind up the meat. It was the one thing he needed which he could not locate by scent, so he had to guess at where he could find it.

Hearing Onyx's surprise caused Tarentek to smile as he turned to look at her. "Not exactly, but it is similar. I though I would do something to give at least a bit back for the kindnesses you've done for me. I did not have everything I needed for the right kind of bread, but as long as there is flour and water, I can make flatbread. I'm making two personal meat pies for each of us, each with ground mutton, melted cheese, and a combination of spices you had on hand. It is fairly simple, though I did also add some spices to the bread as well, which should give it a bit more character. It is something my uncle taught me. It is all almost ready, I'm just waiting on the mutton to finish cooking, which shouldn't be more than a few minutes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Ok. Do you need help finding any dishes or utensils?" Onyx wondered at what he had said for a moment, and spoke another question. "Your, uncle? I am unfamiliar with this term."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Oh, he is my father's brother." Tarentek answered as he checked once more on the mutton. "He was one of the few in my family not to become a warrior. He has been reasonably successful, all things considered. He wanted to own his own business, but he was never able to amass the wealth necessary, so he went to work for someone else, an innkeeper. Luckily, they got along well enough that he ended up marrying her, so his life is fairly secure at this point. Well...as long as they made it through the attack."

Not wanting to dwell on the thoughts of his home, Tarentek quickly moved to retrieve the plates and utensils. "And don't worry, I found everything I needed well enough, though it did take a while to find something to grind up the meat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Well, It seem a strange word to use to describe your father's brother." Onyx purposely tried not to say anything else about the subject, it seemed that Tarentek was beginning to worry about those he had left behind. Onyx wasn't quite sure what to do, she wasn't really used to waiting for a meal that someone else had cooked. "Well, It's good that you were able to find everything. Would you, like me pour some drinks? There is water, of course, but also I have some cordial you might like. It's non-alcoholic, made from fruit juice, water, and sugar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Sure, I would not mind something different to drink. Perhaps in the future I could show you some of my favorite drinks as well, as long as you don't mind trying alcohol. I think the mutton is done, so I'll have everything ready in a moment." Tarentek answered as he began to move the ground mutton over onto two circular pieces of flatbread, then cover both in cheese. Once finished, he folded the flatbread over the meat to contain it so that it could be eaten with utensils, or simply with the hands.

Tarentek set down both plates at the table, then took a seat himself. "It is ready; I am eager to hear what you think. I'm wondering how well my people's tastes transfer over to yours. We both eat meat, and most of the other things you have in your kitchen, so I don't imagine our tastes are too different from one another." He observed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx poured two glasses of the cordial, and placed them on the table before taking a seat herself. The meal smelled delicious, but what Tarentek had said about tastes kept her from eating long enough to continue on the topic. "I doubt our tastes are completely the same though. Your people must have some reservations about certain foods that I definitely wouldn't have. Say for instance... You told me that your people are born from eggs, I know of a race that also is born from eggs that sees eating eggs as an abomination, while I must say I like the way bird's eggs taste."

"Or even something as simple as raw meat. I can eat it just fine, although I don't know if you can so I've cooked all the meat I've fed you so far. Now that I think about it, My people have very few reservations about what we eat, so long as it's not rotting." Onyx stopped talking to take a drink of her cordial. It's not as sweet as the last batch I made... It's still good though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Before beginning his meal, Tarentek tried the cordial Onyx poured for him. It was a sweet drink, much like he expected from her description of its ingredients. Visibly pleased with the drink, Tarentek moved on to finally start eating. The meat pie was partially encased by the bread, so he decided to forgo the use of utensils and simply used his hands.

"Hmm, I can understand why a race might have issue with eating eggs, but my people do not. We tend to be pragmatists when it comes to our food...or anything, really. Eggs are tasty, nutritious, and convenient. Now, if you tried to eat one of our eggs, we would have you tried and executed for murder. Bird eggs, however, go great with a number of dishes. Now raw meat, that is something neither I nor my people would choose to eat. I have had meat raw before, but it was out of necessity. There have been a few times that my scouting team was caught out in the desert with nothing to use to make a fire, usually when a sandstorm was keeping us in shelter. During those times, we ate our meat raw, but I certainly don't prefer it. Most of the people in Amman have probably never eaten meat raw. I can do it, but rather not. It's not so much because of the taste, but because of the extra risk of disease. Eating raw meat, you will probably be fine, but cooked meat will always be safer." Tarentek explained. "As far as tastes we have that you may not? Well, alcohol is a possibility. You said your people do not drink it, correct? Have you ever tried it before, or is it just something you haven't had available?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx took a bite of the sandwich before speaking again. "Wow, this is really good! I mean, It smelled good, but it tastes even better than I thought it would." Clearing her throat, she continued on their topic. "Well, alcohol has always been available, but I've never tried it nor have I ever needed it before. Some of the elders like alcohol, they like to mix it with sweet drinks like cordial or cook with it. I've been told that when you cook with alcohol that it just cooks away, leaving whatever you made with a strange flavor, however I've never done so myself because I don't believe that it could all simply cook away."

Onyx took another bite. "I have told you we use it as a painkiller, or so I believe I have, but I do remember telling you that it makes us as if we are dream-walking. As for cooked meat tasting better to you than raw... I suppose I could see why. I like both types the same, as you can do different things with the meat when you cook it, like this meal, however I find something..." She drifts off as she searches for the right word. "Intoxicating about being able to hunt your food, and eat it the minute you catch it. It always tastes good too, because it's still warm from the hunt. I imagine cold raw meat wouldn't taste as good, but I still wouldn't mind it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek gave a chuckle. "Alcohol is intoxicating as well, though in a different way. As you've said, drinking too much alcohol can and will put you in a different state of mind. Some find it rather pleasurable and therefore drink specifically for that effect. However, one should avoid drinking if they have any kind of important duties, as it would make fulfilling them quite impossible for a time. For most who drink, it is a mostly harmless hobby, but some can take it too far and rely on it too much. I had a friend who was like that, but by Jhala's grace, myself and our other friends managed to help him stop. Though, it was likely his betrothed who influenced him the most."

Tarentek appreciated the compliment on his food, so he returned one in kind for her drink. "I rather like this cordial. What kind of fruit is it made from? I think it tastes familiar, but I can't quite place it. In any case, sweet foods and drinks are some of my favorites. Some of my friends have said that I like things to be too sweet, but I don't think there is such a thing." He said with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Onyx smiled at his complement. "Of course there's no such thing. It's plums, by the way. They grow in the oases near the sea, and are very naturally sweet, although I still add sugar to make the cordial." Onyx took a sip and continued. "What types of fruit do you like to eat? Plum is one of my favorites, although I like grapes and apples also."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

"My favorite fruits? I rather like cherries, though we tend to have more pomegranates. Honestly, though, fruit isn't the largest part of our diet. When we are able, we eat as much meat as we can get our hands on. Just looking at my teeth can give that away." Tarentek answered, opening his mouth slightly to reveal his many long and sharp teeth. "It is quite easy for us to rip into tough things like meat, but chewing is a lot harder. We have to put in a lot more effort, and it is generally annoying. Possible, but annoying."

Another effect of Tarentek's comparatively large mouth was that he could take quite large bites. As a result, he was already close to finishing his meat pie, though he was still perfectly engaged in the conversation. "You know, I would like to thank you for showing me around the...nest today. I understand you might not be able to do so everyday, but I appreciate it just the same. Perhaps later, we can do more outside this den. As I mentioned before, I will not be up for much in the way of physical training for a time, but perhaps we could have some marksmanship training later, or at least archery? I am not certain how many bullets your tribe has on hand, so I don't know how freely you can use them for training. Sometimes, I forget that most settlements have not discovered how to make ammunition for firearms. It requires specialized knowledge that Amman's leadership was intent on keeping a closely guarded secret."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Not many of us have relics like that, If we need a ranged weapon we prefer something like a bow or slingshot. They're easier for us to aim in the air, and we don't have many relics of that type in the first place, so bows are more accessible. I prefer more, reliable, methods of fighting however; like hand-to-hand and fighting with knives and daggers. I can throw the knives if needed, but I prefer to know that the enemy can't deflect my attacks." Onyx was glad that Tarentek had enjoyed their little outing. "If you wish, I could show you the training grounds tomorrow. There might even be a spare bow that's your size that you could use."

Onyx looked at the sky for a moment. "I didn't notice, it's dark now. You should rest after you finish eating, I have something I need to do on my own by moon-high though, so I should probably leave soon." Onyx hurried to finish the meal and then she went around the den, gathering the things she would need to bring with her. "I'll do some cleaning when I get back. Try to be asleep by then though, there's some medicine on the table by your bed to help you sleep if you need."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tarentek nodded as Onyx spoke. He had finished his food and was now taking his time on the rest of his cordial while they finished their conversation. "I see. It makes sense that you would gravitate towards that which you know will work. Though, firearms can be reliable as well, if you have all of the knowledge necessary to sustain them. They can kill more efficiently and at longer ranges than any bow or blade. Our enemy certainly has the ability to maintain their weapons and supply ammunition, which is one reason we have to approach them cautiously. It would be useful if us and our allies had the same capabilities. I have taken an oath that I would never betray the secrets of my people, but now..." He began, his voice trailing off as his mind filled with conflicting questions. Both of them finished their meals, so Onyx began gathering up all she would need for what Tarentek assumed to be the ritual she intended to perform.

"Well, if you say your handguns are not reliable, I might be able to help. Sand can give any firearm problems; some more than others. It can wear down its parts and cause it to jam, but I've had a lot of practice fixing them." Tarentek offered as Onyx was getting ready to leave. "For now, though, I'll let you get on your way. I think I'll take your advice and get to sleep. I do need rest, after all. Good luck with all you need to do."

Tarentek returned to his room as Onyx was leaving. He almost had not noticed how tired he really was, given that he had been feeling fatigued pretty much constantly for the past few days. Still, it wasn't quite as bad as the previous day, and his health would only get better. Tarentek undressed and stored his belongings in the same place as the previous night, alongside his rifle. He had not brought his firearm out with him that day so as to avoid seeming threatening to the rest of Onyx's tribe, though he had been carrying his machete under his robe. He did not like to be completely unarmed if he could help it, and a machete could be a generally useful tool for purposes other than fighting. Just like the night before, it did not take long after Tarentek laid down for him to get to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Onyx got to Fellagang's place of power in just a few minutes. She was somewhat glad that there was no one there still, even though it wouldn't have been a problem if there were. She entered the shrine, an old ruin that was visibly in much better condition than any of the other structures in the nest that had been left behind by the ones before her people. The building itself was made of metal, rather than the stone that made the other buildings around the nest. Inside the domed roof, the singular room was enormous. There was a circular dip in the center, around which was a raised balcony that held the many offerings and mixtures of past rituals that had been held there.

Onyx walked in and paused at the stairs from the balcony to the lowered section of the room, checking again for people. She still saw no one, although now the thought made her uneasy. She forced the feeling away and bowed to the center of the room, speaking to the night air. "Spirits of Olias, I ask that you guard and witness my ritual tonight." Standing tall again, Onyx walked the circumference of the room and tried to remember how to start the ritual.

"Forgive my mistakes, and guide my actions." Onyx mumbled under her breath before she got back to the top of the steps down to the inner circle. Letting out her breath and forcing her mind to go blank, she stepped down and into the center of the inner circle and sat down. Taking the items she needed from her med-pack where she had put them to carry, she placed them in front of herself and began to arrange them in the way she remembered seeing others do when they had done a solo ritual.

Onyx had a small wooden bowl, the honey statue and dried Creosote she had gotten at the market earlier, along with a few other herbs and some flint to use to help start a small fire. She also pulled out one of her knives and placed it beside the flint. "That's everything, now to wait for moon-high." Onyx glanced at the sky through the large hole in the ceiling that allowed the moonlight in to illuminate the room, and would perfectly frame the moon overhead when it was time for her to start.

While she waited, Onyx prepared a little more. She thought about what she would say, and what she hoped she would hear in response, while she prepared the herbs in the bowl and the Creosote braid she cut in half, mixing one half of it with the herbs in the bowl and saving the rest to hold as it burned while she did her ritual. When moon-high finally came, she was ready.

First Onyx lit the herbs in the bowl by striking the flint against her knife, causing sparks that caught the dried leaves easily, and then lit the end of the remaining half of the Creosote braid off of the small flame that was in the bowl. Once the flame on both Items had died, Onyx put away her knife and the flint, and placed the honey statue in the bowl on top of the now-smoking herbs there.

Inhaling the sweet-scented mixture deeply, Onyx closed her eyes and began to speak. "Lord Fellagang, I seek your guidance. Please, answer me here, at the root of your power and link to our tribe, where I know spirits of Olias have gathered to bear witness to your answer." Onyx paused for a second as a small chill went through the air. "I recognize you, as I always have, the patron of Soul. I also recognize and accept that you have blessed me with a stronger heart than most, though I wish to ask what you wish for my path."

As Onyx spoke, she could feel the air grow colder. She listened for a moment, and when she heard nothing she went on. "Speaking with the outsider Tarentek helped me to remember a story that my mother, a diplomat blessed by you, once told me about the times of the beginning of our people, when we were just learning the best ways to decide the role of a member of the tribe, and when the roles of diplomats, traders, and prophets came into being. Back then, we as a people mostly ignored Heillias as the patron of heart because of our perception of the usefulness of the gifts of our heart. He was losing his battle with you, as we looked more to you and to the gifts of our souls, so he took our souls from us."

"Without the strengths of the soul, our leaders and warriors were unable to make decisions for the tribes and in battle, and many lives were lost due to this sudden weakness. As our people began to slowly die out, leaders that were blessed by you with a strong heart began to try and reach out to the other tribes, to negotiate an end to fighting through any means necessary, while others found a way to strengthen the tribes through trade between them. As Heillias had planned, the loss of soul had made us turn from you and realize the potential of the gifts of the heart. We continued in these new practices, staying strong but unable to get stronger, until the first Prophet began to travel between the tribes and explain the reasons for our troubles."

"Many still disagree about who that Prophet served, be it you, Heillias, or the spirits of Olias. What is known is that with the message the Prophet gave, we learned of the battle between you and Heillias and of the fact that the one who actually strengthens our soul is Heillias, while you gave us strong enough hearts to be able to survive the absence of our soul. Thank you for that, even though once we learned that we began to look more to Heillias than to you."

"In those times, we were nearly destroyed because we were too dependent on the strength of our soul, and with the threat of this new empire, we may be near destruction once again because of our soul. Those with strong souls, our leaders and sentries, have kept us closed off from the outsiders in a way that meant that we would become as we are now. Still fighting among ourselves as tribes and with the other races around us, and leaving us nearly helpless against such a large unified force as this empire."

"One outsider in particular has helped me to realize this, and he also said something else, about my strength of heart being a sign of the changing of the world and the new coming necessity for people who have a strong heart. Fellagang, I know my place is as one of these roles, but which one? My mother became a diplomat, could I be destined for the same path? Or am I to become a trader like Jai'san and Haku'gil?" Onyx went silent as she finally noticed the heat in her hands and opened her eyes.

The Creosote braid that she had been holding had burned down into her hand, also burning her. At first glance, Onyx could tell that the burn wasn't severe, it would heal by morning if she put some salve on it before she went to bed. The next thing she noticed was that she was no longer alone. Standing in front of her was an Elissic with pure black fur and wings, and unnaturally blue eyes. Before Onyx could say anything he knelt down beside her and took her burned hand, tracing the burn with his fingers. As he did so, the burn healed completely, her soft fur regrowing over it pure white.

"I am a spirit of Olias, and I have been watching you. In life I was a Prophet of Fellagang himself, now I am here to tell you that you will be too." He looked her in the eyes as he said this and then showed her his own hand, with the same white burn mark she now had. He smiled at her and stood back up, helping her to her feet as well. "Now, Onyx bright, speak this at your coming of age ritual. 'Thine eye that shines as white snow, Blessed me my wings of golden heart.' It is your personal Caantam and will show that you truly do know your path."

Onyx had so many things she wished to ask, but she could feel herself falling asleep where she stood. "Not falling, rising. You will find that none of this happened, and your words left unspoken bring you to the new day." She heard the echo of his words in the room, and opened her eyes to the lightness of the predawn sky showing through the large hole in the ceiling. She sat up and looked around, finding everything was as she had prepared it before she had lit the herbs, and also finding that the honey statue was missing entirely, though the sweet scent of it clung to her as if she had bathed in it.

She silently and quickly gathered up everything, and left the bowl of herbs and the unlit Creosote braid on the outer balcony by the entrance before she left. She did not think as she flew back to her den, and she did not remember to do any cleaning or check on Tarentek before she went to her bed and lay, trying to fall asleep while the Caantam the dark Elissic had told her ran through her mind over and over.
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