
Cecelia follows suit with Eli and goes straight to the other bed in the room, looking for rest after this... eventful day. Her last thoughts were of her team, and how much care she felt for them after just a day's work with them.
Upon awakening just after dawn, Cecelia started feeling the aftereffects of all the booze from last night. Well, time for two doses of remedy. It might taste bad, but it gets rid of all the bad stuff. Humming a tune she learned when she was a kid, Cecelia got to it, making a concoction of a juice that smelled bitter, but looked close to milk in color and visible textures. Cecelia sat both of the glasses down at the small table in the center of the double room and headed over to Elisha's bed. "Um, hey. Elisha? Uh, Eli? I- uh, I made the stuff. It's just past dawn, and we need to get our stuff ready to go." She'd feel bad to have her hangover cure without the younger girl also partaking, because Cecelia knows how bitter and sour it tastes and doesn't want Eli to have to do that alone.

Brennen Garron

Brennen awoke with a start when sun hit his face. "Wha- huh? How did I get here? When di- aaaaaaah..." The hangover effect is beginning for Brennen, starting with a headache. He's dealt with it before, so as long as he kept his mind occupied, it would be fine. So, what to do today? The weather looks nice. Maybe a stroll around the block? Maybe get to know the Cleric better. Hell, I don't think we've properly exchanged names. Brennen had forgotten about most details of the previous day's battle, only remembering having participated and winning. Then... nothing until him waking up. Did I drink? I must have had a lot to have forgotten so much.