Amelia Jones – A hot-blooded American who loves a good fight, she is usually pretty care free, flirty and all in all, doesn’t seem to take her job too seriously but that due to her insane confidence. Cocky in a fight, she will often just head first without paying attention to details. She has .50 auto-cannon that can fold up in to a school bag. Subtly is not her strongest point.
Edelweiss Richtofen Bodwigg - A young, German loli who can carry weapons as incredibly heavy as her incredible aim. Her personality is normal of that for a loli, shy, meek and very adorable and imouto-like. Her weapons are explosive or long-range in nature, but her favorites are her Schwarz Regen DMR and Hadron Revolving Rocket Launcher, both of which are comically taller then she is.
Katyusha Belinsky – A strict, Russian who attempts to keep the team sane with varying levels of success. She can be described as the most professional and military of the bunch, often imposing strict training regiments that also have varying levels of success and sanity. She uses an AN-94 with a grenade launcher but is also a skilled fencer and takes her rapier with her on occasion. Getting her drunk will dramatically change her character.
Sakura Honda – A clam, level head Japanese girl. She is the “older sister” or “mother” of her group due to her age. While oblivious to some things, she is stated to have the reaction time need to cut bullets in midair. Her primary weapon is an alloy katana but does use a .45 pistol at ranged if need be. She sees the need to constantly mature so she doesn’t loose any of the team as she already lost a Mexican teammate due to her carelessness. Dotes on Anderson like he's her little brother at times.