Plot summary:
Thaddious faced Evernight in a battle for his life, and won, but barely. Shortly after he returns to this world, his brother Jason appears. Jason is then taken away by Dark to help hold back the Demon Invasion, and there he meets Flora. The gk out, argue, go out again, argue some more, back and forth. In between this, Flora is also seeing Eric. After Ethan tried to stop Jason from being with Flora, Jason flew off back to his nest. Flora and Eric have now gone to meet up with him.
Thaddious faced Evernight in a battle for his life, and won, but barely. Shortly after he returns to this world, his brother Jason appears. Jason is then taken away by Dark to help hold back the Demon Invasion, and there he meets Flora. The gk out, argue, go out again, argue some more, back and forth. In between this, Flora is also seeing Eric. After Ethan tried to stop Jason from being with Flora, Jason flew off back to his nest. Flora and Eric have now gone to meet up with him.