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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

The higher he charges for ore, the less money I can make because no latter how good the tool is, it is only a piece of iron and this he can't make it more expensive without losing conpetativness with other smiths in the province. High iron price = Low profit on tools.

All legitimate concerns, which is why we would need to deal with this at some point. I don't know what the GM wants us to deal with first as plot, but this can certainly be a source of stress and conflict for our characters in the IC. Though I'm also interested to see how we, as a group of retired adventurers, will deal with this issue. I know that if we had a powerful wizard or a cleric of the Earth Domain making holes in the ground wouldn't be too tough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

All legitimate concerns, which is why we would need to deal with this at some point. I don't know what the GM wants us to deal with first as plot, but this can certainly be a source of stress and conflict for our characters in the IC. Though I'm also interested to see how we, as a group of retired adventurers, will deal with this issue. I know that if we had a powerful wizard or a cleric of the Earth Domain making holes in the ground wouldn't be too tough.

Well, we have an alchemical gnome in our RP, maybe she could brew up an explosive, though I'm not sure if she is skilled enough to do so. Otherwise it would have to be done conventionally, meaning I would have to work my ass off to make a bunch of tools for the good of your business and not my coffers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Well, we have an alchemical gnome in our RP, maybe she could brew up an explosive, though I'm not sure if she is skilled enough to do so. Otherwise it would have to be done conventionally, meaning I would have to work my ass off to make a bunch of tools for the good of your business and not my coffers.

Dynamite would he helpful for clearing out rubble, and Malakaus would need new pickaxes for the new workers coming in. There's also the matter of hiring folks from other settlements or just sticking with the folk in the village. While I'm certain most of everyone working in the mines have their own picks to use, the mine would be made faster if they hired more people, though this could bring it's own problems like outsiders who try to throw their weight into the city. Certainly something to be concerned about.

Though with Malakaus being tight with his money, he'd likely not want to hire outsiders to save costs and just stick with the workforce he already has to pay for. This would mean that it'll take longer for the mines to be ready, and that Ves won't profit from making new pickaxes, only repairing the ones from the new dig. Which I think would still be profitable, just not as profitable as Malakaus ordering a new shipment of pickaxes for the new workers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Going for sorcerer, gotta get dat charisma through da roof.

Name: Rav "Laughing Devil" Troklen

Race: Tiefling

Age: 36

Job: Tavern/Inn proprietor. Sole owner to the Dizzy Imp, home of their speciality ale, Asmodeus's Contract, a slightly spicy cinnamon taste that feels good at the time but your sure to regret it the next morning.
- Performer at the bar as well should the mood take him, as it usually does after a few drinks.

Class: Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline)/Bard

Short Story: Rav's earliest memories are those spent playing with the children of his traveling troupe. He had been there as long as he had remembered, living with a halflings couple when he was younger. The he and the children who he had been fast friends with, had been relegated to helping maintain the wagons and feeding and cleaning the animals, with older children being trained to follow their parents footsteps. At the wizened age of 8, it became rather obvious to Rav that he had no footsteps to follow in. His first clue had been the halflings he had grown up with had no tails to speak of, nor even a nub of a horn to speak of.

Armed with this sudden realization, and weilding a righteous fury only known to Heironeous and 8 year olds, he had demanded the ringleader tell him where his parents were. The fact that he was still wearing a clowns garb to advertise to townsfolk lessened the effect somewhat he feared. After the man had recovered from the shock of the angry little clown, he had spun a tale recounting the heroic efforts of his parents.

He listened in awe as the ringmaster told him of the terrible luck they had, falling into the path of a wandering war tribe of hobgoblins, who soon set their eyes on the rather poorly defended caravan. They had put up a rather valiant attempt at fending off the pack, a few of their entertainers knowing a bit of fighting good for shows and a few spells here and there, but most were hedge mages at best, all bluff and bluster. However it seemed that divine favor had been upon them that night, as a traveling tiefling cleric of Fharlanghn and her human husband were soon seen in the fray, none of the troupe having known where they came from, but they were surely turning the tides.

The battle had lasted long into the night, with many casualties. However despite this, the troupe somehow made it through the night, adrenaline pumping through them as they saw the retreating forms of the hobs. The ringleader hadn't learned until after the fight was done of the two strangers intervention, but was saddened to hear they had both fallen in the battle. The ringmaster had found Rav then in his own tent, and had taken the young boy as to respect the memory of those who had sacrificed themselves. He had then given Rave the tokens he had kept from his parents.

As the years passed, Rav gradually came into his heritage, going down a more arcane path than his mother's, and soon left the troupe afterwards, hearing the call of the road. After many adventures, a trail of broken hearts, and more than enough excitement to last him for awhile, Rav retired to the budding town of Grey Crossing 8 years ago, establishing the Dizzy Imp from a run down little stable with chairs to a rather well kept inn, bringing in a regular bit of buisness. He has been recently working on creating a new mead, having become satisfied that Asmodeus's Contract is now perfected.

Notable Quirks:
-Was born without the need to sleep
-Has a fairly high resistance to fire due to his bloodline, and will often set himself ablaze in non-musical performances... and occasionally in the musical ones if he's having a particularly tough crowd that night.
-Tends to fidget with his tail when thinking.
-Has a weakness for bets, often claiming with a chuckle that it must be a family trait.
-Will often hold a grudge against racist bastards. If it's pointed at him, no outward signs will be shown initially, as he will remain perfectly polite, they can expect their drinks to taste "funny", to be called as a volunteer for his acts, and should they order a room, it will unfortunately has a small vermin problem. However should it become a problem for his patrons, the offender shall find himself quickly out the door, his breeches often newly ventilated.

-Is rather skilled with the cello and viola, though can play most stringed instruments with some degree of competence.
-Quite the charmer, well aware of the mannerisms needed to work a crowd.
-Most of his spells fall into the illusion and enchantment schools, often preferring to end a fight with as little blood shed as possible. Though his few evocation spells stereotypically are flame spells.Has dabbled a bit in the other schools, mostly situational spells though.
-Has become rather adept at brewing after experimenting for a few years to perfect Asomdeus's Contract, could simply make most of the other drinks he keeps in his bar, but it's easier to buy stock from the other brewers than make it, as well as keeping up good relations. Exports a few barrels of his own ale a month, but tries to keep it in town to drum up local business.
-A decent fencer, able to take on most common men and dispatch the usual fare of monsters without too much trouble, though most of the warriors in town can run metaphorical circles around him when it comes to swordplay.
-Can grow leathery wings for a few minutes of flight due to his bloodline
-Can speak Common, Abyssal, and Gnomish. Can understand a few words in Draconic, but is far from fluent.
-A personal enchanted mug made to refill on a command word with Asmodeus's Contract. Can hold a pint at a time
-His mother's pendant
-His father's masterwork rapier. Has been altered with a returning enchantment after a arduous escapade to retrieve it, having resulted in the collapse of two kingdoms, the alignment shift of a minor deity, though he refuses to say which one, and the resealing of an archdaemon...3 Times.
-An engraving of his mother, obtained from the temple she had trained at.

-Drinking, often his own supply
-Preforming, especially if he has someone to preform with.
-Fencing, when the chance arises.
-Flirting, happens so often it qualifies as a hobby I suppose, though mostly harmless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I suppose we can do that. Yeah, mine's getting dry and Malakaus wants to hike up the price of iron. His nose is picking up new veins but he needs the money to start a new dig site, and really the only source of income is coming from each other. This can even be one of the first issues the village has to deal with: The local mine is getting dry and now they need to figure out how to get the money to fund a new dig. Malakaus of course wants everyone to chip in a bit even if he has to pay the most out of it, but at the moment he's also charging higher for ore to cover the cost of lots of things.

Interesting...Will put it in notes and missives.

All legitimate concerns, which is why we would need to deal with this at some point. I don't know what the GM wants us to deal with first as plot, but this can certainly be a source of stress and conflict for our characters in the IC. Though I'm also interested to see how we, as a group of retired adventurers, will deal with this issue. I know that if we had a powerful wizard or a cleric of the Earth Domain making holes in the ground wouldn't be too tough.

You have a sorcerer now (if he finishes his app)

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Well, we have an alchemical gnome in our RP, maybe she could brew up an explosive, though I'm not sure if she is skilled enough to do so. Otherwise it would have to be done conventionally, meaning I would have to work my ass off to make a bunch of tools for the good of your business and not my coffers.

Or that^

<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

Though with Malakaus being tight with his money, he'd likely not want to hire outsiders to save costs and just stick with the workforce he already has to pay for. This would mean that it'll take longer for the mines to be ready, and that Ves won't profit from making new pickaxes, only repairing the ones from the new dig. Which I think would still be profitable, just not as profitable as Malakaus ordering a new shipment of pickaxes for the new workers.

I will tell you (as briefly mentioned in the OP) that shipping through the Crossings has dried up-mercaneries are scarce (tempted off to foreign lands for war) for protection, the roads are deteriorating and all in all the region is economically depressed. Armor and weapons might pull a profit in neighboring lands if you could get them there...

@The Fox Without

Looking good so far. Put your images in 'hider's though! (sorry pet peeve) Don't go away guys still here-
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Had most of my history wrote up...then I deleted it -_-, ah well should have that up in a moment, need to look up the bloodlines for sorcerers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Had most of my history wrote up...then I deleted it -_-, ah well should have that up in a moment, need to look up the bloodlines for sorcerers.

Accepted! Nice to see an Inn/Tavern in town. Maybe Sheolred Marcosias could be a regular act at the Dizzy Imp?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by The Fox Without>

Accepted! Nice to see an Inn/Tavern in town. Maybe Sheolred Marcosias could be a regular act at the Dizzy Imp?

Awesome,looking forward to jumping in. As to having Sheolred work at the Dizzy Imp, I've no problem with it, and I doubt Rav could say no to a fellow performer. So it's up to Cypher on this one.
@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah it'd make sense. She'd likely work regularly there just to give her a day job. Though I'd imagine that she's more like a staff worker who happens to hold performances occasionally. She is a dancer after all, and while she can sing it's not something she tailors as much as her acrobatics and agility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mmm, I suppose so, but with her cloth whip thingy and Rav's fencing they could set up some choreographed dance/fight, although that may be further down the road. That and seeing as we seem to have a few characters with musical abilities, we just need a drummer and someone willing to do vocals to start a band.

I imagine most nights Rav has a few bards booked for the tavern, but I figure once or twice a week could be like open mic night or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well, I know that she and Malakaus do a father/daughter act together where he plays the fiddle and she dances.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That would be a good one.

Ugh making a tavern sounded fun, but now I've gotta write out the setup of the building, get some chefs, think of events :p it's like I have a job or something lol. Anyway was looking at the map and figure the Dizzy Imp Will be building five on the map if you don't have it planned out for anything. Gonna go make a list of all the things I need for a tavern.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

GM, are me characters accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@gogojakeo Everything looks good Gogo except for the mother getting pregnant by two men at once-to keep with the lighthearted tone of the setting why not make Riffin and Arthur either step brothers or the sons of a half-elf? (Arthur being the human side and Riffin being the elvish side-sounds like a prophecy being fufilled to me;but that's just the D&D speaking-I digress) Either way the town needs guards so your accepted! Post in the CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Rhymer When are we starting the IC your Majesty?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First Floor
-Tables for eating(13)
-A gambling area, figure 3 or 4 tables should be good.
-Stables(adjacent to the tavern itself, can hold 20 horses)
-Stage for preformers
-Entrance to food stores, two entrances one from behind the bar, one in the kitchen.
-Kitchen: an alcove behind the bar with an open window to receive orders. Probably needs at least 2 or 3 cooks.

Second Floor
-10 normal rooms, each containing a twin sized beds with a futon like matress, 1 wardrobe, a window, and a bedside table. 3 Gold per night

-5 Higher end rooms, known as the Advertiser's Discretion. Have higher end decor with Queen size bed with goose down matress, 1 wardrobe, no window. However the true reason for the price hike is the enchantment on the rooms. A silence spell worked into the walls, floor, and ceiling, allowing no sound to escape. 1 Anti-Divination spell, to keep mages of all kinds from watching. Free access to bathing room. 10 Gold per night.

-1 bathing room with basin, available for 1 Silver piece.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

@The Fox Without if you ever need a blacksmith, goldsmith, silversmith, clockwork engineer, a guy who can sew or a guy who can play a home-made instrument, give Vis a shout.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rhymer When are we starting the IC your Majesty?

Very soon. Just have a few more things to work out. Character roster is full.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Rhymer I've edited my CSes!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rhymer I've edited my CSes!

Ok accepted
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