Ehh, I'm sure it'll pop up eventually, also, I'm fairly certain you wouldn't have given me cake even if I did waited :P
Friction manipulation is cool. I would just use that, and leave out the fire thing, cause then he could be a highspeed combat guy.
Also I don't really understand Haru's ban on Martial Arts in Espers. Plenty of espers fight close quarters with help from their abilities, and saying "no martial arts" is like saying "You can have a gun, but you don't get to put bullets in it"
Let me guess, the worst pain you've ever felt was hitting your pinkie against some kind of furniture. *cringes*
<Snipped quote by chukklehed>
It's probably a fairness thing, but it makes more sense for higher level espers who have their range. After all, you can't really practice martial arts while memorizing a bunch of advanced physics/math/biology/etc to make your glorious psychic-based science viable. Or at least you shouldn't.
I'll agree on the CQC esper point, though. But those tend to be 1-2 anyway, since the Level Threes should be more versatile than that.
And BTW, I helped her come up wiht these bits and bites of rules nano desu~!
I think it is just fair for people without abilities and those with them to have fairer fights. After all, we don't see Misaka going all MMA on others nano desu~! And ranked 7 is another story, he's a gemstone, after all!