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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Gannert
Race: Human
Age: 63
Job: None
Class: Rogue
Short History: Many years ago, Gannert was a member of a very competent party of adventurers, but he betrayed them to gain an extremely large sum of money. It was enough money that he would never have to work again, but he became very bitter from regret. Now he lives in Grey Crossings, and seeks to expose the secrets of others in the hope that this will distract others from his own horrible choices.
Quirks: Always cranky, hates "youngsters", loves gossip
Skills: Has forgotten most, but is still skilled in matters of espionage
Possessions: Large home, enough money to last him a lifetime
Hobbies: Gossip, spying on others, complaining
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Haven't played d&d, but have played a bit of pathfinder, was curious as to if you would have a problem with either tiefling race or strix, got a couple of ideas in the air atm
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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Primal Conundrum Amazonian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Marnico (Goes by Mary)
Race: Medusa
Age: Adult, equivalent maturity of a mid-twenties human
Job: Priestess
Class: Cleric

Appearance: Mary stands at a fairly tall 6'1", though the nest of snakes that composes her hair adds another few inches to that. She wears a red silk-looking blindfold at all times, to hide the empty holes where her eyes should be. Her clothing is usually somewhat billowy, but anyone who's ever seen her step up to help defend the town from bandits or the like knows that with a few twists and knots, her outfits can usually become fairly close-fitting and good for quick, precise movement without getting tangled in cloth. Her face is pleasant, once one gets passed the scaly skin, serpentine hair, pointed canine teeth and long, forked tongue.

Short History: Born without eyes and thus without the ability to turn people to stone, this was seen as a sign of of divine favor, and Marnico joined the ranks of the Medusan priestesses as soon as she came of age. She showed a lot of promise, and when she left on her traditional time of missionary work it was with the full confidence of her people behind her. With that much pressure on her, she couldn't simply go visit some of the savage tribes that the Medusa shared their island with, she'd need to do something bigger. She'd need to go to the mainland.

Leaving the island home of the Medusa, she found that her kind were widely reviled as monsters by the world at large, and relatively little was even known about them. Over time, people started to warm up to Mary, as she has started to go by since coming to the mainland. Her positive personality, readiness to help and willingness to defend people has earned her quite a bit of goodwill among the people, especially in the town of Grey Crossings, the location she chose to do her missionary work.

She has gained a few converts to her faith, and she holds weekly sermons in the small church they've built together, really more of a glorified shrine. While some don't appreciate her bringing in her outside faith, they at least respect the fact that she doesn't actively force it on people, instead trying to be an example that draws people to her faith rather than a shepherd who herds people towards it. As such, while she may not see eye-to-eye with certain more devout members of the community, she has so far managed to stay on good terms with nearly everyone in the small town.

Quirks: She seems younger than she is. The type of Medusa that Marnico is resulted from a cursed group of Elves, and they age the same slow way. She's actually in her mid forties, but she acts like she's in her mid twenties and looks like she's in her early twenties.

Skills: Mary is a reasonably powerful priestess, and has the ability to channel divine magic. She wields a three-section-staff, her deity's favored weapon, also with a solid amount of skill, to the point where she's capable of training others in its use. Though lacking eyes and completely blind, she's not without the ability to perceive. As part of the same divine favor that took her eyes, she also has always had the ability to see blood, even when it's still inside people. This means that, while she may have a hard time catching objects and she can't read, she's perfectly capable of noticing and even recognizing people. This ability also greatly assists her whenever she's trying to provide medical aid to anyone, as she can in some ways see the injury far clearer than a normal person could.

As the Medusan priestesses are obligated to forsake their sight as part of their vows, they have another form for recording information other than writing: knots. This is the only thing that Mary can "read", feeling the knots and understanding them as one would understand braille.

Of course, as befits a priestes, she also has a full, functioning knowledge of her religion and important dates and rituals.

To recap:
-Skilled with the three-section-staff
-Can see blood, blind otherwise
-Can read properly-tied knots
-Capable healer

Possessions: Her three-section-staff was a gift to her when she left home. Not a simple set of wooden lengths, it is a lightweight, dark-silvery metal that is somewhere between iron and mithril in quality. Aside from the serpentine carvings along the length of it, there's a very thin channel through the inside filled with blood, allowing those possessing Marnico's gift to see the weapon with full clarity.

Aside from her staff, she wears a blindfold that has some minor enchantments to stop it from coming untied or getting dirty or damaged, and she carries what looks like a bundle of thin, knotted string. This bundle is actually the equivalent of a prayer book, and to one who can read the knotwork it's full of prayers and sermons and songs.

She owns no armor, instead preferring simple cloth clothing.

Hobbies: Healing, teaching, helping, protecting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

I'm sure Malakaus and Vis Starkweather have a shared history-one being a miner and the other a blacksmith? What else can we work up for backstory?

@Lucius Cypher What do you say, want to work out prior relations?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sure, might as well. I suppose that if Vis was at the Grey crossing first (Malakaus was there for at least sixteen years considering his daughter was more or less raised there since birth) he could have helped Malakaus set up shop and gave him his job at the mine. And thanks to Malakaus's nose for metal, eventually got him promoted to overseer. They also likely collaborated on large projects together like the village's wood mill and smelter. Vis is also the one who likely made Malakaus's adamantine Pick-Axe. Malakaus himself can work more mundane metals like steel and gold and such, but something like Adamantine is beyond his ability. Not only that but Malakaus is a Jewel Smith, not a weapon smith. His ability to even work on other things come from his experience in The Grey Crossing rather than any former training prior to settling down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm keeping track of too many RPs, but this seems like too good an opportunity; I can't find light-hearted fantasy RPs anywhere.

Can I just ask about characters, though; can they be of a non-humanoid race? (By which I mean, non-bipedal)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry that I'm taking so long with my characters, I'll finish them tomorro!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can I just ask about characters, though; can they be of a non-humanoid race? (By which I mean, non-bipedal)

Nah. Sorry.

@Primal Conundrum Accepted!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Gannert
Race: Human
Age: 63
Job: None
Class: Rogue
Short History: Many years ago, Gannert was a member of a very competent party of adventurers, but he betrayed them to gain an extremely large sum of money. It was enough money that he would never have to work again, but he became very bitter from regret. Now he lives in Grey Crossings, and seeks to expose the secrets of others in the hope that this will distract others from his own horrible choices.
Quirks: Always cranky, hates "youngsters", loves gossip
Skills: Has forgotten most, but is still skilled in matters of espionage
Possessions: Large home, enough money to last him a lifetime
Hobbies: Gossip, spying on others, complaining

How is my CS looking so far?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rhymer, could you respond to the PM please? I'd like to know if my character is okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sure, might as well. I suppose that if Vis was at the Grey crossing first (Malakaus was there for at least sixteen years considering his daughter was more or less raised there since birth) he could have helped Malakaus set up shop and gave him his job at the mine. And thanks to Malakaus's nose for metal, eventually got him promoted to overseer. They also likely collaborated on large projects together like the village's wood mill and smelter. Vis is also the one who likely made Malakaus's adamantine Pick-Axe. Malakaus himself can work more mundane metals like steel and gold and such, but something like Adamantine is beyond his ability. Not only that but Malakaus is a Jewel Smith, not a weapon smith. His ability to even work on other things come from his experience in The Grey Crossing rather than any former training prior to settling down.

I don't think that will work, if that were the case and I was there before you, I would have been 17 (my age 33 subtract your daughter's age, the time you spent in town) and that is the age I left my village to go adventuring, I assume I arrived at the age of 25, 8 years into your stay. 
So how about I helped you make your operations more efficient? A better gear assembly for the sawmill, since I'm handy with gears and better casting channels and basins so you lose less metal and make more ingots. I would use the money from those endeavors to start up my smithing business, you probably would have taken it as a bit of an insult -probably because you wanted me to work for you, so as a show of good faith I made you your pickaxe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

I don't think that will work, if that were the case and I was there before you, I would have been 17 (my age 33 subtract your daughter's age, the time you spent in town) and that is the age I left my village to go adventuring, I assume I arrived at the age of 25, 8 years into your stay. So how about I helped you make your operations more efficient? A better gear assembly for the sawmill, since I'm handy with gears and better casting channels and basins so you lose less metal and make more ingots. I would use the money from those endeavors to start up my smithing business, you probably would have taken it as a bit of an insult -probably because you wanted me to work for you, so as a show of good faith I made you your pickaxe.

Malakaus is an orc. A retired one at that: If he was so easy to anger he would have died in a fight a long time ago. He's better at controlling his rage now. It'd take a lot more than refusing one of his offers to insult him. Still, I suppose at some point they might have clashed for one reason or another. Seeing that Malakaus is the overseer of the iron mines, maybe at some point Ves might have unknowingly taken ore out without their permission? I can see that with Ves, begin a rogue, he could have sneaked in there in order to get ore for his forge. But one way or another Malakaus finds out where all the missing metal has been going to and confronts Ves about it. After all Malakaus can't just let any person, even someone from the village, just go inside the mines and take whatever they wanted. Otherwise outsiders could just come in, strip mine the entire area, and leave the village without any ore for themselves to use. Eventually this turns into a rather big tiff, but when it's resolved it ends with Malakaus getting his sweet Pick-Axe and Ves get's free reign into the mines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

Malakaus is an orc. A retired one at that: If he was so easy to anger he would have died in a fight a long time ago. He's better at controlling his rage now. It'd take a lot more than refusing one of his offers to insult him. Still, I suppose at some point they might have clashed for one reason or another. Seeing that Malakaus is the overseer of the iron mines, maybe at some point Ves might have unknowingly taken ore out without their permission? I can see that with Ves, begin a rogue, he could have sneaked in there in order to get ore for his forge. But one way or another Malakaus finds out where all the missing metal has been going to and confronts Ves about it. After all Malakaus can't just let any person, even someone from the village, just go inside the mines and take whatever they wanted. Otherwise outsiders could just come in, strip mine the entire area, and leave the village without any ore for themselves to use. Eventually this turns into a rather big tiff, but when it's resolved it ends with Malakaus getting his sweet Pick-Axe and Ves get's free reign into the mines.

I was never insinuating that he would be insulted, just disappointed by my choice, you know with not staying and helping to improve the business. So to help show that I'm not going against you with my smithy, I make you a wicked ass pickaxe and we set up some kind of commercial agreement where together we export tools and other metal products and split the profits appropriately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

I was never insinuating that he would be insulted, just disappointed by my choice, you know with not staying and helping to improve the business. So to help show that I'm not going against you with my smithy, I make you a wicked ass pickaxe and we set up some kind of commercial agreement where together we export tools and other metal products and split the profits appropriately.

Mmm, I suppose that could work. I was just hoping to set up some form of tension or rivalry within The Grey Crossing just to give Sheoldred some drama when her pops figures out she's been spending time with people he doesn't like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

Mmm, I suppose that could work. I was just hoping to set up some form of tension or rivalry within The Grey Crossing just to give Sheoldred some drama when her pops figures out she's been spending time with people he doesn't like.

We can still have tension, how about in recent times we've become more and more hostile towers eachother as iron becomes less and less expensive and you want a larger cut of the enterprise because you supply the iron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I suppose we can do that. Yeah, mine's getting dry and Malakaus wants to hike up the price of iron. His nose is picking up new veins but he needs the money to start a new dig site, and really the only source of income is coming from each other. This can even be one of the first issues the village has to deal with: The local mine is getting dry and now they need to figure out how to get the money to fund a new dig. Malakaus of course wants everyone to chip in a bit even if he has to pay the most out of it, but at the moment he's also charging higher for ore to cover the cost of lots of things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Half tempted to make a goblin who owns a pawnshop, other ideas though rolling around is the trainer for the town militia incase of bandit incursions, or perhaps town librarian. Gonna make a cs tomorrow so I suppose I better choose quick. Also need to see if anybody grabbed tavern owner yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nope, no tavern owner as far as I know. All those positions you said are open as far as I know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Finally finished my character sheets!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

I suppose we can do that. Yeah, mine's getting dry and Malakaus wants to hike up the price of iron. His nose is picking up new veins but he needs the money to start a new dig site, and really the only source of income is coming from each other. This can even be one of the first issues the village has to deal with: The local mine is getting dry and now they need to figure out how to get the money to fund a new dig. Malakaus of course wants everyone to chip in a bit even if he has to pay the most out of it, but at the moment he's also charging higher for ore to cover the cost of lots of things.

The higher he charges for ore, the less money I can make because no latter how good the tool is, it is only a piece of iron and this he can't make it more expensive without losing conpetativness with other smiths in the province. High iron price = Low profit on tools.
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